
Kelhalus is a name used to refer to one of many clandestine villages and towns located somewhere within the Pentias Mountain range in the northeastern portion of Castigyier. Not an officially recognied group of settlements, they nonetheless exist within the territory of the elven kingdom Liosduin Bhearna, serving as a refuge for those escaping enslavement and extreme prejudice. They sometimes act as a temporary shelter or base of operations for individual enemies of the kingdom or small free groups working in opposition of Liosduin Bhearna's ideals and reliance on slavery.


The population is made up primarily of escaped slaves, many (but not all) of whom are transient. Those who call Kelahalus home temporarily use it as a short reprieve during a much longer journey- either further south, toward the formidable but secure Foltesse Mountains, or to the coast, with the intention of fleeing the continent entirely. Those who remain dedicate their lives providing assistance to other escaped slaves by offering defense against beasts and slavers, enacting assaults on plantations, and guiding escapees toward resources such as work, ships, security, and safe homes. A majority of these permanent residents are humans and halflings, with few kobolds, gnomes and half-orcs.


The rocky terrain provides natural defenses to its residents, its thick brush, many woods, and various caves providing ample places to hide, settle, and to flee. They also grant opportunties for ambush should anyone unwelcome wander too close. The sick and the vulnerable are guided deeper into the mountains, while those who are strong and capable congregate to its outskirts- hunting, farming, scavenging, and stealing- though less rarely in the latter case, for fear of wrath falling upon those still enslaved- for the community's survival.
Location under

Cover image: by Kal V, derivative work created with the Canva Content License


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