Isaia Jackson

Isaia-Neptis Zeno Jackson (a.k.a. Isaia, Isa)

Isaia-Neptis Jackson is a Greek legacy of Poseidon, the son of Greek demigods Percy Jackson and Avelia Visalli, the younger brother of Arielle and Océane Jackson, and the older brother of River, Annalisa, and Nico Jackson. Although, by birth, he is a Greek legacy, Isaia, unlike his younger brother and three of his four sisters, has not been to Camp Half-Blood and is instead part of the Twelfth Legion Fulminata of Camp Jupiter.   He is a former Centurion of the First Cohort and the current male Praetor of the Twelfth Legion Fulminata. He is currently in a relationship with Greek demigod and legacy, Mathilde.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Due to the rigorous training that Isaia put himself through growing up, Isaia is has a defined, muscular build, and he is very physically fit.

Facial Features

Isaia has nose ring on his right side, a vertical labret, eyebrow piercings on his left eyebrow, two piercings in his right and left ear lobes and a helix piercing on his right side. It took him five months to convince his mother to let him get them.

Physical quirks

Isaia bears his SPQR tattoo on his left arm, bearing the astrological symbol for Neptune and eight bars to represent Isaia's eight years of service.

Special abilities

General Abilities
  • ADHD: As a demigod, Isaia has supernatural alertness and keen senses that keeps him ready for and alive in battle. It also lets him analyse his opponents' fighting styles and pick up minor details about an opponent, such as where their muscles tense, so he can tell which direction his opponent will attack from.
  • Dyslexia: As a demigod legacy of a Greek god, Isaia's brain is 'hard-wired' for reading Ancient Greek instead of mortal languages. He is also proficient at Latin, despite it being a Roman language, possibly because it is also an ancient language.
  • Swordmanship: As a demigod, Isaia is a naturally talented swordsman. He has inherent and instinctive sword skills.
  • Dreams: Like most demigods, Isaia can potentially have dreams that show him events occurring in the past, present, and future. However, due to his grandfather's unpredictable nature and raw power, Isaia's dreams are a lot more potent than those of other demigods.
  • Superhuman Durability: As a demigod legacy of one of the Big Three, Isaia is more durable than regular humans and fellow demigods, although not as much as the children/legacies of older deities (for example demititans or demiprimordials).
  • Susperhuman Strength: Being a demigod legacy of one of the Big Three, Isaia is considerably stronger than a regular mortal or demigod, but is weaker than a demititan or demiprimordial.
  • Superhuman Reflexes: As a demigod legacy of one of the Big Three, Isaia's reflexes are faster than a regular mortal's.
  • Superhuman Agility: As a demigod, Isaia is more agile than regular mortals.
  • Superhuman Speed: As a demigod, Isaia is faster than a regular mortal.
  • Mist Control: As a demigod, Isaia has the potential ability to manipulate the Mist, which means that he can make things appear as he wants them to in the eyes of a mortal. This ability cannot be self-taught, and any other demigod would also have limited control over this ability compared to children/legacies of Hecate. Isaia was taught how to manipulate the mist by his father, but has so far been unsuccessful at it, unlike his younger brother, Nico, and his older sister, Arielle.
  • Intimidation: During his training with Lupa, Isaia has mastered the "Wolf Stare".
Legacy of Poseidon
As a grandson of Poseidon, Isaia is an extremely powerful individual. Having been trained by his father, received some instruction from his divine grandfather, and put himself through rigorous self-training, Isaia has completely and total control over his powers, even more so than his father. Isaia has also displayed power capabilities that neither his father nor his siblings who are also legacies of Poseidon have.  
  • Hydrokinesis: The ability to manipulate water with the mind. He can control great volumes of water to a very high degree; he has been able to achieve this to the same level as his father, lifting 10,000 gallons of water at a time, but whether he is capable of control an even greater volume has yet to be seen. He can dry himself and items underwater as long as he holds onto it, he can extract water from petrified seashells, create oxygen bubbles underwater for people who cannot breathe underwater, propel himself through water, summon waves that can easily sink ships, as well as control water in order to make it explode or use it to grab something. Presumably, like his father, Isaia would have a harder time controlling the rivers of the Underworld.
