Ada Broadcast Document in Pearl Directive | World Anvil
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Ada Broadcast


The ada broadcast is a transmission of a lengthy conversation from the laplwyd crew onboard the doomed Adamask.

Document Structure

Publication Status

Anyone within the alley can listen into the crews' conversations by tuning a radio to the 185 kHz frequency. Its transmission can penetrate deep into the Perron Barren, Nostrum and the Lurker Threshold.

Historical Details


Temporal Trap

Time becomes a fuzzy concept in Manidweepa. It can be easy, for the unaccustomed, to get lost while moving through manidweepa space.   A traveller will only know they are in a trap when they notice a temporal copy of themselves some distance ahead of their path. It only become truly inescapable when they see that same copy behind them as well.
— warning from a captain of the celestial police


Adamask Venture

During a period of expansion, Queen Cerise had commissioned several missions to probe the anti-clockwise side of Farmland. Most never returned and the ones that did never reported anything that might be the cause.
The most obvious explanation was that they wandered into a one-way portal. But the shear number made this unlikely.   There was always this underlying suspicion of intent behind them. Because the greater quality ships were the ones that tended to vanish.
— Baron Wyborn from the Mandelbrotian Mountains

Public Reaction

Eventually - thanks inpart to the Adamask's fate - laplot researchers experimenting with mitial effects, discovered a variance in the speed of ship travel can cause the unstable-stable flow of time to reflect itself.
Here's the rundown: keep a sharp eye for anything that might resemble your own craft about 30 miles around you at anytime.   If you see your own thrusters in front of you, you need to start slowing down. If you see your own cockpit far behind your line of thrust, you need to speed up. If you see them both at the same time, then it is too late.   As far as I know, you're under some bizarre temporal layer and real-time has caked over you.
— officer onboard the Svadilfari


No one knows if the crew members are alive or not. Maybe they are in such a state that they don't realize how they wind through the talks over and over again.   But their sacrifice has not in vain
— Navy Navigator
Pilots tune into the frequency to listen on parts of the conversations. They realized that certain parts can only be listened in, the closer they are to being ensnared. A transcript, therefore, became a useful tool in avoiding this trap. Whereby tracking the flow of the looping conversation is a reliable means of ensuring the ships' safety in Manidweepa.

Record, Transcript (Communication)
Digital Recording, Audio
Metronome Counting
Document | Jul 2, 2024

A reoccurring broadcast that transmits a mysterious count into the blanket void


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