Main Plotline


Post Trojan War

  • After Thetis allows Patroclus to join Achilles in the Underworld, Achilles and Patroclus spend two millennia together in peace in Elysium.
  • After the turn of the 21st Century, however, Achilles and Patroclus were visited in Elysium by Aphrodite, who asked if they wished to be reincarnated and be able to live together again in the world of the living in a time where being gay was more accepted.
  • Achilles initially refuses, not wanting to risk anything potentially getting in the way of them if they agreed - especially since they would have to lose their memories by wading through the river Lethe. in order to reincarnate. However, Aphrodite swears to them that she will have.
  • Mnemosyne restore their memories once they get old enough to handle them. She promises that she has no ulterior motives and that she's doing this because Patroclus and Achilles were always her greatest creation and she wanted to give them a second chance at happiness.
  • Patroclus tries to convince Achilles after he hears this, and Achilles eventually caves in and agrees.
  • Soon after, Achilles and Patroclus reincarnate, with a final promise to find the other.

Eighteen Years Ago


  • Achilles is reborn as Achilles Woods, the son of an American man named Jasper Woods, believed to be the reincarnation of Peleus, and once again the goddess Thetis. He was raised by his mortal father, like in his past life. Thetis isn't initially aware of Aphrodite's full plan, unknowing to the fact that Aphrodite also reincarnated Patroclus and that she would be restoring their memories of their pasts, but Aphrodite does tell her that Achilles would be reincarnating and asks her if she would want to mother Achilles. Thetis immediately agrees, despite having to have relations with a mortal again, and tellsJasperthat her son would be called Achilles. And that she would also be coming back to collect him when he turned twelve.
  • For the first decade of his life, he isn't aware of hispast life or being reincarnated, nor that he's a demigod. However, he slowly becomes aware of his powers as he grows up - different to those of his past life but still godly in origin.


  • Patroclus is reborn as Patroclus Faulkner, the son of an American woman named Myra Faulkner, believed to be the reincarnation of Menoitius, and the god Apollo - as Aphrodite told Apollo that he would be helping in her mission to give Achilles and Patroclus a second chance by fathering Patroclus, and that he was going to do this for her as he owed it to Patroclus after causing his death, and also Achilles' death.
  • Myra is told to name her son Patroclus by Apollo.
  • Patroclus is also initially unaware of his past life. While he was a normal mortal before, during the times of Ancient Greece, as a son of Apollo now, he also starts to develop godly powers during his childhood.

Eight Years Ago

  • Patroclus is attacked by a hellhound, and is subsequently saved by a satyr and another demigod - who the satyr was tasked with collecting and was in the process of bringing the demigod back to Camp Half-Blood when they stumbled upon Patroclus. The satyr explains to him what he is and what the creature that attacked him was, and that he would take Patroclus to Camp Half-Blood as well.
  • Patroclus hurries home to tell his mother about the camp, and tells her that he wants to go and learn more about his godly heritage. Myra, however, tells him that he's not going - that it was ridiculous and he would be living his life as a normal human whether he liked it or not.
  • Patroclus and Myra get into an argument over the topic of Patroclus going to the camp and, eventually, Patroclus decides to just pack a bag and leave with the satyr and other demigod.
  • Once at the camp and settled in the Hermes cabin, Patroclus writes and send his mother a letter, asking her how she and his younger sister, Lily-Mae, are. However, Myra sends the letter back unopened and never tries to contact him again. Before receiving the unopened letter back, and while waiting for a response from his mother, Patroclus befriends a gay dryad his age named Aofie, the reincarnation of Briseis.
  • After receiving his unopened letter back from his mother, Patroclus shuts himself off from others (apart from Aofie) for a little while, before he starts trying to open himself up again.

Six Years Ago


  • True to her word, Aphrodite had Mnemosyne visit Achilles at midnight on his twelfth birthday, and restored to him his memories of his past life. Thetis discovers when she goes to collect Achilles, like she had told his father she would, the day of his birthday that he remembers everything, including and especially Patroclus, and finally realises Aphrodite's true plan.
  • Thetis takes Achilles and brings him to Camp Half-Blood, where he could grow up safe and unharmed - unaware, at first, that Patroclus was already there. However, she only kept Achilles there during the summers, and kept him down in Poseidon's domain with her during the rest of the year.
  • Although only spending summers at camp, Achilles quickly gained a reputation as being the golden boy of the camp, skilled in everything apart from archery (due to fears relating to how he died), and people would whisper frequently that he would likely be the hero of the next Great Prophecy - whenever that would come to be.


  • After two years of no word from his mother, and seeing the days and weeks of not being claimed by his father turn into months and then years, Patroclus begins to grow bitter and cold, hating everyone around him apart from Aofie and Chiron. He would tell himself that he needed no one but himself and that he didn't care if others hated him because he hated them - although this was a lie, and he didn't actually hate everyone. This was merely his method of protecting himself.
  • Whereas Achilles gained a reputation as the camp's golden boy, Patroclus gained a reputation as the camp's loner, who hated everyone regardless of if he had met them before or not. He pushed away everyone who tried to get close to him, and responded with sass and sarcasm and smartass comments every time someone tried to talk to him. He would try everything he could to make them leave him alone as soon as possible - knowing that if they stuck around for long enough then his walls would crumble and he would let them in.
  • At midnight on his twelfth birthday, he is visited by Mnemosyne, who was about to give him back his memories of his past life. However, Thetis, who had learnt that Patroclus was at the camp by then, visited as well and tried to convince Mnemosyne to not give Patroclus his memories. Thetis told her that giving Patroclus his memories would only cause the boy anguish after all he went through in the past, that he was better off not knowing. Mnemosyne tried to argue, but Thetis wouldn't let her win and Mnemosyne eventually caved and left without restoring Patroclus' memories.
  • The morning of his birthday, Patroclus wakes up crying, filled with a strong and strange sense of grief and loss, as if someone or something had been stolen away from him during the night. However, he is left confused as to who or what it is.

Three Years Ago - Present

  • Patroclus starts up the first of his non-serious relationships - relationships with other guys at the camp that consist of nothing but pure hate-sex. Patroclus becomes quite accomplished at hate-sex, capable of keeping these non-serious relationships going for months on end.
  • However, over the course of three years, Patroclus would occasionally open himself up to the possibility of a serious relationship with whatever guy he was sleeping with at the time.
  • These relationships never last, however, as every time he does so, the relationship ends in a couple of months and usually ends with Patroclus growing distant and him and the guy arguing and snapping at each other a lot before just returning to pure hate. After a few times of this happening, Patroclus eventually decides that he's just not meant to be in love and returned to just purely having non-serious relationships.

Present Day


  • Patroclus runs into Achilles during another of his walks that ends up on the beach. He initially thinks Achilles is a girl as he dressed like one, and is filled with confusion as he finds Achilles attractive despite being gay and thinking Achilles is a girl. He is also momentarily confused by the feeling of familiarity he gets from Achilles. Achilles feels it too, and is happy to see that it's Patroclus - but he quickly notices that Patroclus doesn't remember who he is or who Achilles is. And that Patroclus thinks Achilles is a girl - which Achilles decides to play along with.
  • Achilles asks Patroclus for help in getting out of the ocean as he doesn't want his dress to get wet and Patroclus reluctantly agrees. However, as Patroclus is helping him out of the water, a wave crashes into Achilles, who subsequently falls into Patroclus and knocks them both into the ocean. Achilles starts to apologise as he gets up before realising that Patroclus is having what Patroclus believes to be a panic attack - but is actually Thetis restricting his breathing out of anger for Patroclus daring to go in her domain and for daring to touch her son. Achilles tells her to back off, and she reluctantly does, allowing Patroclus to breathe again.
  • Patroclus, irritated by his confused feelings of attraction and the panic attack he just had, storms off. Patroclus spends the next few weeks questioning his sexuality.
  • Patroclus runs into Achilles again, a few weeks later, this time dressed like a guy, and notes the similarities between Achilles and the girl he saw at the beach but doesn't realise they're the same person.
  • Patroclus and Achilles get into an argument, fuelled by Patroclus' jealousy of Achilles and how Achilles had everything he could want, everything Patroclus doesn't have.
  • Achilles and Patroclus finally calm down and Achilles offers to give Patroclus a tarot reading. Patroclus agrees, even though he's never really believed in someone being able to tell his future specifically, and asks if there was something that could tell him if he was still gay or actually bi - explaining that he was questioning because of a girl he met on the beach. He also mentions how he hates her, because she's making him question one of the only stable things in his life. He then comments that Achilles looks like her, and wonders if she may be an Apollo child - due to the girl's golden hair.
  • Achilles asks if he still hasn't figured it out before telling Patroclus that he's oblivious if he hasn't. Patroclus questions what he's talking about and Achilles replies that it's obvious what the answer is when both he and the girl have golden hair, look similar, and yet Achilles has never seen her before despite spending a lot of time on the beach. Patroclus realises then that the girl on the beach was Achilles. Patroclus asks why Achilles let him think he was girl even after Patroclus called him 'miss'. Achilles answers that he didn't feel the need to correct him.
  • Achilles does a general reading for Patroclus instead, telling him that his life was going to change drastically - for the better but not without a large amount of chaos happening first and that the cause of the change would be someone he already knows.
  • Achilles offers to leave after the reading but Patroclus tells him he can stay if he wants, although he shoots Achilles down when Achilles jokes that it sounded like Patroclus enjoyed his company. They joke around for a bit before Achilles tries to get Patroclus to admit he's attractive, with Patroclus saying he'd rather cut out his tongue. Achilles teases him by moving closer and Patroclus looks away to hide a blush - although Achilles had spotted it anyway and calls Patroclus a liar.
  • Achilles calls Patroclus beautiful, and Patroclus blushes darker before asking where that came from - resisting the urge to slap Achilles. Achilles replies that he seemed to like it but Patroclus denies it and says that he was just surprised.
  • Patroclus questions if the line Achilles used usually works when he's flirting with people and replies with 'you wish' when Achilles asks if it's working on Patroclus. Patroclus asks if Achilles likes him, and Achilles has to stay silent for a few moments so he didn't accidentally say he loved him.
  • Achilles asks how many flings Patroclus has had as Patroclus hated a lot of people, and Patroclus tells him that his body count is sixteen, where Achilles tells him that he's only dated around five people - which Patroclus found surprising since Achilles was so popular.
  • Patroclus mentions that he hasn't been able to find out his godly parentage as his skills haven't really developed enough to give an indication before saying that there was only one area he didn't know how skilled he was in as it was spear-fighting - as he was terrified of spears. To the point where he would avoid combat practice with the Hermes cabin as he always ended up facing off against the only one who uses a spear (who was actually the reincarnation of Hector as well).
  • Achilles asks if he had an incident with spears before coming to camp, but Patroclus tells him that he doesn't know why - and its the same with the ocean. He just hates them. He tells Achilles that every time he sees a spear, he gets a sharp pain in the middle of his chest, alongside a sense of terror, and that he also, coincidentally, had a birthmark in the exact spot he felt pain.
  • Achilles asks to see the birthmark and Patroclus agrees. Achilles is briefly overcome by pain and sadness at the memory of receiving the news of Patroclus' death in the past before Patroclus snaps him out of it. Achilles apologises for zoning out and Patroclus tells him it's fine, before mentioning that he's found that his birthmark is a very sensitive area too - briefly causing Achilles' mind to immediately go to a dirty place.
  • Achilles packs up his cards before leaving, saying that he had to get to training since he promised Chiron he wouldn't skip training anymore. Patroclus tells him to never come back, but Achilles replies that he will. After Achilles walks off, Patroclus, almost affectionately, calls him 'idiot' before Aofie joins him.
  • She asks if that was Achilles, and Patroclus confirms that it was - also saying that Achilles was also the girl on the beach, to Aofie's disappointment. Aofie comments that it looked like Patroclus and Achilles were having fun, but Patroclus denied it before eventually telling her what happened during the meeting after Aofie insisted he did.
  • Aofie calls Achilles weird before saying that, weird or not, he was also very handsome. She tries to get Patroclus to admit it and tells him that she can still see the blush on his cheeks when he denies it.
  • That night, at dinner, Patroclus and Aofie sit together while Achilles sat alone, not touching his dinner. Patroclus asks Aofie who she had to go and see earlier before offering to play matchmaker when she replies that she wishes it was a date but it was something else. Aofie comments that Patroclus can barely get himself a boyfriend and Patroclus answers that it's because he doesn't want one.
  • Aofie asks if he's not tired of only having flings and Patroclus answers that he's given up on a normal relationship, reminding her how she promised not to say anything about how he doesn't actually hate everyone - and that it's just a byproduct of his bitterness from his issues with his mother and godly father. Aofie suggests therapy and Patroclus answers that he doesn't need it and that's perfectly okay. Patroclus tells her to go and bother Achilles if she wanted to annoy someone, as then he'd find it funny.
  • Aofie mentions then that Achilles had been sitting and staring at his food for twenty minutes, not once attempting to eat any. Patroclus turns to look at Achilles before he gets up to go over and join him. Achilles jokes that he knew Patroclus cared about him before Patroclus asks him why he isn't eating. Achilles replies that he isn't hungry and Patroclus tries to bait him into eating by saying that he'll steal Achilles' food then. Achilles, however, tells him to take as much as he'd like. Patroclus tries again, but Achilles tells him once more that he's not hungry and has no intention of eating.
  • Patroclus replies that he should eat as he had training earlier. Achilles replies that Patroclus seems to care a lot considering he supposedly hated Achilles, but Patroclus replies that he just doesn't like seeing food go to waste, and that just cause he hates Achilles doesn't mean he wants to see Achilles dead. Achilles once again tells him he can't eat it and that Patroclus should. Patroclus looks around to check no one is around before asking Achilles if he's spoken to anyone about his eating problems before and asks how often he eats.
  • Achilles replies that he usually eats and it's just this once he's not hungry. Patroclus asks him to promise he's not lying but Achilles tells him he doesn't owe Patroclus a promise and Patroclus would just have to take him at his word. Patroclus replies that it's hard to when Achilles can't look him in the eye.
  • Achilles finally looks at him and Patroclus agrees to believe him but he still needs to eat something at some point, and that Patroclus would eat dinner with him every night if he had to. Achilles replies that Patroclus hates him too much to actually do that, and Patroclus says that even he surprises himself sometimes.
  • Achilles tells him that Patroclus confuses him as he doesn't get why Patroclus would want to help someone he hated. Patroclus replies that he hates everyone therefore Achilles isn't a special case - but Achilles replies that he's sure giving Achilles special treatment.
  • Achilles decides to just go back to his cabin after asking Patroclus to drop the subject, and Patroclus offers to walk him back. Achilles tells him that he doesn't have to, and is just drawing attention to himself and Patroclus replies that he does that just by being himself, and that he doesn't want to leave Achilles alone.
  • Achilles tells him to mind his business and that Patroclus doesn't need to worry about him but Patroclus questions that. Achilles confirms that he does, particularly before Patroclus hates him, and Patroclus asks why Achilles cares so much about whether or not Patroclus likes him. Achilles replies that it's complicated and that Patroclus confuses him because Patroclus says he hates him and to say away but also willingly comes with Achilles.
  • Patroclus tells him that he was just worried, and Achilles tells him to forget all this happened - especially since he thinks that he's made Patroclus hate him more. Patroclus replies that he doesn't, and ends up accidentally almost revealing that he doesn't actually hate everyone but saves himself by saying that he doesn't like anyone by Aofie, but that's not the same as hate. Achilles replies that he's tired and he doesn't have the energy to control his temper and asks Patroclus to drop the subject before Achilles says something he'll regret. Patroclus finally agreed to before storming off again. Achilles calls out an apology to him before going back to the Thetis cabin.
  • Meanwhile, Patroclus returned to Aofie, complaining about what happened with Achilles. He questions why he even cares as they're not friends and Aofie offers the suggestion that maybe Patroclus likes Achilles - although Patroclus immediately tells her that they're not talking about that. Aofie tells him to give it a chance and Patroclus asks what the point of doing that is when it'll just crash and burn like every other relationship he was in - instead saying that he'd rather hate Achilles and have Achilles hate him so that if anything happened between them, it would just be them fucking out of hate. Although he also states that nothing would happen.
  • Aofie tells him to go and do that then, rather then having stupid fights with Achilles. She mentions that Achilles probably hates him a lot right now, so suggests going to talk to him now if that was what he wanted. Patroclus agrees and gets up to leave. Aofie tells him not to be too loud, but Patroclus replies that he doubts that Achilles will be that good when no one else he had slept with was.
  • Patroclus goes to the Thetis cabin. When Achilles answers, he's initially unsure how to ask Achilles what he wanted to ask, but he eventually settled on asking if Achilles hated him. Achilles doesn't answer for a moment as he didn't know how to answer that question, knowing that he didn't actually hate Patroclus because he remembered their past together and he loved him - but also knew that Patroclus wanted him to say he hated him. Eventually he replies and says that he hates Patroclus a lot. Hearing this causes a tightness in Patroclus' chest, but he ignores it, briefly confused why he even felt like that.
  • He asks Achilles how much he hates him and Achilles tells him that he should come in a find out. Patroclus asks if he's sure before Achilles pulls him closer until their lips are barely touching and replies that he's sure. Patroclus accepts this before kissing him and leading them back over to Achilles' bed, and the two of them proceed to have sex.
  • Afterwards, Patroclus is surprised by how good he considered Achilles to be in bed - particularly compared to his past partners. Achilles comments that Patroclus seemed to know everything he liked without Achilles' needing to tell him, and Patroclus replies that it might be because of his experience but that he's also not fully sure - he just knew what Achilles liked.
  • Patroclus asks Achilles if he knows what he's getting into, and that Patroclus' whole thing is no relationships and no strings attached, and Achilles replies that he knows and they'll keep it that way if Patroclus' wishes. Achilles assures Patroclus that he wouldn't catch feelings for Patroclus either, and Patroclus agrees to continue sleeping with Achilles before having a second round - with Patroclus being the one getting fucked this time rather than Achilles, which Achilles mentions after Patroclus jokingly mentions that he may actually kill Achilles if they had a second round.
  • After the second round, Achilles offers for Patroclus to spend the night in the Thetis cabin with him as the Hermes cabin is pretty crowded and Achilles is the only one in the Thetis' cabin. Patroclus is initially reluctant as he faintly felt the same fear as he did whenever he stepped into the ocean. He starts to say that he doesn't want to intrude on Achilles and his siblings before realising that he had never seen any other Thetis' child at camp and coming to the conclusion that Achilles was an only child and was likely quite lonely - especially with everyone at camp only wanting to get close to him because of his talent and fame, and not because they genuinely wanted to get to know Achilles, they all wanted something from him.
  • Patroclus realises that he's not really any different from his fellow campers, as he wanted use the sex with Achilles as a way to release his frustrations, but also notes that wanted he wanted was surely less damaging to Achilles' sense of trust - as he would still want to fuck Achilles whether Achilles was famous or not. As such, he agrees to stay the night with Achilles.
  • As Achilles goes to get Patroclus some pyjamas, Patroclus asks if it gets lonely in the Thetis cabin and Achilles replies that it does sometimes. Achilles mentions that it was the opposite for Patroclus, who replies that he's often surrounded by too many people. Achilles tells him that's why he offered for Patroclus to stay at the Thetis cabin occasionally, and Patroclus agrees - thinking that he could at least make Achilles feel better even if he was using Achilles for his own selfish wants.
  • Patroclus decides to stay up with Achilles after they get into bed while Achilles finished up on some schoolwork that he still chose to do, even though he didn't officially go to a school - as he planned on living in the mortal world in the future as an archaeologist. Achilles asks if Patroclus goes to school, and Patroclus tells him that he used to but not since he arrived at camp.
  • Achilles tells him that he thought Patroclus was a summer camper but Patroclus replies that he wouldn't have anywhere to go during the school year if he was before telling Achilles about his mother and how he hadn't spoken to her for eight years - since he was ten. Achilles offers to help him get in contact with her but Patroclus tell him not to bother as Myra had made up her mind and Lily-Mae likely wouldn't remember him, as she was only four when he left.
  • Achilles asks if she was a demigod too, but Patroclus replies that he doesn't know - as Lily-Mae's father wasn't around either but that Myra had also implied that she conceived Lily-Mae through a one-night-stand. As such, Patroclus had never met Lily-Mae's father and didn't know if he was a god.
  • Patroclus finally convinces Achilles to go to sleep. As was usual when Patroclus was half-asleep, the lines separating his present identity and his past identity blurred, and therefore (even though he didn't have his memories), as he was falling asleep, he mentioned hoping that Achilles wouldn't have to go and visit his mother like he used to and that it got lonely when he was gone. Achilles questions what he was talking about but Patroclus doesn't remember what he said.
  • The next morning, it is revealed that Patroclus gets very clingy after just waking up, cuddling up to Achilles while Achilles finished off the schoolwork that he didn't finish the night before. After he finished with the schoolwork, they leave to get breakfast. Patroclus mentions that Aofie may be protective of him after she learns what happened the night before but that she wouldn't hate Achilles after Achilles says that he was under the impression that Aofie didn't like him.
  • At breakfast, Patroclus tries to get Achilles to eat again, but Achilles keeps telling him that he's fine and that he's not hungry. Patroclus tells him that he'll let it slide for breakfast so long as Achilles ate at dinner, and Achilles begrudgingly agreed. Patroclus also tells him that, for extra incentive, he wouldn't have sex with Achilles that night if Achilles didn't eat at lunch.


