Sierra Vaughn

Sierra Zariyah Vaughn

Sierra Vaughn is the Roman demigod daughter of Dies and mortal man Dayton Vaughn. She is a former Centurion of the Third Cohort, and is the current female Praetor of the Twelfth Legion Fulminata alongside Isaia Jackson, the male Praetor.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

As a Roman demigod, Sierra's body is built for combat and swordmanship. She's agile, but has a defined muscular build.

Physical quirks

Sierra bears her SPQR tattoo on her right arm, bearing an image of a cloud and rays of sunlight

Special abilities

General Abilities
  • ADHD: Like most demigods, Sierra possesses inborn supernatural battle reflexes and senses that she usess to analyse the fighting style of her opponent. In the mortal world, this displays as ADHD.
  • Dyslexia: Sierra's brain is "hard-wired" for Latin.
  • Swordsmanship: As a demigod, Sierra is a naturally talented swordsman and has inherent and instinctive sword skills.
  • Dreams: Like most demigods, Sierra can potentially have dreams that show her events occurring in the past, present, and future.
  • Superhuman Strength: As a demigod, Sierra is stronger than a normal mortal.
  • Superhuman Speed: As a demigod, Sierra is faster than a normal mortal.
  • Superhuman Agility: As a demigod, Sierra is naturally more agile than a normal mortal.
  • Superhuman Reflexes: As a demigod, Sierra has faster reflexes than normal mortals.
  • Superhuman Stamina: As a demigod, Sierra possesses more stamina than a normal mortal would.
  • Superhuman Durability: As a demigod, Sierra is more resilient than a normal mortal. She is capable of withstanding far greater assaults a mortal typically would be able to handle.
  • Heightened Senses: As a demigod, Sierra is more perceptive of her surroundings than mortals are.
  • Heightened Recuperation: While demigods as a whole don't have a 'healing factor', they do have a fast recovery process and are more resistant to disease.
  • Mist Control: As a demigod, Sierra has the potential ability to manipulate the Mist, which means that she can make things appear as she wants them to in the eyes of a mortal. This ability cannot be self-taught and must be taught by someone who can already use it. Control over it would also be lesser than that of children/legacies of Hecate/Trivia.
  • Intimidation: During her training with Lupa, Sierra mastered the "Wolf Stare."
  • Photokinesis: The ability to manipulate light.
    • Light Weapons: Sierra has the ability to conjure weapons out of pure light which can be used for combat.
    • Light Beam: Sierra has the ability to summon and focus an intense beam of light which will burn anything it touches. This effect can also be applied to conjured weaponry and armour.
    • Blinding: Sierra can unleash a burst of light that blinds anyone around.
    • Light Shield: Sierra can conjure a shield of pure light to defend her from attacks.

Specialized Equipment

An imperial gold sword she was given by her mother.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life

Sierra Vaughn was born on the 8th February 2015 to the Roman goddess of the day Dies and the mortal man Dayton Vaughn in Blair, Nebraska. She appeared on the doorstep of her father's home with the first rays of the morning sun, along with a letter instructing her father with what he was supposed to do when she grew up.   Although her father didn't expect to suddenly have a daughter, he cared for Sierra deeply as she grew up, and always made sure she was safe. As such, when Sierra turned twelve, even though it meant having to part with her, Dayton followed the instructions that Dies had left him and sent Sierra off to the Wolf House to be trained under Lupa.   Sierra easily passed the trials and tests that Lupa had set for her, and was deemed worthy of Camp Jupiter by the she-wolf. Lupa then sent her off, telling her to trust her instincts. Sierra followed her advice and eventually found her way to Camp Jupiter, where she was brought before the camp's praetors, Frank Zhang and Hazel Levesque, and they welcomed her into the Legion. At the time, the camp was still lacking an augury, so Sierra's auguries were not read and she officially became a member of the legion without it.   Although she arrived at camp with no letters of recommendation, one of the legionnaires recognised her as a child of Dies, and, as a child of Dies themselves, was able to give Sierra a letter of recommendation that got Sierra into the Third Cohort. The following year, she was officially claimed by her mother and she received her SPQR tattoo.

Promotion to Centurion and Praetorship

Over the years of her service in the legion, Sierra went on a couple of quests, usually for her mother, and when she turned eighteen, she was promoted to Centurion of the Third Cohort.   Two years later, the current female praetor, Hazel Levesque, made the decision to step down - the male praetor, Frank Zhang, having already stepped down from his position two years previous to leave the position in the hands of seventeen-year-old Isaia Jackson. Following a vote and Hazel's personal recommendation, Sierra was chosen and promoted to the position of the female praetor, to the dismay of Isaia - someone she had never gotten along with due to Sierra being a daughter of Dies and Isaia being of the bloodline of Nyx, despite being a legacy of Poseidon specifically.   Isaia and Sierra were prone to arguments, particularly as Sierra was more relaxed whereas Isaia took his duties far more seriously, as they begun to work beside one another. However, despite this, when needed, they could make a very good term. While they argued constantly, they both respected the other's skills - Sierra respected Isaia's leadership and talent for battle strategy, and also his raw power, and Isaia respected Sierra's ability to keep morale high and foster unity in the Legion, and when faced with threats to the camp, they are a formidable duo.


Sierra attended an elementary and middle school in Blair until she was sent to the Wolf House. Following her arrival at Camp Jupiter, she finished off her education under the tutelage of children of Minerva and at New Rome University.
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Currently Held Titles
Date of Birth
8th of February, 2015
Year of Birth
2015 CE 21 Years old
Blair, Nebraska, United States of America
Current Residence
Blair, Nebraska, United States of America (formerly)
Camp Jupiter
She / Her
Assigned Female at Birth
Sky blue
Light blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages