Main Plotline V.2

Post Trojan War

  • After Thetis allows Patroclus to join Achilles in the Underworld, Achilles and Patroclus spend two millennia together in peace in Elysium.
  • After the turn of the 21st Century, however, Achilles and Patroclus were visited in Elysium by Aphrodite, who asked if they wished to be reincarnated and be able to live together again in the world of the living in a time where being gay was more accepted.
  • Achilles initially refuses, not wanting to risk anything potentially getting in the way of them if they agree - especially since they would have to lose their memories by wading through the river Lethe to reincarnate. However, Aphrodite swears to them that she will have Mnemosyne restore their memories once they get old enough to handle them. She promises she has no ulterior motives and is doing this because their relationship was always her most outstanding creation, and they deserved a second chance at happiness.
  • After hearing this, Patroclus tries to convince Achilles, and Achilles eventually caves in and agrees.
  • Soon after, Achilles and Patroclus reincarnate, with a final promise to find the other.



  • Patroclus is reborn as Patroclus Calliades, the son of a Greek woman named Myra Calliade, believed to be the reincarnation of Menoitius, and the god Apollo - as Aphrodite told Apollo that he would be helping in her mission to give Achilles and Patroclus a second chance by fathering Patroclus; stating that he was going to do this for her as he owed it to Patroclus after causing his death, and then, afterwards, also Achilles's death.
  • Myra is told to name her son Patroclus by Apollo.
  • Patroclus is also initially unaware of his past life. While he was an ordinary mortal before, during the times of Ancient Greece, as a son of Apollo now, he also starts to develop godly powers during his childhood.



  • Achilles is reborn as Achilles Woods, the son of an American man named Jasper Woods, believed to be the reincarnation of Peleus and, once again, the goddess Thetis. He was raised by his mortal father, like in his past life. Thetis isn't initially aware of Aphrodite's entire plan, unaware that Aphrodite also reincarnated Patroclus and that she would be restoring their memories of their pasts. However, Aphrodite does tell her that Achilles will be reincarnating and asks if she wants to carry Achilles again. Thetis immediately agrees, despite having to have relations with a mortal again, and tells Jasper that her son will be called Achilles. And that she would also be coming back to collect him when he turned twelve.
  • For the first decade of his life, he isn't aware of his past life or being reincarnated, nor that he's a demigod. However, he slowly becomes aware of his powers as he grows up - different from his past life but still godly.



  • A hellhound attacks Patroclus and is subsequently saved by a satyr and another demigod - whom the satyr was tasked with collecting and was in the process of bringing back to Camp Half-Blood in America when they stumbled upon Patroclus. The satyr explains to him what he is, what the creature that attacked him was and that he would take Patroclus to Camp Half-Blood as well.
  • Patroclus hurries home to tell his mother about the camp and tells her he wants to go to learn more about his godly heritage. Myra, however, tells him that he's not going - that it was ridiculous and he would be living his life as a normal human whether he liked it or not.
  • Patroclus and Myra argue over the topic of Patroclus going to the camp. Eventually, Patroclus packs a bag and leaves with the satyr and the other demigod despite his mother's disagreement.
  • Once at the camp and settled in the Hermes cabin, Patroclus writes and sends his mother a letter, asking her how she and his younger sister are. In the letter, he also apologises and describes how he feels like he belongs at Camp Half-Blood before mentioning potentially being a summer camper and coming home for the school year. However, Myra sends the letter back unopened and never tries to contact him again. Before receiving the unopened letter back, and while waiting for a response from his mother, Patroclus befriends a gay dryad his age named Aofie, who was unknowingly the reincarnation of Hippodamia Briseis.
  • After receiving his unopened letter back from his mother, Patroclus shuts himself off from others (apart from Aofie) for a little while before he starts trying to open himself up again.



  • True to her word, Aphrodite had Mnemosyne visit Achilles at midnight on his twelfth birthday and restored to him his memories of his past life. Thetis discovers when she goes to collect Achilles like she had told his father she would, the day of his birthday, that he remembers everything, especially Patroclus, and finally realises Aphrodite's actual plan.
  • Thetis takes Achilles and brings him to Camp Half-Blood, where he could grow up safe and unharmed - unaware, at first, that Patroclus was already there. However, she only kept Achilles there during the summers and kept him down in Poseidon's domain with her during the rest of the year.
  • Although only spending summers at camp, Achilles quickly gained a reputation as being the golden boy of the camp, skilled in everything apart from archery (due to fears relating to how he died), and people would whisper frequently that he would likely be the hero of the next Great Prophecy - whenever that would come to be.


  • After two years of no word from his mother and seeing the days and weeks of not being claimed by his father turn into months and years (and not even being claimed on his thirteenth birthday like his father was sworn to do), Patroclus grows bitter and cold, hating everyone around him apart from Aofie and Chiron - who he had grown to consider a father. He would tell himself that he needed no one but himself and that he didn't care if others hated him because he hated them - although this was a lie, and he didn't sincerely hate everyone. This was merely his method of protecting himself.
  • Whereas Achilles gained a reputation as the camp's golden boy, Patroclus gained a reputation as the camp's loner, who hated everyone regardless of whether he had met them. He pushed away everyone who tried to get close to him and responded with sass, sarcasm, and smart-ass comments whenever someone tried to talk to him. He would try everything he could to make them leave him alone as soon as possible - knowing that if they stuck around for long enough, his walls would crumble, and he would let them in.
  • At midnight on his twelfth birthday, he is visited by Mnemosyne so she can give him back his memories of his past life. However, Thetis, who had learnt that Patroclus was at the camp by then, also visited and tried to convince Mnemosyne not to give Patroclus his memories. Thetis told her that giving Patroclus his memories would only cause him anguish after all he went through in the past, that he was better off not knowing. Mnemosyne tried to argue, but Thetis wouldn't let her win, and Mnemosyne eventually caved before leaving without restoring Patroclus's memories.
  • Patroclus wakes up crying on the morning of his birthday, filled with a strong and strange sense of grief and loss as if someone or something had been stolen away from him during the night. However, he is left confused as to who or what it is.

2032 - 2036

  • Patroclus starts up the first of his non-serious relationships - relationships with other guys at the camp that are pure hate sex. Patroclus becomes quite accomplished at hate sex, capable of keeping these non-serious relationships going for months. One of these relationships built off hate-sex was with Isaac Valentine, a son of Aphrodite, and, unknowningly, the reincarnation of Paris Priamidis - the Trojan prince who had been responsible for Achilles's death.
  • Occasionally, over the course of the next four years, Patroclus would open himself up to the possibility of a serious relationship with whatever guy he was sleeping with at the time. However, these relationships never last, as every time he does so, the relationship ends in a couple of months. They usually end with Patroclus growing distant and him and the guy arguing and snapping at each other a lot before returning to pure hate. After a few times of this happening, Patroclus eventually decides that he's just not meant to be in love and returns to purely having non-serious relationships.