  • After a couple of months of being in a non-serious relationship, Patroclus and Achilles have started to develop romantic feelings for the other (or rather Patroclus started developing feelings as Achilles already had them). They do not speak of these feelings or officially change their relationship from non-serious to serious, but these feelings do start showing up through cuddling at night and spending time with each other outside of sex (although they would still fuck a lot as they're insanely hormonal for each other).
  • Patroclus arrives late to lunch one day as he was waiting for the other inhabitants of the Hermes cabin, both claimed and unclaimed, to leave so he could get the table to himself. Achilles, who was just about to leave after not eating again, spots him and joins him. Patroclus doesn't stop them and their conversation turns to flirting and teasing each other about their night-time activities.
  • Patroclus asks Achilles not to call him 'Mr. Grumpy', and Achilles responds by moaning Patroclus' name in his ear while Patroclus is drinking. After Patroclus stops briefly choking on his drink, Achilles asks if Patroclus still wants him to stop calling him 'Mr. Grumpy' and Patroclus tells him he does still want him to stop. Achilles teases him by saying that he'll just have to moan his name every time he wanted his attention then, even in public.
  • Patroclus tells him that he's not surprised that he'll go that far since he knows what Achilles is like. Achilles asks since when and Patroclus tells him since Achilles started letting Patroclus fuck him almost daily for the last two months.
  • After lunch, Achilles and Patroclus go back to the Thetis cabin to fuck for the first time in two days - since Achilles had been busy and therefore didn't have time to spend with Patroclus.
  • After a second round, Patroclus sets Achilles down in the bath to soak in the water while he went to get some food for them both as Achilles was too tired and sore to go to dinner. At the dining pavilion, Patroclus runs into Aofie and they talk briefly before Patroclus returns to the Thetis cabin.
  • By the time he returned, Achilles had gotten impatient and gotten out of the bath after cleaning himself up. Patroclus gives him his food. Achilles tells him that he didn't have to go and get him food, and Patroclus, in a rare moment of affectionate, told him he did while kissing his head before telling him to eat, to which Achilles reluctantly agrees and starts eating.
  • After eating, they get into bed, with Patroclus agreeing to cuddle Achilles while they slept.

Late May

  • A few weeks afterwards, Achilles goes looking for Patroclus, deciding on trying to convince him that he's the reincarnation of the original Patroclus, and telling him that Achilles is the reincarnation of the original Achilles. Achilles eventually finds him when Patroclus spots him on his way to the forest and calls out to him. Achilles goes over and tells him that he was looking for him, and Patroclus curiously asks why.
  • Achilles tells him that he wants to talk to Patroclus about something and Patroclus offers for them to go and talk in this little clearing he found in the forest. Achilles agrees and Patroclus leads him to the clearing.
  • Achilles starts off the talk by asking if Patroclus believes in reincarnation and Patroclus replies that of course he does as it's a part of Greek mythology. However, he adds that he doesn't think it's something that just anyone does - as if that was so, Heracles would be walking around the camp. Achilles replies that he had a point but also that it's possible that Heracles was out there and had reincarnated but just had no memory of being Heracles. Patroclus comments that if Heracles didn't have his memories, he supposed he might be tolerable to be around before asking where Achilles was going with this.
  • Achilles asks if, on the topic of reincarnated heroes, Patroclus really thinks that it's a coincidence that they were named Patroclus and Achilles before revealing that he had known he is the reincarnation of the original Achilles for a long time and that he knows that Patroclus is the reincarnation of the original Patroclus.
  • Patroclus looks at him in disbelief before calling him insane and Achilles asks if Patroclus doesn't believe him. Patroclus tells him that it's crazy, and that there's no way he's a reincarnation - or that Achilles is, no matter how much he jokes about how Achilles is exactly like his namesake.
  • Achilles replies that he's serious and asks how else would Patroclus explain everything that's happened to them or why Chiron is so protective of Patroclus, or even the scar on Patroclus' body. Patroclus replies that he has the same name and the same parentage as the original Achilles because Thetis is a crazy bitch who wanted to try again after things failed with his namesake, and that Chiron is just protective because Patroclus is named after the original Patroclus - not because he is the original Patroclus. He tells Achilles that it's not a scar, it's a birthmark that likely runs through his mother's family.
  • He explains that it's a complete coincidence that they were named after the originals as everyone knows of the story of Achilles and the Trojan War, and anyone who had enough interest in Greek mythology to have a child with a Greek god would know about Patroclus too. He says that he likely isn't the first nor last person to be named after Patroclus Menoitiades, and he's likely not even the only one in existence at that very moment and that it's just a name. He adds that if Achilles thinks he's the original and remembers his past life, then he can't tell him he's wrong about that but also says that he's not Patroclus and just because Achilles wants him to be, won't make him the original.
  • Achilles replies that he doesn't just want him to be, Patroclus is him - whether Patroclus liked it or not and nothing would change that. He tells Patroclus that Chiron wouldn't just protect anyone named Patroclus just because of the name. He asks why Thetis would try to drown him the day they met if he wasn't Patroclus and that it was bullshit that she just felt like killing a demigod. Patroclus incredulously asks if Achilles is now telling him that the panic attacks he gets from going in the ocean are Thetis trying to kill him before telling him that it's just thalassophobia and that he's not a reincarnation.
  • He adds that even if he was a reincarnation, he wasn't the same person as the original Patroclus was, that he cannot and will never be that person. He repeats that he's not a reincarnation and that he's his own person and he won't just let Achilles tell him who he is. Achilles replies that Patroclus can be whoever he wants to be but it won't change the truth. He mentions that Patroclus mumbles things in his sleep that only the original Patroclus would know, things that aren't even written in books. Patroclus asks if Achilles had considered that he's only seeing and hearing things like that because he wants this to be true, and that it's all psychosomatic, happening inside his head because he's the original Achilles and he desperately wants his Patroclus back.
  • Achilles replies that he knows what he's saying to be the truth and that Patroclus just refuses to believe him. Patroclus says again that's it's because it's crazy that he's a reincarnation simply because he shares the same name and looks somewhat like some guy who lived over 2000 years ago and that everything has been pure coincidence. Achilles tells him that he's completely ignoring the evidence before asking if Patroclus felt the same pull towards Achilles that Achilles felt towards Patroclus. That Patroclus constantly said he hated Achilles but still couldn't stay away from Achilles, as if something was keeping him with Achilles.
  • Patroclus, despite his true feelings for Achilles, replies that he never hated Achilles and that he stayed with Achilles because he pitied him. Achilles was shocked by that, and asked if he was joking. Patroclus took a moment to steel himself before saying that he never felt anything for Achilles, other than that he felt sorry for him that he was alone and that everyone who wanted to get close to him only did so because he was special and the camp's 'golden child', finally asking if Achilles thought he was his Patroclus now. Achilles avoided his gaze before saying that it was good to know that everything betweent them had been a complete lie and Patroclus wouldn't have to worry about keeping up his stupid act anymore.
  • Patroclus stops himself from taking back everything he said as he was doing this to protect himself and his own heart and Achilles continues by saying that he didn't want things to end this way and that he had really hoped that Patroclus would believe him. He tells Patroclus that he can just forget all about this and forget that they were ever a thing, before Achilles turns and leave the forest. Patroclus stops himself from trying to stop Achilles from leaving and Aofie arrives after a few minutes, having passed by Achilles on her way into the clearing. She asks Patroclus if everything was okay as Achilles was crying and Patroclus tells her that he was forced to painfully break things off with Achilles.
  • Aofie asks why and asks if Achilles did anything to him and Patroclus tells her about how Achilles thought he was the original Patroclus and wouldn't listen to Patroclus when he said it was ridiculous. He tells Aofie that if Achilles is the original one that he needs the original Patroclus, and that Patroclus couldn't be that for him, he couldn't be something he's not. He tells her that he had to break it off and make Achilles hate him or Achilles would keep trying. Aofie asks how he's feeling as his voice was cracking and his eyes were red, and Patroclus finally confesses that he thinks he loves Achilles, and that he's terrified. Aofie tells him that he should tell Achilles how he feels and clear everything up but Patroclus replies that he can't, that Achilles has to continue to hate him as Patroclus can't be what Achilles needs him to be so Achilles is better off without him.
  • Aofie asks how Patroclus could be so sure that Achilles will hate him, and asks if he could even live with that as he's never felt this way for anyone before. Patroclus replies that she saw Achilles' face, there's no way he doesn't hate Patroclus as he thinks Patroclus used him before saying that he'll be okay and he'll move on. Aofie doubts this as she says he sounds like he loves Achilles so much that it hurts, and Patroclus tells her that it does hurt but Achilles needs more than he is able to give him. Aofie tells him he's stupid sometimes but accepts his decision. Patroclus promises he won't make any more stupid decisions for a long time, before asking Aofie if she thinks Achilles will ever forgive him but Aofie replies that she doesn't know. Patroclus continues on by saying that it's okay if he doesn't, as he knows he doesn't deserve Achilles' forgiveness and that he just hopes Achilles is happy in the future.
  • Aofie tells him he should focus on himself, and refuses to believe him when he says he's fine, deciding to take him to get some food before going to the Big House to watch some movies.


  • At the suggestion of his mother, Achilles starts dating Katie Hunt, a daughter of Nike and the reincarnation of Deidameia (not that this fact is known to Achilles as she doesn't look like Deidameia), agreeing only because he was bisexual and therefore not repulsed by the idea of dating a girl and also because Patroclus was avoiding him and he wanted to move on from him.


  • In an attempt to move on from Achilles, Patroclus starts flirting with a camper from the Dionysus cabin, who he also learnt was the same demigod that he met when he was ten - the one who saved him from a hellhound alongside the satyr that brought him to Camp Half-Blood. The flirting quickly turns to frequent sex, with Patroclus as the bottom this time, although Patroclus refuses to start an official relationship with the boy - due to still being in love with Achilles.


