Nagasena (na-ga-sen-a)
Nagasena is the open void space that exist on the anti-clockwise side of the pipeline.
It is the biggest cosmic region that humans can travel through with minimum exposure to radiation. Even lacking a single star to light the way.
Less of a geographical boundary, Nagasena denotes more a general direction along the line where humanity has conjugated.
Zero Gravity Evolution
Transmigrant exiles of the second and fourth wave found their way to the Third Sector during a tumultuous time and were forced to flee rapidly into the cosmic void to escape persecution.
Originally, the vego were simply wealthy Alphi wearing designer flesh suits of humanoid design and a vampiric vestige complete with fins and folding wings.
Since then, they have maintained this appearance as a mark of their separate culture and are generally indifferent to most things outside their community.
Gammians living under the pantheons are typically a repressed people who might seize any condition to escape their predicament.
And so, a select number of higher tier gammians were coerced into joining the veto in their exodus into the unknown and are generally more welcoming than their vego masters.