  • During another of his walks that ends up on the beach, Patroclus runs into Achilles, who is sitting by the shore of the beach. He initially thinks Achilles is a girl as he is dressed like one, and is confused as he finds Achilles attractive – despite being gay. Both sense the other’s presence before seeing each other through the strong sense of familiarity between them. Patroclus is momentarily confused by this feeling of familiarity but moves past it when he first sees Achilles, instead replacing his confusion with hate because he was now beginning to question his sexuality.
  • Achilles also senses Patroclus's presence but instead smiles at him, recognising Patroclus due to having all his past memories, and asks him if he will speak or continue staring. Patroclus quickly throws up his defensive walls before questioning why ‘she’ was sitting in the ocean and asking if ‘she’ was a child of Poseidon – the first indication that Patroclus didn't have any of his past memories.
  • Achilles questions him on if only children of Poseidon were allowed to sit in the ocean, and Patroclus answers that that wasn’t the case but also that he could only imagine a child of Poseidon doing something like that, calling the act ridiculous. Achilles asks if he has anything against children of Poseidon, taunting him teasingly. Patroclus discovers it's somewhat difficult for him to get annoyed by Achilles but brushes past it and asks why it’s any of Achilles's business before answering that he doesn’t have a grudge – at least not specifically towards the children of Poseidon.
  • He asks ‘her’ what ‘she’ is if ‘she’s’ not a Poseidon kid before asking if ‘she’s’ just some weirdo girl who likes to sit in the ocean. Achilles realises that Patroclus thinks he’s a girl, ignoring the hurt from the ‘weirdo’ comment before deciding to play along with Patroclus regarding the other thinking he was a girl.
  • Achilles replies that it depends before asking if Patroclus likes weirdo girls sitting in the ocean. Patroclus answers that he doesn’t like girls at all and especially dislikes ones who sit in the ocean. Achilles tells him that the look of confusion in Patroclus's eyes suggests otherwise but agrees to believe him before commenting that some weirdo girl had to have heavily upset him to make Patroclus hate them that much. Patroclus retorts that he hates everyone and that ‘everyone can go and suck a dick or burn in hell’ for all he cares – that he doesn’t hate anyone for any specific reason and that everyone sucks.
  • Achilles laughs at this before teasingly asking him what heartbreak he went through to reawaken his emo phase, and Patroclus once again asks why that’s ‘her’ business. Achilles answers that he’s just intrigued as Patroclus came down to the beach and began staring at him. Patroclus defensively denies this, and Achilles teases him again by saying that Patroclus's blush says it all. Patroclus tells ‘her’ that ‘her’ vision must be broken, and Achilles answers that his vision is fine.
  • Achilles tells Patroclus that he’s not a child of Poseidon but that Patroclus is close to guessing right. Patroclus replies that it must be another sea deity then, not surprised that the person he found most annoying so far was a sea deity’s child. Achilles gives him another hint and tells him that his godly parent was a goddess and one of the 50 nereids. Patroclus replies that it somewhat helps but that fifty is still a lot – although he was confused as to why he was even keeping the conversation going when he didn’t actually care, nor did it matter to him who Achilles was the child of.
  • Achilles offers to give him another hint, and Patroclus agrees before Achilles tells him that the same deity had also been the mother of one of Greek mythology's greatest and most legendary heroes. These hints make Patroclus realise that the hero was the original Achilles and the sea deity was Thetis, cursing out loud when he figured it out – to Achilles’ amusement, as he burst out laughing at Patroclus’ less-than-happy expression.
  • Patroclus tells ‘her’ that it’s no wonder that 'she’s' such an annoying pain in the ass, being that she’s the child of the most crucial god tied to the mythology behind his name, Patroclus. He then asks Achilles to stay far away from him, with Achilles moving closer in response and commenting that it was a bit harsh to ask that before saying that he would ask for Patroclus’ name, but he already has a guess as to what it is. Patroclus moves further away from ‘her’ before asking what ‘her’ guess was.
  • Achilles replies that he would say 'Agamemnon' to annoy Patroclus, but that, based on Patroclus’ reaction to Achilles’ parentage, he was willing to guess that his name was some variation of the name ‘Patroclus’ – although he already knew exactly what the name was. Patroclus replies that no one calls him that and that everyone calls him ‘Pat’ as Patroclus is too formal. Patroclus says he’s unsure why his mother agreed to name him Patroclus but that it was apparently his unknown godly father's idea – for reasons his mother either didn’t know or refused to say.
  • Achilles questions if he’s not claimed, and Patroclus replies that he isn’t and hadn’t been since he arrived eight years previous at the age of ten and that he’s lost the will to care about whether or not he was claimed. Achilles asks if Patroclus was there year-round or only during the summer, and Patroclus answers that he was there year-round as he wouldn’t have anywhere to stay during the school year if he wasn’t.
  • Achilles replies that he was curious, as he hadn’t seen Patroclus around before – although this was a lie as he had seen Patroclus before, and Chiron had even caught him staring at Patroclus in the past. Patroclus tells ‘her’ that he tends to keep to himself while being mildly surprised that Achilles hadn’t heard of Patroclus’ reputation. Achilles replies that he must live in a bat cave during summer as Achilles barely sees him.
  • Patroclus says that ‘she’ must just be blind or didn’t see him due to there being hundreds of campers during the summer, as he tries to keep to himself while quietly adding to himself that it’s not a surprise as he’s nearly always in another guy’s bed during the summer months – as all campers attend the camp during the summer.
  • Achilles mentions that he spends a lot of his time studying during the summer, which Patroclus notes as weird and says that Achilles should enjoy the summer months before asking if Achilles had ever even participated in the camp’s Capture the Flag tournament before. Achilles answers that he had never been interested in playing as he didn’t want to get tackled.
  • Achilles then asks if Patroclus plays, and Patroclus answers that he does, but he is an independent player and alliances made between the other cabins and the Hermes cabin do not affect him, and the cabins have to make separate alliances with him – which they usually do, despite his bad reputation, as Patroclus has excellent eyesight and knows the forest better than most of the other campers, as well as being a lot stronger than he initially appears (being skilled in martial arts from lessons before arriving at the camp as well as after and also one of the most skilled fighters in camp in terms of sword skills and archery)
  • Achilles decides to go deeper into the water, commenting that Patroclus has always been like that. Patroclus hears and questions ‘her’ as Achilles said he didn’t know who Patroclus was before that day. He also starts feeling a painful tightening in his chest while watching Achilles walk into the water as if he didn’t want Achilles to go in any further, afraid of Achilles just disappearing into the water.
  • Achilles answers that Patroclus reminded him of a friend from a long time ago, slightly panicked by his slip-up. Patroclus reluctantly returns to the previous topic and says he doesn’t need anyone else and can handle his own perfectly well. Achilles once again asks what boyfriend hurt him so badly to turn him cold-hearted and emo before saying he’s a good therapist if Patroclus ever needed to talk it through.
  • Patroclus answers that he doesn’t have ex-boyfriends, as dating isn’t his thing, and he doesn’t need a therapist. Achilles once again moves closer to him, telling him that he’s strange and that Patroclus intrigues him. Patroclus notices that Achilles’ eyes are green, predicting that they’d also have gold flecks in them – although he wasn’t close enough to see them; however, he is confused about how he knows this. He also notices that Achilles is close enough for Patroclus to smell the sea water on ‘her’ and is surprised to find that he doesn’t hate it, even though the smell of the ocean typically evokes pain, fear, and sadness in him. However, when on Achilles, it instead evoked warmth in him, producing strange images from his time on Mt. Pelion as the original Patroclus with the original Achilles – although the current Patroclus doesn’t know that’s what the images were.
  • He tells Achilles that he may intrigue Achilles, but he does not exist to be solved by ‘her’. Achilles resists the urge to embrace him, confident that Patroclus remembers nothing. He tells Patroclus that he’s right but that Achilles hopes that their interaction will at least stick with him and that he hopes they can be friends. Patroclus tells ‘her’ that he doesn’t have friends, apart from Aofie, adding that he’s only friends with her because he can’t seem to get rid of her – although his words are affectionate.
  • He adds that he would have probably forgotten about his encounter with Achilles by that night, secretly knowing that he wouldn’t have as he found Achilles even more beautiful when ‘she’ was closer – increasing the confusion in him and leading him to doubt that he’d have forgotten about the encounter even a few weeks later. Achilles replies that it sounds impossible for Patroclus to ever forget the beautiful and intimate moments they had, teasing Patroclus while also trying not to cry as he realised that the promise Aphrodite had made to him and Patroclus that they would remember was broken. The promise they made to each other to find each other again was also breaking. He remembers how he didn’t want to go through with reincarnation in the first place because he knew something like this would happen and that something would go wrong, but he couldn’t say no to Patroclus.
  • Patroclus comments that Achilles must have a screw loose as they hadn’t shared any beautiful or intimate moments on the beach. Achilles questions if he doesn’t have an eye for romance and says that he bets that Patroclus has more than one screw loose himself and tells him not to be hypocritical. Patroclus replies that he bets he has less screws loose than ‘she’ does. Achilles replies that he’s willing to bet that’s a lie before quietly asking if Patroclus really doesn’t remember anything – but Patroclus doesn’t hear the question. He asks Achilles if he said anything, and Achilles answers that it was nothing and that he was crazy after all.
  • Patroclus asks if Achilles will stay in the water forever, teasingly asking if Achilles was a lady in distress in need of his assistance. Achilles replies that he might as well be a gentleman and help since he offered, but Patroclus refuses, not wanting to go near the water. Achilles attempts to pull Patroclus closer, but Patroclus resists, saying that Achilles can’t make him help and also that ‘she’ doesn’t actually need his help and is perfectly capable of getting out on ‘her’ own. Achilles says that he can’t be trusted on his own, referencing how Patroclus said he had a few screws loose.
  • Patroclus reluctantly chooses to help ‘her’ after realising that not helping would get him punished and reprimanded by Chiron, with the punishment most likely being having to go on border patrol. He tells Achilles that he’s only helping to avoid dealing with Chiron and moves closer to start helping ‘her’ out. However, Achilles trips on a rock while making his way out of the water. Patroclus manages to catch ‘her’, but the action causes him to stumble back, and the momentum of Achilles’ body falling into his makes him fall back onto the sand. A moment later, a wave washes over them, soaking them both.
  • Patroclus starts having what he believes to be a panic attack; however, it is actually Thetis restricting his breathing by wrapping her hands around his neck out of anger for Patroclus daring to go in her domain and for daring to touch her son. Achilles is shocked to see Thetis and what she’s doing and attempts to extract Patroclus from her grip but fails, instead resorting to demanding for her to let him go. Thetis reluctantly does so, giving Patroclus a final glare before letting go. Achilles quickly pulls him out of the water, continuously apologising for knocking him into the water with concern and worry in his voice and face.
  • Patroclus lets Achilles pull him out of the ocean, struggling to breathe for a few moments, still able to see Thetis in the distance. However, she soon disappears under the water, and Patroclus can breathe again. He tells Achilles that he’s okay. Achilles tells him to take some deep breaths and that he’s safe, holding Patroclus’ hand while he does so. Patroclus follows ‘her’ advice before soon realising that Achilles was holding his hand and quickly pulling his hand away, albeit reluctantly.
  • The action initially hurts Achilles, but he quickly replaces the look of hurt with a smile, apologising once more and saying that he should’ve been more careful. Patroclus replies that it’s not ‘her’ fault and that it’s not the first time something like that has happened, with the previous times being when he was on his own. Achilles questions that, and Patroclus answers that it happens every time he goes into the ocean – something he realised was called thalassophobia after researching and talking to the Athena kids.
  • Achilles apologises again, saying he wouldn’t have asked for Patroclus’ help if he knew. However, Patroclus tells ‘her’ to stop apologising, and that there was no way ‘she’ could’ve known as it wasn’t public knowledge, and that ‘she’ didn’t have prophetic powers, so there was no way ‘she’ could know ‘she’d’ trip. He tells ‘her’ that apologising once is fine but that ‘she’ doesn’t have to beat ‘herself’ up over something out of ‘her’ control.
  • Achilles replies that Patroclus is correct and that he’ll stop apologising, although secretly knowing that he’d probably continue to beat himself up about it later as he didn’t want to hurt Patroclus.
  • They make their way further up the beach and away from the ocean before beginning to get any excess water out of their clothes. Achilles asks if Patroclus wants him to lead him back to the Hermes cabin. Patroclus refuses and says that he didn’t think he’d be returning to his cabin just yet while removing his shirt to remove the water from it, revealing the birthmark on his stomach in the exact location where Hector's spear had stabbed the original Patroclus.
  • Achilles watches him, thinking back on the nights he spent with Patroclus over 3000 years ago before stopping and asking what the scar was on his stomach. Patroclus corrects ‘her’ and says that it’s a birthmark likely from his mother’s side of the family. He mentions that he also barely notices it’s there, apart from sometimes at combat practice. Achilles comments that he has a similar one on his back over where his heart would be located, marking the spot where Paris had shot the original Achilles in the back with an arrow.
  • Patroclus comments that his birthmark always gives off a faint ache when he is faced with a spear, but even more so when he has to spar with one of the Hermes kids who likes to use spears (who is, unknown to even Achilles, the reincarnation of Hector).
  • Achilles mentions that there are theories that birthmarks are scars from one's past life or show how someone died in that life and that it could be that, but Patroclus replies that he doubts he’s a reincarnation before saying that he was going to go for a walk in the forest. Achilles says he’ll probably go to his cabin then and asks if he’ll see Patroclus again. Patroclus, however, only replies with a maybe. Achilles then turns to leave, jokingly adding that he’ll go before he accidentally pushes Patroclus into the water again, with Patroclus calling after ‘her’ that he told ‘her’ to drop that.
  • When he could no longer see Achilles, Patroclus quickly heads into the forest to tell Aofie what happened on the beach and that he was now starting to question his sexuality again. Aofie reprimands him for not catching the name of the girl he met on the beach as she could’ve asked around for information on her if he had.
  • Patroclus defends himself by saying that it didn’t come to mind as the girl was asking a bunch of questions instead, and then they ended up falling into the water. Aofie worries over Patroclus when she hears this, knowing how Patroclus usually reacts when he goes in the ocean, but Patroclus reassures her that he’s okay and that he had a minor panic attack but is alright now.
  • Aofie returns to the topic of the girl before suggesting that maybe Patroclus is bisexual and that he should try going out with this girl, but Patroclus immediately replies that it wasn’t happening and that they had talked about this in the past. Aofie tries to convince him, saying that his romantic relationships failing the few times he’s tried shouldn’t determine his ability to love or be loved. Patroclus asks her how many times does determine that ability, but also says that he also doesn’t want to find out and that he’s okay with what he currently has, that he doesn’t need a relationship or want one.
  • Aofie worries for Patroclus as she knows that Patroclus does want to have someone he trusts who loves him, even if Patroclus expresses otherwise to the rest of the world. She comments that she wishes Patroclus would open up more as she’s worried. Patroclus asks her to trust him and promises to talk to her if he needs anything or isn’t doing okay.
  • Aofie then asks what he will do about the girl he met on the beach, and Patroclus replies that he will probably shut himself away in his cabin while he tries to figure out if he is into girls or not. Aofie tells him that he could try to talk to the girl instead and figure out if he has a thing for her, but Patroclus refuses to do so. Aofie eventually gives up trying to convince him otherwise, as she doesn’t want him to ruin her good mood.
  • Patroclus asks why she’s in such a good mood, and Aofie reveals she has a girlfriend. Patroclus asks who it is and when he gets to meet her, but Aofie tells him that he always knows her and has met her before revealing that her girlfriend is Myrina, the daughter of Ares with whom Patroclus had a rivalry since he first arrived at the camp when he was ten after he judo-flipped her during Capture the Flag and she locked him in the showers all day until Chiron found him the following day. However, he agrees to get to know Myrina since Aofie likes her, but he also says he will not give up on his rivalry easily.
  • Aofie and Patroclus then talk about Capture the Flag and how Aofie had heard that the camp's golden boy, Achilles, had returned – even though Achilles usually didn’t come until the summer period. Patroclus mentions how he hopes Achilles is a good fighter, as the game would be boring otherwise.

Capture the Flag

  • Patroclus is put on flag defence on the side led by the Dionysus Cabin, as he is one of the best fighters in the camp, with both hand-to-hand and with blades, and has the best eyesight among the campers. He is left to defend the flag alone as he is usually no match for most of the other campers – even though he cannot use any of his supposed godly powers and doesn’t even know what they are.
  • Achilles, on the opposing side led by the Aphrodite Cabin, as the camp’s Golden Boy and next destined hero, is put on the front lines of his team and manages to get past the stalemate that the Dionysus Cabin, Hermes Cabin and Ares Cabin had gotten the opposing side in at the river.
  • He heads for the clearing where the Dionysus Cabin had put their flag but is stopped by Patroclus, who comes out of hiding and attempts to disarm and stop him from getting the flag. Achilles wins their fight by winding Patroclus with a knee to the stomach and then kicking the back of his legs to knock him off balance. He then grabs the flag and heads for the creek.
  • Patroclus scrambles to shoot him in the leg with an arrow but finds that he is unable to bring him to let the arrow loose (unknowingly because, as the original Patroclus, he knew of Achilles's death by Paris's arrow and therefore didn’t wish to shoot Achilles with another arrow even though he didn’t remember the death of the original Achilles.)
  • Achilles gets the flag across to the other side, winning the game and marking the Thetis Cabin as the new champion for the week. With his pride damaged, Patroclus devises a plan to get revenge on Achilles.
  • That night, Patroclus meets with the head counsellor of the Hermes Cabin, Hector Pierce (who is the reincarnation of the original Hector, the Trojan warrior who killed the original Patroclus) and the rest of the Hermes Cabin to tell them his plan as well as who he suggests they recruit.
  • At Capture the Flag the following week, Patroclus faces against Achilles again, winning their fight.

Late March

  • A few weeks after their first meeting (two weeks after the first Capture the Flag encounter and one week after the second), Patroclus runs into Achilles again, outside of the armour worn during Capture the Flag. During this meeting, Patroclus learns that Achilles and the girl he saw at the beach are the same person. Achilles also challenges Patroclus during this meeting, as Patroclus beat him in their last encounter.
  • Patroclus declares his hatred for Achilles then, due to their first Capture the Flag meeting, but also for Achilles deceiving him into thinking he was a girl and therefore making Patroclus spend three weeks questioning his sexuality – as well as Achilles having everything he could ever want, everything Patroclus doesn’t have.
  • Achilles teases Patroclus as Patroclus constantly says that he doesn’t like it, but Achilles can tell that he’s attracted to him, which is why he was questioning his sexuality upon seeing Achilles as a girl. Patroclus denies this defensively and Achilles comments on how fun he is to tease. Patroclus replies that he can see Achilles is having a lot of fun, to which Achilles tells him that its what Patroclus gets for beating him in the previous game and that he’s just having a bit of fun before he takes his revenge and wins once and for all.
  • Patroclus refutes this statement and the pair decide to make a bet: if Achilles wins, Patroclus has to admit that he actually likes Achilles. If Patroclus wins, Achilles will do whatever he wants him to do. Patroclus asks if that includes leaving Patroclus alone, and Achilles answers that if that’s what he wants then yes. Upon hearing this, Patroclus accepts the deal.
  • Achilles requests that Patroclus calls him by a nickname as Achilles is too formal, and Patroclus agrees to for the time being – saying that he’d likely go back to calling Achilles ‘Golden Boy’ if he won their final duel as it would be funny since Patroclus would have beaten him twice in a row. Achilles tells him that he won’t make it that easy for him and that he’ll make the game hell for Patroclus, revealing that Patroclus would also have to admit that he likes Achilles in front of the whole of camp.
  • Achilles then says that he was going to leave and let Patroclus get back to training, but then offers to take Patroclus to the forest and give him a tarot card reading when he sees how reluctant Patroclus is to go to practice. Patroclus agrees to go with Achilles, and they head into the forest where Achilles then gives Patroclus a tarot reading, with the tarot reading predicting the return of Patroclus’ memories and their reunion as the original Patroclus and Achilles, but also the fight that would break them up.
  • Patroclus tries to figure out what it could be about, saying that there’s only one person he could reunite with, and commenting that it would certainly end in an argument if he reunited with them. Achilles elaborates that the reunion was heavily leaning on the romantic side, suggesting that it may be an ex. Patroclus counts his mother out upon hearing that, and states that he doesn’t have any exes – or at least none that weren’t already at camp.
  • Achilles tells him that it’s up to Patroclus to figure out, and that whatever the disaster is, it’ll reveal the truth about something. Patroclus comments that that could mean anything, as he had a lot of truths that could be revealed. Achilles asks him what they were, but Patroclus refuses to tell him.
  • Patroclus asks Achilles why he didn’t correct him when Patroclus called him a girl on the beach, and Achilles replies that he didn’t feel the need to and it felt good when Patroclus didn’t recognise him. Patroclus asks him if he hates being recognised that much, and Achilles answers that he does sometimes, asking if Patroclus wouldn’t hate it too as he knows how much Patroclus values his privacy.
  • Patroclus agrees that he would hate it, as he does indeed value his privacy, but also that Achilles seems to like the attention so it’s strange to him that Achilles wouldn’t want to be recognise. Achilles answers that he does but also likes to be alone and go about his day without someone chasing him down to flirt with him.
  • Patroclus comments that he could understand that and mentions how people leave him alone now but that it wasn’t always like that, and he had to make them leave him alone by making them hate him, that people tend to avoid others if they can’t stand talking to them. Achilles comments that he doesn’t think that that’s what Patroclus truly wants, however, before leaving once Patroclus tells him that he does want it. As he leaves, he winks at Patroclus, and Patroclus affectionately calls him ‘idiot’ once he had gone.