  • Two months after his break up with Achilles, Patroclus goes to dinner with the camp for the first time in the last two months. He had been putting all his effort into avoiding Achilles as he kept running into him no matter how much he wanted not to see him. One method of avoiding him that Patroclus had was going to meals super late when there was almost no one else around. However, this time, he had to go with the rest of his cabin at the normal time as the DIonysus boy he had been flirting and sleeping with wanted to sit with Patroclus at dinner that night in front of the rest of the Hermes cabin so Patroclus was forced to say yes. At the dining pavilion, he looks around for Achilles as he sits down but is glad not to see him.
  • At the same time, Achilles enters the dining pavilion as well, thinking back on the past couple of months since Patroclus broke things off with him, and how much it infuriated him to see Patroclus and the Dionysus camper around camp. Despite his hate for Patroclus, he still felt angry and jealous when he saw them around as he also still loved Patroclus. Achilles' arrival is pointed out to Patroclus by the only Hermes kid that Patroclus trusted and Patroclus tries to hide himself amongst the other campers at the Hermes table before Achilles could see. However, he isn't successful and Achilles spots him before asking why Patroclus happens to be everywhere he is. Patroclus stops trying to hide and replies that he could ask Achilles the same question.
  • Achilles replies that he's more surprised because Patroclus disappears from dinner for months before suddenly showing up again and Patroclus tells him that he's there because someone requested that he be at dinner earlier and that he wasn't happy about it earlier. Achilles rhetorically asks if Patroclus is meeting the Dionysus kid before commenting about how the Dionysus kid really had the audacity to ask Patroclus in front of Achilles as well as the other Hermes campers. Patroclus replies that Achilles couldn't talk as he had been showing off the Nike girl everytime Patroclus was around.
  • Achilles retorts that at least he wasn't known for using people and Patroclus says that he understands why Achilles refused to accept his apology before asking if holding what happened over him a bit much. Achilles answers that he personally thinks it isn't enough, and that he hopes Patroclus doesn't do the same to his future partners - like the Dionysus kid. Patroclus replies that he isn't planning on it before asking if Achilles thinks that Patroclus wanted to hurt him, and saying that he was trying to save Achilles from him by giving him the chance to be with someone who didn't want anything from him. Achilles tells him that he isn't blind to how fake everyone else is and that Patroclus is just like everyone else, that what he did wasn't a good thing and he won't thank him for it.
  • Patroclus replies that he doesn't think what he did was good but that at least he didn't want to profit from Achilles' fame before telling Achilles that, while he may not be a good person, Achilles shouldn't compare him to everyone else in the camp. Achilles replies by asking how Patroclus is different as they profited from his fame but Patroclus profited from Achilles' body and emotions and, to Achilles, Patroclus is exactly the same as everyone else, and that he was foolish to think that Patroclus would treat him differently. Patroclus retorts that at least he treated Achilles like a person rather than a shiny golden toy to show off like how he had noticed Katie had been doing by rubbing her relationship with Achilles in Patroclus' face. Achilles asks why it bothers him so much when he has someone else to fuck now and Patroclus tells him that it doesn't bother him, but that it should bother Achilles.
  • Achilles snaps and tells him that he shouldn't concern himself with anything Achilles does and that if he cared so much then he wouldn't have said what he did. Patroclus retorts that Achilles is just upset that he didn't say exactly what Achilles wanted to hear because Achilles is used to everythin being handed to him on a silver platter. Achilles asks if that's what Patroclus calls 'saving him from being hurt' when what Patroclus said hurt more than anything else. Patroclus replies that maybe it was the wakeup call that Achilles needed. Achilles snaps again and asks what the wakeup call was for, asking if it was to remind him that no one actually cares about him and that the only reason why anyone would want to be with him is because of his fame before saying that he was convinced that at least Patroclus saw him as more but he was wrong, and that he never needed nor wanted Patroclus' pity.
  • Patroclus denies this and says that he never wanted to be with Achilles because of his fame and he couldn't give a single fuck whether or not Achilles is destined for greatness and that, if he cared, he would've used Achilles' fame to get everyone in camp to like him, before saying that he was sorry that he felt bad that Achilles had no one and wanted to give him a friend. Achilles replies that friends don't hurt each other or lie like that, and that he never once lied to Patroclus. Patroclus says that he's sorry he wasn't who Achilles wanted him to be but that not everything can be the way someone wants it to be, that the world is a fucked up place and no one is happy so Achilles should just get used to it. Achilles asks if it was wrong of him to try and not have a fucked up life, before saying that the original Patroclus is not someone he wants Patroclus to be and that Patroclus is too selfish and stubborn to understand. Patroclus retorts that he understands perfectly well, and he's not selfish just because he doesn't believe in Achilles' insane theory based on coincidental evidence.
  • Achilles tells him that if Patroclus just considered listening to him then it wouldn't be insane, and Patroclus replies that he did listen and it sounded crazy before saying that he thought Achilles would've dropped the subject after what he said in the woods. Achilels says that he shouldn't have said anything in the first place but is glad he did because then he's no longer with a selfish snake like Patroclus. Patroclus venomously mocks him about being able to fight back and Achilles goes to respond to his taunt before he is distracted by something about Patroclus' head. Patroclus follows his gaze and sees that there is a golden symbol above his head, claiming him as a son of Apollo. Achilles blankly congratulates him before walking away. As he walks away, Patroclus tells him that they should keep their distance from now on as his father is the god of archery and Achilles is scared of arrows. Achilles replies that if Patroclus really wanted to, he could and would shoot him from a distance anyway and Patroclus says that he could but he doesn't want to shoot him. Achilles scoffs at that and says that at least that's one thing Patroclus didn't inherit from his father before Patroclus tells him to just stay away and that it's the best thing for them both. Achilles responds that he didn't have any intention of getting any closer to Patroclus again anyway.
  • After Achilles walked away, Aofie ran over, telling Patroclus that she and Chiron needed him urgently. Patroclus asked why and Aofie replied that Chiron said that a quest for him just came in. Patroclus is shocked as he would've expected any new quest to be for Achilles, as the camp's destined hero and golden boy. But Aofie replies that Chiron said to get Patroclus specifically because the quest is for him. Patroclus asks her to lead the way then and she takes him back to the Big House. There Chiron congratulates him on getting claimed and tells him that the quest is from Mnemosyne, the Titan Goddess of memory, and that she had been waiting for the perfect moment to give the quest to him. Patroclus asks if there are any guidelines on who he should bring and Chiron tells him that there are and they're interesting guidelines before giving him a piece of paper with the details, saying that Patroclus should know who is meant by the descriptions. The descriptions aren't detailed but do clearly state 'the golden-haired son of Thetis, and a dryad'. As there was only one son of Thetis in general, not even taking into account the golden hair, and there was only one dryad that Patroclus was close enough with to bring on a quest, the guidelines could only mean Achilles and Aofie.
  • Patroclus initially refused, saying that he would rather go to Tartarus then take Achilles with him, even with Aofie with him as they had just had a public shouting match at each other not even five minutes earlier. Chiron asks him why they were even fighting each other anyway, and asks what's going on with them as they used to always be together but not avoid each other but Patroclus tells him that it's none of his business. Chiron replies that whatever happened, they had to put it aside for now and go on the quest together. Patroclus reluctantly agrees and Chiron asks when he'll leave. Patroclus answers that he'd likely leave the next morning as they wouldn't have enough time to prepare if they left that night. Chiron tells him to inform Achilles and then pack everything that they would need tonight, and tells him to make sure to get enough sleep. Patroclus replies that he will before leaving the Big House. Aofie follows him and asks if he will ask Achilles and Patroclus replies that he doesn't really have a choice as Mnemosyne clearly wants him on the quest and that, with any luck, they could avoid each other the entire trip.
  • Aofie asks if Achilles would even agree to go, and Patroclus replies that he might if he realised that they have no choice but to go together. Aofie asks if Patroclus wants her to come with him but Patroclus tells her that she should go and start getting ready to leave the next morning. Aofie asks if he would be okay and Patroclus answers that he's just going to inform Achilles of the quest and that he'll be fine before telling her that he'll see her in the morning. After saying goodbye to Aofie, he heads to the Thetis cabin. Unbeknownst to Patroclus, Achilles was actually in the middle of having sex with Katie when he knocked. He separates from Katie, telling her that he'll see who it is, before pulling on one of Patroclus' old over-sized shirts - the same shirt he used to wear to bed after he and Patroclus had just finished having sex. Once decent, he opened the door as Katie wrapped the sheets around her body and sat up to get a better look at who was at the door. The first thing Patroclus notices is the shirt Achilles was wearing, as he was certain he had gotten all of his belongings from the Thetis cabin already, and the second thing he noticed was the smell that usually accompanied sex, alongside Achilles' messed up hair, the marks on his neck, and, finally, Katie in the background - who was glaring at Patroclus.
  • Patroclus comments that he appears to be interrupting something and Achilles asks why he's there when he thought Patroclus was keeping a distance. Patroclus fights back his hurt at the knowledge of what Achilles and Katie were doing and tells him that he wanted to but the gods had other plans, explaining that Mnemosyne had presented Patroclus' with a quest to retrieve a few objects she lost and had explicitly said that Patroclus had to take Achilles with him. Achilles takes a moment to process this before saying that he didn't really have any other choice so he accepts and asks when they were leaving. Patroclus answers that they would be leaving the next morning so he should finish what he started, say his goodbyes and pack as Aofie doesn't like to wait for anyone - not even Patroclus and especially not Achilles. Achilles replies that he'll see him tomorrow morning then and to have a good night before closing the door. Patroclus stares at the door for a few more moments before he leaves and goes back to the Hermes cabin.
  • Katie asks if Achilles is leaving, having only heard some of the conversation and Achilles replies that, he unfortunately has to, but that he'll only be gone for a few days. Katie asks him to promise and Achilles agrees, saying he'll be back as soon as possible. Katie asks Achilles to come back to bed and they soon resume what they were doing before.

First Day of the Quest

  • The next morning, Patroclus is the first to arrive after Aofie. He arrives looking exhausted and like he had been crying all night but also acts calm and like nothing is wrong, and asks if Achilles hadn't shown up yet. Aofie asks if he got any sleep the night before but Patroclus replies that he's fine, and that the Hermes kids were just being noisy again before saying that Achilles had likely overslept as he probably didn't get much sleep the night before either. Aofie asks if Patroclus will be alright as he and Achilles had a fight the day before and Patroclus answers that he will be and that Achilles will likely be taking the whole thing worse than he was as they were stealing him away from his girlfriend, after all. He then asks Aofie to remind him when they get back to camp that he had left one of his shirts in Achilles' cabin and that he had to go and get it.
  • Aofie replies that it's a bit weird that Achilles was wearing the shirt when Patroclus went to see him but Patroclus replies that it isn't weird if Achilles just picked up a random shirt and threw it on without realising who's shirt it was - something Patroclus had done in the past, and also that, considering Katie was practically naked in his bed, Patroclus doubted that Achilles wearing one of his shirtd meant anything. Aofie asks if he looks exhausted and like he hasn't slept because he walked in on Achilles and his gilrfriend potentially having sex, and Patroclus replies that he doesn't look that tired and that they were definitely having sex before adding that Achilles is a grown man who can fuck whoever he likes and that it's not Patroclus' problem anymore.
  • Just then, Achilles finally joins them and Patroclus announces that they can get going then as he had already gotten all the supplies that Chiron could give them - such as ambrosia, nectar and a small amount of money to keep them going a few days. Achilles mentions that he also brought some of his own to add to it before they all finally set off out of the camp. As they leave the camp, Patroclus tells them that their first stop was apparently in a city a few days away by foot, in fact it was the city that Patroclus grew up in, and that there should be woodlands around for most of the way there. He suggests that they stick to the woods as much as possible as Aofie was strongest there and the forest might protect them since they have a dryad with them. He says that it's the better option as they were an easier target for monsters in the city and they also didn't know how long they'd be in the city and they should save their money for things like motels, and that neither he nor Achilles are children of particularly powerful gods (Thetis was a minor goddess and there were stronger Olympians than Apollo) so there shouldn't be many monsters coming after them on foot.
  • Achilles replies that he hopes what Patroclus was saying was true and that they'd come back unharmed. Patroclus retorts that he didn't want any of them to die either so he was trying to keep them alive, before Aofie interrupts and stops them arguing. Patroclus agrees to drop the argument before leading the way away from Camp Half-Blood and into the forests. Once in the forest, Aofie ran ahead, enjoying the woodland, and Patroclus quietly comments that she was going to hate him for bringing her into the city, and Achilles agrees, saying that she was going to kill him. Patroclus replies that if she really wants someone to blame, she can blame Mnemosyne as Mnemosyne told him to bring her. Achilles expresses curiosity at that as gods don't often specifically tell demigods who to bring, and Patroclus tells him that Mnemosyne didn't explicitly say their names, rather just listed some specific traits - so it wasn't explicit but it was pretty obvious.
  • Patroclus tells him not to worry and that he'd get Achilles back to his girlfriend in no time. Achilles starts to correct him but stops himself and instead thanks him. Patroclus tries to stop himself but fails and questions Achilles on what he almost said, even though talking about Katie would only stir up his jealousy, but Achilles tells him that it's nothing and it's none of Patroclus' business. Patroclus drops it after that, before saying that they should catch up with Aofie. He starts that it's for safety in numbers but actually just doesn't want to be alone with Achilles and the awkwardness. Achilles agrees that they should before asking him to forget what he saw in Achilles' cabin the night before. Patroclus questions why as Achilles' wasn't doing anything forbidden, and that he's a grown man and has told Patroclus himself that he's bi, so there was nothing wrong with it. He also says that he's happy for Achilles, and that maybe Katie could be for Achilles what Patroclus wasn't able to be. Achilles went silent for a moment, unsure of how to respond or feel about it, before saying that he hopes that Patroclus finds someone like that too.
  • Patroclus replies that he doesn't think something like that was in the cards for him, but Achilles disagrees and says he just has to open himself up to people more before mentioning that the Dionysus kid seemed interested. Patroclus says that he wouldn't be any longer if he found out he was a rebound but Achilles tells him he should try anyway, and that he should be with someone he loves and who loves him back. Patroclus replies that he may have already missed his chance before asking about Katie, asking what she was like. Achilles reluctantly answers his questions before Patroclus asks if he likes her. Achilles hesitantly replies that he obviously does, for why else would he date her. Patroclus says that he's glad, before apologising for what he said the night before during their argument and apologising once more for what he said before that - when he broke up with Achilles.
  • Achilles says that he better not be saying that because he wants to go back to what they had, and Patroclus replies that he's not and that he knows he fucked up, and he wouldn't ask Achilles to cheat on Katie with him either - even if he hadn't of ruined things. He tells Achilles that he just owed Achilles an apology and that what he said was cruel, and Achilles didn't deserve that. Achilles asks what the real reason for why Patroclus broke things off was, but Patroclus hesitated to reply, saying that it was ridiculous and that Achilles should just forget it. Achilles refuses to drop it however, and Patroclus eventually gives in. He tells Achilles that if Achilles is who he says he is then he deserves his Patroclus, the original Patroclus, and that no matter who Achilles is, he can't believe that he is the original Patroclus and that, even if he is, he's not the same person Achilles fell in love with all those years ago. But he also adds that, most importantly, he had never had a real relationship before, not really, and he had no idea what it was like to be in one. He says that he thinks he's falling in love with Achilles and that it scares him, that he's terrified by what he finds himself willing to do to protect Achilles and how vulnerable that makes him feel. And that when he gets scared, he does the only thing he knows how to do to protect himself - he destroys what's scaring him. Thus, he destroyed what he and Achilles had together.
  • Achilles tells him that they wouldn't have ended up like this if Patroclus had just said that earlier, and that he hopes Patroclus will unlearn that behaviour and let himself be happy with someone else - that maybe he'll even find someone on this quest. Patroclus replies that he didn't think he would as he wasn't over Achilles yet so no relationship he attempted at that moment would be real. Achilles says that the sooner he got over it the better, but Patroclus responds that he's better off working through it on his own, and that he would like to be friends when everything was said and done, however. Achilles says that he isn't sure and that he hasn't forgiven Patroclus yet and doesn't know if he will anytime soon, but that he'll think about it. Patroclus accepts that and asks if Achilles would be okay with them just talking during the quest and Achilles answers that he doesn't mind.
  • Patroclus asks if Achilles' would mind if he came over and got the rest of his belongings when they returned to camp, and that he noticed that the shirt Achilles had on the night before was his. Achilles answers that he’s alright with it, and says that he purposefully kept it because it was his favourite shirt (although he almost says that it still is). Patroclus is confused by that as the shirt was his oldest one and was basically falling apart, and says he’s inclined to let Achilles keep it as he doubted he’d be wearing it anytime soon. He also mentions that he’s surprised that Achilles kept it, considering how much Achilles hated Patroclus after the breakup, despite liking the shirt. Achilles replies that he was emotionally attached to it since he wore it a lot, having developed a habit of wearing it after sex. Patroclus says that he definitely did have a habit of it, but Patroclus never minded because he found it cute, causing Achilles to blush and deny it, saying that he was many things but cute wasn’t one of them. Patroclus didn’t back down however, and Achilles eventually accepted that Patroclus was telling the truth.
  • Achilles mentions that they appeared to have lost Aofie and Patroclus agrees that they should go and look for her only for her to rejoin them a moment later up in the trees above them, throwing a small rock at the back of Patroclus’ head. Patroclus eventually spotted her, and told her that they had to continue moving and cover as much ground as they could before nightfall. Aofie replies that she would rather stay in the tree while Patroclus and Achilles continued down on the ground. Patroclus tells her to keep an eye out for monsters and Aofie says that she’ll be able to see them from afar up in the tree and let them know if there were any. After finishing the conversation with Aofie, Patroclus catches up with Achilles and tells him what Aofie said. They talk a bit about how long the quest would likely take and Achilles mentions that he hopes all three of the items are in the city. Patroclus replies that Mnemosyne only told him the location of the first object, but that they’d likely find a clue to the location of the second once they had found the first.
  • An awkward silence falls over them after the conversation ends before Patroclus says that he was going to go off a little further ahead and see if he could find a place for them to camp for the night. Achilles tells him not to run into trouble and Patroclus replies that he’s tough before walking off a little further ahead, making a trail on the trees for Achilles to follow using his dagger.

