The Shrieking Sands Geographic Location in Pathfinder: Fables | World Anvil

The Shrieking Sands


The Shrieking Sands is a barren land with unsteady cliffs, empty river basins, and flat lands that seem to stretch on for an eternity. Any sources of water that passed through the desert before Mount Halidale's eruption have dried out, leaving only faint reminders of their existence in the sand. The desert surrounds the entirety of Mount Halidale, but is choked off by a mountain range to the east. While the Shrieking Sands are an interesting sight to behold, travel through this area is highly discouraged, even for those with the skills and supplies to do so.

Localized Phenomena

Small dust storms are to be expected, but every few decades, these storms grow strong enough to present a problem for the cities that lie near the outskirts of the Shrieking Sands. These storms are capable of stripping croplands of necessary soil, destroying homes, and causing respiratory distress for those caught in its path. Dust storms are also responsible for a sudden rise in certain illnesses due to the winds carrying harmful bacteria out of the Boneyard. In incredibly dire circumstances, these storms are responsible for a rise in cases of Mummy Rot. Fortunately for most, the local druids are able to control the spread by directing these winds back into the Shrieking Sands and away from civilization.

Fauna & Flora

Coral snakes are a common sight in the desert. Their bright scales make it difficult to miss them. With how much they stand out, they've become a victim of poaching as their skin is sought after by tourists. Much trickier to spot is the desert horned viper. These snakes are adept at hiding in the sand due to their earthy-colored scales, which makes them an active threat to travelers. Little, brown bats make their homes in the ruins scattered about. While the sand collects on their fur and presents the potential risk of them carrying diseases out of the desert, the bats aren't inclined to leave when there's plenty of mosquitos to feast on.   While rare in areas of high foot travel, packs of dingoes have been spotted, though it's been noted that they look far from healthy. After a group of scholars and druids looked into the matter, it was found that the dingoes were afflicted with undeath. After picking at the bodies of those lost long ago, the dingoes had caught a strange strain of Mummy Rot that turned them into the ghoulish creatures travelers see now. The dingoes are quite skittish though and keep to themselves, but during storms, they've been known to go on rampages. These packs are heavily monitored by a group of paladins native to the area and are regularly culled when needed.

Natural Resources

While some would think that there isn't much of use in the Shrieking Sands, copper and silver are common minerals to find within the caverns and cliffsides of the desert.


The Shrieking Sands are a long stretch of desert on the continent of Gracia that were formed after the last eruption of Mount Halidale, approximately four-hundred and thirteen years ago. It was the most violent eruption from Mount Halidale in recorded history, so much so that the volcano partially collapsed afterwards. Before its final eruption, the Shrieking Sands was a beautiful wetland that was teeming with life. Sea water poured in from the vast river that flowed through the village of Lumina and its neighbors. Cypress trees reached out from the muddy water, moss grew in vast quantities that medicinal folk would collect it, and sell it to travelers. The wetlands provided so much to Gracia that many began to worry that others would drain the land dry.   In order to protect the wetland and the life that called it home, the Order of Nymphs was established. They were an order of powerful druids, though in the organization's later years, they allowed newcomers to practice under their tutelage. The order managed to carry itself through several generations, but even with all of their power, they couldn't stop nature from destroying itself. Mount Halidale grew restless. The uncomfortable humidity that was normal for the wetlands became unbearable. The water, which was once full of shellfish, toads, and turtles; had grown acidic. The life it held was slowly dying and despite the efforts of the Order of Nymphs, there was nothing they could do to stop Mount Halidale's natural cycle.   Earthquakes rattled the surrounding landscape on and off for months. After a large quake split the ground and swallowed the city of Morelia, people began evacuating to escape the impending catastrophe. Before many could get far, Mount Halidale erupted violently and suddenly, decimating the lands immediately surrounding it before lava flowed further inland. Many of the druids among the order had remained in the wetlands, hoping to either lessen the impact of Halidale's eruption or create a sanctuary for survivors. Unfortunately, they miscalculated the strength behind its eruption and perished in the blast. Miles and miles of land was torn asunder and the wetlands themselves were wiped off of the face of Lutherios.   The eruption lasted an entire week, but the scars it left behind carried forth into the modern age. What remained of the wetlands steadily transitioned into a desert. It's not uncommon for travelers to pass through and claim that they heard the victims of Halidale's wrath screaming or crying for help. Some say they encountered the spirits of the Order of Nymphs, still trying to save the lands they called home for so long. Bones are uncovered frequently, giving fuel to the many ghost stories that rise from the Shrieking Sands.


Unfortunately, many greedy entrepreneurs see the Shrieking Sands as the perfect tourist attraction. It's got everything a thrill seeker could want; ruins of older civilizations, grave robbing, ghost stories, and other disrespectful acts to pull coin out of the oblivious. A favorite site for visitors is the Crooked Tree, which is not just a single tree, but a collection of mangled branches that stand as a reminder of Mount Halidale's violence. Caught between the branches are the skulls of those who perished after the eruption, either left as a morbid tribute or a warning to anyone passing through.
Alternative Name(s)
The Boneyard, the Dreadful Wilds
Included Locations
Inhabiting Species


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