Capture the Flag

  • The third and final duel between Patroclus and Achilles comes along during the Capture the Flag game following the challenge, and Achilles wins the duel, beating Patroclus once and for all. Achilles prompts him to hold up his end of the bet, but Patroclus refuses, saying that it’s ridiculous and asking why Achilles wants him to say it so much when he has a whole army of fangirls who would jump at the chance to confess their ‘undying feelings’ for him, and who would actually mean what they’re saying. Achilles answers that it’s because Patroclus is the only one who truly hates him and wants nothing to do with him, and it’s his own personal revenge to hear Patroclus confess.
  • Patroclus finally says that he likes Achilles before asking if Achilles is satisfied now, which Achilles answers that he is but also teases Patroclus at the same time. Patroclus tells him to shut up, and Achilles tells him to make him while also saying that he bet Patroclus couldn’t. Patroclus pushes him back and pins him against a tree so that they would be hidden from the view of the other campers by the leaves, making it obvious that he intends to kiss Achilles. Achilles tries to call his bluff by saying that Patroclus was just fucking with him, and Patroclus questions that, saying that Achilles told him to make him shut up and asking why Achilles thinks he wouldn’t.
  • Achilles replies that Patroclus hasn’t done it yet as he’s still talking, and Patroclus asks if Achilles is saying that he wants Patroclus to while also leaning in closer. Achilles hurriedly retorts in whisper so that only Patroclus would hear that if Patroclus won’t do it then he will, betraying his desperation for Patroclus to kiss him. Patroclus teases him about his neediness before finally kissing him.
  • Although initially planning to tease Achilles by either refusing to kiss him until Achilles begged for it or by only kissing him brief, Patroclus soon finds himself reluctant to stop, and Achilles doesn’t stop it either due to his desperation to kiss Patroclus ever since he regained his memories.
  • Patroclus struggles to not get carried away and take the kiss further than he meant to and succeeds at that, but also fails to stop himself from deepening the kiss, causing a small whimper from Achilles – who eventually broke the kiss. He tells Patroclus that he should shut him up more often, and Patroclus (after taking a moment to snap out of the trance the kiss had put him in) replies that he only did that because Achilles told him to make him and no other reason. Achilles comments that he should say that more often then, and Patroclus doesn’t refute that before also adding that he hopes Achilles wouldn’t mistake this for him liking Achilles.
  • Achilles replies that if it makes Patroclus hate him more than he just might, referencing how Patroclus only sleeps with people he hates. Patroclus replies that nothing would happen between him and Achilles unless Achilles hates him back, and that he’s not convinced Achilles does after what just happened. Achilles tells him that he’s annoying with the whole hate thing, and Patroclus answers that he knows he is but he has his reasons for it and he was not willing to relax the rules for anyone, not even for someone as pretty as Achilles.
  • Achilles tells him to stop teasing him, and Patroclus tells him to make him before Achilles threatens to slam his head against a tree if he doesn’t stop. Patroclus replies that he wouldn’t dare, and Achilles admits that he’s right as he doesn’t want to ruin Patroclus’ face until he sees it writhe in pleasure.
  • Patroclus accuses him of playing dirty again and Achilles replies that he loves it as Patroclus is practically begging for him, before beginning to kiss Patroclus’ neck and even leaving a hickey after Patroclus tells him that Achilles won’t succeed in getting a sound out of him, with the hickey causing Patroclus to let out a small moan. Patroclus tells Achilles that he hates him, but Achilles replies that Patroclus keeps saying that yet refuses to show Achilles just how much he hates him. Patroclus asks what exactly would prove that, but Achilles tells him that he knows exactly what, giving a final tug on Patroclus’ hair (knowing how much Patroclus likes it) before letting go.
  • Patroclus answers that he doesn’t think he does know, and Achilles tells him not to play dumb as he knows Patroclus’ head works fine before asking if he already broke Patroclus that much. Patroclus retorts that it takes a lot more than that to break him and Achilles answers that Patroclus isn’t giving him a chance or he would, before insincerely apologising for the hickey. Patroclus tells him that Achilles just took away his ability to have sex until it fades as his current partner would be pissed if he saw it but Achilles replies that he doubts Patroclus cares that much or he would’ve pushed Achilles away.
  • Patroclus answers that his current partner, a male camper named Xander, wasn’t good by any means but something was better than nothing. Achilles tells him that he could make Patroclus feel better than Xander could if Patroclus gave him the chance, and Patroclus tells him that he’ll consider it and that if, in a month, he’s confidently convinced that doing anything with Achilles won’t break any of his personal rules than he’ll give Achilles what he wants – although he was also secretly planning to spend the month avoiding Achilles.
  • Achilles accepts the deal, and Patroclus moves to walk away, telling him that if Achilles is lucky, maybe he’ll even give Achilles hickey privileges. Patroclus then goes to talk to Chiron, learning from him that he’d be on Border Patrol with Achilles, despite the fact that Chiron usually refused to put Patroclus on Border Patrol because of the small chance for danger.

Late March to Late April

  • Chiron spends a month setting Achilles and Patroclus up so that they spend more time together, despite Patroclus saying that he hates Achilles and finds him annoying.
  • Although he continues to say he finds Achilles annoying, Patroclus secretly enjoys spending time with him and secretly starts looking forward to the next time they would see each other.
  • The first meeting was during Border Patrol the day after the Capture the Flag game. Achilles arrives looking exhausted and like he had been crying all night, but passes it off as allergies acting up. Patroclus asks him if he’s sure before saying that he should tell Chiron if anyone was bullying him. Achilles replies that camp wasn’t middle school, and Patroclus brings up the Ares kids in response. Achilles says that the Ares kids aren’t stealing lunch money so it’s not the same, and Patroclus retorts that they just trap you in showers all day until Chiron rescues you or stick your head down toilets instead, before mentioning that the Hermes kids steal money all the time.
  • Achilles brushes it off as the problems of the other campers and Patroclus once against asks him what’s wrong. Achilles repeats that it was just allergies and Patroclus asks again if he’s sure before going on to say that if anyone is giving Achilles a hard time, then Achilles could tell him as he’s the best person to ask to fight someone because Chiron lets him off easy. Achilles insists that everything is fine and Patroclus agrees to drop the topic, although he states that he still doesn’t believe Achilles.
  • They start their patrol, talking about how much they both hated it but that it was what Chiron wants them to do. Patroclus comments that maybe Chiron thinks Achilles will keep him out of trouble, but Achilles questions that and says that Chiron would have had his head already if it wasn’t for Thetis before revealing that he had been the culprit behind a week long prank pulled on Chiron a couple of years previous. Patroclus replies that it’s no wonder Chiron wants Achilles dead as he wanted to kill Patroclus just for laughing even though he treats Patroclus like he’s his ‘defenceless baby centaur son’.
  • Achilles suggests maybe pulling another prank on Chiron, using Patroclus to placate Chiron to stop him from killing Achilles. Patroclus comments that Chiron would likely see that as a deep family betrayal and may even ground Patroclus and asks what would make it worth his while. Achilles replies that he can’t think of anything at the moment and Patroclus answers that he’ll just have to give it a thought for if and when he ever has to save Achilles from Chiron.
  • They continue on their patrol before Achilles asks if Xander noticed his new mark and Patroclus replies that Xander did. Achilles asks if Xander was angry and Patroclus answers that he had to deal with his sexual frustration on his own the night before in the form of self-pleasure and a shower before asking if that answered Achilles’ question. Achilles replies that it does and that he’s satisfied about it before Patroclus retorts that he was starting to think Achilles did hate him as Achilles appeared to enjoy fucking with Patroclus’ ability to have sex.
  • Achilles warns him that his current teasing was just the beginning and says that at least Patroclus’ days would be less boring. Patroclus questions whether they would be less boring or just insufferable, but secretly knowing that he enjoyed Achilles company. Achilles replies that he knows Patroclus is excited to see what Achilles has in store for him, commenting that he was excited yesterday after the game and that he was sure Patroclus thought of him the previous night too. Patroclus denies this, but also flushes at the suggestion, giving away that he did.
  • He defends himself by saying that it was just because what happened after the game was fresh in his mind and Achilles comments that he wouldn’t mind refreshing the memory every day. Patroclus replies that it’s not happening, and Achilles answers that it’s his loss as others would kill for the chance. Patroclus asks why he isn’t going after them then, as the Aphrodite Cabin alone would start the Hunger Games just for the chance to get into his bed.
  • Achilles replies that he finds them boring, which Patroclus verbally agrees with, stating that he actively avoids their cabin because their charmspeak abilities terrify him when Achilles comments on Patroclus calling them boring despite sleeping with them. Achilles agrees and mentions that he’s surprised he hasn’t been a victim of it yet and calls the Aphrodite girls following him everywhere creepy.
  • Patroclus asks why he doesn’t just say that he’s not interested but Achilles answers that he has already tried and they almost beheaded him while threatening whoever he might like outside of the camp, so he just goes along with whatever they do now. Patroclus questions about what if he ends up being charmed, but Achilles laughs and says that won’t happen. Patroclus questions that as Charmspeak is a powerful force, but Achilles answers that he’s confident enough in something that it won’t work even if they tried. Patroclus asks what he’s confident in, but Achilles doesn’t answer, saying that he’s sure Patroclus’ cold heart wouldn’t understand the level of romance.
  • They then discuss what they could do to entertain themselves while they were on patrol, and Achilles suggests a magic trick. Patroclus agrees and Achilles replies that if he successfully does one, then Achilles has to kiss him. Patroclus reluctantly agrees before participating in Achilles’ magic trick. Achilles carries it out successfully, and Patroclus hides the fact that he was impressed behind his usual sarcasm.
  • Patroclus debates with himself for a few moments on whether he would go through with the kiss, before deciding to do so and kissing him. They soon settle down beneath a tree to sit down while kissing, with Achilles breaking the kiss after a moment to say that Patroclus has no clue the affect he has on Achilles. Patroclus replies that he think he has an idea and that he thinks he drives Achilles crazy. Achilles admits that he does, and Patroclus answers that it’s good as he likes to drive people crazy before beginning to kiss Achilles’ neck. Achilles calls him a tease and Patroclus asks what he’s going to do about it. Achilles asks if Patroclus wants him to do anything, and Patroclus answers that it depends on what Achilles would do if Patroclus said yes. Achilles replies that he knows what he wants to do but Patroclus isn’t giving him a chance.
  • Patroclus tells him that he’ll just have to settle with the teasing, and Achilles says ‘fuck you’ in response. Patroclus retorts by saying that Achilles wants to but he can’t before giving Achilles a hickey, telling Achilles not to muffle himself after seeing Achilles bite his finger to quiet the noise the hickey drew from him as there was no one to hear him but Patroclus.
  • Achilles replies that it sounds like Patroclus enjoy it, and Patroclus agrees that he does appreciate hearing how he’s making Achilles feel. Achilles answers that Patroclus could hear him more if he fucked Achilles, to which Patroclus replies that it’s tempting but still a no. Achilles asked instead if there was a limit to Achilles ‘servicing’ Patroclus, and Patroclus eventually answers that Achilles would be allowed to use his mouth and hands but nothing else, deciding that doing so would bend his personal rules but not break them.
  • After they were finished, Patroclus offers to please Achilles as well, but Achilles refuses, saying that he had enough fantasy fuel for that night and that it was time to leave patrol anyway. Before they leave, Achilles gives Patroclus another hickey, and Patroclus admits that it’s fine since he left one of his own to piss off the Aphrodite kids so they were now even.
  • After the first encounter during the Border Patrol, they start frequently fooling around with each other whenever they end up spending time together alone as a result of Chiron’s interference. After a while, they start subtly hinting to Chiron that they’ll be at a specific location at a specific time, so that Chiron would manipulate the other to end up there at the same time. Although it is mostly Achilles who does this, Patroclus does it a couple of time as well, but not too often to avoid Chiron getting suspicious.