Second Day of the Quest

  • The next day, on the way to the city, Aofie asks what the city is like and Patroclus responds that she wouldn’t like it and that he’s fully prepared for her to want to slaughter the whole human race. Not long after, they finally leave the forest and reach the road into the city. Aofie is struck speechless by what she sees and Patroclus tries to reconcile her by telling her that there are parks and trees in the city - they’re just very few and far between. Aofie replies that she can barely feel the nature in the city, and that’s it’s horrible, and Patroclus says that humans are a self-destructive species.
  • They begin to make their way to the museum and Achilles quietly comments to Patroclus that Aofie really hates the city, having seen her reaction to seeing all the buildings and cars that they passed by. Patroclus replies that he can’t really blame her, as entire forests are cut down to make way for cities like this. Achilles agrees, and says that he hates that she has to face such a reality considering what she was. The conversation soon turns to the object that Mnemosyne said was hidden in the museum, although she didn’t specify where in the museum - other than that it was in a section that was really important to Patroclus, but Patroclus states that he’s not a big fan of history so he has no idea what she’s talking about. He adds that the object will likely look out of place, however, in a way that meant that they’d know it when they see it. Achilles replies that going through the Ancient Greek section was a must, and Patroclus agrees before saying that he just hopes that once they got there, he’ll get some psychic feeling that would draw him toward the right area.
  • Achilles expresses concern about getting caught stealing the object, but Patroclus reassures him that if it would be too dangerous to get the object that day then they would go back to a motel and come up with a plan to get the object the next day instead. A few moments later, they arrived at the museum, and Patroclus mentions that they should go to the Ancient Greek area first like Achilles had suggested. Once they reached the Ancient Greek area, they learn that the area was broken up into several separate rooms about a different event in Ancient Greek history that led off of the main room that contained general Greek history, so Patroclus suggests splitting up and looking for anything out of place. Patroclus goes off and finds himself drawn to the entrance of one of the side rooms, which he learns was a room about the Trojan War. After hesitating a moment, he enters the room and discovers that there was a massive tapestry across one wall that depicted the death of Hector, and there were several wax statues of notable members of the war: Hector, Paris, Achilles, Agamemnon, Menelaus. As Patroclus makes his way through the room, he even discovers that there was a wax statue of the original Patroclus too, howevet the wax statue Patroclus was stripped of his armour and was under the feet of another statue of Hector. Hector's spear was buried in his chest and the wax statue of Hector watched as his victim died. Patroclus moves to turn away but spots a golden bracelet hanging off the end of the wax spear, clearly the object Mnemosyne asked them to find.
  • While Patroclus was looking around the Trojan War room, Achilles continued to search the main room, looking at the statues of the gods, and scoffing at the statue of Apollo. After a while of looking at the statues, he starts to admire the armour before someone around the same age comes up and starts talking with him. The two of them continue talking, with Achilles completely forgetting the task he was originally there for, and they every start flirting with each other. Meanwhile, Patroclus goes back to the main room to alert Aofie and Achilles that he found the object. Aofie had been watching Achilles from a distance with irritation but quickly answers Patroclus call, asking him where the object was. Patroclus answers that it was in the side-room he had just been in before spotting Achilles and the other guy, glaring at the unfamiliar guy before leading Aofie into the room and over to the wax scene of Hector killing Patroclus.
  • Patroclus then asks if Achilles is still talking to the guy, even though Patroclus had called out that he found the object, before saying that he'll be right back and goes over to Achilles and the unknown guy. He quickly interrupts their conversation, harshly and coldly out of jealousy, before telling the other guy to go away because he needed Achilles for something. The guy agrees to leave before asking Achilles for his number so that they could continue talking later. Achilles glares at Patroclus for interrupting before giving the other guy his number, who told Achilles that his name was Aron before he walked off. Before he had even left the room, Patroclus dragged Achilles over to the Trojan War room, telling him that he found the object - which Achilles would have known if he had been paying attention rather than flirting while he had a girlfriend. Achilles asks why he was so concerned and that he wasn't flirting but Patroclus mutters that it sounded like it to him before saying in a louder voice that Achilles was the one who wanted to get the quest over quickly so he should pay attention next time.
  • Patroclus quickly grabs the object and turns to tell Aofie and Achilles that they should quickly leave, but he passes out before he could do so. Achilles carries him out of the museum and to a nearby motel to wait until Patroclus woke up. While unconscious, Patroclus relived a memory of his past life, waking up just as the memory ended and saying Hector's name as he awoke - however he immediately forgets the memory he saw upon waking up. He returns to consciousness that evening, several hours later, in his and Achilles' motel room, greeted by Achilles sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for him to wake up. He tells Patroclus they're in a motel and explains that he lost consciousness when he touched the bracelet, before asking what dream Patroclus was having. Patroclus tells him some of the details he remembers but isn't able to make much sense of what he saw - although the details he gives and Hector's name would likely be familiar to Achilles as it was a memory that Patroclus shared with Achilles in their past lives.
  • Achilles tells Patroclus that he would let Aofie know that Patroclus was awake as he had to go somewhere. Patroclus asks him where he's going and if it's safe to be splitting up, but Achilles replies that he would be fine and that he could take care and defend himself, but doesn't say where he's going. Patroclus tells him to be back by tomorrow and Achilles asks him not to push himslf too much and get as much rest as possible, and asks if there was anything Patroclus wanted him to get while he was out. Patroclus replies that he doesn't want anything, before telling Achilles to go and have fun, as he had guessed where Achilles was going even if Achilles didn't say.
  • Achilles leaves the motel and goes to Aron's house, having agreed to meet up with him. Aron invites him in and makes him a couple of sandwiches after asking if Achilles was hungry and hearing that he was. Achilles offers to help and Aron accepts and the two of them head into the kitchen to make the sandwiches. While they make the sandwiches, Achilles apologises for how Patroclus acted in the museum, but Aron tells him not to worry about it because he could tell Patroclus was in love with him, that it was obvious as Patroclus was really jealous, but adds that he was going to take the fact that Achilles was here with him that Achilles didn't feel the same. Achilles replies that Patroclus doesn't love him, and Aron admits that he might be wrong but also that that was what it looked like to him. Achilles admits that it might be the case, but that Aron was right, that Achilles was there with him because he didn't feel the same (although this was a lie) and that he didn't even like Patroclus all that much.
  • Aron asks why Achilles was travelling with Patroclus then, if that was the case, and comments that they were kind of an odd group. Achilles explains that his companions were best friends and that Achilles just tagged along because he had nothing better to do and wanted to go travelling. Aron replies that he hopes this visit would add some fun to Achilles' travelling adventure. Achilles answers that he's sure it would and that he might even come back to visit in the future.
  • Achilles asks Aron about himself and Aron answers his questions. Achilles asks if he likes going to museums and Aron tells him that he does, but that he's not really a fan of the Ancient Greek stuff, however, and instead much preferred the Romans. Achilles joked about taking offence to that as a half-Greek but Aron replies that he should only take half-offence because he's half-Greek before telling Achilles that he likes his laugh.
  • Not long after, they finish making the sandwiches and go into the living room to eat. Achilles offers to do tarot readings for Aron and Aron eagerly accepts. Aron and Achilles proceed to flirt with each other through the cards, with Aron admitting that he would like to know Achilles on a more intimate level if Achilles is willing. Achilles replies that he is and they quickly kiss, before deciding to move to Aron's bedroom when the kiss gets heated. They return to kisisng once they get to Aron's room and quickly follow through with having sex - although Achilles ends up thinking of Patroclus throughout the act, and imagining that he was being fucked by Patroclus rather than Aron.

