Session 65: Only Time Will Tell

General Summary

With what we think is a solid plan to get the Gattos out of the picture, we decide we should also take a representative from each of the families in power to act as witnesses. They’re not to be told of the plan in case their loyalties lie with the enemies. Elathera also brings up a good point that if the Gattos notice me in their dungeons before the tour, the possibility of interrogation is high. And by interrogation, we mean they’ll probably torture me until I spill the beans. So she suggests erasing my memories of the past five days, to which everyone else is less than ecstatic about. Especially Rikius! It’s an uncomfortable talk, but I see the logic in it, so I agree to go along with it.   Besides, it won’t be a permanent loss. With magic, anything’s possible and Industria manages to enchant a few items to aid us. A hairclip that will erase my memories once I’m in position and a hairbrush that’ll store those memories and return them once it’s used on me. But leaving me alone in foreign lands without any memories is dangerous, so Elathera volunteers to be my invisible babysitter for such a task. Considering our track record of being left alone together, Industria isn’t thrilled about this idea. But she’s needed as the lead investigator on this kidnapping case, so there’s no other choice. I mean there is, but me and Elathera have already made the decision for everyone. There is no stopping the Dream Team.     Elathera beefs us up with her magic and I slip on my extremely powerful artifact to cheat the system (with the DM’s permission, of course), so in we go. While Industria steps up to introduce herself and her whole squadron of witnesses; the two of us wander around this mansion aimlessly. We don’t see any dungeons or secret passageways anywhere and time is running out. Rywa, the Gattos crusty, old leader; is already tired of the interrogation and gets the tour underway a lot faster than we anticipated. But not before he tries putting the moves on Industria because of course he does. What else are creepy, old men good for? Me and Elathera finally find the dungeons…only to realize they’re blocked off by an anti-magic barrier.     Rather than try our chances and simply stroll through, we panic because our magic might fail and we’re out of time. Well, not out of time thanks to…time stop! What ensues next is pure and utter chaos. With the first time stop of the day, Elathera creates a gate next to the guards inside. She tries to push them both inside once time resumes, but it fails. She uses a spell to knock out the guards, which works for approximately 0.5 seconds until the anti-magic barrier dispels it. So she does it again, quickly trying to push the guards into the gate again; but only manages to send one away. The other wakes after a few seconds, fleeing to warn Rywa that something’s wrong. Elathera panics and casts time stop again, bringing Industria into it with us.     We explain the problem and she’s understandably exasperated with our shenanigans, but promises to keep Rywa distracted while I slip into one of the cells. She basically plays speed dating with him, asking him all about himself and his relationship with the other families of power. But all this falls apart once a few words slip from the guards lips and now Rywa is on high alert. With him storming to the dungeons, we need to act fast…you know, after another time stop. I bounce into the dungeon all merrily with Elathera, taking off the mask to enter the cell; only to find that the magic in the mask was saving me from the effects of time stop. As soon as the mask leaves my skin, I’m frozen and now Elathera is left to panic as she tries to figure out how to get me into the cell without anyone noticing.     She casts time stop within time stop to bring Industria into it with her to get her help. Industria at this point, is incredibly fed up with this. She doesn’t tell Elathera what trick she has up her sleeve this time, so as time resumes; she spontaneously self-combusts on the spot. Obviously a metaphor for the wrath she’s sparing me and Elathera from, but it makes a nice distraction as both Rywa and the guards forget about the dungeon long enough for me to lock myself up. I pull the hairclip out and poof! There goes my memories and now I’m screaming bloody murder as I have no fucking clue what’s going on. In all the chaos though, Elathera realizes something. The magic of my very powerful artifact would’ve been unaffected by the anti-magic barrier. This entire time, I could’ve just strolled into the dungeon and this could’ve been over with without the need for a time stop chain and self immolation on Industria’s part.     It was a big oopsies, so just keep that one to yourself Elathera and spare us from the judging looks of everyone else. She makes quick work of the guards memories with one last time stop, so as everyone finally enters the dungeon; there I am. All of our witnesses freak the fuck out as Rywa’s claims of innocence in my disappearance and attempted assassination are proven wrong. The witnesses and his own guards turn on him in an instant. A trial is called and in order to prevent anyone tampering with it, we keep Rywa locked up on Elathera’s plane. Industria takes me somewhere private, using the magic hairbrush to restore my memories. After, it’s back to the Kociak manor we go to await the trial.

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Report Date
05 May 2021
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