Late April

  • Achilles and Patroclus meet up again, like usual, due to Chiron's matchmaking attempts. Like normal, they start fooling around again with Patroclus consistently refusing to let Achilles sleep with him despite admitting that he thinks of Achilles fucking him whenever he takes care of his own sexual frustrations at night. Achilles calls him cruel for continually refusing him despite all the fooling around they’ve done, but Patroclus replies that he doesn’t seem to mind as he’s not pushing Patroclus away or telling him to leave him alone.
  • Achilles answers that, in some ways, he does mind as he believes that Patroclus is still fucking Xander or someone else while just messing around with Achilles. Patroclus answers that he wasn’t as he may sleep around but he had morals – he didn’t bite off more than he could chew and he didn’t mess around with more than one person at a time.
  • This then sparks an argument with Achilles asking why Patroclus kept denying him so much then, saying that Patroclus knows he wants Achilles and that Patroclus knows Achilles wants him too, yet he keeps saying no. Patroclus doesn’t answer Achilles’ questions and instead asks Achilles himself if Achilles wanted to know why Patroclus slept with Xander, even though he’s more of an asshole than Patroclus and terrible in bed.
  • Achilles replies that he does, and Patroclus answers that it’s because Xander hates his guts, and has quite literally said to Patroclus’ face that he wants Patroclus dead and Patroclus uses that hate to not only provide the passion for the hate sex but also prevent the relationship from going to a place that he doesn’t want it to go, adding that the same goes for every other person he has slept with. He then says that he denies Achilles because he looks at Achilles and doesn’t see someone who hates him enough to not fall in love with him.
  • Achilles asks why Patroclus let them get this far if he didn’t plan on sleeping with Achilles, and accusing Patroclus of leading him on. Patroclus replies that he let it get this far because he was an idiot that couldn’t bring himself to shut it down before it got to this point and that it wasn’t what he intended. Achilles retorts that if he knew he wasn’t going to give Achilles a chance then he could’ve stopped their fooling around at any time rather than continue to lead Achilles on.
  • Patroclus defends himself and says that it happened because he couldn’t bring himself to end it, asking if Achilles doesn’t think he has tried to do so, and saying that he had told himself countless time to shut it down but every time he had gone to, he froze and couldn’t get the words out. He apologies and admits that he is attracted to Achilles and that Achilles had, so far, being much better than anyone he had slept with in the past, but he couldn’t risk getting into anything with Achilles and having Achilles fall in love with him because Achilles could tell him that he wouldn’t but Patroclus had seen it too often with others to believe him.
  • Achilles asks him if it was all for nothing, and that if he were going to fall in love with Patroclus, wouldn’t he have done so already. Patroclus retorts that he must have realised at some point that Patroclus wasn’t going to give him anything and asks why he didn’t shut it down himself. Achilles answers that he thought Patroclus would finally give in at some point since he had seen how desperate Patroclus was whenever they fooled around.
  • Patroclus defensively retorts that he wasn’t desperate and that he actually thought Achilles was the desperate one. Achilles questions that, and asks why it wasn’t him when Patroclus was the one who was close to giving in. Patroclus replies that he wasn’t close at all, while Achilles was the one who kept desperately hoping and praying that Patroclus would fuck him even though Patroclus told him countless time he wouldn’t, saying that Achilles could’ve had anyone in camp in his bed by now because they all love him, but he kept following Patroclus around like a lost puppy, desperately hoping that Patroclus would break him like he clearly wanted to be broken.
  • Achilles retorts that Patroclus was close to giving in before telling him not to act like he didn’t want the same thing as Achilles did, stating that half the time, he wasn’t the one who initiated anything they did and that it was Patroclus who did so. Patroclus denies this and states that he doesn’t know what Achilles is talking about but Achilles replies that he seemed to know perfectly well when he was begging Achilles for more and telling him how Patroclus had fucked himself while thinking about Achilles. Patroclus tells him to shut the fuck up, but Achilles answers that he won’t because he won’t let Patroclus get away with saying that he doesn’t want what they were doing just as much as Achilles does.
  • Patroclus retorts that he will keep denying it and that he had fun but he will never admit that he wants it that much. Achilles says to have a good rest of his year then and that he hopes Patroclus find someone else to fuck around with before beginning to leave. Patroclus asks him if he was really walking away and Achilles answers that he was because it was clearly all a mistake and that all his effort were just a waste of time.
  • Patroclus, in his desperation, tells him that he can’t but Achilles answers that he can, despite wanting to go back to him, meaning what he said when it was all a mistake (although, unbeknownst to Patroclus, the mistake he was referring to was their decision to reincarnate as he knew something was going to go wrong but Patroclus had convinced him otherwise). Patroclus follows after him, however, and grabs his wrist to stop him.
  • Achilles pulls his hand away and turns to look at him, glaring at him and asking what he wants, and Patroclus’ original words disappear when he sees the glare, instead asking if Achilles hated him. Achilles replies that he does and that he no longer wanted to see Patroclus. Despite feeling hurt by that admission (although not sure why), Patroclus reaches for Achilles’ hand again and asks him if he’s sure about that. Achilles replies that it doesn’t matter and to let him go but Patroclus refuses and says that he won’t until Achilles looks him in the eyes and tells him that he doesn’t want him.
  • Achilles asks how that would change anything, and that Patroclus should just leave him alone and go back to doing whatever it is he usually does. Patroclus tells him to shut up and to make up his mind and either say it or say that Achilles wants him. Achilles finally pulls his hand away again, admitting that he does want Patroclus but what was the point if Patroclus wouldn’t let him. Patroclus reaches out to pull him closer and tells him to think again about that.
  • Achilles asks him what he was doing and glares at him again, but not as darkly as before. Patroclus glares back, retorting with a ‘what do you think’ before tugging on Achilles’ hair and kissing him before Achilles’ glare could soften any more. Achilles eventually breaks the kiss to ask if Patroclus was sure he wanted to do this at the training arena before they both decide to go back to the Thetis cabin. There they finally sleep with each other, and officially start a non-serious relationship – consisting solely of hate-sex and having no romantic affection at all.
  • After a second round, Patroclus informs Achilles of some ground rules that had to be set if they were going to continue with the non-serious relationship, such as: no romance or romantic feelings, and a peaceful, drama-free ending if their non-serious relationship ever did come to an end; for their private lives to remain private and for Achilles to not ask any questions about Patroclus’ childhood or personal life; and for Achilles to not spread to the rest of camp that Patroclus is who he’s sleeping with if Achilles gets asked about his hickeys.
  • After sorting everything out and settling it all, Achilles starts working on some of his university work before bed, with Patroclus sitting with him and cuddling him while he did so, revealing that he got clingy when he was tired or half-awake. Once in bed and beginning to fall asleep, Patroclus makes a comment about Achilles going to visit his mother like how Achilles did in his past life, something Patroclus shouldn’t have known about when he didn’t have any of his past memories – revealing that also when Patroclus was half-asleep or tired, the wall separating Patroclus from his past life weakened and broke in places. Achilles questions him about it, but Patroclus doesn’t remember saying anything and Achilles soon drops the topic – although it reinforces Achilles’ belief that Patroclus is the reincarnation of the original, and that there was hope for Patroclus to remember.

Late June

  • After a couple of months of being in a non-serious relationship, Patroclus starts to develop romantic feelings for Achilles (while Achilles had been having romantic feelings for Patroclus since their first meeting).
  • They both recognise these feelings in each other but don’t speak of them, nor officially change their relationship from non-serious to serious. However, they do start displaying these feelings through acts like cuddling and spending time with each other outside of sex. They also start getting to know each other better – in particular Patroclus opening up to Achilles about his childhood and his mother and little sister.


  • A few weeks afterwards, Achilles meets Patroclus as usual but this time takes him to the forest to speak with him privately. There, he tries to convince him that he’s the reincarnation of the original Patroclus, and revealing that he himself is the reincarnation of the original Achilles.
  • Patroclus, however, refuses to believe as he truly doesn’t believe that he’s a reincarnation. He also refuses on the grounds that, if Achilles is the original Achilles than he needs the original Patroclus – and Patroclus couldn’t be that for him as, even if he is the reincarnation of the original, he had likely changed so much from who he was 3000 years prior. Most importantly, however, he was starting to realise that he was falling in love with Achilles, and was scared by that and by what he was beginning to find himself willing to do for Achilles as he was not used to feeling like he was willing to sacrifice himself for someone else, and was frightened by how vulnerable Achilles made him feel.
  • As Patroclus was used to do with things that scared him, he chose to destroy his relationship with Achilles rather than confess how he felt (being that his past relationships had all crashed and burned quickly) and therefore lied and told Achilles that he was only with him out of pity – causing Achilles to break things off for good and leaving.
  • Aofie then finds Patroclus upset and crying over what happened, and Patroclus explains to her what happened. After which, Aofie takes him back to the Big House to eat food and watch movies to take his mind off it.
  • The next day, Patroclus learns that Achilles had left camp.

Late July

  • Thetis secretly makes Achilles run into Katie Hunt, a daughter of Nike (and unknowingly the reincarnation of Deidameia). Reluctantly, Achilles starts dating Katie, wanting to move on from Patroclus.


  • In an attempt to move on from Achilles, Patroclus starts flirting with a camper from the Dionysus cabin, the same demigod he met when he was ten who had saved him from a hellhound (unknowingly the reincarnation of Agamemnon). The flirting quickly turned into a non-serious relationship, with Patroclus being the bottom of the relationship as it meant that he didn’t always have to look at the Dionysus kid and therefore could imagine that he was sleeping with Achilles instead, despite wanting to forget about him. Patroclus also refuses to start an official relationship with the Dionysus camper – due to still being in love with Achilles.

Late September

  • Over three months after his break up with Achilles, Patroclus goes to dinner with the rest of the camp due to the Dionysus kid wanting to eat dinner with him. There, he learns that Achilles had returned to camp, choosing to stay at camp while he studied his second year of online university.
  • Achilles and Patroclus get into an argument over Patroclus’ relationship with the Dionysus kid which soon devolves into an argument over their breakup and what they both said during the breakup. The argument is quickly ended, however, by Patroclus’ claiming by Apollo. Achilles emotionlessly congratulates him before walking away.
  • Aofie then runs over to tell Patroclus that Chiron wanted to see him as a quest had just come in for him. Patroclus is surprised as he would’ve expected any quest to be for Achilles, as the next destined hero, but follows her. There, he learnt that the quest is from Mnemosyne, the Titan goddess of memory, who had tasked Patroclus with collecting three objects that she had lost. Chiron also tells him that Mnemosyne had given some info on who he was to bring as well, which doesn’t explicitly state who is it but clearly describes Achilles and Aofie.
  • That night, Patroclus goes to tell Achilles about the quest, accidentally interrupting an intimate moment between Achilles and Katie. He tells Achilles about the quest and that they would be leaving the following morning before quickly walking away.

First Week of the Quest

  • The next day, September 30, Patroclus, Achilles and Aofie meet up on Half-Blood Hill to leave for their quest. Argus, one of the camp’s staff, drives them to the nearest city, which is coincidentally where Achilles is from, before dropping them off and leaving them to figure out the rest on their own.
  • Patroclus tells the other two that Mnemosyne gave him the location of the first object only, and opens the note telling him where the object is. He then learns that the first object is in a museum he knew well as it was a museum in the city he was born and grew up in – Lamia, in Greece – the city that was once the ancient kingdom of Phthia, the home of the original Achilles.
  • The trio visit Achilles’ father-figure, Nerio Marlin (unknowingly the reincarnation of Odysseus, the king of the ancient Greek kingdom of Ithaca), who provides them with money and plane tickets to Lamia, and drives them to the nearest airport. There, they get on the plan to Greece and officially start their quest. Later that day, they arrive at the airport near Volos, and from there start making their way towards Lamia, crossing through the forests surrounding Mt. Othrys on the way there.
  • While in the forest, Aofie disappears into the trees to scout ahead, leaving Achilles and Patroclus to make their way through the forest on the ground. While walking, Patroclus asks about Katie. He calls her Achilles’ girlfriend and Achilles starts to correct him on that before stopping – however, Patroclus questions him further despite trying to stop himself. Achilles replies that it’s none of his business.
  • Patroclus then says that he’s happy for Achilles and hopes that Katie can be for him what Patroclus wasn’t able to be. Achilles is unsure how to respond or feel about that, but says he hopes Patroclus finds that too. Patroclus doubts that it’s possible for him and admits that the Dionysus kid he had been sleeping with was just a rebound. Achilles tells him to try and find someone anyway as he should be with someone who he loves and who loves him back.
  • Patroclus answers that he’s already missed his chance before continuing to ask about Katie. He soon ends up apologising for what he said during their argument the day of his return, and also for what he said when they broke up, promising that he isn’t apologising in hope that they’d get back together but just because Achilles deserved an apology as what he said was cruel.
  • He eventually reluctantly admits that he broke up with Achilles because he was scared of the fact that he was falling in love with Achilles and he had to protect himself. Achilles tells him that he hopes Patroclus will unlearn that behaviour and let himself be happy with someone else. Patroclus answers that he wasn’t over Achilles yet so no relationship he attempted would be real.
  • He asks Achilles if they could be friends when everything was over and done with, although Achilles replies that he hasn’t forgiven Patroclus yet and doesn’t know if he will anytime soon but also that he’ll think about it. Patroclus instead asks if they could talk during the quest and Achilles agrees.
  • They then go and catch up with Aofie before setting up camp for the night.
  • They travel for another two days before they finally reach the city of Lamia, Patroclus’ city of birth. Once there, Patroclus takes them to a cheap hotel, where they crash for the night. The next day, they go to the museum, choosing to start with the Ancient Greek section of the museum.
  • As they enter the Ancient Greek section, they discover that it consists of a large central hall filled with general Greek history and artefacts, such as statues of the gods and armour, with several other separate rooms leading off it that are each about a different event in Ancient Greek history. They decide to split up and investigate the room separately to speed up how long the search would take.
  • While looking, Patroclus is drawn to the room about the Trojan War. Inside, was a massive tapestry displaying the death of Hector as well as several wax statues of notable members of the war. Included among these was a wax display of Hector killing the original Patroclus, who was stripped of his armour and pinned down under Hector’s feet, with Hector’s spear buried in his chest. Patroclus moves to look away from it, but spots a golden bracelet hanging off the end of the wax spear and realises that it is the first object Mnemosyne sent them to find.
  • He leaves the room to alert Aofie and Achilles, and discovers Achilles flirting with a guy around their age, Aron Ljótunnarson (who is actually the reincarnation of Sarpedon, the son of Zeus who had fought for Troy and was killed by Patroclus). Patroclus calls out to both Aofie and Achilles that he found the object and Aofie soon joins him. Patroclus then notices Achilles but ignores them for the time being and leads Aofie over to the object.
  • They discuss how to get the bracelet for a few minutes before Patroclus realises that Achilles is still talking to Aron and goes to over to fetch Achilles. He interrupts their conversation, harshly and coldly out of jealousy, before telling Aron to go away as he needed Achilles for something. Aron agrees to leave before giving Achilles his name and his number so that they could continue talking later.
  • Achilles gives Aron his number and Aron leaves, with Patroclus dragging Achilles over to the Trojan War room before Aron has even completely left, telling Achilles that he had found the object, and that Achilles would’ve known that if he hadn’t been flirting with another guy while he had a girlfriend. Achilles denies this but they soon drop the subject when they reach the wax statue of Hector and Patroclus.
  • With the room empty and no one else around, Patroclus quickly grabs the object and starts to say that they should leave soon, but passes out before he could do so. Achilles carries him out of the museum and back to the hotel they were staying at until Patroclus wakes up.
  • While unconscious, Patroclus relives a memory of his past life, waking up just as the memory ends and saying Hector’s name as he wakes – although he forgets the memory just moments after waking up. By the time he wakes, it is evening again and he is in his and Achilles’ room at the hotel.
  • When he wakes, Achilles is sitting on the bed, waiting for him to wake up. He explains where they are and what happened before asking about the dream. Patroclus relays the few details he remembers but isn’t able to make much sense of what he saw – however, as the memory was one he shared with Achilles in their past life, the details were familiar to Achilles.
  • Achilles says that he will let Aofie know Patroclus was awake before getting ready to leave. Patroclus questions where he’s going and if it’s safe to split up but Achilles reassures him that he can defend himself. He doesn’t say where he’s going but does say he’ll be back by the morning. He tells Patroclus to get some rest and if there was anything Patroclus wanted while he was out.
  • Patroclus, having guessed where Achilles was going, says he doesn’t want anything and that Achilles should go and have fun.
  • Achilles leaves and goes to see Aron. Aron lets him in and they talk for a while, with Achilles apologising for how Patroclus acted at the museum, before they eventually go to Aron’s room and sleep together, however Achilles imagines Patroclus rather than Aron during the act.
  • Achilles returns to the hotel the next morning, as he promised, while trying his best to hide the hickeys on his neck, entering his room quietly so as to not wake Patroclus. However, Patroclus stirs soon after anyway.
  • Achilles goes to take a shower while Patroclus wakes properly. While Achilles was in the bathroom, Patroclus gets up and starts getting dressed, inspecting the bracelet they retrieved while waiting. Achilles re-joins him after a moment and Patroclus freezes at the sight of the hickeys, commenting on them before Achilles tells him that they’re nothing and to not pay attention to them. He promises it won’t impact the quest. Patroclus then discovers some numbers engraved on the inside of the bracelet, however they don’t appear to be coordinates.
  • The two then meet up with Aofie for breakfast after Achilles gets dressed, and they decide to take a couple more days to rest while they try to figure out what the numbers on the bracelet mean. However, Achilles spends most of the two days they spend resting with Aron. By the end of the second day, Patroclus and Aofie learn that the numbers correspond to letters of the alphabet, spelling out the word ‘Trojan’.
  • While meeting for dinner on the evening of the second day, Achilles and Aofie try to figure out what it could mean by ‘Trojan’ before Patroclus suddenly gets the thought of the private school and the affiliated riding school that he used to attend: Trojan Academy for Boys and Trojan Academy Riding School, located in Sparti – the modern day city built on the ground of the ancient kingdom of Sparta, the kingdom that was once ruled by Menelaus, who's brother waged war against Troy, in Anatolia. The school was named such as the founder had been a descendant of an Anatolian slave of the Greek army who later married and had children with one of the Greek soldiers – with the Anatolian slave also being from the city of Troy itself.