    • Water Solidification: Isaia can harden water into an almost solid shape by increasing the surface tension of the water. He can use this power to walk on water and create a strong water shield, and can even harden the water into giant hands that followed and imitated the movements of his own hands.
    • Hydrogenesis: Isaia can create water from his own power by summoning the "force of the ocean" inside of him as long as he concentrates hard enough, though it takes much of his energy for him to do so. Isaia learned this ability from his father.
    • Water Empowerment: When in contact with or in the presence of water, Isaia gains a disproportionate amount of superhuman clarity, strength, speed, agility, and endurance. However this only lasts for a limited amount of time unless he is completely submerged in water.
    • Water Immunity: If he falls from great heights into water, Isaia will be unaffected by any amount of water pressure, and are immune to the cold underwater too. He doesn't get wet if submerged in water unless he wants to. Additionally, Isaia can breathe underwater for unlimited amounts of time and see in the darkness underwater. Similarly to his father, he would only be unable to breathe in the River Styx.
    • Toxikinesis (limited): Presumably like his father, Isaia can control poisons and other liquids to a certain degree as they have water content in them.
      • Poison Immunity (limited to sea creatures): Isaia is immune to poison and venom from sea creatures, and can't be stung by creatures like jellyfish.
    • Cryokinesis (limited): Isaia can use cryokinesis to a small degree. He can manipulate frozen or icy water around him, although this is to a much lesser degree than children/legacies of Boreas or Khione. He can also freeze small amounts of water.
      • Ice Objects (limited): Isaia can conjure and freeze small amounts of water into durable ice weapons, which can be used for combat; however, only one weapon can be conjured at a time and it cannot be bigger than Isaia himself. He can also make small non-combative objects out of ice. This ability is severely harder for a child/legacy of Poseidon to use than a child/legacy of Boreas or Khione, and they are not able to create ice armour like children/legacies of Boreas and Khione.
    • Vitakinesis (limited): Isaia can heal most wounds and cure most poisons when in contact with water, the amount of water and time needed for the healing being proportionate to the severity of the wound. However, this is limited as it is unable to curse Pit Scorpion venom.
    • Heat Resistance: Isaia has a higher than normal resistance to heat burns, due to his grandfather's nature.
    • Water Blast: Isaia can fire a powerful blast of water from his hands, equivalent to that of a fire hose.
    • Water Body: Isaia can turn his body into water, letting an attack pass harmlessly through them. This can only last for an hour or two at a time and can cause dehydration if used too many times in a row.
      • Pure Water: Isaia is able to transform his body into a state of pure water, becoming immune to most attacks. In this state, his hydrokinetic abilities are enhanced and he is capable of covering great distances in an instant while underwater, faster than he is usually capable of normally. This lasts only an hour and will extremely drain him once he has returned to normal, and he could even possibly faint.
    • Water Construct: Isaia is able to shape a semi-living construct out of water that can fight for him.
    • Water Distillation: Isaia can manipulate water vapour, steam, fog (although not to the same level as a child/legacy of Chaos), mist, and condensation.
    • Sea Foam: Isaia can manipulate sea foam.
  • Watercraft Manipulation: Isaia possesses an intimate awareness of any ship he is on (sailing ships, canoes, motorboats, possibly submarines) and can telekinetically operate one. He can even magically clean the boat by commanding the cleaning objects the way he would command the ship's rigging and sails. He can also keep a boat together through sheer willpower alone. Isaia can control ships with his mind, doing things like releasing dock ties, weighing anchors, and unfurling sails without needing to physically touch them.
    • Perfect Bearings/Nautical Senses: Isaia always knows his exact nautical coordinates wherever he is, whether in the sea or on a ship or boat, which allow him to easily navigate his way at sea.
    • Instinctive Understanding of Sailing: Isaia has an instinctive understanding of sailing, letting him know which ropes to hoist, which sails to raise and which direction to steer. He can even detect how fast a ship is moving and understand just how fast that is.
