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Rasatal (rah-sah-tahl)


Rasatal is a disk-shaped realm, 3600km wide, where one face is habitable while an 'underside' is unenterable. Though it is flat, the edges of the habitable face experiences a shift in gravity's pull that feels like climbing up and down increasingly steep slopes. This makes it more difficult to leave Rasatal at the edges.   The very center of this disk is a 40km hole. It is a perpetual cyclonic system that experiences unique weather conditions that differs significantly from the surrounding regions. It is calm and tranquil but forces that typify a storm whip around Rasatal's inner rim like a semi-permeable wall; that also acts as its ground.


The Twelve Slices

12 Zones

11. Vicia
A murky, damp marshland where the very ground beneath shifts and sinks, making it difficult to maintain footing.
12. Jura
A high, flat expanse of land that sometimes shifts and tilts, creating sudden drops or steep inclines.
1. Perm
A massive glacier that creeps and crawls across the landscape, carving out deep valleys and towering ridges underneath.
10. Decon
A vast expanse of grasslands that shift and twist, forming hills and valleys, sometimes even creating sudden gullies or canyons.
2. Creta
A deep, winding gorge with walls that shift and move, sometimes creating new paths or even closing off old ones.
9. Teria
A coral reef that constantly shifts and grows, creating new underwater landscapes and sometimes even forming islands.
3. Ordo
A range of mountains with peaks that rise and fall unpredictably, and valleys that twist and turn in impossible ways.
8. Silvur
A dense forest of tall trees that constantly rearrange themselves, creating new paths and opening up clearings that weren't there before.
4. Quater
A barren wasteland where sand dunes shift and reshape themselves, sometimes revealing hidden oases or swallowing up entire parties.
7. Missi
A massive impact crater with constantly shifting walls and floors, creating new obstacles and hazards for those who dare to explore it.
6. Slvia
A serene lake that periodically transforms into a turbulent, churning whirlpool, complete with dangerous underwater currents and vortexes.
5. Tert
Massive peaks that can suddenly erupt, spewing ash and lava across the surrounding terrain.
Clock-wise Calamities
The 12 sections of Rasatal are a series of dynamic and unpredictable landscapes, oriented like a giant clock face, that defies conventional understanding. Each environment is unique, and its boundaries are in a constant state of flux, with a wide range of natural disasters that can occur at any time.
— GMs can alter the difficulty in traveling to the center by including needing to cross sections of the neighbouring slices for encounters in 2 normal and 1 extreme condition or vis versa

Localized Phenomena


Some undefined, gravitational strangeness is usually blamed for the 'underside' which also partly curves over the rim towards the habitable side; effectively creating a 100km high wall. Attempts to enter into this region, leads to the trajectory gently curving away from the Otherside until they miss entirely. It is impossible for anything, intelligent or otherwise, to enter.


Unconventional Ground Energy

Liquids and a pseudo-atmosphere tend to want to bubble closer to the center. However, this movement is countered by an influx of energy coming from the other direction via the strange energy emanating from the rim of Terakon. These ionized particles move like a tide through the earth; feeding energy into the many disaster level storms throughout.   The pattern and strength of the convection currents makes it such that it is easier enter through the very edge of Rasatal and leave near the center than vis versa.

Location under
Included Locations
Related Tradition (Primary)
Disaster Table
1d12 Disasters Effects
1 Sandstorm Normal:
  • Reduced visibility to 15ft
  • d4 slashing damage from sand every round

  • Reduced visibility to 5 ft
  • 2d4 slashing damage every round
  • Half normal moving speed
  • 2 Blizzard Normal:
  • Pass a CON save (DC 14) every other round or take 1d6 cold damage
  • Consider granting advantage to insulated PC

  • Pass a CON save (DC 17) or take 2d6 cold damage
  • Reduced visibility to 15ft
  • Movement becomes difficult
  • 3 Earthquake Normal:
  • Save (DC 15) or fall prone to the ground
  • PCs near large objects may take 2d8 bludgeoning damage

  • Save (DC 17) or fall prone to the ground
  • PCs within or near collapsing structures take 5d8 bludgeoning damage
  • PCs may also become trapped under rubble
  • 4 Thunderstorm Normal:
  • For every minute, a d% percentile die between 70-85, causes a lighting strike on a random PC dealing 2d6 lighting damage
  • 86 or above causes a direct hit to a random PC dealing 3d10 lightning damage
  • Consider allowing PCs to perform a DEX save (DC17) to dodge

  • Every minute, on a d% 50 or above, lightning strikes a random PC dealing 3d10 damage
  • A PC within 5 feet of the strike will take half of the damage
  • 5 Hurricane Normal:
  • If outdoors, PCs must make a check (DC 16)
  • PCs holding onto an object, they may make the check with advantage
  • PCs who fail, fly 30 ft away