Second Week of the Quest

  • The trio pack up and set off for Sparti. To cut down on travel time, they take a bus from Lamia to a nearby village called Leianokladi, and then a train from there to Athens. From Athens, they then travel by foot, and occasionally boat, to Sparti – travelling for around four days. They reach Sparti by midday on the fourth day.
  • They soon discover that there is also an open day going on at the Trojan Academy for Boys, allowing them to slip in and investigate the affiliated Trojan Academy Riding School. While there, they run into Patroclus's childhood riding instructor, Alkis Marelis (unknowingly the reincarnation of Menelaus, the ancient King of Sparta and the younger brother of Agamemnon).
  • Patroclus discovers that he was a demigod who had been living in the mortal world for years, having not had someone to take him to Camp Half-Blood like Patroclus had, and Alkis offers his assistance with looking for the object and, in exchange, Patroclus offers to take him back to Camp Half-Blood with them.
  • In order to keep themselves from being found, Alkis and Patroclus come up with a plan for Alkis to reintroduce Patroclus to all his old classmates and teachers, therefore distracting them and allowing Achilles and Aofie to search for the object.
  • The plan works and Achilles and Aofie managed to find the second object, retrieved by Achilles, which turns out to be a laurel wreath – like the kind used to crown the winners of games in the Ancient Greek era. Achilles and Aofie re-join Patroclus and Alkis. There, they discover numbers on the leaves of the laurel wreath that Alkis identifies the numbers as coordinates and suggests they go back to his to figure out the location and also rest for a day.
  • However, on the way back to his, they are attacked by a few empousai which seem to target Patroclus in particular. They manage to get away from the monsters, and decide to get to Alkis’ car and head back to Lamia instead to put distance between them and the monsters.

Third Week of the Quest

  • The trio and Alkis get back to Lamia safely, and rest for a day in the hotel they stayed at before. After a day of resting, on their second day in Lamia, Achilles leaves to go and see Aron, returning that evening saying that Aron had agreed to let them use his laptop to look up the location. Patroclus and Achilles get into an argument over the fact that Patroclus wasn’t happy with going to see Aron for help and accidentally admitting that it was because he was jealous, but also because Achilles had made it obvious that he didn’t care about Patroclus’ feelings when Patroclus had already confessed that he loved Achilles.
  • Patroclus then quickly leaves and goes to Aofie's room, and Aofie suggests them leaving camp after the quest and go travelling for a while so that Patroclus can move on from Achilles and forget about him. Aofie initially says that they’ll go just the two of them and that she’s alright with not taking Myrina with them, but Patroclus secretly decides to invite Myrina to join them anyway, as Aofie shouldn’t have to leave her girlfriend for an unknown period of time just for him. After their talk, he goes back to his room with Achilles and tells him about what he and Aofie decided, although he lies and says it’s because he just wanted to go travelling.
  • The third day in Lamia, the group goes to Aron’s place to figure out where they had to go next. On the way to Aron’s, Patroclus spots his mother and little sister across the street – however, they do not see him. Despite this, it leaves him rattled and on edge until they finally reach Aron’s place and are let in by Aron.
  • While there, Aron and Achilles proceed to flirt with each other, to the jealousy of Patroclus and the anger of Aofie. After a few minutes of trying different combinations, Alkis finally says that he’s found it. Achilles, Aofie, and Patroclus then discover that the coordinates were pointing them towards the ruins of the Anatolian city of Troy, in modern-day Turkey.
  • As they were leaving the country again, the trio decided to stay another day in Lamia to plan for what they’d do once they arrived in Turkey and where they’d have to go, and also to prepare to travel once again.
  • Patroclus suggests that they go and stock up on supplies for their trip and Achilles agrees but asks Aron for some water before they leave – although this is just a lie and Aron and Achilles end up sleeping together again. After Achilles and Aron go into the kitchen, Patroclus suggests to Alkis and Aofie that they leave and give them some privacy. Once outside, Patroclus says that he’s going to go to Leianokladi while they’re waiting for Achilles to finish and get their train tickets.
  • Both Aofie and Alkis express concern about splitting up – especially after the monster attack in Sparti, but Patroclus tells them that he’ll be fine, that he can take care of himself and knows both Lamia and Lianokladi well. He says that if he’s not back in an hour then they can worry before turning and walking off towards the bus station to Lianokladi.
  • While on the way there, he runs into his mother, Myra, and his little sister, Kyveli. Myra questions why he’s there as she thought he had left for the camp for good. In the resulting conversation, Patroclus argues with her and tries to blame her for his abandonment issues and for why he felt like he could only rely on himself – therefore making himself break up with Achilles. Myra denies this, however, and tells him that he has those issues because he’s weak and let what happened get to him. During the conversation, Patroclus also tells her about the quest and that they would soon be leaving for Troy in Turkey. Myra reluctantly asks where how they’re getting there and then how many he had with him when she hears that Patroclus would be going by plane from Athens to Çanakkale, and also where they were staying at the moment. Patroclus cautiously tells her that they were staying at one of the hotels in Lamia, and that there were four of them, and but that only three of them were going to Turkey, with the fourth going to New York. Myra doesn’t respond to this, before sarcastically wishing him good luck and leaving with Kyveli.
  • Patroclus is left shaken by the conversation but continues to the bus stop and travels to Lianokladi to get their train tickets. By the time he returns to Aron’s house, it is a little over an hour after he left. Alkis and Aofie are visibly concerned for why he isn’t back, and Achilles and Aron were now standing with them, although Achilles appeared calmer and was trying to reassure the other two that Patroclus would be back soon. Patroclus then joins them and say that he had their train tickets so they should start preparing to leave the next day.
  • Aron tags along with them as they get their supplies, to Patroclus’ annoyance, and during the trip they get attacked by more monsters, this time a pack of hellhounds – once again targeting Patroclus in particular. Although they only try to go after Patroclus, they also do not ignore Aron – much like how the empousai in Sparti primarily went after Patroclus but also noticed the presence of Alkis and Aofie (ignoring Achilles as they were monsters sent by Thetis to get rid of Patroclus). As such, the group realise that Aron was also a demigod after they get rid of the hellhounds.
  • They make plans to send Aron to Camp Half-Blood with Alkis while Patroclus, Achilles and Aofie continued on to Troy. They quickly finish getting supplies for the trio and also Alkis and Aron and return to their hotel after Aron picked up a few things from his house and called one of his family members to take care of the rest of his belongings as he would be away for the foreseeable future.
  • At the hotel, they discover that someone had left them a gift at the reception – the gift being four plane tickets, three to Çanakkale and one to New York. Although the tickets were put in an unmarked envelope, Patroclus realises that they were left for them by his mother – although he doesn’t share this with the others. The group is left confused by the gift but just return to their rooms, quickly buying Aron his plane and train tickets online. Patroclus then manages to get in contact with Chiron using his powers over light and Achilles’ powers over water to make a rainbow so that they could Iris-message him. Patroclus informs him that they ran into two new demigods while in Greece and that the trio would be sending them to Camp Half-Blood ahead of them.
  • The next day, the group travel to Athens, where the trio part with Alkis and Aron who get on a plan to New York, where they would be met by Argus and taken to Camp Half-Blood. Meanwhile, the trio board their flight to Turkey.
  • Once they had landed in Çanakkale, they decide to walk the rest of the way to the city. They reach the ruins of the city by evening of the same day, and choose to set up camp and go looking for the third artefact the next day.
  • However, when they awake the next morning, they awake to the sight of the ruins restored to their former glory, with the city restored to what it was like during the Trojan War. They cautiously enter the restored city and find that all the buildings have also been restored but the doors are shut tight – apart from the doors leading into the bouleuterion – the council house.
  • They once again enter cautiously, but find the building empty save for a beautiful woman dressed in Ancient Greek clothing waiting for them. She introduces herself as Pasithea, the goddess of hallucinations, and explains that the restoration of the ruins of Troy was nothing but an illusion and that they were actually still in the ruins.
  • She tells them that she had been tasked by Mnemosyne to meet them here and give them the third object – but she felt that just giving them the object was boring and planned to give it to them if they beat her challenges – which is facing off against and beating some of her hallucinations. She tells them that only two of them would be taking the challenges, Aofie and Patroclus, as Achilles wasn’t needed for this stage of the quest. She tells them that the quest was actually all about Aofie and Patroclus but Achilles was invited on the quest by Mnemosyne because he was connected to it.
  • Achilles offers to take the challenges instead of one of the other two (he doesn’t specify who but Pasithea knows he means Patroclus) but Pasithea tells him that it has to be Patroclus and Aofie. She tells him that he’ll have to wait outside of the challenge rooms while the challenges went on and that if he tried to follow him in (meaning Patroclus) then her guards will stop him, drawing their attention to a couple of Ancient Greek soldiers behind her – clearly hallucinations but were still capable of creating injuries due to being made with Pasithea’s power.
  • Aofie asks what will happen if they refuse and Pasithea answers that they wouldn’t like it, so they should just do the challenges. Patroclus reassures Aofie that Mnemosyne wanted them to find the objects and so wouldn’t let anything happen to them before Pasithea leads them into two side rooms.
  • Once they were each in a room of their own, Pasithea first goes to Aofie and explains that the challenges would be Aofie having to face hallucinations of her greatest fears, darkest secrets, and unresolved past trauma and that she’d win if she managed to beat them. She asks which of their group touched the first and second objects first and Aofie answers that Patroclus was the one to touch the first object first, and Achilles touched the second one first. Pasithea then tells her that the third object was to be touched by her first.
  • Pasithea warns that the quest they were on would bring up a lot of unresolved history once they met up with Mnemosyne and this challenge was designed to prepare her for it. She then gives Aofie a moment to prepare before she starts the hallucinations and leaves to see Patroclus. She explains the same to Patroclus but Patroclus refuses to take the challenge before she can start it.
  • He tells her he won’t go through with it just for her amusement when only one of them actually has to complete the challenge. Pasithea asks him if he’s sure before lashing him with a barbed whip when he told her he was and that he dared her to punish him. Although Patroclus was right and he didn’t have to complete the challenge, Pasithea still punished him for refusing as she had to give Achilles a reason to get past his own walls in regards to his feelings for Patroclus. Patroclus screams at the pain from the punishment, alerting Achilles – who fights past Pasithea’s guards to come to Patroclus’ aid. Pasithea makes a comment about it before she disappears alongside her guards, leaving Patroclus gravely injured and bleeding, on the verge of death.
  • Achilles takes Patroclus back into the main room before giving him as much nectar and ambrosia as he could safely have – which leaves him still weakened but heals the worst of his injuries. Once Patroclus was finished eating, Achilles hugs him, relaying how scared he was. Patroclus is confused by this but doesn’t pull away and instead apologises but he couldn’t do what Pasithea asked of him.
  • Achilles tells him he’s glad that Patroclus is alive as he wasn’t sure what he would’ve done if he hadn’t of been okay. Patroclus jokes that it looks like Achilles can’t live without him before saying that he would’ve been fine as Mnemosyne wanted Patroclus alive so Pasithea wouldn’t have really killed him, although Achilles doubts this as the gods are unpredictable.
  • Patroclus tells him that he appreciates the worrying over him but asks if they could bandage the remaining injuries as they were still bleeding. Achilles soon starts bandaging the remaining injuries as Patroclus comments that Aofie must have agreed to do the challenges and reassures Achilles that she’ll be fine.
  • Achilles takes care of the final injury over Patroclus’ eye before telling Patroclus that he should rest. Patroclus asks him what he will do in the meantime and Achilles answers that he will deal with his own injuries from fighting past Pasithea’s guards. Patroclus tells him that he didn’t have to do that and Achilles answers that he did as he cares deeply about Patroclus.
  • Patroclus tells him not to say that as he knows he doesn’t mean it before Achilles insists that he does and confesses his love for Patroclus. Patroclus initially thinks that it’s some kind of sick joke, but Achilles promises him that it isn’t but understands if Patroclus doesn’t believe him after everything he did in Lamia. Patroclus asks how he’s supposed to believe that it isn’t some revenge plot that Achilles and Aron had come up with or that Achilles isn’t doing this to get back at him for what Patroclus did to him and Achilles once again promises that it isn’t either of those things.
  • He says that Patroclus did hurt him, but he would never stoop so low as to get revenge on him like this, before saying that he’ll prove it however Patroclus wants him to.
  • Patroclus brings up Aron and Achilles tells him that Aron doesn’t mean anything to him other than a friend and that he only slept with Aron because he was sexually frustrated, and even confesses that he thought of Patroclus every time he was with Aron. Patroclus then tells Achilles to kiss him and Achilles obeys, although the kiss is broken a moment later as Patroclus starts crying. Achilles tells him that he loves him again and promises when Patroclus asks him to.
  • Patroclus apologises for everything he had said again, bringing up his mother and what she had said to him during their talk – saying that she had been right and he was weak, but Achilles tells him that he wasn’t weak and shouldn’t apologise for something out of his control. Patroclus argues that it was in his control as he didn’t need to say what he said, but Achilles stops the argument and says that he’s past it now. He reassures Patroclus one more time that nothing between him and Aron was real and Patroclus answers that he believes him before swearing on the River Styx to never let anything or anyone come between them again. Achilles promises to break up with Katie when they get to camp.
  • The two of them then proceed to calmly cuddle while waiting for Aofie. Patroclus tells him that they have to keep their relationship secret as Aofie was still mad at him, but that Patroclus would talk to her once they returned to camp. Achilles answers that they can tell Aofie whenever Patroclus is ready to and that Aofie has every right to be mad at him as he knows she cares about Patroclus and is protective of him and he know he hurt Patroclus, especially when he flirted with Aron in front of Patroclus.
  • Achilles once again tells him that he loves him so much that he can’t express it in words, so Patroclus tells him to kiss him again and express it that way. Their kiss grows heated before they’re interrupted by Pasithea.
  • She comments that it’s cute to see them reunited after so long, hinting at Patroclus’ true identity (although her comment goes unnoticed by Patroclus). Achilles asks her how long she was there and she tells them that she was there long enough to hear their declarations of love, and that she came to tell them that Aofie had completed her challenge and give them the object as she said she would, but couldn’t disturb their confessions.
  • She adds that she expects a thank you and Achilles does so irritably before asking where Aofie was. Pasithea answers his question, adding that she was expecting a more sincere thank you but also that she’ll take what she could get.
  • Achilles replies that he was a little pissed off by the fact that she almost killed Patroclus before Pasithea reveals that she didn’t have to harm Patroclus for refusing, but that she did it to test Achilles – saying that she felt that he needed to be faced with the worst case scenario in order to get past the distance between him and Patroclus. She adds that she had a plan B (which she doesn’t explain but was actually going to be her setting monsters on them to attack Patroclus and injure him badly that way) if Patroclus went through with the challenge, but that she didn’t need that now.
  • Achilles asks why she went to the trouble, as their relationship doesn’t affect her, but Pasithea replies that Mnemosyne was invested in it so she figured it must be important in some way. Achilles finally thanks her more sincerely and Pasithea gives them the third object in a small bag, telling him that Aofie had to be the first to touch it.
  • Aofie then leaves the room she was in and joins them, shaken up but unharmed. Patroclus and Achilles quickly separate and Patroclus goes over and hugs her, asking if she was okay. Aofie tells him she’s fine before asking what happened when she sees the bandages. Patroclus explained what happened, and that he ate some ambrosia and felt a lot better.
  • Patroclus gives her the third object and Aofie take it out to look at it, revealing it to be a necklace. She comments on it being pretty before passing out before she could finish her sentence. Patroclus and Achilles carry her out as Patroclus comments that he bets Aofie would have a weird dream too.
  • On their way out, Pasithea tells them to have fun on the rest of the quest before giving them some parting advice, and that Mnemosyne was waiting for them on Mt. Pelion back in Greece.
  • Once out of the building, they find that the city is now a bunch of ruins again and Achilles carries Aofie out of the ruins and back over to where they had left their camp. He settles Aofie on her bedroll while Patroclus starts a fire and gets the food from their bags.
  • While waiting for Aofie to wake up, Patroclus asks a bit more about Aron, and if Achilles really thought of Patroclus whenever he was with Aron. Achilles replies that he did, and they end up sleeping together for the first time since they broke up while waiting for Aofie to wake up. After the first round, Patroclus tells Achilles to rest, and Achilles replies that he will if Patroclus does but they end up having a second round instead – getting dressed afterwards just in time for Aofie to wake up.
  • Aofie wakes up after experiencing a memory from her past life as Briseis in which she tells the original Patroclus that he is the ‘best of the Myrmidons’ – with those words being what she says as she wakes up. While Achilles wasn’t present for the memory she dreams about, he does remember a prophecy Thetis told him and Patroclus about during the Trojan war that the best of the Myrmidons would die in less than two years but that Hector would still be alive – meaning that the best of the Myrmidons didn’t refer to Achilles, as Hector would die before Achilles did. What Aofie says shocks Achilles, as he didn’t expect her to be a reincarnation too and internally questions who she could be – however, he doesn’t initially guess Briseis as Patroclus had never told him about Briseis calling him the best of the Myrmidons, even after they were reunited in the Underworld.
  • Patroclus is also confused by Aofie’s words but quickly moves on and tells her to eat, asking her what her dream was about. Aofie tells him the few details she remembers but that the dream was fading away the more she tried to think about it. Patroclus tells her not to try and force herself to remember. Aofie agrees to let it go, but that she remembers seeing someone who looked like him. However, Patroclus tells her that it was probably just a similarity.
  • They then prepare to go to bed, as they would have to make their way back to Greece the next day. While preparing for bed, Aofie questions what Pasithea meant by saying that the quest would bring up unresolved history, and that she wasn’t looking forward to what awaited them at Mt. Pelion. Patroclus replies that he feels the same but that they had no choice, although he was also curious on why Mnemosyne chose them three specifically.
  • Aofie finally heads to bed, and Achilles says he’ll take second watch after Patroclus but also that he wasn’t going to sleep yet as he wants to be with Patroclus a little bit longer. Patroclus reluctantly lets him stay up a bit longer before going over to cuddle with him.

