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Wrong Room



An adventure that takes place as events unfold in other adventures: a place PCs return to, in-between adventures, but cannot stay for long. The space where all this takes place is metaphysically isolated so as to limit consequences transferring from one campaign to the next.

Cruel Tricks

Things behave strangely in this lost place. There are several issues in arbitrarily interacting within this environment:
  • Time flows unpredictably.
  • Orientation instruments stop working.
  • Landscape shifts at the Boss' whims.
  • Sleep is impossible.
  • Relations


    This adventure assumes that the players are determined to explore the various floors that make up the Stratum Floors. In which case, they would eventually land in the company of Candice Cruickshank to receive reprieves and clues on associated matters. The more times they return, however, the boss becomes just a little more frustrated; making for a slow unfolding of relations with her.


    Candice Cruickshank

    14 (+2)12 (+1)18 (+4)22 (+6)19 (+4)16 (+3)
    Armour Class: 17
    HP: 153 ( 18d8+72 )
    Speed: 30ft
    Proficiency Bonus: +5
    Saving Throws: DEX +6, INT +11, WIS +9, CHA +8
    Skills: Perception +9
    1. Can move through living and non-living objects as if they were difficult terrain and does not provoke opportunity attacks.
      • Creatures that she moves through take d10 mental damage that cannot be dealt more than once per turn.
      • She herself takes d10 damage if she ends her turn inside an object.
    2. Targets within 30ft must make a DC 19 WIS saving throw.
      • On a fail, the target is teleported up to 60ft to an unoccupied space and any creature within 10ft of the target's original space takes 6d12 mental damage.
      • On a success, the target takes 3d12 mental damage but isn't teleported.


    Quest-giver and mentor-like figure who is self-tasked with investigating mysterious correspondences. However, she never elaborates on her involvement in these cases, nor on her agency's operations.   She enlists special agents to investigate cases on various floors and then report back to her. Whenever PCs show up, they communicate their recent experiences to the boss and certain events will unfold that are their own mini-story.   She is generally very knowledgeable about the floors. The boss is not correct about everything, but is still a good source for answers; even if after the fact.   Her knowledge manifests as her will. That is, players can treat the boss as a catalogue of adventures that they can choose their adventure from.



    An otherworldly gangster with a personal vendetta against Cruickshank. He searches through the Auberge Floor for repeat visitors.

    It is these repeat visitors who are most likely to find their way to her domain and through whom he hopes to piggyback on during their transfer and comfront his hated enemy.

    He corrals a menagerie of animalistic entities via a water whip that deals d8+5 slashing damage plus 3d10 cold damage.
    Species | May 17, 2023
    Should he ever manage to find a way inside, he will view the PCs as allies to Candice and seek to destroy them before searching for her.
    11 (+0)13 (+1)16
    20 (+5)12 (+1)18 (+4)
    Armour Class: 21
    HP: 202 ( 27d8+81 )
    Speed: 30 ft., fly 40 ft.
    Saving Throws: DEX +7, CON +9, WIS +7, CHA +10
    Proficiency Bonus: +6
    Skills: Perception +7
  • Advantage on saving throws against magical effects
  • d2 targets who can see within 60ft must succeed on a DC 19 WIS saving throw or take 4d12 damage and be blinded until the start of his next turn
  • (Recharge 6 ). One target within 60ft must succeed on a DC 18 INT saving throw or take (4d12 mental damage and become stunned for 1 minute. A stunned target repeats the saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending the effect on a success. If the target is stunned for the full minute, they forget everything it sensed, experienced and learned during the last 5 hours.
  • Adversaries

    Bohren Gore

    A supernatural stalker who semi-regularly invades Cruickshank's mind and who manifests within as a shadowy reflection to prowl the vast mental maze.

    He will prioritise finding Candice and may even ignore the party if they appear right in front of him. At First.
    Reality Waves
    Physical / Metaphysical Law | Jan 6, 2023
    He is more aware as to Cruickshank's nature than anyone else; and knows that she should be the only one here. Despite all the effort he had previously taken to enter the space, this is all he is truly certain of.

    For what can answer is but a random assortment of memories, directionless. And only knowing to seek and destroy Candice.
    18 (+4)28 (+9)24 (+7)20 (+5)18 (+4)17 (+3)
    Armour Class: 20
    HP: 450 ( 15d8 )
    Speed: 30ft
    Saving Throws: Deception +19, Deception +19, Intimidation +11, Persuasion +11, Perception +12, Sleigh of Hand +17
    Skills: STR +12, DEX +17, CON +15, INT +13
    • (3/Day). Can choose to succeed a failed saving throw
    • When at half hp, targets within 60ft must make a DC 17 CHA save or become frightened and take extra 2d8 damage when attacked. On a success, they become immune for 24hrs
    • 20ft Cone Range: 3d12+9
    • Scythe: 4d8+9 slashing damage
      • Targets within 10ft takes 8d8 slashing damage and must make a DC 17 DEX saving throw or take 4d12 mental damage



    This domain does not stretch beyond either a single room or a couple of rooms in a tiny pocket dimension. It exists within the boss' mind, but she can choose to attach or unattach it to the rest of the floor.   Unlike with the rest of the Stratum Floors, it can be selective on who or what enters or leaves.


    Shadow Monsters

    Borowas are burrowing spider-like creatures capable of phasing into and out of dreams. Due to the location's nature, they will manifest as shadowy smoke crawlers whenever someone sleeps here.
    Species | Jun 15, 2024
    The boss might help the PCs fight them off but in a detached, even annoyed, way since she would have told them beforehand that sleeping summons them.   The borowas are trying to drag whoever they can back to their nest under the Mandelbrotian Mountains. Rather than die, when one PC is reduced to 0 hp, they disappear. If that PC is part of a party, then they are swarmed until they are similarly reduced to 0 hp and are teleported to the first victim's destination. The boss will not follow.   In this way, an adventure may be forced on the players that is beyond their abilities.
    24 (+7)16 (+3)23 (+6)15 (+2)22 (+6)17 (+3)
    Armour Class: 19
    HP: 300 ( 24d12+144 )
    Speed: 40 ft., climb 40 ft
    Saving Throws: DEX +10, CON +13, WIS +13
    Skills: Magic +9, Deception +10, Intimidation +10, Nature +9, Perception +13, Stealth +10
    • (1/Short or Long Rest). If reduced to 0 hp, it doesn't die or fall unconscious. Instead, regains 200 hp. In addition, to 100 temporary hp
    • (3/Day). Can choose to succeed a failed saving throw.
    • Advantage on saving throws against magical effects
    • Can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check
    • Ignores movement restrictions caused by webbing
    • (Recharge 4-6 ). Unleashes a form of webbing that fills a 30ft cube next to it.
      • web is difficult terrain
      • its area is lightly obscured
      • lasts for l minute
      • This webbing is immune to all damage except magical fire.
        • A 5ft cube of the web is destroyed if it takes at least 20 fire damage from a magical source on a single turn.
      • Any target that moves onto the web or starts their turn there must make a DC 21 DEX saving throw. On a fail, they are restrained while in the web.
      • They can use an action to make a DC 21 STR check. On a success, they can free themself or another within 5ft who is restrained by the web.

    Plot type
    Meta Hub Adventure
    Related Locations


    Author's Notes

    Generic article | Sep 17, 2024

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