
Written by rarestereocats

A tired and overworked servant that has been with the Kociak family for over a century. He's a talented tailor, though his skills were often used to create horrific abominations and crimes to the history of fashion due to gaudy tastes of Basillian nobility. Elaron is one of the few servants in the Kociak Villa that has trouble hiding his true feelings, so his exasperation towards the people around him is always known.   After the death of Sunyeros Elda-Kociak, he considered leaving the islands behind and starting a new life elsewhere. Zakina Kociak-Falenmir was proving to be much different than the other members of the family he had known, so his curiosity compelled him to stay. For his loyalty and skills, he was awarded a raise as well as time off so he could tend to his personal life.


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