  • Atmokinesis (limited): Isaia has limited control over weather. He can summon storms, such as miniature hurricanes. However, like his father, Isaia's control is limited and his power drains him over time; Isaia knows that with time and practice, he can lessen the amount of effort it takes, but also knows that it will still drain him over time, just take longer to do so. He can also manipulate other natural disasters like tsunamis, floods, and droughts.
    • Aerokinesis (limited): Isaia has limited control over the wind. He can summon strong winds, which allow him to create miniature hurricanes.
    • Electrokinesis (limited): Isaia has limited control over lightning, such as creating sparks as the hurricanes he creates increase in power. His control, however is far less than that of a child of Zeus.
    • Rainstorms: Isaia has the ability to create a torrential rainstorm overhead, which will downpour and cause high winds over a large area.
    • As a legacy of Poseidon, Isaia is less inhibited by severe winds and precipitations and is unaffected by the weather conditions of things like tropical storms and hurricanes.
  • Geokinesis (limited): Isaia can utilise water to alter the earth around him. On top of this, unlike his father and Poseidon-legacy siblings, Isaia did inherit Poseidon's earthshaking abilities and is capable of creating earthquakes, even using this ability during the battle against Eris to signal Camp Half-Blood to attack at the same time as Camp Jupiter.
  • Communication: Isaia has divine authority over his grandfather's subjects, although they consider his authority as inferior to his father's and will answer to Percy before Isaia if both are present. He can talk (normally and telepathically) to equines and sea creatures who mainly treat him with deference and lordly respect. He can also speak to other children and legacies of Poseidon, although this presumably only extends to other grandchildren of Poseidon as they inherit abilities equal in strength to children of Poseidon, underwater.
    • Zoolingualism (limited to equestrians and marine life): Isaia can understand and talk to marine animals, equines, and similar creatures, who mainly treat him with deference and lordly respect.
  • Seasickness: Isaia can create an area around him that inflicts others with intense seasicknesss, making them dizzy and nauseous for as long as they remain inside the aura.
  • As a legacy of Poseidon, Isaia can instinctively tell the difference between freshwater and saltwater.
  • As a legacy of Poseidon, Isaia has a natural love for water, and excels at water sports.
  • As a legacy of Poseidon, Isaia is favoured by animals of the sea, and by horses.
  • As a legacy of Poseidon, Isaia has a natural affinity for horses and horse riding.
  • As a legacy of Poseidon, Isaia works and gets along well with children/legacies of other sea deities and the children/legacies of sea nymphs.
  • As a legacy of Poseidon, Isaia is well-versed on facts about aquatic and equine species.
  • Children/Legacies of Poseidon often have green/blue eyes, which can shift shades to match the nearest body of water; during storms, they gain a grey, dark tint, and at sunset, they have a slight golden hue. Isaia, however, inherited the silver-grey eyes his mother was born with as a child of Nyx and his don't change colour when near a body of water. Despite this, Isaia's eyes are noted to turn sea-green like his father's when underwater.
Blood of Nyx
Despite being claimed as a legacy of Poseidon, Isaia has developed some aspects of a legacy of Nyx.  
  • Isaia is slightly more nocturnal than most people, and naturally goes to sleep far later than most, usually around two-three in the morning. He usually has to force himself to go to bed before that.
  • Isaia's eyesight is slightly better at night than the average person's. He isn't able to see perfectly at night like his Nyx-legacy siblings, but can see better than normal people.
  • Isaia has a mild affinity for nocturnal animals and they are less afraid of him than they are with other humans.
  • Isaia tends to prefer the dark.
  • Isaia inherited the silver-grey eyes that are common with children/legacies of Nyx.
  • Isaia has been described to be hauntingly beautiful in the same way that his mother and uncle, both children of Nyx, and other children/legacies of Nyx are described.
  • Isaia does not suffer from the Curse of Night like his Nyx-legacy siblings and his mother and uncle, but those who do suffer from it do not initially attempt to attack him when he is around them, and it usually takes a few moments for their Curse to register that he isn't a child/legacy or ally of Nyx.

