Session 60: Dog Days

General Summary

After musing over the terrible fashion choices of nobles on Basilla, we’re all asked to wait in the sitting room so Sunyeros can go over some stuff with us. While she tends to guests in the other room, I eavesdrop on their conversations and learn that the common catfolk plan to revolt against the nobles soon. The guests seem worried, but Sunyeros doesn’t seem all that concerned. With her finally emerging to speak to us, she tells me that she wants to instate me as the proper heir and when she goes over some of the stuff I’ll be in charge of, I get cold feet. I’m not exactly equipped to run an entire nation, especially one on the brink of a revolution, but Industria thinks it’s a good idea. We decide to take in more of the island and potentially reach out to the rebels before I do anything.   But rather than find any rebels, we manage to get ourselves caught up in stopping a potential crime ring. We’re pointed to a dog fighting ring far from any prying eyes and Industria loses it on these people after setting all of the dogs free (and adding another problem to deal with later!). We get the information on their leader, Juliana, and once we teleport to her; it appears her boyfriend already beat us to the punch. She panics and teleports away, so with our magic, we trace her teleport and give chase. But once we pop in, she teleports away a g a i n and thus begins our Scooby-Doo like chase to stop her. We reach her again, but as Industria goes to use her magic to hold her, Elathera times a dispel poorly and ends up dispelling Industria’s magic; letting Juliana slip through our fingers yet again.     This goes on for a few more times before Juliana and her boyfriend finally run out of spells and proceed to sprint off into the surrounding jungles. A poor move on their part because we catch up to them with no problem now, but rather than drag them off to the guards or kick their asses around a little, we give them a stern talking to and tell them to get lost. Fighting crime is fucking exhausting and we still haven’t found any rebels, so I suggest we hit up the local bars and find us the perfect one! It’s artsy and pretentious, so surely there’s gotta be some anti-government folk here. It’s slam poetry night and after a few drinks, I hop on stage to drunkenly deliver poetry about hungry cats while my friends all die a little on the inside. After, we’re approached by a drunk ass rebel who thought my poem was very deep and starts rambling about how it’s totally similar to the issues common catfolk face today.     He invites us to a meeting of the minds at the beach tomorrow, but unfortunately, Sunyeros is planning a dinner for us to attend at the same time. The rest of us will join her, but Industria plans to sneak off to the meeting. Once back at the manor, I reluctantly take my place as the true and rightful heir to Basilla, but don’t worry; we have a plan. I’m gonna act as an inside agent to feed information to the rebels and eventually, we’ll all help kickstart the revolution and overthrow the families of power. We plan to put in some form of democracy if we succeed, but it appears that Sunyeros knows something’s wrong. With Industria stating she has business to attend to tomorrow, Sunyeros insists that she stay for the dinner and with how hard she’s trying, we realize she’s been scrying on us throughout the day. Not good for our plan, but hopefully she didn’t catch everything.     With my status as the heir recognized, I now have to spend the day learning of the family businesses, but no family secrets…y e t. I’m allowed into the secret record room though, where it has confidential information on the Kociaks through the centuries; including other possible family members that may be among the undead now. While I tend to that, the rest of the party has a Sunday Funday and hits up the casino and a fight club without me. Jordeira and Industria do pretty well in the fight club, but unfortunately both of them meet their matches. Their opponents are offered a place among the Order, to which they both happily accept. And as that all happens, Sunyeros explains to me that my marriage to Rikius should be voided as I’m to marry one of the family’s rivals for power.     But after pushing on my part and insistence that I’m not about to leave my husband under any circumstance, Sunyeros relents almost too easily…but it’s very obvious she isn’t happy about that. I warn the others that that might become a potential in the future too as the others start heading back to the manor for the dinner.

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Report Date
04 May 2021
Primary Location
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