Third Day of the Quest

  • Early the next morning, Achilles returns to the motel, trying his best to hide the hickeys on his neck before entering his and Patroclus' room quietly so as to not wake Patroclus if he was sleeping. Patroclus didn't wake when he entered the room and remained sleeping, mumbling Achilles' name in his sleep as Achilles entered the room. Achilles, thinking that Patroclus was awake, calls out to him, which causes Patroclus to stir and slowly wake up. Achilles tells him that he'll take a shower while Patroclus wakes up properly before heading into the bathroom, looking at the hickeys Aron gave him in the mirror before getting into the shower. Patroclus gets up a moment after and starts getting dressed once he heard the water turn on before sitting back down on the bed once he was dressed, inspecting the bracelet they retrieved from the museum while he waited for Achilles.
  • Achilles left the bathroom a moment later, asking if Patroclus was properly awake yet. Patroclus answered that he was before turning to look at Achilles, freezing when he saw the hickeys and quickly looking away again, commenting on them and mentioning that Achilles must of had fun. Achilles tells him that it's nothing and to not pay attention to it, and Patroclus replies that he didn't care what Achilles did so long as it doesn't impact the quest. Achilles promises that it won't before Patroclus discovers something engraved on the inside of the bracelet - a series of numbers that Patroclus suggests are maybe coordinates.
  • Patroclus suggests going to the nearby library to use the computers there to look up what was at the coordinates first though, as monsters will start to come after them and the last thing they would want is to go to the place and find themselves trapped there if monsters came after them becaause they didn't have any idea what the area looked like or where any escape routes were. Achilles offers to ask Aron if they could use his devices, and Patroclus replied bitterly that that was nice of them. Achilles asks if there's something wrong with Aron, and Patroclus replies that there's nothing wrong - although Achilles doesn't believe him. Patroclus replies that it doesn't matter what he thinks, as Achilles wouldn't care anyway and has made his feelings on the matter obvious already.
  • Achilles replies that he cares because it's bothering Patroclus but Patroclus tells him that it wasn't something that Achilles could help him with so he should just forget it. Achilles comments that Patroclus is being unusually cold, and Patroclus snaps and says that he's in love with Achilles yet Achilles is going off and fucking other guys, while he has a girlfriend. He says that he understands that he was an asshole and ruined any possibility of there ever being anything between him and Achilles ever again, but that Achilles shouldn't expect him to not act like he isn't jealous or that he doesn't have feelings for him, before saying that he was going to go and wake Aofie and leaving the room. Achilles freezes at his words and avoids his gaze until Patroclus left.
  • Outside the room, Patroclus berates himself for admitting that he was jealous before going to Aofie's room and waking her up. Once Aofie opened the door, Patroclus immediately entered, and starts telling her about what happened that morning with Achilles. Aofie tells him that he has to stop letting his emotions control him like this, that she knows that Patroclus loves him and that Patroclus is jealous but that it's obvious that Achilles doesn't care. She tells him that he has to let it go as it's only huritng Patroclus more.
  • Patroclus tells her that he can't, and that he tries and is still trying, but there was something that kept pulling him back to Achilles. He says that his problem isn't with the fact that Achilles cheated on Katie, no matter how shitty of an opinion that was, but his problem was that Achilles cheated with someone who wasn't him, and tells Aofie that he knows she's right and that he should let Achilles go but he can't, and doesn't even know where to start. Aofie suggests that she and him go travelling after the quest, get away from Camp Half-Blood. Patroclus mentions her girlfriend and Aofie replies that she'll miss her, but she can't stand seeing Patroclus ruin himself like he was over a boy. Patroclus thanks her and Aofie replies that he could thank her by feeding her before Patroclus tells her that he found something on the bracelet and that they needed to discuss it as a group.
  • Aofie tells him to go back to his room first then as she needs to get dressed and Patroclus leaves, soon returning to his and Achilles' room. Achilles was already dressed and packing his things by then, and Patroclus tells him that Aofie would be there soon, and that, if Aron was willing, they could go to his to check the coordinates there. Achilles agrees and says that they can go to his house and ask, and that he's sure he'll say yes. Patroclus then mentions that he wouldn't be bothering Achilles after the quest, and that Achilles can do whatever he wants as Aofie and he would be leaving camp for a while to go traveling.
  • Achilles asks where they would be going travelling and Patroclus replied that they would just be going anywhere, and it would be just the two of them - although Patroclus would be inviting Aofie's girlfriend to join them as he didn't think it was fair for Aofie to have to miss her girlfriend just because Patroclus wanted to go travelling, even if it meant having to third-wheel the whole time. Achilles says that he hopes Patroclus would have fun and that leaving camp for a while sounded like a good idea.
  • Aofie arrives after a few minutes, and Patroclus let her in before letting her inspect the bracelet and the numbers engraved into it while he packed his things away. He tells her that he and Achilles think they're coordinates to the next location and that they were going to go the place of Achilles' new friend to check out what's at the location before they go there. Once Patroclus was finished packing, Patroclus put the bracelet back on before Achilles led them to Aron's house.
  • On the way to Aron's house, Patroclus sees his mother and his little sister while on the lookout for monsters, although when Aofie asks him what was wrong, he doesn't tell her who he saw - although he is hesitant and Aofie doesn't believe him. Patroclus convinces her to drop the subject before they continued on to Aron's place, eventually reaching the place. Aron opens the door after Achilles knocks, and is momentarily surprised before saying that he didn't expect to see Achiles again after how hurriedly Achilles left that morning.
  • Achilles tells him that he had something come up but that he has to ask Aron for a quick favour, asking if they could use his laptop to look up something as their own devices died and they had no way of charging them. Aron agrees to let them in and Patroclus doesn't wait for him to finish speaking before he steps into the house and into the living room to use Aron's laptop. Achilles apologises for Patroclus' behaviour, saying that he didn't sleep well so he's in a grumpy mood, but Aron tells him that he doesn't have to make excuses for Patroclus and that he sticks by what he said the night before.
  • Achilles replies that the night before was his response to what Aron had said about Patroclus' feelings, and Aron asks if that meant that he'd be seeing Achilles again. Achilles asks if he would like to as he moves closer to Aron, their lips inches apart, and Aron answers that he would love to, neither of them noticing that Patroclus was watching them. Achilles tells him that he'll try his best to come by again and not to miss him too much but Aron says that he makes no promises. Patroclus interrupts them by clearing his throat before saying that he found the location.
  • Achilles asks him if the location was far away, and Patroclus replies that it wasn't, although they would have to take the subway for a short while before walking for ten minutes. He tells Achilles that it was an abandoned building, a warehouse, and that there would be a lot of chances for them to be ambushed but also seemed to be a lot of escape points and another small woodland area close by - therefore, if they were attacked, they would be able to get out and go to the woods where Aofie could ask the forest to protect them.
  • Achilles says that they have no choice but to go, and that they had enough money to travel there as well as get some food on the way. Patroclus says that they should go immediately then as he's already copied down all the information they need but Achilles replies that he needs a moment as he wants to have some water before they left before asking Aron to come with him.
  • Aron takes him to the kitchen, while Patroclus meanwhile convinced Aofie to leave, saying that Aron and Achilles would likely want their privacy. Once in the kitchen, Achilles immediately pulls Aron into a kiss which quickly gets heated as Aron sits Achilles down on the counter, eventually leading to another round of sex (during which Achilles once again thinks of Patroclus). Outside, Aofie threatens to kill both Aron and Achilles but Patroclus tells her not to, saying that it's shitty of Achilles to cheat on Katie, but he has no reason to be considerate of Patroclus' feelings when Patroclus walked all over his in the past. Aofie replies that he deserves it and that he doesn't have to flirt with Aron in front of Patroclus' when he knows how Patroclus feels.
  • Patroclus comments that maybe that's why he's going it, because he wants to hurt Patroclus, but that either way Aofie wouldn't be doing anything to Achilles because Patroclus wasn't the victim as he hurt Achilles first and did so intentionally. He asks Aofie to drop the subject if she wants him to stop pining over him as he needs to start by not holding a grudge against Achilles, and that they should just let Achilles do what he wants and that Patroclus would be fine. Aofie reluctantly agrees to drop it and Patroclus tells her that he was going to head to the nearest subway station to get their tickets as Achilles and Aron would likely be a while. He tells her to stay there and not kill Achilles. Aofie asks if he will be alright going alone and Patroclus replies that she shouldn't worry about him, that he just needed to clear his head and go for a walk and that, this way, he was doing something productive and helpful at the same time.
  • Aofie tells him to be back soon and Patroclus replies that he grew up in this city and the subway wasn't far, and that she could worry if he wasn't back in an hour. He then walked off, taking a moment to calm himself in an alleyway, cursing out Aron, before continuing on to the subway station. While on the way there, he accidentally bumps into his mother, Myra, who was walking through the city with her daughter, Patroclus' little sister - Lily-Mae. Myra asks what he's doing there as she thought he left for 'that camp' for good, and Patroclus tells her that the camp sometimes sends demigods on quests if the gods asks for their help - which was why he was there. Myra disparages Patroclus and the gods before asking if this means that he isn’t returning home after all.
  • Patroclus refutes her disdain by the gods by telling her that she had a child with one so she couldn’t have hated them that much, and tells her that he isn’t coming home, that he left for the camp because it was safest for them all if he was there and that he thought she’d understand that. He also adds that just because she regrets having a child with a god, won’t change the fact that he is a demigod. Myra tells him that it wouldn’t hurt for him to visit sometimes, and that he should at least see his sister once in a while as she misses her brother. Patroclus replies that he’s surprised she even told his sister about him, and sarcastically apologises for assuming that Myra not reading his letter and sending it straight back to him meant that she didn’t want him to visit.
  • Myra replies that she thought Patroclus would take it as a hint that she was upset and that he should return home. Patroclus tell her that he wanted to go to the camp as it was the best place for him, and hat just because Myra didn’t want him to go, doesn’t change the fact that it was the best place for him. Myra asks why he can’t ask his father for protection and Patroclus explains that it doesn’t work that way, and that the camp was the best thing that ever happened to him. He tells her that he made great friends there, and met a great guy and that he’s happy at the camp.
  • Myra tells him that she's surprised that he managed to find someone, and questions if he's really as happy as he says he is. Patroclus tells her that he is happy and that the person he found (Achilles, although he never tells Myra his name) was perfect. Myra asks why he looks like he's about to cry then and where his boyfriend is if he's so perfect, as he would've followed on this quest for sure. Patroclus responds that he's busy doing something else at the time and that Patroclus was just on his way to meet up with him again. Myra doesn't believe him, and asks Patroclus if he truly wants her to believe that Achilles likes Patroclus back, and Patroclus answers that he did, and that it isn't any of Myra's business, that all Myra needs to know is that he is the way he is and his relationship with Achilles ended because of her and the childhood trauma she gave him.
  • Myra asks if he's blaming her for the failure of his 'stupid little relationship' before saying that it should actually be his fault because Achilles just didn't like the way Patroclus was. Patroclus retorts that Achilles did like him the way that he is but that, because Myra abandoned him, Patroclus is terrified at the thought of needing anyone but himself so Patroclus ruined things with Achilles to protect himself. Patroclus tells her that he's definitely blaming himself for what happened, but was also blaming herself. Myra replies that she has nothing to do with it, and it was Patroclus' fauly for being too weak and letting something irrelevant as Myra's abandonment of him get to him, and that he is the only one to blame. Patroclus sarcastically says that it's definitely not her fault that he had abandonment issues and struggles with letting people get close to him.
  • Myra responds that he was weak enough to develop those issues, and Patroclus retorts that he was a child, ten years old, when she sent his letter back to him, and asks what else he was supposed to have done. Myra replies that there's no point in arguing with him ans says that he's just like his 'stupid father', before wishing him luck on his quest and walking away. Patroclus quickly hurries to the subway to get the tickets before returning to Aron's house, where Achilles was now stood outside with Aofie - who was waiting nervously for Patroclus to return while Achilles tried to reasure her, saying that Patroclus was fine and once again trying to hide his marks from the sex with Aron.
  • Patroclus then joins them, hesitating when he sees Achilles before avoiding looking at him as he alerts the other two to his arrival. Aofie quickly runs over and hugs him, telling him how worried she was and Patroclus apologises, saying that it took longer than he expected it too, but that he's okay. He then passes her and Achilles their train tickets, only looking at Achilles for a brief second before looking away again. Achilles tells Patroclus to lead the way and Patroclus hesitates again for a moment before starting to take them to the train station, keeping an eye out for monsters but also checking to make sure he wouldn't run into his mother again.
  • Aofie asks if he is okay, commenting that he seems really on edge, but Patroclus tells her that everything is fine. Aofie doesn't believe him but doesn't press the subject and tells him to get as much rest on the train as he can. Patroclus promises he will before thanking her for worrying about him. He also tells her that she and Achilles should rest as well as they all needed to be at the top of their game, especially Achilles as he likely didn't get much sleep the night before. Aofie tells him that she's fine and that she's more worried about him but Patroclus tells her that he's fine and geels a lot better than he looks.
  • Patroclus then asks about Achilles and Aron, and Aofie responds that they were busy for a while after he left and they were loud too. Patroclus replies that at least Achilles enjoyed it and mentions that maybe Achilles genuinely likes Aron , and that maybe he'll even break up with Katie for Aron when they return to camp. Aofie questions this as Aron and Achilles had just met and Patroclus replies that they already seemed pretty close, before saying that he's happy for Achilles. Aofie suggests talking to Achilles and Patroclus replies that he will try. Soon after, they reached the subway and get onto the train. He tells Achilles that they'll be on the train for a few hours after Achilles asks how long the journey would be and that he should get some rest. Achilles tells him that he should do the same as he looked tired, and that he'll wake Patroclus up when they arrive after Patroclus agrees to take a nap.
  • At the end of their train journey, Achilles wakes Patroclus and Aofie up. Patroclus double-checks that they're at the right stop before grabbing his bag and leading them off the train. They then start walking to the abandoned warehouse and Patroclus asks if they're all ready once they arrive before entering the building. Achilles and Aofie follow him in and, once inside, Patroclus asks if thee's anyone there before they're greeted by Pasithea, the Greek goddess of relaxation and hallucinations, who tells them that she was sent by Mnemosyne to give them the second object. But that she had decided, on her own without asking Mnemosyne, that she would give it to them so long as they passed her challenges.
  • Aofie asks what she means by challenges and Pasithea explains that they'd need to beat some of her hallucinations. She mentions that only one of them needs to beat the hallucinations but also says that it would be much more fun to watch both of them take on the challenges - even though there were actually three of them there. She tells them that they're weren't allowed to refuse the challenge either, and Patroclus questions what she means by 'both of them'. Pasithea reveals that only Patroclus and Aofie would be going through the challenges, not Achilles - although Achilles offers to instead of one of the other two (he doesn't specify wihich of the two but likely means Patroclus). Pasithea, however, tells him that he isn't needed for this part of the quest, and that Patroclus and Aofie were the special ones of the quest and that the quest is all about the two of them.
  • She tells them that Mnemosyne asked for Achilles to come on the quest because he's connected, but that he's not involved in the secret reason behind the quest. She tells Achilles that he would have to wait outside th challenge rooms while Patroclus and Aofie completed their challenges - warning him that if he tried to follow him in (meaning Patroclus) then her guards would stop him so he shouldn't even bother trying. Achilles glares at her but doesn't argue. Aofie asks what would happen if they refused and Pasithea replies that it's just better if they don't and that they wouldn't like what would happen if they did. Patroclus reassures Aofie that they'll be okay, that Mnemosyne wants them to complete the quest so she wouldn't let anything too bad happen to them.
  • Pasithea ushers them into the challenge rooms before first explaining to Aofie what the challenges would entail - telling her that she would have to face hallucinations of her greatest fears and darkest secrets and that if she manages to face them and beat them then she'd win the challenge. She then asks which out of her and Patroclus touched the first object first. Aofie tells her that it was Patroclus so Pasithea responds that the second object will go to her first. She warns Aofie that the quest will bring up a lot of unresolved trauma that Aofie had forgotten and the challenge was meant to prepare her for it. Aofie then says that she's ready and Pasithea starts the hallucinations before going to the room Patroclus was in.
  • She explains to him the same thing that she told Aofie but Patroclus refuses before Pasithea gets a chance to start the hallucinations. He tells her that he won't go through the challenge just for Pasithea's amusement and Pasithea asks him if he's sure. Patroclus answers that he dares her to punish him for refusing only for Pasithea to respond by whipping him with a barbed whip, causing him to scream and alert Achilles. Achilles immediately recognises that it's Patroclus and fights his way past the guards to get to Patroclus. Pasithea comments that he still comes to Patroclus' rescue even to this day before disappearing.
  • Achilles quickly carries Patroclus out of the room before giving him some ambrosia and nectar, which Patroclus eats as much of as he can before it becomes too dangerous to continue. Although not all of his injuries are healed by the ambrosia and nectar, the more serious one do get healed up fully. Once Patroclus finishes eating, Achilles quickly hugs him, telling Patroclus that Patroclus scared him badly. Patroclus is confused by doesn't pull away and apologises, saying that he couldn't do what Pasithea asked him to do. Achilles replies that he's just glad that Patroclus is alive, and that he didn't know what he would've done if Patroclus hadn't of been okay.
  • Patroclus jokingly asks if Achilles can't live without him before saying that Pasithea wouldn't have killed him as Mnemosyne wanted Patroclus alive. Achilles replies that she might've as the gods are unpredictable but Patroclus says he doubts it. He then adds that he appreciates Achilles crying into his shoulder over him being injured, but asks if they could bandage his remaining injuries as they were still bleeding. Achilles starts bandaging his wounds as Patroclus comments that Aofie must have chosen to face the hallucinations. Achilles confirms this but mentions that he's worried about her.
  • Patroclus replies that she'll be fine before Achilles asks him to show him his eye injury. Patroclus blushes as he realises how close they are before asking how bad the injury is. Achilles tells him that it isn't too bad before bandaging it up. Patroclus replies that he's relieved and that he's glad that he's still able to see. After finishing with bandaging him up, Achilles tells Patroclus that he should rest. Patroclus asks what he wull do and Achilles tells him that he will take care of his own injuries from pushing past Pasithea's guards to get to Patroclus. Patroclus tells him that he didn't have to do that and Achilles replies that he did as he cares deeply about Patroclus.
  • Patroclus asks him not to say that as he knows Achilles doesn't mean it but Achilles insists that he does mean it and that he knows he's being selfish but confesses that he loves Patroclus. Patroclus tells him that it's not funny if this is some kind of sick joke, and Achilles promises him that it's not a joke and that he knows that Patroclus doesn't bleieve him after everything he did but swears that he's telling the truth. Patroclus asks how he's supposed to believe that he wasn't just saying that as part of some kind of revenge plot that Achilles and Aron had come up with, or that he's doing this to get back at him for what Patroclus did to him.
  • Achilles promises that it's not either of those things, and that he can't deny that Patroclus hurt him so much that he didn't know what to do with himself, but that he would never go so low as to get revenge on him like this. And tells Patroclus that he'll prove it however Patroclus wants him to. Patroclus was still hesitant and brings up Aron and Achilles tells him that Aron doesn't mean anything to him more than as a friend, and that he only slept with Aron because he was sexually frustrated and needed to take his mind off everything - and also confesses that he thought of Patroclus through all of it. Patroclus then tells Achilles to kiss him to prove that he was telling the truth.
  • Achilles immediately agrees and kisses him. Patroclus quickly kisses back, and even starts crying. Achilles tells him again that he loves Patroclus and Patroclus asks him to promise. Achilles immediately does promise and says he never wants to lose Patroclus again. Patroclus then apologises once more for what he did to Achilles, and tell Achilles that he ran into his mother who told him that she wasn't to blame for any of the issues he had that caused him to break up with Achilles and that Patroclus was just weak. He also says that he realised that she was right, but Achilles tells him that he was never weak and never will be and he shouldn't apologise for something out of his control. Patroclus replies that it was in his control as he didn't have to say what he did to Achilles, that he never wanted to hurt Achilles but he did so anyway and that it was completely within his control.
  • Achilles responds by telling Patroclus that he was past it now, and Patroclus accepts this before asking Achilles to reassure him one final time that there was nothing real between Achilles and Aron. Achilles immediately promises that nothing between him and Aron was real and that he loves Patroclus and only him. Patroclus replies that he believes him, before swearing on the River Styx to never let anything or anyone come between them again after Achilles asks him to never leave him again. Achilles promises to break up with Katie when they return to camp.
  • Achilles apologises for what he said the day that they broke up as well, and for letting it ruin their relationship, but Patroclus tells him it’s not his fault and that Patroclus overreacted, and that he doesn’t blame Achilles. Achilles eventually settles on them both agreeing that they were wrong. The two then proceed to wait for Aofie while cuddling. Achilles mentions that it felt good to hold Patroclus like that and Patroclus replies that he missed it, internally noting that the feeling of being held by Achilles was more familiar than it should have been, but didn’t know where the familiarity came from. He tells Achilles that Aofie can’t know about them, as she was still mad at Achilles. He admits that the travelling he and Aofie were going to do wasn’t actually something he suggested doing, that it was Aofie’s idea as she wanted to take Patroclus as far away from Achilles as she could so Patroclus could move on - and that her hatred grew that morning as Achilles flirted with Aron even though Patroclus could see them, so she wouldn’t accept that they were dating if she found out.
  • Achilles says that Patroclus can tell Aofie whenever he’s ready to, and that she has every right to be mad at him. Patroclus replies that he will tell her when they return to camp and have dealt with Katie and he can talk to her about everything, and says that he isn’t angry at Achilles so neither should Aofie. Achilles responds that he wouldn’t blame her if she was as he knows she cares about Patroclus and is protective of him, and he knows that he hurt Patroclus and that Aofie is right, and he shouldn’t have flirted with Aron in front of him. Patroclus says that he he can't fault Achilles for what he did as Patroclus hurt him so it was understandable that Achilles would want to hurt him in return. Achilles, howevers, tells him that that's not why he flirted with Aron in front of him and that he didn't want to hurt Patroclus, he just wanted him to move on quicker and find someone who made him truly happy - even if that person wasn't Achilles. Patroclus answers that there was no one else but Achilles and there has only ever been Achilles.
  • Achilles once again tells him that he loves him, so much that he can't express it in words so Patroclus tells him to express it however else he can and Achilles kisses him again. The kiss deepens and starts to get heated before Achilles pulls away to tell Patroclus he loves him again. Patroclus starts to respond, but Pasithea interrupts them, commening that it's cute seeing the two lovers reunited after so long - hinting at the truth about Patroclus' identity (although her comment goes unnoticed by Patroclus). Achilles asks if she was there the whole time, and Pasithea replies that she wasn't but was there long enough to hear their declarations of love, and commenting that it was truly fit for a romance novel.
  • She then adds that she came to tell them that Aofie had completed her challenge and that she was going to hold up her end of the deal and give them the object Mnemosyne sent them to find, but she couldn't disturb such a lovely confession, and says that she expects a thank you. Achilles irritatingly thanks her before asking where Aofie was. Pasithea tells him that Aofie was in the room she carried out the challenge in, commenting that she expected a more welcoming thank you for bringing them together again but says that she'll take what she can get.
  • Achilles replies that he's a little irritated by the fact that she could've killed Patroclus and Pasithea admits that she could have punished him in another way, and that she's not looking forward to the anger Mnemosyne will direct towards her for what she did to Patroclus, but then asks if Patroclus and Achilles' reconciliation would have happened if she hadn't punished Patroclus like she had. She tells Achilles that she was also testing him, that she felt he needed a little push and needed to be faced with the worst case scenario (the possibility of losing Patroclus forever) in order to get past the distance between them. She adds that she had something planned in case Patroclus agreed to do the challenge (unbeknownst to Achilles and Patroclus, she was going to set some monsters on them that only targeted Patroclus if Patroclus had gone through with the challenge) in order to achieve the same result but that she now had no need for her plan B.
  • Achilles asks why she went to all that trouble as their relationship doesn't affect her, and Pasithea replies that Mnemosyne was invested in it so Pasithea figured it must be important or interesting in some way. Achilles finally thanks her more sincerely, saying that she did nearly kill Patroclus but also brought them back together. Pasithea then gives Patroclus a pouch with the object in, but tells him that Aofie has to be the one who touches it first. Aofie then leaves the room, shaken up but unharmed. Patroclus quickly moves away from Achilles before going over and hugging her, asking her if she's okay. Aofie replies that she's fine, just shaken, before asking if he's okay and what happened when she sees his bandages. Patroclus tells her that he just refused to do the challenge but had eaten some amborsia and felt a lot better, and also that Achilles had done a good job bandaging up the remaining injuries.
  • Patroclus gives her the second object and Aofie takes it out of the pouch, revealing it to be a necklace. She comments on how she thinks it's pretty before passing out before she can finish her sentence. Patroclus mildly comments on how he can finally see what happened to him, before asking Achilles to help him with Aofie. Achilles picks up Aofie before asking what's up with the objects and his two companions fainting. Patroclus just shrugs before commenting that he bets Aofie will also have a weird dream. Pasithea waves to them as they leave, telling them to have fun on the rest of the quest.
  • She also tells Patroclus not to think too much on what he did in his current life after he meets Mnemosyne at the end of the quest, saying that he was clueless after all (hinting at how his past self would likely be horrified by how his current self treated Achilles). Patroclus is confused but doesn't question her and starts leaving. Pasithea then turned to Achilles and tells him that Mnemosyne is actively going against Thetis' wishes by giving Patroclus this quest, and that Achilles should make sure he didn't waste her gift in the future (hinting at how Katie likely wouldn't let him go and he shouldn't let her ruin his rekindled relationship with Patroclus - although this is also unknown to Achilles). Achilles thanks her for the advice before leaving as well.
  • Patroclus and Achilles carry Aofie out of the abandoned warehouse and to the nearby area of woodland, where Aofie would feel more comfortable waking up in. Patroclus offers to set up camp and prepare some food for Aofie, but Achilles suggests that he should do it instead and that Patroclus shouldn't move too much. Patroclus asks if Achilles will start worrying over him like a mother hen now that they're together again before telling Achilles that he can handle setting up a camp. Achilles replies that he always worried but he is just able to express it more now, but trusts that Patroclus will be okay - warning him to be careful anyway. Patroclus promises to tell Achilles if he needs help.
  • Patroclus starts setting up camp while Achilles starts a fire and gets the food from their bags. Once the food is cooked and the camp set up, Achilles and Patroclus settle down to wait for Aofie to wake up. While waiting, Patroclus asks if Achilles truly did think of him when he was with Aron, and Achilles tells him that he did, and that he wished it had been be Patroclus touching him instead. Patroclus, sure that Aofie wouldn't wake up anytime soon, moves closer before asking Achilles how he wished Patroclus had touched him. Achilles answered that he wished Patroclus had kissed his neck down to his collarbone, with one hand beneath his shirt and the other on his thigh. After he tells him, Patroclus moves closer again before beginning to carry out everything that Achilles had mentioned while shifting them so that Achilles was laying back on the ground.
  • Achilles tells him that he doesn't have to, but Patroclus replies that he wants to, and that he wants to remove any trace of Aron, and of Katie, that were on Achilles and make him Patroclus' again. Achilles pleads for him to claim him as his again and Patroclus quickly kisses him again to quieten some of the noises Achilles were making - as Aofie was unconscious but they didn't want to attract any animals or monsters. He asks Achilles if he's sure and Achilles replies that he is if Patroclus is too and Patroclus confirms that he is before kisisng him again. Achilles breaks the kiss a moment after to catch his breath and ask how far they were going to go and Patroclus answers that they'll go as far as Achilles will let him go. Achilles replies that he doesn't want to exhaust Patroclus' body before Patroclus reassures him that he can handle it and that he wants it. Achilles agrees to go the full way but tells Patroclus that he'll stop it if he notices any sign of Patroclus being in pain. Patroclus replies that he understands before they proceed to have sex.
  • After they finish, Patroclus tells Achilles that he should rest as he had had a lot of sex in the last twenty-four hours. Achilles says he will if Patroclus does too and Patroclus promises he will. Achilles then says he's not that sore and he's okay to go for another round if Patroclus wants. Patroclus asks if he's sure and Achilles answers that he can handle it. Achilles starts teasing Patroclus this time round, before asking if Patroclus wanted to be the bottom or top this time. Patroclus is initially unable to think clearly enough to come to a decision but quickly chooses to be the bottom when Achilles threatens to leave him unsatisfied if he doesn't tell Achilles what he wants. They then have sex again. Afterwards, they quickly get dressed again just in time for Aofie to wake up.
  • Aofie wakes up after experiencing a memory from her past life as Briseis in which she tells the original Patroclus that he is the 'best of the Myrmidons' - the four words being what she says as she wakes up. While Achilles wasn't present for the memory she dreams about, he does remember Thetis telling him of a prophecy during the war that the best of the Myrmidons would die in less than two years, but that Hector (and by extension Achilles, as Hector dies first before Achilles) would still be alive when the best of the Myrmidons dies. As such, Achilles is shocked by what Aofie says, internally questioning how she could know about that as he knew Patroclus was a reincarnation but had never suspected Aofie to have been one before. As Patroclus had also never told him about Briseis calling him the best of the Myrmidons, he also had no reason to believe that Aofie was Briseis' reincarnation.
  • Patroclus is also a little confused by what Aofie said as it sounded strange to him, but quickly moves on and tells her that she should eat. Aofie asks him to give her a moment to recover as her head was killing her and Patroclus asks what her dream was about. Aofie replies that she remembers that it was dark and she was talking to someone that looked like Patroclus, but that the more she thought about it the more the dream faded away. Patroclus tells her not to try and force herself to remember as it'll just make her headaches worse. Aofie agres to let it go before again saying that the person looked like him, and Patroclus replies that she shouldn't think about it too much and that it was probably just a similarity.
  • Aofie mentions that she was pretty sure the necklace had some numbers on it, and wonders if the numbers will lead them to their location like with the bracelet. They get out the necklace and find the numbers Aofie mentioned. Patroclus suggests that they may be more coordinates before commenting that if they were, then there were only about sixty possible combinations. Aofie asks if they should find another computer, but Patroclus suddenly says that they should think about it a little longer as something seemed off about the numbers - which Achilles had noticed too. Patroclus then says that he has an idea and copies down the numbers onto his hand with a pen and then writes below the numbers their corresponding letters in the alphabet, discovering that the numbers translates to the word 'Trojan'.
  • Achilles says that the next location must have something to do with the Trojan War then, before suggesting a museum, or stables because of the Trojan horse. The mention of stables causing Patroclus to remember that the riding school he went to as a kid was called Trojan Stables, as the owner was Greek and born in Sparta, which lies on the site of the original Ancient Sparta - of which the king of was the reason for the Trojan War. The trio decide to go there the next morning, as it had been a long day for them all (with Patroclus commenting quietly that it had been an especially tiring day for Achilles), and that they'll head out after breakfast.
  • Patroclus says that he'll try to heal some of his injuries before he goes to sleep, and Achilles replies that he'll head to be immediately as his legs were sore - causing Patroclus to comment that he wonders why. Patroclus then tells Aofie to try and eat something before she goes to sleep, and that he'll take first watch as he was staying up a bit to heal his remaining injuries. Aofie mentions that she was still confused as to what Pasithea meant by saying that the quest would bring up unresolved past trauma and the challenge would help to prepare them, and that she wasn't looking forward to what awaited them. Patroclus replies that he wasn't either but they had no choice, and he's also curious as to why Mnemosyne sent them on the quest and chose them three specifically.
  • Aofie finally heads to bed, and Achilles tells Patroclus that he'll take second watch and Patroclus replies that he'll wake him in a few hours, in that case, before Achilles says that he wasn't going to go to sleep yet as he wants to be with Patroclus a bit longer. Patroclus reluctantly lets Achilles stay up for a bit longer before going over to cuddle with him after Achilles asks him to. They soon end up kissing again and Patroclus starts teasing him once more after the kiss gets heated. Achilles tries to say that Aofie was sleeping nearby but Patroclus just tells him that he'll have to stay quiet enough for her not to hear him then, and they quickly have sex again. Afterwards, Achilles finally agrees to go to sleep, as he was very sore and tired now.