Apparel & Accessories

Isaia mainly wears his standard camp clothes - his purple SPQR Camp Jupiter shirt, a pair of black skinny jeans, black combat boots and his purple Praetor cloak. Despite not going to Camp Half-Blood, he does own a camp necklace on which a few beads are strung for the occasional summers he's gone there as a child.

Specialized Equipment

Isaia inherited his father's celestial bronze sword, Riptide or Anaklusmos. He also has a imperial gold sword, and an imperial gold trident.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life

Isaia-Neptis Jackson was born on the 20th June 2016 to Greek demigods Percy Jackson, a son of Poseidon, the hero of the first Great Prophecy, one of the seven of the second Great Prophecy and a former Praetor of Camp Jupiter, and Avelia Visalli, a daughter of Nyx, in New Rome. At his birth, Poseidon visited his son and daughter-in-law and claimed Isaia as his legacy.   When Isaia was ten months old, his mother gave birth to his little sister, River Jackson, in April 2017.   Growing up in a demigod household, Isaia's powers developed early due to being exposed to his father's powers from a very young age, which naturally allowed Isaia to recognise and access his own.   When Isaia was five, his mother gave birth to his the last of his siblings, Annalisa and Nico Jackson, a week before his sixth birth on the 13th June 2022.  

Training and Joining the Legion

As Isaia grew older, he began training under his father, and soon displayed an incredible level of power - as he was just a grandson of Poseidon, he possessed powers on the same level as Percy Jackson and his uncle, Asher Visser, who were actual children of Poseidon. However, Isaia's capability almost surpassed that of Percy and Asher.   The knowledge of this, combined with the fact that he was Percy's eldest son, led the people around Isaia to have very high expectations of him, and a lot of pressure was placed on Isaia by society to live up to the glory of his father's legacy - although none of this pressure ever came from his family or family friends.   Because of his societal pressure, Isaia willingly put himself through rigorous training, making sure to perfect his mastery over both his powers and also his fighting skills. His life quickly grew to revolve around training, and he became a very serious person as he grew up, believing that if he was to live up to the expectations of others then everything he did had to be done perfectly.   When he turned eleven, he was sent to the Wolf House to go through Lupa's training. He survived the training and afterwards returned to Camp Jupiter and officially joined the Twelfth Legion Fulminata. The Letter of Recommendation that Percy wrote for him was, as a letter written by an former Praetor, enough to get him into any of the five Cohorts - however, the current Centurion of the First Cohort personally head-hunted Isaia for the cohort. Isaia's desire to life up to the expectations of society led him to accept the offer and he officially joined the First Cohort as a Probatio.   When he was thirteen, he received his first quest from Neptune - done so to help his grandson pass probation and become a legionnaire. As with everything else Isaia did, although the quest was only a simple one, he treated it with deadly seriousness, not wanting to slip up at all and fail to meet the expectations people had of him. When he finished the quest and returned to camp, he was promoted to legionnaire and given his SPQR tattoo.  

Promotion to Centurion and Taking Vico Grace on as a Pupil

When Isaia was fifteen, due to his high level of skill and his assistance around camp, he was personally promoted to Centurion by one the camp's current Praetors, Frank Zhang, and became a co-Centurion of the First Cohort alongside the Centurion who had personally sought him out to join the First Cohort three years previous. Similarly to when he was on the quest when he was thirteen, Isaia carried out his duties as a Centurion with deadly seriousness.   Following his promotion, Vico Grace, the son of his father's best friend Jason Grace, begged Isaia to personally train him in fighting and swordskills prior to Vico joining the Legion the following year. Isaia initially refused but eventually agreed to so long as Vico could beat him in a sparring match, even though Vico had no chance of winning. Vico and Isaia's families both voiced their concerns, saying that Vico would never win and that the entire sparring match was pointless, but Isaia and Vico went ahead with it anyway.   Isaia knew that Vico wouldn't beat him, but he didn't challenge Vico for the sake of placating him. Isaia challenged him in such a way because he wanted to see what Vico was like when he gave his all in a fight, so he could decide if Vico was someone he would like to train. He knew that if he just asked Vico to not hold back, then Vico would be hesitant and reluctant. He needed to make it a life-or-death scenario in order to get a full look at Vico's capabilities. In the resulting fight, Isaia was surprised by Vico's sheer determination, regardless of how many times Isaia knocked him down or disarmed him. After the sparring match was done, with Isaia being the obvious victor, Vico was initially upset as he hadn't won and therefore expected to be rejected. But Isaia then told him that his training would start early in the morning the next day and that Isaia didn't like people who were late. Starting the following day, Vico became Isaia's pupil and Isaia began rigorously training Vico. The next year, when Vico turned twelve and joined the Twelfth Legion Fulminata, Isaia even gave his personal recommendation as a Centurion of the First Cohort for Vico to join the First Cohort.  