Fourth Week of the Quest

  • The next morning, they quickly eat before packing up their camp, walking for over half the day back to Çanakkale, grabbing themselves a room in a hotel before booking themselves tickets for a flight to the city of Skiathos on Skiathos Island the next day. They spend the rest of the day in Çanakkale, resting and getting something to eat, while Patroclus also used his powers to heal his remaining injuries. Although Aofie uses the time to rest, Patroclus and Achilles spend their time doing other things, coming up with the excuse that Patroclus just found someone to have a one-night-stand with when they went out to eat, as they had purposefully got separate rooms this time.
  • The next day, they make their way to the airport, and board the plane to Skiathos island. From Skiathos, they take a ferry from Skiathos city to Volos on mainland Greece. They arrive in Volos in the evening, and spend the night at another hotel in Volos. The following morning, they leave Volos and make their way on foot to Mt. Pelion, arriving in the mid-afternoon.
  • At the top of the mountain, Mnemosyne was waiting for them in the rose quartz cave that the original Patroclus and Achilles used to sleep in during their time under Chiron's tutelage. There Mnemosyne congratulates them on getting the objects for her – despite all the travelling they’ve had to do, saying that she did try to make it as easy as she could for them however.
  • Achilles questions why she did that as quests are usually intentionally difficult but Mnemosyne tells him that the quest was created merely to give Patroclus something that he should have been given many years prior but wasn’t because someone disagreed with Aphrodite's decision.
  • Mnemosyne explains that, against her better judgement, she let this person convince her not to follow Aphrodite’s decision, believing the person when they said that it would be the best thing for both Patroclus and Achilles. However, she realised recently that what she had done more harm than good by withholding from Patroclus what was rightfully his, hence the quest. She adds that she was going to give something to Aofie as well to make up for what she did, even though Aofie wasn’t meant to get anything.
  • She adds that, if she could’ve, she would’ve just shown up at Camp Half-Blood and give them their reward there without need of the quest. But she chose to give them the quest instead because that way she’d be able to placate Thetis by saying that Patroclus earned them. Aofie asks what Achilles’ mother had to do with this but Mnemosyne tells her it will become clear after they get the reward.
  • Patroclus asks if she could tell them anyway, and Mnemosyne says she could but it would only make sense to Achilles if she did before Patroclus and Aofie got the reward. When she confirms that they had no more questions, Mnemosyne turns to Achilles and asks him to wait outside the cave while Mnemosyne gave Patroclus and Aofie their award. Achilles initially refuses but Mnemosyne tells him that the rewards are meant to be for Aofie and Patroclus’ eyes only at the moment and that, if they wished to share them with Achilles, then they will after Mnemosyne had left. Achilles reluctantly agrees and leaves the cave, waiting outside by the river he and Patroclus used to play in during their time on Mt. Pelion.
  • Once Achilles was gone, Mnemosyne reveals to Patroclus and Aofie that she would be giving them some memories that they had forgotten, although this leaves the two confused as they had all their memories already. Mnemosyne replies that they’ll understand what she meant when she gave the memories to them, and that if she said it now, they’d just think she was crazy.
  • However, she also tells them that the memories did not come without their own risk, as they would getting all them in one go while conscious rather than in their sleep like Patroclus was meant to get them as receiving them while sleeping helps the brain to process them so the knowledge would not shock the person receiving them so much when they woke up in the morning. She tells them that because they're receiving the memories while awake, doing so may cause them to go into a state of shock and they may not recover from what they learn before asking if they were willing to take the risk.
  • Aofie quietly asks Patroclus if he’s sure about accepting Mnemosyne’s offer as it was beginning to sound dangerous but Patroclus answers that he thinks they should. He reveals that he had been thinking something similar to what Mnemosyne was telling them since he touched the bracelet as the dream he had didn’t feel like a dream, it felt familiar – like it was actually a memory. He says that the memory he saw when he passed out may be included in the memories that Mnemosyne gives them and if it is, then he wants his memories restored. Aofie agrees that she felt the same way about her dream, asking if Patroclus thought what Mnemosyne told them had anything to do with Achilles saying that Patroclus was a reincarnation as Achilles was the only one excluded. Patroclus answers that the only way to know is to take Mnemosyne up on her offer and they decide that they’ll take the risk, telling Mnemosyne that they would like their memories restored.
  • Mnemosyne accepts their choice and restores to them their memories of their lives as Briseis and Patroclus Menoitiades. Once they are restored, Aofie drops to her knees crying. Patroclus manages to remain standing, but is also crying and in shock as well – horrified by what he did and said to Achilles while still unaware of who he was. He turns to leave the cave to go to Achilles, but can’t bring himself to.
  • Mnemosyne tells him to take some time to process what he learnt as he needs to come to terms with it all himself before he talk to Achilles about it and that he should remember the advice Pasithea gave him.
  • Aofie mentions how horrible it must have been for Achilles to know and endure all this alone and Mnemosyne explains that he wasn’t supposed to suffer it alone, that Aphrodite had decided that Achilles and Patroclus would both be allowed to remember and that it was her responsibility to restore their memories when they turn twelve but Thetis had convinced her when she went to give Patroclus his memories that it would be better for both Achilles and Patroclus if Patroclus didn’t remember.
  • She adds that she found it strange at the time but believed Thetis when Thetis said that the suffering the original Patroclus went through would be too much for his reincarnated self to handle and it would only cause anguish and suffering. Mnemosyne explains that she continued to believe that had been the right thing for seven years until Aphrodite alerted her to the damage that had been caused because of it, and Mnemosyne decided to restore Patroclus’ memories anyway and just face Thetis’ wrath when it came.
  • Aofie and Patroclus work out that it was all Thetis trying to separate the two of them again, when Achilles’ relationship with Katie was taken into account – with Patroclus saying that Thetis might have introduced Katie to Achilles for the same reason that she set Deidameia up with him and that Katie served the same purpose as Deidameia did.
  • Aofie then mentions their break up, but Patroclus instead takes full blame for that, stating that Achilles was only able to date Katie because he pushed Achilles away and that Patroclus actually aided Thetis in her plan. Aofie tries to tell him that it wasn’t his fault as he didn’t know, but Patroclus refutes her by saying that not knowing doesn’t erase what he did or make it okay.
  • Aofie asks if he’s going to tell Achilles and Patroclus replies that he’s not sure yet, although Aofie tries to convince him to. Patroclus eventually agrees to tell him, but says he needs to wrap his head around all the new information first.
  • Patroclus then admits to Aofie that he and Achilles had been together since the incident at Troy. Aofie replies that it’s even more important for Patroclus to tell Achilles as soon as possible then. Aofie apologises for everything she said about Achilles, but Patroclus tells her it’s okay as it’s not like she had a reason to like him even in their past lives.
  • Aofie questions how she’s supposed to look at Achilles now and that she doesn’t want to pretend she doesn’t know anything. Patroclus tells her that she can tell Achilles she remembers if she wants as he wont make her hide the truth, even if he chooses not to say anything yet, but Aofie says she won’t say anything until Patroclus does. Aofie then asks if Patroclus is happy with Achilles and Patroclus tells her that he is and that it feels right and easy with Achilles.
  • Mnemosyne then leads them both out of the cave they re-join Achilles. Achilles asks how it went and Patroclus answers that it went well and that Mnemosyne gave them a lot to think about.
  • The trio decide to rest on the mountain for he rest of the day and start making their way back to camp the next day. Aofie gives Patroclus and Achilles the cave in favour of sleeping outside among the trees, reminding Patroclus about his and Achilles’ days on Mt. Pelion where they would sleep in the cave and Chiron would sleep outside.
  • Patroclus tells Achilles that Aofie knows about them. Achilles asks Aofie what she thinks and Aofie answers that she’s fine with it as Patroclus told her that he was happy and she would never take that away from him, but does promise to hurt him if he ever hurt Patroclus.
  • Mnemosyne announces that she would be leaving now that her job was done before asking to speak with Achilles privately first. She leads Achilles over to the edge of the mountain top clearing while Patroclus and Aofie began setting up a campfire. When they were far enough away from Patroclus and Aofie, Mnemosyne gives Achilles some advice concerning his mother and Aphrodite, and also tells Achilles that Patroclus will likely have a lot of apologising that he feels like he has to do and that Achilles should humour him, even if Achilles doesn’t think Patroclus needs to. She tells him to allow Patroclus to apologise, accept his apologies and tells Patroclus that he forgives him if Patroclus needs him to. After this, she wishes him good luck and leaves.
  • Achilles returns to the other two, and Patroclus asks what Mnemosyne wanted but Achilles tells him that it was just about his mother. They then start preparing some food for dinner.
  • That night, Patroclus and Achilles get ready for bed and lay down in the rose quartz cave, cuddling up together. Achilles asks if Patroclus is tired and Patroclus answers that he is mentally as Mnemosyne essentially dropped a bomb on him and Aofie and it was a lot to take in.
  • Achilles asks if there’s anything he could do to help, but Patroclus tells him that he needs to process it on his own – although he wouldn’t mind a distraction. Achilles offers cuddles and kisses and Patroclus accepts them. They then decide to try and get some sleep, but before either of them could fall asleep, Patroclus suddenly starts apologising again for what he said when they broke up – like Mnemosyne said he would. Achilles humours him like Mnemosyne advised he do, and tells Patroclus that he loves them before the two of them share another intimate night together in the cave – like they used to when they stayed on Mount Pelion in their past lives.

