

  Vulpin are humanoid foxes who once travelled back and forth between the planes of Earth and fey. Crafty in every sense of the word, these small denizens of the multiverse know most creatures presume them to be harmless and innocent due to their cute appearance and are unashamed to use this to their advantage. On rare occasions vulpin find themselves within material planes, sometimes without memories. Legend holds anyone encountering a vulpin is destined to find something lost.  

Aids and Guides

Vulpin have a strong instinct of their purpose as well as significant individuals to their destiny. Legends hold the only way for a vulpin to return home is to fulfill their destiny and find that which is lost. Sometimes this manifests as helping others find their way. For others their quest proves to be finding a physical object, person or location. Stories exist of lost children meeting fox spirits believed to actually be vulpin. Upon the child’s finding their way home, they turn to thank the fox only to find it vanished.   Since the Fall of Man, it seems more vulpin have been appearing in the world and many take up lives as adventurers, with some hoping to eventually make their way to their home plane and others simply content to fulfill an ambiguous purpose and do good along the way. Some vulpin choose not to return to their homes, favoring their new friends and the new world in which they’ve found themselves.  

Crafty People

Vulpin possess an affinity for crafting and most seek to hone their natural talents for creation and self expression by taking up apprenticeship with creatures such as hags, gnomes and others. For many their craft is as much an extension of their identity as an artist’s work and exchanging gifts is a common introductory greeting among their kind.   Vulpin seldom possess villages or collectives, favoring more solitary lives among other races. The exception is the family unit, with parents remaining under the same roof with their children long enough to raise them before departing. Vulpin believe those destined to be together will meet again after parting, at which time those with romantic interest would mate for life.  

Vulpin Names

Vulpin have secret names known only to themselves and their families. These names are never used and are referred to as true names. A vulpin always allies themselves with someone who knows their true name, as this is a sign the person is bound to them by fate itself. However, vulpin do use common names, often favoring softer syllables with cute sounds. Vulpin do not use surnames.   Male Names: Alfyn, Chet, Essel, Forric, Illix, Jip, Myphri, Nolan, Ori, Shyl, Suru, Tekk, Vellyn   Female Names: Aieshia, Chara, Delphi, Ennys, Momo, Nana, Ori, Phlyk, Sahanna, Teneya, Thalren, Vin  

Vulpin Traits

  Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity, Intelligence, and Charisma scores all increase by 1.   Age. Vulpin reach adulthood at 7 years old and they can live to be a couple of eons old.   Size. Vulpin range from 3-5 feet in height and favor lean, athletic builds. Your size is Medium.   Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.   Compact Flexibility. While your size is Medium, you count as a Small creature when determining passages you can wiggle through, including doorways, windows and holes.   Crafty. Your people view crafting as an extension of the self. As such you gain proficiency in one set of craftsman’s tools of your choice.   Keen Senses. You possess acute senses, including hearing, smell and sight. You have proficiency in the Perception skill.   Natural Sleuth. You possess an innate sense when it comes to hidden features and objects. You have proficiency in the Investigation skill.   Natural Traveler. Your people have an instinctual sense of direction. You always know which way is north, and you have advantage on Survival checks to navigate.


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