The Bane of Eris

The First Attack
From the start of the summer period of 2032, Camp Jupiter noticed a significant increase in monsters in the area, even with San Francisco's naturally heightened monster presence. Similarly, Camp Half-Blood was also noticing an increase in monster presence and monster attacks, with more and more demigods being brought to the camp before the age of twelve due to being attacked by monster. This increase was left unexplained, and both camps merely increased their patrols and guard duties, and Camp Half-Blood sent out more satyrs to locate demigods. Older campers of both camps also often volunteered to leave occasionally and try to thin some of the monster numbers down - among these campers was Isaia.   While these monster attacks were, for the most part, uncoordinated and just seemed like usual attacks, in December 2032, Camp Jupiter was blindsided by a large army of monsters arriving at the camp borders and attempting to invade the camp. The legionnaires of the camp did their best to fight off the first attack, although they lost quite a few lives in the process, before the monsters suddenly retreated and held back. The cohorts each sent out a couple of scouts who reported back that there was a second army on their way, and it was theorised that the monsters were simply waiting for this second army before they continued the attack, as the legionnaires had managed to do considerable damage to their forces as well.   With a predicted arrival time for the second army being a week, the camp's praetors, Frank Zhang and Hazel Levesque, took a portion of Camp Jupiter's forces and left for Camp Half-Blood to request their aid, confidant that the monsters would not attack in their absence and leaving orders that the centurions and their cohorts were not to engage the monsters and merely keep an eye on them. However, a few days after they left, the monsters chose not to wait for their second army, sensing that the camp was weakened, and attacked the camp's borders regardless.   The elder centurion of the First Cohort and the centurions of the other four cohorts were hesitant to attack, as Frank and Hazel had not left instructions for if the monsters attacked anyway (partly because the monsters were not expected to and partly because they expected the centurions to be able to make the correct decision to defend the camp on their own volition), and even order their cohorts not to do anything. Isaia, who had been on guard duty when the monsters started their attack and had brought back news of it, pleaded for the other centurions to order the cohorts to defend the camp, but they refused.   Not wanting to just let the camp be overrun, Isaia chose to disregard the orders of his senior centurions and left the camp borders to face off against the remaining monsters himself. Using water to keep his stamina levels up, he decimated wave after wave of the monsters, eliminating all of the remaining monsters of the first army. However, at that moment, the second army arrived, having arrived a few days earlier than expected. Isaia prepared to fight against them as well, to the horror of the onlooking campers, who were trying to get the other centurions to order the cohorts to assist him, but just as the second army of monsters descended on him, he passed out from exhaustion. His life was spared by the timely arrival of the reinforcements from Camp Half-Blood and his parents rushing to his defence; Ava shielding him by using her powers to create a shield while some other Roman campers carried Isaia back behind camp borders. Isaia remained unconscious for the rest of the battle.  
Praetor Training and Promotion
A few days following the battle, Isaia was called to a meeting with Frank Zhang; there he was initially reprimanded for his insubordination as Isaia had directly disobeyed the orders of his senior centurions, however Frank also praised him for what he had done and for risking his life to defend the camp when no one else would.   Because of Isaia's actions, Frank told Isaia that he wanted to train Isaia to succeed him as praetor. However, Isaia instead believed that Frank was offering him such a opportunity because of Isaia's father and Frank's friendship with Percy, as Isaia had spent his entire life experiencing people only seeing him as "Percy Jackson's son" and not as his own person, and asked as much of Frank. It was only when Frank explained that his offer had nothing to do with Percy and all to do with Isaia's actions to defend the camp and that Isaia had earned the position all on his own that Isaia decided to accept Frank's offer and began training to take over the position.   The following year, Isaia was officially promoted to Praetor.  
The Final Battle
In January of 2037, Isaia was alerted to the rising of a new threat to the demigod world when his pupil, and the camper who had succeeded him as a centurion of the First Cohort, Vico Grace, who was also the new Augur of Camp Jupiter and the Oracle of Apollo, travelled to Camp Half-Blood to deliver to the camp the third Great Prophecy, which was later called the Bane of Eris. The prophecy was later shared with Camp Jupiter to prepare them for the future threat that the prophecy foretold.   Later that year, in late July, Isaia and his co-Praetor, Sierra Vaughn, led the Legion on a journey to Atalanti, modern-day Opus, in Greece, where the fight against Eris was to happen. He led the Roman demigods into battle alongside Camp Half-Blood against the Eris' huge army of monsters while the goddess and her divine allies were handled by the nine heroes of the prophecy.


Isaia received an education in New Rome under the tutelage of children of Minerva, allowing him a well-rounded and advanced education while not risking his safety in the outside world.


Family Ties

Godly siblings
  Other Family Members
Paternal Side   Maternal Side
Played By
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Grandson of Poseidon
Legacy of Poseidon
Grandson of Neptune (by members of Camp Jupiter)
Legacy of Neptune (by members of Camp Jupiter)
Centurion Jackson (formerly)
Praetor Isaia
Currently Held Titles
Date of Birth
20th of October, 2016
Year of Birth
2016 CE 20 Years old
Current Residence
He / Him
Assigned Male at Birth
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Olive brown
6'1" (186 cm)
Roman / @Hellenic Pagan
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Ancient Greek
Heteroromantic Asexual
Gender Identity