End of the Quest

  • The next day, they wake up early to pack up camp and make their way back down the mountain. They walk back to Volos, where they stopped to buy some plane tickets from Skiathos to Long Island before taking the ferry from Volos to Skiathos. They spend the remainder of the day and the night in Skiathos and then board the plane to Long Island the next day.
  • Once they land in Long Island, they immediately go to crash at the home of Achilles’ father-figure, Nerio, for the rest of the day before starting the trek back to Camp Half-Blood, this time accompanied by Nerio.
  • They decide to go back to camp on foot, walking for another two days before they finally reach the bottom of Half-Blood Hill. However, just as they’re about to make their way up the hill, another hellhound attacks them. It pins Patroclus and Patroclus tells Aofie and Nerio to go and get help while he and Achilles fought it off.
  • Patroclus manages to get the hellhound off him and he and Achilles start attacking it before it then pounces on Achilles. Someone shouts Achilles’ name, but it wasn’t Patroclus and was instead a girl’s voice, districting the hellhound long enough for Patroclus to kill it.
  • Achilles gets up and discovers the voice belonged to Katie, expressing his displeasure of her being there. Patroclus ignores her, however, and goes over to check on Achilles, but Katie makes it first. Patroclus chooses instead to go over to Chiron and Aofie and thanks them for coming to their aid, even if Patroclus managed to end the hellhound himself. Chiron answers that there was no need for thanks before checking over Patroclus to make sure he was okay.
  • Patroclus tells Chiron about what happened with Mnemosyne and Chiron asks if he recognises Achilles now. Patroclus replies that he wishes he didn’t after everything he said and did, and that he hadn’t told Achilles yet so Chiron shouldn’t mention anything. Chiron asks if he will eventually and Patroclus answers that he just needs some time.
  • Patroclus then says that he’ll go and get some rest as Achilles had to talk to Katie and break up with her. Chiron wishes them luck before returning to the Big House. Patroclus comments that it’s weird seeing Chiron after so many years and wonders how Chiron learnt that he and Achilles died. Aofie suggests that he learnt through Thetis, or through word spreading through Greece as Achilles’ death would’ve been a big event. Patroclus agrees and says that Chiron would’ve deduced from Achilles’ death that Patroclus died too.
  • Aofie asks if Patroclus has processed all his memories yet and Patroclus answers that he’s still working through the Trojan War memories, which Aofie says she’s stuck on too.
  • Patroclus comments on how complicated thing were between the three of them back then, and Aofie starts to bring up the topic of the romantic feelings she had for Patroclus as Briseis and the small romantic feelings that Patroclus had for Briseis in return (although they were feelings he never acted on due to his stronger feelings for Achilles). Patroclus tells her that they don’t need to talk about it but Aofie just says that she wants to tell him that she doesn’t feel the same way anymore, despite her memories, and that she hopes it won’t be awkward between them – to which Patroclus tells her it won’t as he doesn't feel the same anymore either.
  • Patroclus then heads to the Apollo cabin to get some rest while Achilles talked to Katie. He takes her to the forest to talk in private before telling her that he was breaking up with her, and that he never truly loved her and that he loved Patroclus. Katie, however, tells him that she will not let him leave her for the camp loner when Thetis promised her that she would get to date him.
  • Achilles tells her that Patroclus swore on the River Styx that nothing would come between them again so she has to let him go as he couldn’t bear to see Patroclus die again. Katie answers that he can see Patroclus in secret but she will not be dumped for a guy, especially Patroclus – the camp’s resident asshole.
  • Achilles questions her over if it’s not worse for her to stay with him when he doesn’t love her but Katie answers that she has the camp’s golden boy as her boyfriend so, love or no love, the arrangement is good for her.
  • Achilles tells her that it’s not fair that he has to see Patroclus in secret but Katie doesn’t care and says she’s not going to change her mind – she replies that he either sees Patroclus secretly or not at all. She then tells Achilles that it’s the best thing for Patroclus as well, as Patroclus hates everyone and wouldn’t be able to handle the popularity that would come from being with Achilles.
  • Achilles finally relents at this but tells her that he would be going to see Patroclus every night. Katie answers that she doesn’t care so long as they aren’t seen.
  • Achilles then leaves to find Patroclus and tells him what happened. Patroclus is disheartened but tells him that it’s okay as he wasn’t going anywhere and they would have plenty of time to figure something out. Achilles says that he doesn’t want to start acting distant again, and Patroclus tells him that they don’t have to, that they could act like close friends in public so long as they don’t treat each other romantically.
  • Achilles asks if Patroclus would come to the Thetis cabin every night and Patroclus promises that he will, and that Achilles would have a harder time keeping him out. They then go back to the Thetis cabin to spend the rest of the day together in a familiar bed.

Late December

  • After a couple of months of seeing Achilles secretly, Katie starts to remind Patroclus of Deidameia and the time he spent on Scyros with Achilles in the past. He starts to skip eating meals with the rest of the camp and instead takes his food out of the pavilion to eat alone as he hated seeing Katie hanging off Achilles’ arm.
  • He continues to visit Achilles every night but some nights, he can only think of Katie showing Achilles off like a trophy – so, on these nights, they just cuddle and sleep rather than have sex.
  • At the same time, he spends the two months since the quest ends starting to write down all his memories into a book (The Song of Achilles) so he could better organise them and process them.
  • One day after Patroclus begins to grow distant, Achilles goes to find him as he hadn’t seen Patroclus around much during the day recently. Patroclus, however, reassures him that he’s okay and that he misses Achilles.
  • Achilles comments that it’s odd that Patroclus wasn’t going to meals with the rest of the camp anymore when it was usually Patroclus who dragged Achilles to mealtimes. But Patroclus tells him that it’s just that his daily cycle was fucked up so he wasn’t hungry at the camp mealtimes right now – but that he was still eating.
  • Achilles comments that it’s still strange as used Patroclus to go to lunch even if he wasn’t hungry just to sit with Achilles or Aofie. Patroclus suggests that maybe he was fighting with Aofie but Achilles doubts it because he would’ve known if he was.
  • Patroclus comments that he’s surprised Achilles can notice anything other than Katie with how much she’s in his face all the time. Achilles replies that he notices everything even if Katie is dragging him everywhere. He then asks if he did something wrong as Patroclus is acting different.
  • Patroclus reassures him and says that he didn’t do anything wrong. He says that he just has a lot on his mind and he’s still trying to process the quest while simultaneously avoiding the campers who suddenly want to talk to him now that he was chosen to go on a quest.
  • That night, he goes to visit Achilles again, like he promised Achilles he would.



