Myrina Alastor

Myrina Aimee Alastor (a.k.a. Myr, Rina)

Myrina Alastor is the demigod daughter of Ares and the mortal American soldier Imogen Alastor, and the elder half-sister of Hayden Ryan. She is the head counselor of Ares' cabin at Camp Half-Blood. She is currently the girlfriend of the dryad, Aofie - the reincarnation of the ancient Anatolian woman, Hippodamia Briseis, most well known for being a good friend of the hero Achilles and his lover Patroclus.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

As a child of Ares, Myrina is very physically fit. She is taller than most women her age, and has a notably muscular build.

Facial Features

Myrina wears a black lip ring on her lower lip.

Special abilities

General Abilities

  • ADHD: As a demigod, Myrina has supernatural alertness and keen senses that keep her ready for, and alive, in battle. It also lets her analyse her opponents' fighting style as well as pick up minor details about an opponent, such as where their muscles tense so she cana tell which direction they will attack from.
  • Dyslexia: Myrina's brain is 'hard-wired' for reading Ancient Greek instead of mortal languages.
  • Swordmanship: As a demigod, Myrina is a naturally talented swordswoman. She has inherent and instinctive sword skills.
  • Dreams: Like most demigods, Myrina can potentially have dreams that show her events occurring in the past, present, and future.
  • Superhuman Reflexes: Myrina has faster reflexes than regular mortals due to being a demigod.
  • Superhuman Agility: Myrina is more agile than regular mortals due to being a demigod.
  • Superhuman Speed: Myrina is faster than regular mortals due to being a demigod.
  • Mist Control: As a demigod, Myrina has the potential ability to manipulate the Mist, which means she can make things appear as she wants them to in the eyes of a mortal. This ability needs to be taught to her by someone already capable of using it and can't be self-taught. She would also have limited control over this ability compared to children of Hecate.
  • Demigod Abilities

  • Telumkinesis: Children of Ares are able to adapt to using various types of weapons quicker than normal. They have the power to curse their opponents' weapons and transfigure any object into any weapon. Examples include making a sword too heavy to lift properly or turning arrows into rubber, forcibly disarming their opponents.
  • Odikinesis: They can unconsciously arouse feelings of impulsive anger, hatred, and bloodlust in people, to the point of instigating physical violence. 
  • Necromancy (limited): They can summon the dead of the losing side of a battle. Their degree of control is far inferior to that of children of Hades or Thanatos, however.
  • Enhanced Physical Prowess: They all have enhance strength and swiftness. The daughters of Ares have the skeletal structure and muscle distribution of exceptionally large, strong, and well-conditioned human men, allowing them to withstand the rigors of combat as well as their brothers.
  • Intelligence: They are excellent war strategists, though they seem to prefer mindless brute force over strategy like their father.
  • Fighting skills: They are natural fighters with inborn fighting skills.
  • Powerful scream (limited): They can generate powerful screams capable of causing their opponents extreme pain and discomfort.
  • Children of Ares can decrease an opponent's strength and combat abilities for a short time, leaving them vulnerable to attack.
  • Children of Ares are able to clap their hands so hard and fast due to their enhanced strength that it sends a small shockwave out. The shockwave generates enough force to knock an opponent off their feet and possibly leave bruises on their skin.
  • Children of Ares can become resistant, but not immune, to all types of physical attacks for a short time.
  • Children of Ares have the ability to call forth civil justice onto the battlefield for a short time, making all opponents lose the will to fight if their actions are unjust. However, if the actions of the opponent are justifiable, the power becomes redundant, and if the user attempts to attack the opponent while the power is in use, it immediately wears off.
  • Children of Ares are always emitting an aura of violence and war, which makes people around them more likely to attack each other and start fights. They can shut if off for a long time if they wish.
  • Children of Ares have the inhuman ability to leap great distances at once which can be used to dodge or attack. Upon landing, a small tremor is unleashed which causes anybody within a few feet to lose their balance.
  • Children of Ares have the ability to empower strength upon nearby allies, and instil fear upon nearby enemies with a deafening war cry.
  • Children of Ares can create an illusion of massive bloodshed, destruction, and devastati on on a battlefield, instilling everyone around them with cowardice and terror, causing them to panic and be routed for some time, until it wears off and they return to battle. Similarly, they can also do the opposite, causing everyone nearby to go into a battle frenzy, in which they recklessly fight the enemy.
  • Embodiment of War: Children of Ares can draw power from all the violent actions and desires they've seent, felt, or committed in their lives and become an embodiment of war for a short time. In this state, they are twice as strong and fast than before and are immune to all attacks. They emit a powerful aura which somewhat makess enemiess think they are weak and doomed for failure. Once the transformation subsides and the user reverts to normal, they are immensely drained, cannot move, and could possibly faint.
  • Children of Ares can summon armour at will.
  • Children of Ares can communicate with boars/pigs, and vultures.
  • Hemokinesis: Some children of Ares can control and manipulate blood with enough training, using this ability to create constructs of blood, weapons and armour out of blood, heal others, or even pollute another's blood.
  • Pyrokinesis (limited): Children of Ares have the ability of pyrokinesis, specifically for explosives, due to fire being associated with war and anarchy, as well as Ares' children's hot-headedness and temper. However, their ability of pyrokinesis is inferior to that of children of Hestia or Hephaestus.
  • Children of Ares are usually more courageous than most, especially when facing danger.
  • As Ares is the god of civil order, his kids are often adept at creating order when there is chaos and fighting around them.
  • Children of Ares tend to love the thrill of battle and fighting, feeling natural when partaking in combat.
  • Children of Ares often love the chance to show off their abilities, they're often somewhat arrogant and hotheaded.
  • Children of Ares typically have the potential to become great soldiers, agents, or generals and are able to perform remarkable feats within the military.
  • Children of Ares tend to be protective of people they love.
  • Children of Ares tend to get along with children of Aphrodite.
  • Apparel & Accessories

