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The mosquat are genetically modified farm animals specifically bred to address the dietary needs of the Vego.

Basic Information


This creature looks like a hybrid of cattle and mosquito, being vaguely anthropoid in outline but with a bulbous, protruding lower body. It has an alternately chitinous and fibrous hide; all black in colour.


Its lower segmented posterior is adapted for storing nutrients and copious amounts of blood.


One pair of stocky semi-translucent wings covered in dim scales.   They look incapable of supporting flight but do help in maneuvering.


3 pairs of near-vestigial legs, which can be used for gripping surfaces.   They also play a role in sensory perception; helping to detect heat, humidity and chemical cues.

Genetics and Reproduction

Artificial Inseminations

Mosquats are bred using test tube fertilization to ensure the stability and viability of the population.   This process allows for precise control over the genetics of each generation, maintaining the hybrid's unique characteristics and improvements where desired.

Ecology and Habitats

Zero Gravity Environment

The mosquat has been specifically adapted to thrive in its environment, making them indispensable for the vegos in their off-world farms.

Dietary Needs and Habits


Their primary diet consists of algae, which they metabolize into a nutrient-rich blood supply. Algae serves as an ideal food source due to their ease of abundant cultivation. The mosquats' digestive systems are uniquely adapted to process algae efficiently, extracting vital nutrients and converting them into usable forms for both their own sustenance and human needs.

Additional Information


Gamma Mos Variant
This strain of mosquat is the most common variety and serves as the baseline for genetic modifications.

Their metabolism is highly efficient, allowing them to subsist on minimal water and food intake.
16 (+3)10 (+0)4 (-3)11 (+0)2
Armour Class: 14
HP: 16 ( 3d10 )
Speed: 10ft; fly 40ft
Skills: Perception +4
  • Advantage on WIS (Perception) checks that rely on smell
  • Bite: Target takes 2d4+3 And must succeed in DC 12 CON saving throw at the start of each of its turns suffering d4 CHA damage on a fail. This ends on a success.
  • Gamma Mite Variant
    This strain of mosquat have thick, chitinous hides to protect against extreme temperatures.

    They exhibit a balance of traits in a medium-sized body with sturdy legs.
    13 (+1)9
    14 (+2)4 (-3)11 (+0)4
    Armour Class: 12
    HP: 22 ( 5d8 )
    Speed: 5ft
    Skills: Perception +4
  • Advantage on WIS (Perception) checks that rely on smell
  • Targets within a 10ft cone must make a DC 13 DEX saving throw or suffer 2d6 acid damage. Half as much on a success.
  • Gamma Cent Variant
    This strain of mosquat is bred for environments with higher gravitational forces.

    These have reinforced structures and muscular bodies to support the additional weight. They have dozens of legs, more developed, offering greater stability and grip on surfaces.
    18 (+4)12 (+1)17
    7 (-2)14 (+2)10 (+0)
    Armour Class: 16
    HP: 85 ( 10d10+30 )
    Speed: 30ft; burrow 20ft
    Saving Throws: STR +8, CON +7
  • Advantage on WIS (Perception) checks that rely on smell
  • Bite: 3d4+4 piercing damage
  • All characters within a 5ft radius centered on any target within 15ft, and on the same area of ground, must make a DC 17 DEX saving throw or take 3d8 damage and be knocked prone. Half on a success.
  • Vego Viscount Variant
    This strain of mosquat is a designer bred with vibrant, iridescent wings and sleek, visually striking bodies.

    The blood is harvested for exclusive culinary creations and luxury health products. Their upkeep requires specialized care and resources, making them a status symbol among the affluent.
    17 (+3)18 (+4)23 (+6)10 (+0)13 (+1)16 (+3)
    Armour Class: 22
    HP: 285 ( 30d10+120 )
    Speed: 30ft
    Saving Throws: DEX +9, CON +11, CHA +8
    Skills: Perception +11
  • Advantage on WIS (Perception) checks that rely on smell
  • (3/Day). Can choose to succeed a failed saving throw.
  • Bite: Target takes 3d6+3 piercing damage and must succeed in DC 18 CON saving throw or become poisoned for one minute. They can repeat the saving throws at the end of each of their turns.
  • Vego Baron Variant
    This strain of mosquat is a designer bred capable of spinning d6 cocoons (10ftx10ft, AC 10, 1hp).

    They are modified to produce blood with high concentrations of beneficial compounds and antibodies.

    This strain is kept in highly controlled environments to ensure the purity and potency, which is meticulously tested.
    17 (+3)20 (+5)19 (+4)10 (+0)11 (+0)20 (+5)
    Armour Class: 22
    HP: 228 ( 24d10+96 )
    Speed: 30ft
    Saving Throws: DEX +9, WIS +4, CHA +9
    Proficiency Bonus: +
    Skills: Intimidation +12, Performance +12, Perception +7
  • Advantage on WIS (Perception) checks that rely on smell
  • (3/Day). Can choose to succeed a failed saving throw.
  • All targets within a 5ft wide, 30ft long line must make a DC 17 DEX saving throw or take 6d6 piercing damage. Half as much on a success.
  • Target takes 3d4+4 slashing damage and must succeed on a DC 17 WIS saving throw or become frightened for one round.
    Many are fully domesticated and adapted for use in industrial blood production. They are bred to be docile and easy enough to manage in a low gravity environment.   Gamma variants are the ones managed on mass by the gammians' mechanical arms.   Vego variants are the ones meticulously selected by hand by the most distinguished vego themselves as a hobby.

    Uses, Products & Exploitation


    Mosquat are used to 'naturally' produce blood, as opposed to synthetic blood. The blood milked from mosquats to feed the vampiric vego is considered more appetizing and refined. The variants apparently give off distinguishable tastes that are bragged about to their fellows and are a point of pride among the vegos. The two most prized blood being branded "Virgin" and "Fable".

    Facial characteristics


    A tubular appendage from the head of the animal with human teeth and a slurping tongue at the feeding end.

    15 years
    Average Height
    1.2 - 2 m
    Average Weight
    1100 - 1800 kg
    Average Length
    1 - 1.8 m
    Geographic Distribution
    Related Ethnicities


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