  • Patroclus finishes writing his book, working through and processing the last of his memories. Having done so, he starts to get more and more bothered by Katie and starts getting reminded of Deidameia more and more when he sees her with Achilles . He slowly finds himself getting annoyed and irritated that he has to be with Achilles in secret while having to listen to the other campers talk about how perfect Katie and Achilles are together.
  • He starts avoiding Achilles during the day as he wants to avoid Katie and they’re nearly always together.
  • One day, Achilles goes looking for him, finding him down by the beach. Patroclus tries to hide from him at first and almost manages to escape into the forest without being seen but a dryad sent by Aofie stops him and alerts Achilles, causing Patroclus to be discovered.
  • Achilles asks if they can talk and Patroclus reluctantly agrees before asking what he wants to talk about. Achilles answers that Patroclus knows exactly what he wants and asks why Patroclus is avoiding him, but Patroclus tries to deny doing so.
  • Achilles tells him that he is, that he avoids Achilles during the day and is even distant at night now. Patroclus finally cracks and says that he’s getting sick of only being able to touch Achilles in secret, when she (meaning Deidameia rather than Katie) lets him, the he’s sick of seeing her (again meaning Deidameia) hanging off his arm, and listening to everyone talk about how they’re a perfect couple – especially when he knows that most likely no one would talk about him and Achilles like that.
  • Achilles tells him that avoiding him won’t fix any of that and Patroclus replies that he’s not avoiding Achilles, he’s avoiding her (Deidameia), and that she is everywhere he is nowadays and he can’t even get a single moment alone with him without her ruining it, adding that he’s sick of her being constantly there.
  • Achilles tells him that Patroclus should’ve told him as they could’ve found something to get Katie to leave him alone but Patroclus chose to run and hide instead.
  • Patroclus tells him to forget it and tries to leave, saying that Achilles doesn’t understand and how could he when he doesn’t know everything, adding that he refuses to be around her when he hates her and won’t just stand there and smile and act like he doesn’t. Achilles doesn’t let him leave however and asks what else Patroclus is hiding from him.
  • Patroclus tries to get him to let go, saying that it doesn’t matter but Achilles tightens his hold and replies that it does before asking him again what he was hiding. Patroclus tells him to let go and that it’s none of his business, adding that it was between him and himself alone to deal with.
  • Achilles replies that it’s clearly bothering Patroclus and asks why Patroclus won’t tell him. Patroclus replies that it doesn’t matter and his problem is with her. Achilles tells him to just talk to him and that it isn’t that hard.
  • Patroclus asks if Achilles wants him to tell him that he hates Katie because she reminds him of the very worst part of his life, and Achilles asks what he means by that, saying that he gets that Katie is annoying and that he hates her too but she isn’t bad enough to ruin Patroclus’ life.
  • Patroclus tells him that he has no idea what he’s on about and Achilles snaps at him and tells him to talk to him then instead of mocking him, saying that he feels like Patroclus doesn’t trust him and that he’s just walking with a blindfold on. Patroclus denies this and says that he does trust Achilles, that he’s not mocking him but also that none of this has anything to do with Achilles.
  • Achilles answers that if it’s about Patroclus and is bothering him than it does have something to do with him before asking why Patroclus hates Katie so much. Patroclus retorts by asking why Achilles doesn’t hate her and Achilles answers that he dislikes her but doesn’t hate her and that their situation isn’t entirely Katie’s fault so blaming her was wrong.
  • Patroclus snaps them and says that there’s no way he couldn’t hate her or blame her when she reminded him of Deidameia, that he was sick of the world trying to keep them apart and that she is a part of it.
  • Achilles, in his anger, doesn’t hear everything everything that Patroclus says, however, and misses Deidameia’s name. He continues the argument by telling Patroclus that it wasn’t so hard to be honest, and Patroclus realises that Achilles didn’t properly hear what he said.
  • He asks if that’s all Achilles has to say and Achilles asks what else there was to say. Patroclus replies by asking if Achilles even heard what he said and Achilles answers that he heard Patroclus say that he hates Katie because she’s separating them, but doesn't mention Patroclus saying Deidameia's name. Patroclus stares at him in disbelief for a moment and tells him to shut up, surprising Achilles before pinning Achilles against a tree.
  • He repeats that Achilles should shut up, saying that Achilles missed the most important part of what he said. Achilles replies that he should tell him again then, but Patroclus instead kisses him and Achilles responds after a moment of surprise.
  • Patroclus breaks the kiss a few moments later before repeating that Katie reminds him of Deidameia. The words and what they mean finally registers in Achilles’ brain and he freeze in shock before Patroclus tells him that he remembers everything.
  • He promises Achilles that he isn’t lying when Achilles tells him that he shouldn’t play with his emotions, and says that Mnemosyne restored his and Aofie’s memories on the quest.
  • Achilles asks for proof, so Patroclus a few memories that only Achilles and the original Patroclus would know about. Achilles finally believes him and hugs him tightly, beginning to cry. Achilles says that he thought Patroclus would never remember him and Patroclus apologises for trying to make Achilles think he was wrong about him being a reincarnation, but that he was back now and wasn’t going anywhere.
  • They share another kiss, but it’s broken by Achilles crying and apologising for not protecting Patroclus during the Trojan War. Patroclus, however, tells him that it was his decision to fight and that Achilles did everything he could and gave him all the right advice, and that it was Patroclus who chose not to follow Achilles’ advice. He chose not to listen to Achilles and he paid the price for it.
  • He tells Achilles that he wished he hadn’t gone after Hector, however, as he wanted Achilles to live – which was the whole reason for not killing Hector the whole ten years they were at Troy.
  • Achilles replies that there was no point in living if Patroclus wasn’t beside him and that he was blinded by rage and grief as Patroclus was the only good thing in his life and he lost him. Patroclus adds that he hated that Achilles was sent to the Underworld without him, and Achilles says that he hated it too and looked for Patroclus everywhere when he got to Elysium. Patroclus promises to tell Achilles the story about it another time.
  • Patroclus promises not to leave his side ever again and that he would be beside him forever, from now on. He adds that Achilles should talk to Aofie soon, and reveals that Aofie is Briseis's reincarnation. Achilles replies that her hatred of him makes sense now but Patroclus reassures him and says that Aofie doesn’t hate him anymore, but she may still be wary of him.
  • They talk a bit more about the Agamemnon and Achilles’ participation in the Trojan War, before Achilles mentions that he could feel his mother glaring at him. Patroclus replies that they never cared about what Thetis thought before so it didn’t matter. Achilles answers that he still let Thetis lead him into meeting Katie and dating her, and Patroclus tells him that Achilles was hurt and it was okay, and that he didn’t blame Achilles.
  • The conversation then turns to Patroclus’ past relationship with the Dionysus kid, and Achilles admits that his affair with Aron was partly out of jealousy for Patroclus' fling with the Dionysus kid as he believed that he should be the only one by Patroclus’ side and he wanted to make Patroclus jealous too.
  • Patroclus tells him that his jealousy was adorable, admitting that his relationship with the Dionysus kid, Nikolas, was fun, that Nikolas was good in bed and a good temporary distraction but that Patroclus never saw him as anything more than that.
  • Achilles teases Patroclus and says that he’s better than Nikolas and Patroclus admits that he’s right. Achilles teases him more and the two of them end up returning to the Thetis’ cabin, passing Nikolas on the way – although Patroclus doesn’t see him. Once back at the Thetis cabin, they end up sleeping together, the act rougher than usual due to Achilles’ jealousy (although still not more than Patroclus can handle).
  • The same night, just before falling asleep, Patroclus brings up the topic of him and Achilles getting married, as they had already waited over 3000 years to and they were both adults and therefore didn’t need parental consent. Achilles questions when they would and Patroclus replies that they should do so the next day. The next morning, they go to Chiron and inform him and later that afternoon, they get married in a traditional Greek pagan ceremony attended by Chiron, Aofie and the other campers (including, reluctantly, Nikolas and Aron).
  • After the wedding, sixteen-year-old Vico Grace, the Augur of Camp Jupiter, arrives, urgently telling Chiron that he had been pulled to Camp Half-Blood by the source of his power (the sacred place where his Oracle power is drawn from, located deep in the forest of Camp Half-Blood), having heard it calling to him even from Camp Jupiter. Knowing why this was, Vico hurried to Camp Jupiter to inform Chiron. This then makes them both concerned that Vico was called to his origin of power in order to receive the next Great Prophecy - despite the fact that Vico was supposed to be the Augur of Camp Jupiter and therefore the prophecy should've been bestowed onto Rachel as the Oracle of Delphi.
  • They and the rest of the camp travel to the forest clearing that was his place of power and there Vico received the third Great Prophecy. The Great Prophecy elaborated on the previous visions that Vico got, tying each of the nine demigods he had seen in previous visions to nine important characters from the Trojan War, who would be led by the new Hero of the Prophecy. It also clarified that the visions of war he had experienced were to be caused by Eris, with the aid of four allies and it would happen in July.
  • The mention of reincarnations catches the attention of Patroclus, Achilles, Aofie, with Achilles fearing that the rumours that he was destined to be the next hero of the prophecy would be true, despite Patroclus trying to reassure him otherwise. Vico reveals who the nine demigods of the prophecy are, although he had known the identities of them for almost eight months by then, but states that the identity of the Hero of the Prophecy should be discussed in private with the nine named demigods. It is then that Achilles, Aofie, and Patroclus learn that Nerio, Alkis, Nikolas, Isaac, Hector, and Aron are all also reincarnations.
  • Chiron takes all nine of the demigods back to the Big House with Vico, where they are surprised to be greeted by Mnemosyne, who reveals that the Fates had arranged for other heroes to be reincarnated besides Patroclus and Achilles. She reveals that the six, currently unknown, heroes and Briseis had only been reincarnated to combat the upcoming threat of Eris - something that she had been unable to tell to Patroclus and Aofie at the time of her restoring their memories.
  • Mnemosyne reveals that the purpose of her visit was that the Fates had asked her to restore the past life memories of the six other demigods, as they would need the knowledge from their previous lives. It is then that Vico reveals the past life identities of the other demigods - he reveals that Nerio is Odysseus, the ancient Prince of Ithaca; Alkis is Menelaus, the ancient King of Sparta who had been married to Helen; Nikolas is Agamemnon, the ancient King of Mycenae who waged war against Troy on his brother's behalf; Hector was Hector Priamidis, the Trojan prince responsible for the death of the original Patroclus and who was killed by Achilles; Isaac is Paris Priamidis, the Trojan prince who was the brother of Hector and responsible for the death of Achilles; and Aron is Sarpedon, the Lycian son of Zeus who had been killed by Patroclus while under the guise of Achilles. After their memories are restored, the six other demigods finally learn that Patroclus and Achilles are reincarnations of the originals and Aofie was the reincarnation of Briseis - to Nikolas' embarrasment and horror. Vico also reveals that the hero of the prophecy was Patroclus.
  • Despite the reluctance of all involved parties besides Nerio, as Odysseus had no personal quarrel with any of the past lives of the other reincarnations, the nine of them agree to team up to lead the war against Eris and her subordinates, with the agreement that the fight against Eris was to be left to Patroclus.
  • Chiron lets them all head off to bed, saying that they would start working on their plan to defeat Eris once he had talked to Vico about the situation with the four allies of Eris. However, before they go, Chiron also tells Achilles and Patroclus to meet him at the Big House the next morning.
  • The following morning, Patroclus and Achilles both go to the Big House, where Chiron surprises them by saying that he had arranged for them to go on a honeymoon around Europe for a couple of months and having Argus take them to the nearest airport. He reassures them to not worry about the prophecy since it wouldn't come to fruition for a long time, and they would be okay without the two of them and just tells them to have fun.


  • On Valentine’s Day, while on their honeymoon and currently visiting Mt. Pelion again, Patroclus reads the book he wrote about his memories to Achilles as a Valentine’s Day present – as there were pieces of his life and things that happened to him that Achilles didn’t know about or witness, and the book allowed Achilles an insight into how Patroclus felt about the things they experienced together and the things Patroclus experienced on his own.


  • Patroclus and Achilles return to camp from their honeymoon and rest for the night in the Thetis cabin. The next morning, at breakfast, Chiron announces that a new prophecy had been issued concerning a quest to stop a group of Nosoi, spirits of disease and plague, from wreaking havoc and gaining strength. Based on the prophecy, Achilles, Patroclus and Aofie are again chosen to go – despite Patroclus’ comment about how they had just gotten back to camp.
  • The quest takes them back to Greece, where the nine Nosoi were prophesised to be, targeting three cities with each city being targeted by three Nosoi each. While their last quest in Greece, and partly Turkey, took them a month as they travelled by foot most of the time, this quest only took them a week, as Patroclus had received driving lessons from Alkis and was offered to use Alkis’ car (which had remained in Sparti) during the quest.
  • The final city they save from the Nosoi is Lamia, where their last quest had started. During the final fight against the Nosoi and the god who was leading them, Penthus, Achilles is gravely injured by Penthus while protecting Patroclus and is also infected with a deadly illness by the Nosoi before most of the Nosoi are destroyed by Patroclus and Penthus runs off with the remaining Nosoi, knowing that the fight was lost.
  • With Achilles on the verge of death, Thanatos appears to collect his soul, but Patroclus refuses to let him get anywhere close, insisting that he can heal him. Although it should be impossible, as a demigod son of Apollo, for Patroclus to successfully bring someone back from the brink of death, Patroclus suddenly, in that moment, unlocks greater healing powers – almost on the level of Apollo’s – and fully heals Achilles while also simultaneously healing any injuries he or Aofie obtained.
  • After the quest, they rest up for a day in Lamia. Patroclus takes Aofie and Achilles to get something to eat, having grown up in Lamia and knowing where all the good places are, before they are alerted to the presence of a harpy in the area. They soon learn that the harpy is not there because of them and therefore decide to chase it down to find out who the demigod it’s after is.
  • At first they struggle to find it, but then hear the scream of a young girl and make their way towards the location of the scream. Patroclus gets there first and is horrified to find that he recognises the girl being attacked as his younger sister, Kyveli, and rushes over. Achilles and Aofie take on the harpy and defeat it while Patroclus checks on Kyveli, healing any injuries she received. Kyveli asks who he is, and Patroclus reveals that he’s her brother.
  • Patroclus and Kyveli lead the way back to Patroclus’ childhood home, where Patroclus comes face to face with his mother, Myra, again – where he introduces Achilles to Myra as his husband. He explains what happened with the harpy, and how the harpy had completely ignored the scent of a child of an Olympian god combined with the scent of child of minor god in favour of Kyveli’s sole scent – meaning that she had to be the daughter of a god more powerful than Apollo and Thetis combined. He doesn’t press Myra to tell him the identity of Kyveli’s father but insists on Kyveli returning to Camp Half-Blood with him.
  • Myra initially refuses but Patroclus doesn’t let her continue before telling her that if she keeps Kyveli with her, more monsters would come for Kyveli and that Kyveli would not survive without the kind of training that the camp would give her, as well as saying that Kyveli needed to be somewhere where her powers could be safely discovered and controlled. Myra finally agrees to let Kyveli go so long as Kyveli would be able to come and visit. Patroclus promises that she can and that she could even start being only a summer camper once her godly parentage was discovered and she had received some training.
  • Myra gives her thanks before, to Patroclus’ surprise, apologising for her past behaviour concerning the camp, and saying that she never truly understood the risk for demigods like Patroclus and Kyveli until now. Patroclus and Myra finally reconnect after all the years of not speaking and bitterness, and the conversation ends with Myra asking if Patroclus would visit as well. Patroclus promises that he will before leaving with Kyveli, Achilles, and Aofie and returning to camp, where he introduces Kyveli to Chiron, who allows Kyveli to stay in the Thetis cabin with Patroclus and Achilles rather than staying in the Hermes cabin.


  • Over the period of a week, Alkis and Nerio are claimed. Alkis is claimed a son of Hephaestus, and Nerio is claimed a son of Leucothea.
  • The day after Nerio's claiming, a second prophecy explaining how Scylla was now rising up and gaining power and had captured and imprisoned one of the minor gods. While Patroclus was actively dreading that the quest would be given to him, Achilles, and Aofie again, it was soon revealed that the demigods who were given the quest were instead Alkis, Nikolas, and Nerio.


  • Aron is claimed a son of Erebus.
  • The day after Aron's claiming, a third prophecy and quest is announced, this time to fight against the naiad, Strymo – the mother of the ancient King Priam of Troy and the grandmother of the well-known Trojan princes, Hector and Paris. The quest, this time, is assigned to Hector Pierce, Aron, and a son of Aphrodite called Isaac Valentine.


  • Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter team up to fight against Eris and her allies, led by Patroclus and the other heroes of the prophecy. The resulting battle was long and bloody, but talented demigods from both Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter helped to minimise the amount of casualties, and the nine reincarnations keep the deities leading the opposing side busy. Eventually, Patroclus manages to land the final blow on Eris, destroying her physical body and ending the war.

Late September

  • Patroclus and Achilles leave camp to move into an apartment in Athens in order to attend university there, with Achilles studying archaeology and Patroclus studying literature, after Patroclus spends the year studying with Achilles and taking the school exams he would've done if he hadn't of left Greece in order to apply.
  • Patroclus also publishes the book he had written about himself and Achilles, under a pseudonym, and quickly garners fame from it.



  • Patroclus graduates from univeristy with a degree in literature.
  • Achilles graduates from university with a degree in archaeology.


  • Following their graduation, Patroclus and Achilles decide to leave camp permanently and become summer campers in order to move into their own home in the mortal world instead. After a short debate over where they would move, they eventually decide to move to Greece, specificially to Volos in Thessaly. Soon after, they both get hired by the University of Thessaly; Achilles as a professor for the archaeology department and the school's newly opened mythological studies department, and Patroclus as a professor of the literature department and history department. At the same time, Patroclus continues with his writing career, writing and publishing more books commonly centered around Greek mythology. As a joke, Patroclus even convinces the literature department to add the first book he wrote, the Song of Achilles, to the list of books to be studied during the course to see his students' reactions to it.



  • Achilles and Patroclus decide to have a child via surrogacy. They decide that Achilles would be the biological father, and to use an egg donated by Patroclus's eighteen-year-old half-sister, Kyveli, which would then be carried by Achilles and Patroclus's friend, Aofie - the surrogate mother.



  • Achilles and Patroclus's daughter is born, who they then name Philomela, in honour of the mother of the original Patroclus.
Previous Version
Main Plotline
Involved Characters
Patroclus Menoitiades / Patroclus Calliades
Achilles Pelides / Achilles Woods
Peleus Aeacides  / Jasper Woods
Menoitius Actorides / Myra Calliade
Agamemnon Atreides / Nikolas Perallis
Kyveli Calliade
Hippodamia Briseis(Briseis) / Aofie
Hector Priamidis / Hector Pierce
Chiron Cronides
Myrina Alastor
Paris Priamidis / Isaac Valentine
Deidameia Lycomedione / Katie Hunt
Odysseus Laertiades / Nerio Marlin
Sarpedon / Aron Ljótunnarson
Menelaus Atreides / Alkis Marelis
Priamus Laomedontiades
Vico Grace
Rachel Elizabeth Dare
Helen Tyndaria