Fourth Day of the Quest

  • The next morning, Patroclus tries to get Achilles to eat breakfast but Achilles refuses, and Patroclus tells him he needs to eat later then. As they eat, Patroclus mentions that he misses camp, and misses having a proper bed to 'sleep in'. Achilles asks him if he misses having a bed to only sleep in, and Patroclus tells him that he misses having a bed for other reasons but that the reasons aren't appropriate for civilised conversation, especially when were others around who weren't aware of the situation. Aofie joins them and asks what they were whispering about but Patroclus tells her it was nothing, although Aofie doesn't believe him. Aofie then manages to convince Achilles to eat by threatening mild violence, to which Patroclus adds that she would definitely follow through on her threat and that Achilles shouldn't test her.
  • Patroclus says that Achilles should see someone about his eating problem, before lowering his voice so that Aofie couldn't hear and adding that he loves Achilles for everything he is but Achilles' eating habits weren't healthy. Achilles asks if they were really that concerning and Patroclus tells him that he doesn't think he's ever seen Achilles eat when at the dining pavilion, and that he's seen Achilles naked and no one should be that skinny. He tells Achilles that Achilles doesn't have to do anything he doesn't want to do, but that he's worried. Achilles agrees to eat more if Patroclus is that worried, but refuses to see someone about his problems with eating.
  • Patroclus suggests getting some proper food that night back in the city as they still had a bit of money left, and that they should probably sleep outside again for Aofie's sake, although he would like to sleep in a proper bed once more before they have to head back to the camp. He then says that they should get the third object and some food in the city and spend that night in a motel before meeting up with Mnemosyne the next day to give her the objects, and then spend the rests of their nights on the way back to camp outside in the forest - as that suited everyone's wants.
  • Patroclus says that the third object will likely have a clue to where they could find Mnemosyne as the first object had a clue to the second and the second to the third. Achilles moves closer, whispering in Patroclus' ear that what he suggested about the third object was great and all, but would they be sharing a room again in the motel, before adding that they can enjoy everything in a proper bed if they did. Patroclus replies that he was thinking the same thing and was why he suggested staying in a motel that night.
  • Afterwards, they quickly pack everything up and set off for the stables. When they arrive, they split up again and search for the object like they did at the museum. This time Achilles finds it, with the object being a laurel wreath - like the one had received when the won the races the original Patroclus' father, Menoitius, had held when Achilles had been a child in his past life. He isn't able to find any clue to Mnemosyne's whereabouts, however, and rejoins Patroclus and Aofie after he finds it. He show the wreath to Patroclus and Aofie when he reaches them, and Patroclus asks him if he blacked out, but Achilles says he didn't. Patroclus comments that it's strange, but more convenient for them and Achilles teasingly replies that he can fake it if it meant that Patroclus would be taking care of him. Patroclus answers that he wouldn't do so even in Achilles' dreams as Aofie was with them, but also winks at him, subtly enough that Aofie wouldn't see.
  • Achilles suggests going back to the motel and Patroclus and Aofie agree. On the way there, Achilles comments that he hopes the beds will be comfortable and Patroclus replies that they'll be as comfortable as cheap beds in the cheapest room of the cheapest motel could be. Achilles moves closer and once again whispers in his ear so that Aofie couldn't hear, and says that he's sure they'll be comfortable so long as Patroclus is there. The three of them eventually make it back to the motel and Patroclus gets them a couple of rooms. On the way to their rooms, Achilles mentions that it's been a relaxing day, if tiring, as no one blacked out and Patroclus agrees that it is nice to have a break but that he also feels like something even more chaotic is coming. Achilles says that he feels that way too, and he hates it, and Patroclus replies that they'll just have to cross that bridge when they get to it.
  • They decide to head to their rooms and rest up before getting together again later to talk about what they'll do next while they get something to eat. Aofie says goodbye and heads to her room and Patroclus turns to Achilles, asking if they should go to theirs. Achilles says they should and that he hopes that it'll be just one big bed in the room. Patroclus asks why, and Achilles responds that Patroclus already knows why before telling Patroclus that he wants Patroclus to fuck him when Patroclus says that he wants to hear Achilles say his reason anyway - even if he already knew. Patroclus replies that such a thing can be arranged and he hurriedly drags Achilles to their room when Achilles begs him to do so quickly then.
  • Achilles teasingly asks if he's eager and Patroclus replies that he's very eager, particularly to see Achilles a broken mess beneath him on the bed. Achilles responds that he's not going to make it easy for Patroclus and he won't submit easily, prompting Patroclus to go rougher on him. Patroclus teases him for a bit, moving to do so roughly like Achilles likes, making him beg for Patroclus to fuck him and break him before Patroclus finally gives him.
  • After they finish, Patroclus tells him to get some rest, but Achilles replies that he's not sleepy yet and wants to cuddle as he missed having Patroclus like this. Patroclus agrees to cuddle before laying beside him and holding him closer with Achilles snuggling into him. Achilles asks how Patroclus is and Patroclus answers that he's perfectly okay, and much happier then the day before - especially as he has the guy he loves in his arms. Achilles replies that he's glad and likes seeing Patroclus happy and Patroclus says that Achilles makes him the happiest he's been in a long time. Patroclus asks if Achilles is happy and Achilles replies that he is when he's with Patroclus.
  • They get into an affectionate argument over who loves who more before Achilles asks Patroclus to prove that he loves Achilles more than Achilles loves him by kissing him and Patroclus immediately complies. The kiss quickly gets heated and Patroclus tells him that he should rest, although he doesn't stop kissing Achilles despite what he said. Achilles replies that he's not tired yet and he's not that sore. Patroclus asks if he's sure, and Achilles says that he is before asking for more kisses, which Patroclus quickly gives. The kiss grows heated quickly again, before Achilles begins teasing Patroclus this time round, also roughly as Patroclus liked it rough too, until Patroclus begged Achilles to fuck him enough for Achilles' satisfaction.
  • Afterwards, Patroclus asks if Achilles thinks Aofie heard them, and Achilles replies that she definitely did but they can just play it off as Patroclus having a one-night-stand with someone he met at the stables. Achilles says it makes him jealous to think about, but that they had no choice as Achilles kept screaming and moaning Patroclus' name loudly. Patroclus questions the jealousy part, and Achilles replies that he should be the only person who gets to see Patroclus' like this. Patroclus responds that he will be the only person and Achilles says that he's glad, as no one else should have the privilege. Patroclus comments that it's hot when Achilles gets possessive and Achilles replies that he might do it more often then for Patroclus' entertainment.
  • Achilles then compliments Patroclus and tells Patroclus to thank him in kisses when Patroclus tries to thank him for the compliment. Patroclus quickly agrees and the kiss once again gets heated before Patroclus starts teasing Achilles again, and they have sex for the third time (helped by the fact that they're both fans for overstimulation and heightened sensitivity). Afterwards, Achilles finally says that he's all fucked out for the day and too tired to continue and asks Patroclus to pull out. Patroclus replies that he would if Achilles let go of him long enough for him to (as Achilles had both his arms and legs wrapped around Patroclus still) and Achilles reluctantly loosens his grip on Patroclus. Achilles then snuggles into Patroclus once Patroclus had laid down on the bed, asking if Patroclus wouldn't mind not having sex for the rest of the night as Achilles needed a break after being fucked so many times.
  • Patroclus replies that he doesn't mind as he was sure he had told Achilles that he should rest earlier but Achilles didn't listen to him before telling Achilles to sleep. Achilles says he will if Patroclus promises to sleep too and Patroclus promises he will. They soon fall asleep in each other's arms.

Fifth Day of the Quest

  • The next morning, Patroclus wakes up first and tries to wake Achilles, telling him that they need to take a shower as they were still all sticky from the night before. Achilles tells him that they could be even stickier if Patroclus wanted in his still half-asleep state but Patroclus told him that he would consider it if Achilles repeated that when he was fully awake before repeating that they had to get into the shower. Patroclus agrees to carry Achilles into the bathroom and sets him down in the bath before asking if Achilles wanted him to wash him. Achilles agrees but tells him that he can't promise he wouldn't get turned on. Patroclus replies that it's okay if he did as Patroclus could just use his hand to help with it as Achilles needed a break that lasted longer than one night. Achilles replies that he loves that as he loves Patroclus' hands and that he should definitely do that. Patroclus replies that he will then before starting to tease Achilles again, denying Achilles when Achilles first begs him to stop teasing. He tells Achilles to stop tempting him when Achilles starts grinding again him (... i actually typed this) as the whole point of not fucking Achilles was to give him a rest and if Achilles kept tempting him then he wouldn't go easy on Achilles. Achilles continues to tempt him, however, telling him that he wants Patroclus to fuck him now. Patroclus finally gives him but not before telling him that it'll be his funeral.
  • Afterwards, Patroclus asks if Achilles is sore and Achilles says he is but it was worth it before Patroclus tells him that he should rest while Patroclus cleaned them up and got everything ready for them to go and meet up with Aofie. Achilles tells him that he's not that sore and that he can help and Patroclus shouldn't have to do all the work alone, and Patroclus reluctantly agrees to let Achilles help. Achilles says that he hopes they can finish the quest that day so they can get back to camp as soon as possible and get some proper rest before saying that he missed having Patroclus in his bed when Patroclus mentions missing his bed. Patroclus replies that he does miss Achilles' bed more than his own when he thought about it, and Achilles comments that Patroclus did spend most of his time in his cabin and Patroclus responds that it's because he was staying at the Hermes cabin when they were originally together and it's impossible to find a time when there's no one there to fuck someone.
  • Achilles mentions that as soon as they get back to camp, they are going back to his cabin to fuck, pass out and sleep before saying that he also needs to break things off with Katie. Patroclus asks if Achilles wants him there with him and Achilles replies that he does as he need emotional support and Patroclus tells him that he'll be there as he wants to be there for Achilles.
  • They finally get out of the bath and get dressed before having a heated make-out session until Aofie arrives, saying that they'll continue the make-out session later. Achilles says that he doesn't know how he'll be able to act distant after all that happened the day and night before, and Patroclus replies that if Achilles doesn't think he'll be able to manage it then Patroclus could act distant instead as they were going with the excuse that Patroclus had a one-night-stand and Patroclus has prior experience in acting distant with others. Achilles tells him that Patroclus would have to reassure him later in that case, and Patroclus says that he will reassure him as much as he wants before telling him that no matter what he says or does that day that he loves Achilles. Patroclus suggests using him touching the bracelet he had been wearing since the museum as a sign of reassurance and a reminder that Patroclus is just acting, and Achilles agrees.
  • They then leave the room and join Aofie, with Patroclus using the excuse that Achilles didn't come back until that morning and spent ages in the shower. Aofie replies that if she didn't know any better, she'd say that Patroclus was fucking Achilles all night and Patroclus tells her that it's not what she thinks, and apologises for the fact that she had to hear all that but the guy he slept with, who he randomly named James, was very vocal. Aofie replies that he was very vocal and high-pitched and that she was jealous of Achilles that he didn't have to hear it. Patroclus tells her that he'll make it up to her, but that she should also be happy that he's moving on from 'that guy' (Achilles). Aofie responds that she didn't expect him to move on by fucking someone senseless and Patroclus replies that he's a young man with a lot of pent-up sexual frustration, so of course he would. He then comments that Aofie was very salty that morning, even if she had to listen to him fucking someone the night before.
  • Aofie replies that she's more salty because she got barely any sleep and had to listen to the moans of the guy Patroclus was fucking, before then imitating the moans she heard (which, last time we brought them, went - and I quote - like this: 'Oh Patroclus~ Harder~ Right there~!') before Patroclus tells her to stop and asks if she had to repeat it in a public corridor, although Aofie replies that she doubts anyone cares because everyone heard them last night. Patroclus tells her that she didn't have to repeat it, however, and could've just said she heard moaning and begging but Aofie tells him to take it as a form of small revenge.
  • Patroclus suggests just going to get something to eat for breakfast as they weren't getting anywhere with trying to figure out where Mnemosyne was and figures that she was likely watching them and would therefore show herself at some point during the day and they should just wait for her to do so. Patroclus then takes them to a nearby café. Patroclus tells Achilles to find them somewhere to sit while he and Aofie get their food before he goes over to the counter to order some pancakes and waffles for breakfast. Aofie asks if everything is okay with Patroclus and Achilles as she picked up on their interaction being weird. Patroclus tells her everything is fine, and that it's just awkward because Patroclus is moving on now. They then order their food and talk a bit about Achilles' bad eating habits and Aofie suggests Patroclus get someone in his cabin to talk to Achilles.
  • Aofie leaves to go to the bathroom once Patroclus is finished ordering and Patroclus goes over to where Achilles had chosen to sit, and is surpised to see an unfamiliar woman at the table as well. Achilles tells him to sit down next to him and Patroclus does, while saying that Aofie had gone to the bathroom after Achilles asks where she was. The woman says that they'll wait for her to return before they get into why she was there before introducing herself as Mnemosyne. She tells Achilles and Patroclus that they've done an amazing job at getting the objects so quickly, however she also says that she wasn't exactly trying to make it difficult for them so it's no surprise that they did.
  • Achilles asks why that is as quests are usually intentionally difficult, and Mnemosyne replies that it's because the quest was merely created to give to Patroclus something that he already should have already been given but hadn't because someone disagreed with the Fates and Aphrodite's decision that Patroclus should have this thing (his memories of his past life). Mnemosyne tells them that, against her better judgment, she let this person convince her not to follow the Fate's and Aphrodite's instructions, believing the person when she said that it would be the best thing for both Patroclus and Achilles, but that Mnemosyne recently realised that she had done more harm than good by withholding from Patroclus what was rightfully his, so she gave Patroclus the quest to restore it to him. She adds that Aofie would get something out of the quest as well, but that wasn't because Aofie was destined to have it and was actually because Mnemosyne felt that she should give it to Aofie as a peace offering after all the damage she had already caused.
  • Achilles asks if Mnemosyne will give Patroclus what he was destined to have when Aofie returns and if it will change anything. Mnemosyne answers that once Aofie returns, she'll let them eat and then take them somewhere more private so she could restore what is owed to Patroclus and Aofie, and that she can't say for sure if it would change anything but that she imagines it will and that she knows Pasithea has said a couple bits of helpful information - that Patroclus shouldn't focus too much on what's happened the past couple of months and that Achilles shouldn't take her gift for granted in the future as she was going against Thetis' wishes by doing so. She then adds that she supposes that the nature of the helpful advice was an indication that it would change things. Just then, Aofie joins them and asks why Mnemosyne is there and Mnemosyne replies that she's there to congratulate them on doing well on the quest and to give them their reward.
  • Mnemosyne tells them that if she could've, she would've just shown up at Camp Half-Blood and gave them the reward she would be giving them, but that the reason why she didn't do that is because if Patroclus and Aofie gained them through a quest then Mnemosyne could placate Thetis and say that Patroclus and Aofie earned the reward. Aofie asks why Achilles' mother is involved in this but Mnemosyne tells her it will become clear when they get given the reward. Aofie comments that it won't stop her from potentially punching Achilles and Mnemosyne tells her that she'll find that it'll be more difficult to follow through with that threat than Aofie thinks it will be. The food arrives and they quickly start eating, out of eagerness to learn what the reward would be. As they eat, Patroclus asks Mnemosyne if she could tell them why Thetis was involved, and Mnemosyne replies that she could but that it wouldn't make much sense to any of them, apart from Achilles, if she told them now rather than if she told them after they had been given the reward.
  • They quickly finish eating, and leave the café for the forest, where it was more secluded and private. On the way to the forest, Mnemosyne tells Achilles that she was going to ask him to leave for a few minues while Mnemosyne gave Patroclus and Aofie their reward. Achilles refuses, and starts to say that he can't leave Patroclus before changing it and saying that he can't just leave in general. Mnemosyne replies that the rewards were for Aofie and Patroclus' ears and eyes only, and that he can rejoin them after they receive the rewards, then, if Aofie and Patroclus choose to share with him what they received, then they can and will. Achilles reluctantly agrees as they reach a forest clearing that Mnemosyne says would work.
  • Mnemosyne gestures towards the edge of the clearing for Achilles to go and stand by so that he could still see them but wouldn't hear what they were saying. Achilles hesitates once more, glancing at Patroclus, before he walks away. Once he was far enough away, Mnemosyne turns to Patroclus and Aofie and says that it may be a little obvious, as the was the Goddess of Memory, but the rewards she had for them are their memories. Patroclus asks what memories she's talking about as he has all of his memories already, and Aofie adds that she doesn't recall ever having amnesia. Mnemosyne replies that they'll see what she means and if she just told them then they'd think she was crazy. She then adds that the reward is not without its own risk, as Patroclus has already waited for too long for the memories so Mnemosyne would give them all to him in one go, however the memories may cause them to go into a state of shock, and they may not recover from what they learn, and asks if they were willing to take the risk.
  • Aofie takes Patroclus to the side, and asks him if he’s sure about them accepting Mnemosyne’s offer as it was starting to sound dangerous. Patroclus replies that he thinks they should, and that he had been thinking something similar to what Mnemosyne was telling them since he had touched the bracelet and passed out. He says that he doesn’t remember the dream that he had anymore but that it didn’t feel like it was just a dream, and that it felt too familiar and too real. He tells Aofie that he thinks that it was a memory instead, a memory that might be included in what Mnemosyne shows them if Mnemosyne is telling them the truth. Aofie replies that she felt that way as well, and asks if Patroclus thought that what Mnemosyne told them was related to what Achilles had said two months before as he was the only one excluded. Patroclus says that the only way to know is to take Mnemosyne up on her offer.
  • Patroclus tells Mnemosyne that they’ll take the risk and that they would like their memories restored. Mnemosyne accepts their choice and restores to them their memories as Briseis and Patroclus Menoitiades. Once they are restored, Aofie drops to her knees in shock, crying. Patroclus remains standing but he is also crying and in shock. He whispers to himself, asking himself what had he done in regards to Achilles and the break up. He turns to call out to Achilles, but is unable to bring himself to speak. Mnemosyne advises that he give himself some time to process what he learnt as he needs to come to terms with it all himself before he talks to Achilles about it, and that he should remember Pasithea’s advice: that he didn’t know who he truly was or who Achilles was to him. She tells him not to beat himself up for what he did in this life.
  • Aofie mentions that it was horrible, that Achilles knew and endured all of this alone. Mnemosyne says that he wasn’t supposed to suffer it alone, that the Fates and Aphrodite had decided that Achilles and Patroclus would be allowed to remember their past lives when Aphrodite convinced them to reincarnate. She tells them that it was her responsibility as the goddess of memory to restore their memories when they turned twelve, and to do so while they were sleeping so that they could process them better, but Thetis convinced her when she went to give Patroclus his memories that it would be better for both Achilles and Patroclus if Patroclus didn’t remember. Mnemosyne explains that she thought it was strange but Thetis told her that Patroclus suffered so much in his past life that giving him back his memories would only cause him anguish and suffering and he would be better off not knowing, and Mnemosyne believed her, but when Aphrodite alerted Mnemosyne to all the damage she had caused, Mnemosyne decided that she had to right her mistake and just suffer through Thetis’ wrath.
  • Aofie asks if it was Thetis trying to separate them again, but says Achilles was dating Katie now so it made no sense. Patroclus replies that Katie might be Deidameia, and Aofie says that she thought Achilles chose Katie himself before Patroclus tells her that Achilles said that his mother suggested he date Katie. Aofie then realised that it really was Thetis trying to separate them before mentioning the situation that happened between the two of them two months before. Patroclus says that it was his fault, and that Achilles was only open to dating Katie because he pushed Achilles away. Aofie tries to reassure him and tell him that he didn’t know, but Patroclus replies that not knowing doesn’t erase what he did to Achilles. Aofie asks if he’s going to tell Achilles, and Patroclus says that he’s not sure yet.
  • Aofie says that Patroclus has to tell him, especially when Patroclus said he was moving on from Achilles. Patroclus says he will, but he needs to wrap his his head around all the new information first. Aofie instead tells him to talk to Achilles when they return to camp as Achilles deserves to know, and Patroclus promises that he will. Aofie asks if this means that Patroclus is no longer moving on, and says that she wanted him to move on before but now the situation is different. Patroclus then admits that the guy Aofie heard him having sex with the night before was actually Achilles and not some one-night-stand. Aofie exclaims that something did happen between them and Patroclus tells her about what happened at the house with Pasithea after he refused to do the challenge. Aofie replies that it’s even more necessary that Patroclus tells Achilles as it could change everything for the better.
  • Patroclus once again says he will, and Aofie apologises for everything she said about the two of them. Patroclus tells her that it’s okay, as it’s not like she had a reason to like him even in their past lives. Aofie asks how she’s supposed to look at Achilles now and that she doesn’t want to pretend she doesn’t know anything. Patroclus tells her that he won’t make her hide the truth from Achilles if she wants to tell him, even if Patroclus chooses not to yet, but Aofie says that she won’t say anything until Patroclus has. Aofie asks if he’s happy with Achilles and Patroclus tells her he is, and that it feels right with Achilles. Aofie admits that she won’t be punching Achilles after all, but May lightly slap him, and Patroclus mentions that Mnemosyne did say that something would stop her from punching him.
  • Mnemosyne then tells Achilles that he can re-join them now. Achilles asked how it went and Patroclus replies that it went well and that Mnemosyne gave them a lot to think about. The three of them agree that they should rest for the day and start heading back to camp tomorrow, and Patroclus tells Achilles that Aofie knows about them. Achilles asks what Aofie thinks and Aofie replies that she's fine with it, and that Patroclus told her he was happy with Achilles and that she would never take that away from him, but does promise him that if he hurt Patroclus then she would punch Achilles. Patroclus tells Aofie that they'll try not to traumatise her, and Aofie thanks him for that before commenting that she does feel like a third-wheel now. Mnemosyne then says that she should be leaving, and asks to speak to Achilles in private first. She leads him over to the edge of the clearing before Achilles asks what was going on. Mnemosyne replies that she just wanted to tell him that he has every right to get angry with Thetis for trying to get in the way, but that he shouldn't let himself get too angry, that she may have been misguided but she was only doing what she thought was best for Achilles and that the blame is partially on Mnemosyne anyway.
  • Achilles replies that he's just angry that Thetis tried to separate them again, and the he'd thought she would have realised that nothing will keep them apart by now. Mnemosyne tells him that Thetis has high hopes for him and she doesn't include Patroclus in that list, and that he should just take comfort in the fact that it didn't work. Achilles responds that he still has to talk to her about it and that it can't keep going like this. Mnemosyne says that it's completely fair of him to do so, but just to try and not get too angry with her. She then wishes Achilles good luck. Achilles thanks her for what she did, even though he wasn't sure what she gave Patroclus and Aofie. Mnemosyne says that she only gave Patroclus what was rightfully his and that Aphrodite had no part in Patroclus not remembering, that she did intend to keep the promise she gave when she convinced Patroclus and Achilles to reincarnate and she did truly want them to be able to have a second chance at happiness - but also that Aphrodite wouldn't make things easy for them and that she would occasionally throw things at them to help their bond grow stronger.
  • Achilles replies that things have never been easy for them anyway so they'll handle it. Mnemosyne also tells him that Patroclus would likely have a lot of apologising that he feels he needs to do. She tells Achilles that he should humour Patroclus and allow him to apologise, even if Achilles feels that he doesn't need to. She says that Patroclus will feel it's something he has to do so Achilles needs to humour him, allow him to apologise, accept the apologies, and forgive him if Patroclus shows that he needs or wants him to. Achilles replies that he understands and Mnemosyne then leaves.
  • Achilles returns to Patroclus and Aofie, and Patroclus asks what Mnemosyne wanted to talk about, but Achilles tells him that it was just about his mother and that's all. They then decide to set up camp in the clearing they're in and start setting up the campfire. Achilles mentions that he's glad that they're finally going to be heading back to camp and that he missed his bed, but particularly missed having Patroclus in it. He tells Patroclus that he misses seeing Patroclus broken and whining but Patroclus questions if he'll be the one broken as it's usually Achilles. Achilles replies that he's trying to be the dominant one, and Patroclus says that Achilles should make him submit then.
  • Achilles and Patroclus then start cuddling by the fire, and Achilles asks if Patroclus is tired. Patroclus answers that he is mentally, as Mnemosyne essentially dropped a bomb on Aofie and him and it was a lot to take in. Achilles asks if there was anything he could do to help Patroclus process it and Patroclus replies that he has to process it on his own, but that he wouldn't mind a distraction. Achilles offers cuddles and kisses and Patroclus says that he'd like that. Achilles moves to lean against a tree and gestures for Patroclus to sit on his lap and cuddle with him, which Patroclus eagerly does. While cuddling Patroclus starts apologising for what he said before (like how Mnemosyne said he would) and Achilles takes Mnemosyne's advices and humours him, allowing him to apologise and telling Patroclus that he forgives him. Achilles tells Patroclus that he loves him and Patroclus returns the feeling before Achilles tells him to get some rest. Patroclus agrees to so long as Achilles holds him while he does, and Achilles promises he will.
  • They get into another affectionate debate over who loves who most before Achilles asks Patroclus to prove he's right however Patroclus wants. Patroclus replies that he can't do it the way he wants to because Aofie is awake, and Achilles asks how inappropriate the thing Patroclus wants to do is. Patroclus whispers in his ear that he wants Achilles to fuck him until he's begging Achilles to stop. Achilles suggests that they could do so once Aofie goes to sleep, but Patroclus decides to start teasing him immediately until Achilles eventually carries Patroclus deeper into the forest, far enough away that Aofie wouldn't see them or hear them before Achilles begins to tease Patroclus instead and Patroclus tells him to fuck him until he's broken, which Achilles quickly follows through with. Afterwards, they head back to the camp and cuddle by the fire before slowly falling asleep.

A few days after the end of the quest

  • Achilles, Aofie and Patroclus finally reach the bottom of Half-Blood Hill, but before they can enter the camp, they're attacked by a hellhound. One pins Patroclus down and Patroclus tells Aofie to go and get help while he and Achilles fight it off. Patroclus manages to get the hellhound off him and Achilles starts attacking it while Patroclus shoots at it with his bow.
  • The helhound then pounces on Achilles and pins him down. Someone shouts Achilles' name, but it wasn't Patroclus and was instead a girl's voice, distracting the hellhound long enough for Patroclus to shoot it with an arrow and kill it.
  • Achilles get back up, and discovers that the voice belonged to Katie, expressing displeasure that she was there. Patroclus ignores her presence and goes to walk over and check on Achilles, but Katie makes it first, skidding down the hill and hugging him, asking him if he's okay. Achilles reluctantly hugs back before saying he's fine.
  • Patroclus choose instead to go over to Chiron and Aofie, and thanks them for getting there in time - even if Patroclus managed to end the hellhound himself. Chiron replies that there was no need to thanks and he wishes they arrived sooner to help.
  • Patroclus tells Chiron that Mnemosyne gave him and Aofie back their memories and Chiron asks him if he recognises Achilles now. Patroclus responds that a part of him wishes he didn't after everything he did to Achilles. He tells Chiron that he hasn't told Achilles yet so Chiron shouldn't mention anything. Chiron asks if he's going to tell him eventually and Patroclus says he just needs some time.
  • Patroclus says he'll go and get some rest as Achilles needs to talk to Katie and tells Chiron that Achilles said he would break up with her. Chiron wishes him good luck with Katie before returning to the Big House.
  • Patroclus comments that it's strange seeing Chiron after so many years and wonders how Chiron learnt that he and Achilles died. Aofie suggests that he might have learnt through Thetis, or through word spreading through Greece as Achilles' death would have been a big event. Patroclus agrees and says that Chiron would've deduced from Achilles' death that Patroclus died too.
  • Patroclus tells Aofie about how he and Achilles studied under Chiron during their youth until Achilles was hidden away on Scyros, and even tells her about how he called himself Chironides, or son of Chiron, rather than Menoitiades, son of Menoitius, when he went looking for Achilles on Scyros.
  • Aofie asks if he had time to process all his memories and Patroclus replies that he's still working through the Trojan War memories and Aofie says that she's stuck on them too.
  • Patroclus comments that things were so complicated between the three of them back then and Aofie starts to bring up the topic of the feelings she had for Patroclus as Briseis. Patroclus tells her that they don't need to talk about it but Aofie just says that she wants to tell him that she doesn't feel the same way anymore despite her memories and that she hopes it won't be awkward between them - to which Patroclus tells her it won't.
  • Patroclus tells her he understands and he doesn't suddenly expect her to be bi, and that even if she was, she has a girlfriend and Patroclus has Achilles.
  • Patroclus heads to the Apollo cabin to get some rest while Achilles talks to Katie. He takes her to the forest to talk in private before telling her that he was breaking up with her, and that he doesn't love her and never did - that he was only with her because his mother suggested it and that he instead loves Patroclus and always has.
  • Katie expresses shock that Achilles is leaving her for the camp loner andd tells him that she won't let him break up with her when Thetis promised her that she'd get to date him.
  • Achilles tells Katie that Patroclus swore on the river Styx so she has to let him go because Achilles couldn't bear to see Patroclus die (again). Katie tells him that he can see Patroclus in secret but that she will not be dumped for a guy when Thetis promised her - especially not Patroclus, the camp's resident asshole.
  • Achilles asks if it's not worse for her if he stays with her despite not loving her and she replies that she has the camp's golden boy as her boyfriend so love her or not, the arrangement is a good one for her.
  • Achilles says that it's not fair that he has to see Patroclus in secret - but Katie tells him she doesn't care and she's not going to change her mind, that he either sees Patroclus in secret or not at all. She says it's the best thing for Patroclus as well as Patroclus hates everyone and wouldn't be able to handle the social elevation that would come with being with Achilles.
  • Achilles finally relents at this, but tells her that he would be seeing Patroclus every night. Katie tells him she doesn't care so long as no one sees him.
  • Achilles then goes to find Patroclus and tell him what happened. Patroclus replies that it's fine and that he won't be going anywhere and they have plenty of time to figure something out. Achilles says that he doesn't want to keep acting distant again and Patroclus tells him that they don't have to. They may not be able to act romantic in public by they could still act like close friends.
  • Achilles asks if Patroclus will come to the Thetis cabin every night and Patroclus says Achilles would have a harder time keeping him out.
  • They then go back to the Thetis cabin to fuck in Achilles' proper and comfortable bed.