  • If outdoors, PCs must make a check (DC 20)
  • PCs holding onto an object, they may make the check with advantage
  • PCs who fail, fly 60 ft away
  • Large debris may cause bludgeoning damage
  • 6 Avalanche Normal:
  • Starting 100ft away and moves 5d20+40 ft (decreasing number of d20s minus 1 for 5 rounds)
    • 4d20+40 ft, 3d20+40 ft, 2d20+40 ft, 1d20+40 ft, 40ft
  • Dash 2+CON modifier, with additional dash causing DC 10 save

  • While buried, take 1d10 bludgeoning and 1d10 cold damage every time a PC makes a skill check
  • A WIS check must be made to find you and a STR check to free you
  • 7 Flood Normal:
  • Occupies a space 3d10 miles wide and 1d10 deep

  • For the first 5 rounds deals 5d10 bludgeoning damage and 3d10 bludgeoning damage to anything within 1 mile to either side
  • Successful DC 15 DEX save suffer half-damage
  • Anything incapacitated, killed, or destroyed are swept away by 1d6 miles.
  • 8 Eruption Normal:
  • Within 15 ft of either side of a lava flow suffer 1d4+1 fire damage from the intense heat and smoke
  • A lava flow deals 10d10 fire damage per round to flammable objects in its path

  • For the first 1d6+1 days, for every hour within 20 miles of the epicenter
  • Make a DC 15 CON saving throw or suffer 1d6 fire damage and 1 level of exhaustion
  • 9 Vapours Normal:
  • 1 point of poison damage per minute to non-aberrations
  • Disperse in 2d4x10 minutes
    • Unless a high wind disperses in 1d4+1 rounds.
    • With only a light wind, they disperse in 2d4+2 rounds

  • Poisoned rain confined to a 4d6 mile radius
  • Every 10 minutes, make a DC 13 CON saving throw or become poisoned for 1d4 hours
  • Upon leaving, spend a minute to rinsing your eyes, nose, mouth, and gear or take 1d2 extra poison damage (no save)
  • 10 Tornado Normal:
  • 500 foot wide conical cylinder, 120 feet tall, traveling 1d4+1 miles at speeds of d20min10 miles per hour
  • 1 point of bludgeoning damage (no save) per round
  • Make a DC 13 DEX saving throw.
    • On a fail, you are struck for 2d6+2 bludgeoning damage
  • If you fail by 5 or more, an adjacent target within 10 feet of you is also struck.
    • They may make a DC 15 DEX save for half damage

  • Larger, faster ones are up to 2 miles wide and travel 220 miles
  • After 1d4+1 rounds, the center of the storm passes over you that prevents further damage or need for saves
  • After 1d4+1 rounds, the area is hit by the second half of the tornado
  • Once the second half has passed over, all are safe
  • Within 2,000 feet, you have 2 rounds to escape or find shelter
    • If not, make a DC 17 STR or DEX save to hold on
    • Still take 1d10 force damage (no save) every round until you are pulled to safety
  • Each round, make a DC 15 STR or DEX save to pull yourself safety
    • On a fail or are reduced 0 hit points while exposed, you are violently carried off for 1d2 miles
  • Suffer 5d6 force and 5d6 bludgeoning damage, are knocked prone, and (assuming survival) are incapacitated for 6 hours minus the number of the CON modifier if it is positive (or plus if it is negative)
  • Deal 25 points of force and 25 points of bludgeoning damage per round to any objects in its path
  • 11 Wildfire Normal:
  • Within 1d6 x100 miles
  • DC 12 WIS check to spot
  • All cold and water measures have -2 DC and halved range

  • All fire damage has +2 DC and deals extra 1d6 fire damage whether the save is successful or not
  • Range of fire damage is tripled
  • 1 point fire damage every round
  • For every 10 minutes, make a DC 15 CON saving throw or suffer 1 level of exhaustion and 1d6 fire damage
  • 12 Storm Normal:
  • Range, distance, movement duration and teleportation-based effects are doubled
  • Move at ⅓ speed
  • Make a DC 13 CON save or become sea sick
  • DC increases to 15 in rough weather (heavy rain) or DC 17 in any storm
    • On a fail, react as if poisoned and make a DC 13 CON save every hour or be incapacitated for 1d10 minutes
  • 3 consecutive saving throws makes one immune to sea sickness

  • -2 penalty to initiative rolls
  • -2 penalty to melee, ranged weapon and attack rolls
  • If an open deck, every 1d4 rounds, succeed at a DC 15 DEX save or be shoved 20 feet in a straight line to the other side and knocked prone
    • If this is enough, you are shoved overboard. To determine the direction shoved: d4 for results: 1 = North, 2 = East, 3 = South, 4 = West

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