

As mankind was reaching their pinnacle of technology, attempts were made to improve upon themselves by combining with other great species already perfected by nature. This was an affront to the Gods and eventually led to them abandoning the world.  


The clustered family that makes up the Troop often stays together and protects their land and territory. Adventurer Simians often start to see the individuals they travel with as a sort of extended Troop.  

Physical Description

Simians are a hybrid of human and primates, appearing as such. An upright standing primate with all the color variations seen in normal primates. Their hair and eye coloration vary from light brown to dark brown and even black. An extremely rare occurrence is an albino will be born into the Troop. Depending on the circumstances of their birth, this can be seen as a good omen, resulting in the child being revered or a bad omen, resulting in the child being cast out of the Troop.  

Simian Names

Of all the human created races, Simians are the most proud of their heritage. They often take the names of historical figures from ancient human lineage.   Male names include Cesar, Augustus, Marcus and Arthur. Female names include Cleopatra, Jane, Diana and Amelia.  

Simian Traits

Your Simian character has the following racial traits. (Refer to the side panel for additional traits of Sub-Races):   Forest & Jungle Dweller: You are proficient in Athletics and Nature.   Ability Score Increase: Simians have a greater density and muscle mass than humans. Your Strength increases by 1.   Age: A Simian lifespan is much like that of humans. They enter adulthood in their late teens and can survive to be close to 100 years old.   Alignment: Most Simians are very territorial and have strong roots in honor and law, making the majority lawful, neutral or a combination of these. Personality and upbringing can have a certain effect on the spectrum of good and evil, as it can with many races.   Size: Your size is Medium.   Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet, and you have a climb speed of 20 feet.   Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and Sign Language.


The Simian race has three different and unique sub-races, which are Simian (Chimpanzee), Simian (Gorilla), and Simian (Orangutan). Each sub-race has their own unique physical characteristics and traits in addition to the traits of all Simians. All sub-races of Simians live, work, and socializes all together in medium to large villages or troops, but the sub-races never engage in cross-breeding. This is to keep the blood-lines pure for each sub-race of Simians.

Choose one of the following sub-races:

Simian (Chimpanzee):

  • Additional Ability Score Increase: Additionally, Chimpanzees are considered to be more agile and dexterous of the Simians. Your Dexterity increases by 2.
  • Agile Climber: Being more agile and dexterous, your climbing speed is increased by 10 feet.
  • Natural Acrobat: You are proficient in Acrobatics.

Simian (Gorilla):

  • Additional Ability Score Increase: Additionally, Gorillas are considered to be strongest and toughest of the Simians. Your Strength and Constitution increases by 1.
  • Brute Strength: Being stronger and tougher, your carrying capacity (including maximum load & lift) is doubled, and you have advantage on Strength checks made to push, pull, lift, or break objects.
  • Natural Leader: You are proficient in Intimidation.

Simian (Orangutan):

  • Additional Ability Score Increase: Orangutans are considered to be wiser, more knowledgeable and worldly of the Simians. Your Wisdom and Intelligence increases by 1.
  • Master of Linguistics: Being more wise, knowledgeable and worldly, you can speak, read, and write one (1) additional language of your chose.
  • Natural Scholar: You are proficient in History.


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