  • Patroclus starts to grow distant from Achilles because of the fact that Katie was still hanging off him and Katie reminded Patroclus of Deidameia. He starts skipping meals with the rest of the camp and eating alone as he hated seeing Katie hanging off Achilles' arm. He continues to visit Achilles every night but some nights can only think of Katie showing Achilles off like a prized horse - so some night they don't have sex and just cuddle together and sleep.
  • At the same time, he spends the two months since the quest ends writing down all his memories into a book (The Song of Achilles) so he could organise them and process them better.
  • Achilles goes to visit Patroclus as he hadn't seen Patroclus around camp much during the day anymore. Patroclus tells him that he misses Achilles and Achilles comments that he wasn't at lunch that day. Patroclus replies that he just didn't feel very hungry at lunctime but was eating now, and that his daily cycle was just fucked up so he wasn't hungry at the camp mealtimes anymore.
  • Achilles replies that it's not like him and Patroclus usually drags him to lunch and Patroclus says he can get away with not going to lunch because Achilles is usually busy elsewhere - and the reason he's busy usually ends up dragging him to lunch anyway so Achilles still ends up not being able to skip. And that at least when Patroclus skips lunch, he does still get some food to eat whereas Patroclus drags Achilles to lunch because he doesn't trust Achilles to eat if he doesn't.
  • Achilles says it's still strange for Patroclus to skip lunch as even if he's not hungry, he usually still goes to sit with Aofie. Patroclus replies that maybe he's fighting with Aofie but Achilles doubts it as he would've known if they were.
  • Patroclus asks if he would've as he's surprised that Achilles can notice anything other than Katie with how much she's in his face all the time. Achilles replies that he notices everything even if Katie is dragging him everywhere. He asks if he did something wrong as Patroclus is acting different.
  • Patroclus replies that Achilles didn't do anything wrong and everything is fine, he's just got a lot on his mind and he's still processing the quest while avoiding the campers who suddenly want to talk to him now that he was chosen for a quest.
  • That night, Patroclus visits Achilles again and they fuck a couple of times before going to bed.


  • Patroclus finishes writing his book and finishes processing all the memories. He starts getting more and more bothered by Katie and more and more reminded of Deidameia when he sees her, and starts getting annoyed and irritated that he has to be with Achilles in secrets while hearing the other campers say how perfect of a couple Achilles and Katie make.
  • He starts avoiding Achilles because he wants to avoid Katie and she's always with him. Achilles goes looking for him one day and finds him down by the beach. Patroclus hides from him at first and almost manages to get away without being seen but a dryad sent by Aofie pushes him backwards when he tries to run off into the forest and causes him to fall back onto the beach.
  • Achilles asks if they can talk and Patroclus reluctantly agrees to, asking what it's about. Achilles says that Patroclus knows exactly what he wants and asks why he keeps avoiding him, but Patroclus denies doing so.
  • Achilles tells him that he is and that he hasn't seen Patroclus around camp during the day and that he even feels distant at night. Patroclus finally cracks and says that he's getting sick of only being able to touch Achilles and have him in secret, that maybe he's sick of seeing her (meaning Deidameia rather than Katie) hanging off his arm, and listening to everyone talk about how they're a perfect couple - especially when no one spoke about them like that even when they were together publicly back several months back.
  • Achilles tells him that avoiding him won't fix any of that and Patroclus replies that he's not avoiding him, he's avoiding her, and that she is everywhere he is nowadays and he can't even get a single moment alone with him during the day without her ruining it, and adds that he is sick of her being constantly there.
  • Achilles asks why Patroclus didn't tell him and that they could've done something before Patroclus asks what they could possibly have done when Katie won't let him go. Achilles tells him they could've found something but Patroclus chose to run and hide instead
  • Patroclus turns to leave and tells him to forget it and that he doesn't understand, and how could he when he doesn't know everything before saying that he refuses to be around her and that he hates her and won't just stand there and smile and act like he doesn't. Achilles stops him by grabbing his wrist and asks him what he means by that he doesn't know everything and asks what Patroclus is hiding from him.
  • Patroclus tries to pull his wrist out of his grip and says that it doesn't matter but Achilles tightens his hold and replies that it does matter before asking again what the fuck Patroclus was hiding. Patroclus tells him to let go and that it's none of his business and that it is between him and himself to deal with.
  • Achilles says that it's clearly bothering Patroclus and is the reason he's avoiding Achilles and asks why he isn't telling him. Patroclus replies that it doesn't matter and his problem is with her. Achilles tells him to just fucking talk to him and that it isn't hard.
  • Patroclus asks if Achilles wants him to tell him that he hates Katie with every fibre of his soul because the whole situation reminds him of the very worst part of his life. Achilles asks what part of his life does Katie remind him of and says that he gets that Katie is annoying and that he hates her too but that she isn't so bad that she ruins Patroclus' life.
  • Patroclus replies that he has no idea what he's on about and he has never had any idea. Achilles snaps at him and tells him to talk to him instead of just fucking mocking him, and that it makes him feel like Patroclus doesn't trust him and that Achilles is walking with a blindfold. Patroclus replies that he does trust Achilles and he's not mocking him and that none of this has anything to do with Achilles.
  • Achilles replies that if it's about Patroclus and is bothering Patroclus then it does have something to do with him, before asking why Patroclus hates Katie so fucking much. Patroclus retorts by asking why doesn't Achilles and Achilles answers that he dislikes her but doesn't absolutely hate her and this isn't entirely Katie's fault so blaming her is wrong.
  • Patroclus snaps then and says that there's no way he couldn't hate her when she reminds him of Deidameia and that is he sick of the world trying to keep them apart and that she is a part of it. However, Achilles, in his anger, doesn't hear everything Patroclus says and misses him mentioning Deidameia's name.
  • Achilles continues the argument by telling Patroclus that it wasn't so hard to be honest, and Patroclus realises that Achilles didn't properly hear what he said. He asks him if that's all he has to say and Achilles asks him what else was there to say.
  • Patroclus asks if Achilles even heard what he says and Achilles tells him that he heard Patroclus say that he hates Katie because she's separating them, but not that she reminds Patroclus of Deidameia. Patroclus tells Achilles to shut up, surprising Achilles, before Patroclus pins him against a tree.
  • He repeats to Achilles that he should shut up, and that he missed the most important part of what he said. Achilles says that he should tell him then but Patroclus instead kisses him, and Achilles responds after a moment of pause.
  • Patroclus breaks the kiss a few moments later before repeating that Katie reminds him of Deidameia. Achilles pauses in shock, and Patroclus tells him that he remembers everything.
  • Achilles asks him to tell him that he wasn't lying, and that he shouldn't play with Achilles emotions, and Patroclus tells him that he's telling the truth and that Mnemosyne restored his and Aofie's memories on the quest.
  • Achilles asks him to tell him something only the original Patroclus would know and Patroclus tells him about their first meeting and how he hated him at first, and that he made Achilles bring him to his lessons because he didn't want to go to spear practice with the other boys and Achilles refused to lie to his father because he didn't like to lie - and that Achilles played his mother's lyre.
  • Achilles finally believes he's telling the truth and hugs him tightly, his eyes watering. Patroclus hugs back and confirms that it is him and that he's back. Achilles says that he thought Patroclus would never remember him and Patroclus apologises for trying to make him think he was wrong about him being a reincarnation, but that he was there now and wasn't going anywhere.
  • Achilles told him that he couldn't have known and that it didn't matter in the end as Achilles loves him with or without his memories. Achilles then asks Patroclus to kiss him and Patroclus immediately complies.
  • They break the kiss after a moment and Achilles starts tearfully apologising for not protecting Patroclus back during the war, but Patroclus tells him that it's okay and that it was his decision. He says that Achilles did everything he could and that Achilles told him to stay on the beach, to not fight, to only force the Trojans out of the camp, but that Patroclus chose to throw spears at them, chose to follow them bck to the walls of Troy, chose not to listen to Achilles and paid the price for it. He then adds that he wished Achilles hadn't gone after Hector, however, as he wanted Achilles to live and the that was the whole point of not killing Hector the ten years that they were at Troy.
  • Achilles replies that there was no point in living if Patroclus wasn't beside him and that he was blinded by rage and in so much pain as Patroclus was the only good thing in his life and he lost him. Patroclus tells him that he hated that Achilles was sent to the Underworld without him, and Achilles says that he hated it too and looked for him everywhere when he got there. Patroclus promises to tell him the story another time (knowing that he had finished writing down the book of his memories)
  • Achilles asks him not to leave his side again, and Patroclus promises not to and that he'd be right there beside him forever. He then adds that Achilles should talk to Aofie soon, however, and tells Achilles that Aofie is Briseis reincarnated after Achilles asks him who she is. Achilles replies that her hate of him makes sense now and Patroclus reassures him and says that she doesn't hate him anymore, but that she may be wary of Achilles.
  • Achilles says he's glad as he doesn't want Aofie to hate him even if she has every right too. Patroclus tries to refute that, but does admit he's right as Achilles did give her to Agamemnon. Achilles says that maybe he should've killed Agamemnon instead and Patroclus tells him that he would've turned the entirety of Greece against him if he had and he still would't have regained the honour Agamemnon stole from him.
  • Achilles admits that Patroclus has a point before saying that maybe Agamemnon had reincarnated too, and that if he had and Achilles managed to find him, then he could kill him in this life. Patroclus tells him not to as murder is bad but Achilles replies that he can't say that to him after Achilles has killed so many people. Patroclus says that was different as that was war, and that he wasn't happy about that either - but understood that Achilles didn't have any other choice and that Achilles enjoyed fighting, which is why he never said anything about it.
  • Achilles asks how Patroclus tolerated him back then and Patroclus replies that he did so because he loved him more than he hated the war, and that he couldn't bare to see Achilles disappointed or hurt by his discomfort over killing.
  • Achilles replies that Patroclus still did so much for him and he didn't deserve it, but Patroclus tells him not to say that as he wasn't in the habit of loving people who didn't deserve it (neither in his past life nor the current one) and that he loved Achilles because Achilles was everything good in the world; he was honest, kind, caring, and became Patroclus' Therapon despite everything Achilles knew about him, that he didn't care that Patroclus had killed a boy or that he was rude. And that, yes, Achilles thought in the war against Troy because of the prophecy in the end but that he was willing to go anyway if Patroclus had to because of his oath to Helen.
  • Achilles replies that Patroclus can't say all that and not expect him to cry as his eyes start to water.
  • Achilles mentions that he could feel his mother glaring at him and Patroclus replies that they've never cared about what Thetis thought before so what did it matter. Achilles responds that he still let Thetis talk him into dating Katie, and Patroclus tells him that he was hurt and it was okay, and that Patroclus doesn't blame him.
  • Achilles replies that he didn't care if he was hurt or not so long as Patroclus was happy, but agreed to date Katie because he hated seeing Patroclus with the Dionysus kid and seeing how the DIonysus kid made him laugh, and that it made his blood boil. Patroclus asks if he was jealous, and Achilles says he was as he thinks he should be the only one by Patroclus' side.
  • Patroclus says that it's adorable, and admits that his fling with the Dionysus kid was fun, that he was good in bed and a good temporary distraction, but that Patroclus never saw him as anything more than that. Achilles narrows his eyes at that and whispers in his ear that he's still better than the Dionysus kid and that no one can make a mess of Patroclus like he can.
  • Patroclus admits that he's right, and it's Achilles when Achilles asks him to tell him who pleases him best. Achilles begins teasing him, fuelled by his jealousy to fuck Patroclus until he was broken and erase all trace of the Dionysus kid from him.
  • Patroclus asks if now would be a good time to tell Achilles all he and the Dionysus kid did together and Achilles demands that he does. Patroclus asks if he's sure he wants to hear everything and Achilles replies that he does, before suggesting that they go back to his cabin.
  • On the way there, Achilles spots the Dionysus kid, who also spots them (however Patroclus doesn't see him) and Achilles glares at him, making sure to tease Patroclus a littlw ehile the Dionysus kid was watching. The Dionysus kid glares back at Achiles before disappearing into the DIonysus cabin, and Achilles proudly continues to lead Patroclus bakc to his cabin.
  • Once there, he pushes Patroclus on to the bed before telling him to explain everything he did with the Dionysus kid, and Patroclus tells him how the Dionysus kid like to touch him and found his weak spots easily. Achilles joins him on the bed, before telling him to continue, and Patroclus goes on to say that the Dionysus kid like to kiss him to, and liked the noises Patroclus made whenever he kissed Patroclus' chest.
  • Achilles moves on top of Patroclus while asking how many times Patroclus slept with him and Patroclus fails to answer at first, already losing focus from arousal but Achilles tells him that he asked him a question and Patroclus finally answers that they slept together twenty times.
  • Achilles tells him that he can forget getting a lighter punishment then. Patroclus questions the punishment aspect, and Achilles tells him that all of this can't go unpunished but that if he behaves, Achilles will lessen his punishment before saying that he'll clean Patroclus of the Dionysus kid's filfth forever and that he'll make sure he's the only one who could ever please Patroclus once Patroclus promises to be good.
  • Achilles then starts teasing Patroclus while asking if the Dionysus kid was the one usually fucking Patroclus or if it was the other way around. Patroclus tells him that he was usually the one getting fucked and Achilles responds that Patroclus wouldn't be leaving his bed with the ability to walk then.
  • He tells Patroclus that he'll make sure he's the only one Patroclus can ever think about before continuing to tease him more. Patroclus then says that the Dionysus kid like to make him beg as well and Achilles tells him to show him how he begged then, which Patroclus immediately does, begging for Achilles to fuck him - but Achilles denies him and continues teasing him roughly, saying that Patroclus can handle a little bit of teasing first
  • He tells Patroclus to convince him to fuck him, and to do so by showing Achilles how Patroclus pleasures and prepares himself for Achilles when Patroclus asks how he should convince Achilles. He continues roughly teasing Patroclus at the same time as Patroclus teases himself before Patroclus finally does what Achilles asked him to do - which is swiftly followed by Achilles fucking him (making sure to be rought with it too)
  • Afterwards, they cuddle in bed. Achilles says that he hopes he didn't take it too far as he never expected that they would have jealous and possessive sex, but Patroclus tells him that he enjoyed it and Achilles asks if he would like to do it more often - to which Patroclus tells him that he does want to.
  • Patroclus asks if Achilles remembers when they used to sleep all cuddled up like they were now back when they were on Mt. Pelion, and Achilles replies that he does remember and that he loved those moments so much and that they meant the world to him.
  • After talking a little while longer, they share another kiss that soon gets heated and leads into Patroclus roughly teasing Achilles this time before finally fucking him.


  • On Christmas Day, Patroclus reads the book he wrote about his memories to Achilles as a Christmas present - as there were pieces of his life and things that happened to him that Achilles didn't know about or witness, and the book allowed Achilles an insight to how Patroclus felt about the things they experienced together.