    Myrina is into a lot of punk, rock, goth, and metal music, and her clothing style often reflects that. She typically dresses in black or dark colours, and accessorises her clothing with chains. Her favourite pair of boots are gothic platform boots with spikes and chains on them. She usually wears a studded black choker around her neck.

    Specialized Equipment

    As a daughter of Ares, Myrina is skilled with most weapons, but she typically prefers to use a sword, and her preferred weapon is one that is a gift from her father - celestial bronze Xyele, a short, slightly curved, one-edged sword that had been used by the Spartans.

    Mental characteristics

    Personal history

    Early Life

    Myrina was born in June 2015 to the war god, Ares, and the former American soldier, Imogen Alastor, in Belleville, Arkansas. Unusually, her father was present for her birth, although he left soon after.   Myrina and her mother were happy throughout Myrina's childhood, and when Myrina was nine, Imogen married Finley Ryan - another soldier, who was still serving in the army. Together they had a son, Hayden Ryan. However, Finley did not like Myrina, seeing her as a problem child due to her aggressive and hotheaded personality, a result of her divine heritage. Myrina noticed this and, while her mother refused to leave Myrina in the care of someone else, Mhyrina was aware that her presence was causing arguments between her mother and stepfather.   Myrina lived in the house for a few more years until she turned twelve, and was found by one of the satyrs of Camp Half-Blood. He explained to her that she was a demigod, and, with her mother's confirmation and permission, he took her to Camp Half-Blood.  

    Camp Half-Blood and Claiming

    At Camp Half-Blood, Myrina was shown around the camp by Chiron personally, and she was set up in the Hermes cabin until she was claimed. Her first night at the camp, she was set up in a bed beside a dark haired boy who had arrived at camp the day before. The boy introduced himself as Patroclus Calliades, but he was unable to speak English, and conveyed his introductions solely in Ancient Greek - which Myrina could understand due to her divine heritage. Myrina didn't want to solely converse in Ancient Greek, however, as she was still getting used to the whole demigod aspect of her life, and Patroclus' inability to speak English meant that Myrina quickly gave up on trying to get to know him.   The next day, Myrina and Patroclus both joined the Hermes kids in their daily activities, instructed in how to do everything by a Hermes demigod a year older than Myrina named Hector Pierce. That night, during Myrina's second dinner at camp, she was claimed by her father and moved into the Ares cabin that night.  

    Capture the Flag and Rivalry with Patroclus

    The first Friday following Myrina's arrival, Myrina joined her demigod siblings in participating in the weekly game of capture the flag, placed on the team led by the Poseidon cabin, despite the rivalry between the two cabins in generations past.   On the opposite team was the Hermes cabin, including Patroclus, who was the youngest camper on their team, at the age of only ten, and had many campers on Myrina's team laughing about how he wasn't going to last very long, and some even feeling sympathetic for him. As a new camper that was not much older than Patroclus and who didn't have much battle experience, Myrina's team tasked her with dealing with Patroclus - partly out of pity to put Patroclus out of his misery quickly, and partly so that Myrina had a task that kept her out of the way of the more experienced campers.   Myrina expected the task to be easy, but it proved to be more difficult then she expected. Despite her inherent skill for fighting due to being the daughter of the god of war, Myrina quickly found that Patroclcus was quick and difficult to hit, and was capable of holding his own in a fight despite being smaller, two years younger, and supposedly less experienced then her.   However, what shocked her the most was that the fight was ended quickly and won by a landslide by Patroclus when he, out of nowhere, managed to grab a hold onto her, using his small size to get close, and judo flipped her, leaving her winded and giving him an opening to run away. This event sparked anger in Myrina and a desire to get revenge. The day after the game, inspired by the past rivalry between one of her half-sisters, Clarisse La Rue, and a son of Poseidon called Percy Jackson, Myrina dragged Patroclus to the communal bathrooms and, rather than dunking his head in the toilets like Clarisse had tried to do with Percy, she instead just locked Patroclus in the bathroom and left him there until dinnertime, when Chiron went looking for him and found him. Although she got in trouble for it, she was pleased with herself. The act, however, sparked a years-long rivalry between the two.  

    End of Summer Period

    At the end of the summer period of camp, Myrina was given the choice of staying year-round or returning to her mother's home for the school year. Although Myrina missed her mother, and loved her very much, she didn't want to cause any more issues for her mother and stepfather's marriage then she already had, so she chose to stay year-round. She informed her mother in a letter, and while her stepfather had been happy to hear that she wouldn't be returning, her mother expressed her desire for Myrina to return home. Myrina didn't change her mind however.   Despite refusing her mother's plea, Myrina and her mother remain on good terms and Myrina regularly writes to her about her life at camp, eventually switching to calling her when she was able to get a demigod-protected phone. She hasn't spoken to her stepfather since she left for camp, but she isn't upset by that, and she occasionally speaks to her little brother too.  

    Meeting Aofie and Starting a Relationship

    A couple of years after the first capture the flag game where her rivalry with Patroclus started, Myrina was participating in another game of capture the flag when she found herself lost in the forest while running away from another camper. Although she could hear the fighting of the game in the distance, she couldn't manage to find her way back.   At that moment, a young white-haired dryad appeared among the trees. Although she didn't say much, seemingly very shy, she helped Myrina find her way back to the game. During the walk, while the dryad girl was shy and quiet in her responses, Myrina did get to hear some things about her, such that her name was Aofie, and she was around the same age as Myrina, only a couple of years younger. Myrina also shared her name, and thanked Aofie for her assistance when they returned to the game area. Aofie then soon disappeared into the trees once more.   Following that first encounter, in the months and years that followed, Myrina would regularly go back to the forest to visit Aofie, getting to know her better as the dryad opened up more and became less shy. They would talk a lot, for long periods of times, and shared their interests with one another. It was during one of these visits that Myrina learnt that Aofie was best friends with her nemesis, Patroclus Calliades, who had since become known as the camp loner or the camp asshole and had become much more involved in the feud Myrina had with him. Despite this, Myrina continued to visit Aofie, but was much more careful to do so when Patroclus was not around.   During early March of 2036, Myrina finally asked Aofie out, and Aofie agreed to go out with her. Soon after this, Myrina agreed to finally try and get along with Patroclus for Aofie's sake, although things were tense between them for a long time. before they finally improved after Patroclus and Aofie returned from a quest they had been sent on by Mnemosyne - unbeknownst to Myrina, this was due in part to the significant personality change Patroclus went through after receiving his past memories.


    Before attending camp, Myrina went to a local elementary school and middle school in her hometown of Belleville. However, she dropped out part way through middle school after deciding not to return home at the end of the camp's summer session. Despite this, she continued to study under the tutelage of the Athena demigods and obtained her high school diploma at the same time she would've done if she had continued going through school.


    As a permanent resident of Camp Half-Blood, Myrina does not require a proper job of her own, however she does volunteer to train new and unclaimed campers until they can be claimed and trained by their demigod siblings.


    Family Ties

    Godly Siblings

    • Unnamed son of Ares (half-brother)
    • Clarisse La Rue (half-sister)
    • Sherman Yang (half-brother)
    • Arnold Beefcake (half-brother)
    • Mark (half-brother)
    • Ellis Wakefield (half-brother)
    • Three other female campers (half-sisters)
    • Demigod children of Mars (half-siblings)


    Myrina Alastor

    Girlfriend (Vital)

    Towards Aofie




    Girlfriend (Vital)

    Towards Myrina Alastor



    Played By
    Other Ethnicities/Cultures
    Honorary & Occupational Titles
    Daughter of Ares
    Counselor of Cabin Five
    Date of Birth
    1st of June, 2015
    Year of Birth
    2015 CE 21 Years old
    Belleville, Arkansas, United States of America
    Aofie (Girlfriend)
    Current Residence
    Belleville, Arkansas, United States of America (formerly)
    Camp Half-Blood
    She / Her
    Assigned Female at Birth
    Auburn brown
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Light brown
    Hellenic Pagan
    Aligned Organization
    Known Languages
    Ancient Greek
    Gender Identity