
Lissome and Charming

Agile and fast, the small Lutrinian are excellent at avoiding their numerous predators. Sometimes hunted for their thick and warm fur by the less scrupulous members of society, the Lutrinian develop survival skills early on. Their webbed hands and feet and their powerful tails makes them exceptional swimmers.  If captured, they rely on their wits and winning smiles. Nobody will deny how adorable they can be when they’re not on the wrong side of a prank, and even then their natural charm will often get them out of sticky situations.  Because their small stature and short limbs can be detrimental when fighting, they tend to favor weapons with a longer reach like polearms, harpoons, and pikes, or ranged weapons akin to crossbows, slings, or even firearms.  

Coast and River Banks

Whether it be on the golden coast of the far east or the freezing fjords of the north, Lutrinian are always living near a body of water. Constructing parts of their cities on stilts or outright making their abodes something that floats and can be moved if need be, the Lutrinian have lots of tricks they use while fishing. From nets dragging under their floating homes, to colonies of shellfish growing on the stilts of their cities, these innovative methods provide them with an almost endless source of protein. The Lutrinian spend a lot of time with their families, grooming each other to maintain the waterproof characteristics of their fur, and creating deep bonds between the members of a clan.  

Playful Tricksters

Due to their short life span, Lutrinian try to make the most of every day. They live in the moment not wary of consequences. Always looking to amuse themselves, they often play tricks on their companions. A night spent with a Lutrinian is not something you easily forget.  Lutrinian favor occupations offering adventure and fast rewards. Piracy and thievery often play a big part of their lives.   At ease on the waters, they make great ship captains and deck hands. Some turn to a life of entertainment,  performing shows and regaling crowds with grandiose tales and epic ballads about the accomplishments of famous Lutrinian of past and present.  

Occasional Landfall

Most lutrinians rarely go far inland, as they are far more at ease near bodies of water. However, they may diverge from this tendency if the reward is enticing enough. For the promise of a jolly good time, the quest for a particularly tasty beverage, or maybe trying to find the secret to a longer life, they will venture outside of their comfort zone.  

Lutrinian Names

A Lutrinian has a given name, a family name, and often an alter ego, it may be a stage name or for their outlawed activities. Male Names: Charles, Lucien, Bonaparte, Jacques, Albert, Hyppolite, Octave, César, Jules, Jean, Louis, Pierre, Henri, Marcel, Paul, André Female Names: Apolline, Joséphine, Henriette, Céline, Jeanne, Suzanne, Marie, Louise, Eugénie, Augustine, Marguerite, Germaine, Yvonne, Madeleine Family Names: Morvan, Prigent, Le Roux, Le Testu, Duran, Madec, Perron, Chevalier, Le Pape, Le Moine, Fleury, Le Clerc, Archambeau, Delahaye, Le Long, La Palisse, La Canne Alter Ego Names: Barberousse, Jambe-de-bois, Courte-patte, Petit Diable, Le Baron, Califourchon, L’exterminateur  

Lutrinian Traits

Lutrinians share a number of traits in common with each other.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2.
Age. A lutrinian reaches adulthood at the age of 5 and they rarely live past 40 years.
Alignment. Due to their playful nature, most lutrinians are chaotic. Fun being their imperative, they are, more often than not, neutral.
Size. Lutrinians stand between 4 and 5 feet tall and average about 75 pounds. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet. You also have a swimming speed of 30 feet.
Deep Breaths. You can hold your breath for a number of minutes equal to 1 + twice your Constitution modifier (minimum 1 minute).
Charming. Your natural charm gives you proficiency with the Persuasion skill. 
Lutrinian Combat Training. You have proficiency with spears, slings and tridents.
Tool Proficiencies. You gain proficiency with one of the following tool kits: Carpenter’s tools, Tinker’s tools, Navigator’s tools, or Thieves’ tools.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common. You can speak to and understand the chirping, chittering, and barks of beasts Small and smaller as though you shared a language with them.


 Three subraces of lutrinian are found among the worlds of D&D ®: river lutrinians, sea lutrinians and giant lutrinians. Choose one of them for your character.

River Lutrinian

Living in small enclaved cities along river banks, river lutrinians are not welcoming of outsiders.
  Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1.
  Territorial. Other creatures provoke an opportunity attack from you when they enter your reach. Once you use this trait, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again.  

Sea Lutrinian

A sea lutrinian will often live a nomadic life, from port to port, always on the move, traveling by ship, sometimes as peaceful passengers and other times assisting with raids on trade vessels.
  Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1.
  Tools Savvy. Choose one tool proficiency you have. Your proficiency bonus is doubled when you add your proficiency bonus to an ability check that uses that tool proficiency. Each time you gain the Ability Score Improvement feature you can choose another tool proficiency you have and gain the same benefit with it.  

Giant Lutrinian

The tallest and strongest of the species, the elusive giant lutrinians live in the warmer climates of the world.
  Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1.
  Size. Giant lutrinians are around 6 feet tall and average about 110 pounds. Your size is Medium.
  Cry Thunder. As an action, you produce a loud noise with your throat. Creatures within a 10 feet radius that can hear you must succeed a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus) or take 2d4 thunder damage and become frightened of you until the start of your next turn. Once you use this trait, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again.


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