
Awareness is a rare psionic talent that allows fine control of one’s own body, pushing the mundane form into imaginative and superhuman capabilities. Awareness powers can only affect the psychic themselves, it is not capable of affecting others and may never be used for healing or enhancing other Travellers. To heal others, use the Biopsionic talent.

Force vs Form

The Awareness discipline can be approached in two different ways. One is the telekinetic manipulation of one's own body, augmenting it with psychic force. The other is to channel psychic energy into one's biology and let the body augment itself, similar to biopsionics.   Both have access to exactly the same powers listed here, but Travellers should still decide which version they favour. Many awareness abilities require the Traveller to describe the change that they're making to achieve a certain effect, so knowing how their powers work will help both them and the Referee explore what might be possible.


"Inspiration" is how adepts refer to the myriad ways they tweak their body's performance for various tasks, covering everything from dextrous fine-tuning, momentarily toughened physique, and flashes of increased focus. Once a change is specified, this power adds DM+2 to any one check the Traveller attempts in the next minute.   Check: Average (8+) Awareness check (1D seconds, PSI)
PSI Cost: 1

Inner Flare

Covers more imaginative changes to the body's internal physiology: the magnifiying of a sense to superhuman levels, the shifting of vocal chords to mimic others, the dispersal of body weight to avoid leaving tracks, or the slowing of one's own heart to fool a medical scan are all possible with this power. Any changes made last for a number of minutes equal to the Effect, opening the door to feats that wouldn't normally be possible to humans.   Check: Very Difficult (12+) Awareness check (1D seconds, PSI), can be supported with the Biopsionics skill via a task chain.
PSI Cost: 3

Enhanced Physicality

PSI points may be converted to STR and END points on a temporary basis, or to DEX with extra effort. The Traveller makes the commitment, reduces their available PSI by a specified number of points and increases their chosen characteristic by the equivalent amount. The characteristic reaches its new level immediately, remains at that peak for number of minutes equal to the Effect of the Awareness check x 10, and then declines at the rate of one point per minute until its normal level is reached.   Check: Average (8+) Awareness check (1D seconds, PSI), can be supported with the Telekinesis skill via a task chain.
PSI Cost: Characteristic increase (x2 if increasing DEX)

Suspended Animation

Personal body activity may be suspended for varying periods of time. A Traveller with awareness may enter a suspended animation state, similar to cold sleep, by willing themselves into it.   Such a state continues for a number of days equal to the square of the Effect, and during that time the adept does not need food or water, requires only minimal air, but also does not heal or recover PSI points. Once the power expires, but before waking up, the adept may make another Awareness check to extend this power and continue their sleep.   Suspended animation may be stopped at any time, provided that a predetermined external stimulus is given to awaken the sleeper (such as a friend nudging them or a mechanical alarm).   Check: Routine (6+) Awareness check (1D minutes, PSI)
PSI Cost: 3 (or 1 if extending an existing sleep)


By channelling psychic energy to their skeletal structure or epidermus, the Traveller can enhance their ability to absorb damage. Fortitude lasts a number of rounds equal to the Effect of the Awareness check and provides Protection equal to the number of PSI points expended. Fortitude stacks with worn armour.   Check: Difficult (10+) Awareness check (1D seconds, PSI or STR)
PSI Cost: Amount of Armour


The adept fixes their intent on a particular location, and makes the internal changes required for their body to physically reach that point. Walking on water, climbing sheer surfaces, and jumping large gaps all fall under the feats possible with this power. This ability also multiplies the Traveller's maximum movement speed by the Effect (minimum half-speed for Effect 0).   If the target location is impossible to reach without a truly inhuman ability, such as passing through solid surfaces or actually flying, then this power will not work. This ability fades once the target destination is reached, or once the adept diverts course from that destination.   Check: Difficult (10+) Awareness check (1D seconds, PSI or DEX)
Reach: Long
PSI Cost: 3


Wounds may be healed by the application of this power, exchanging one PSI point to regenerate one lost characteristic point. Regeneration may also be applied to the growing of new limbs or organs to replace lost ones, or to heal old wounds suffered prior to psionic training - both of which are usually represented by permanent damage. Regeneration may not be used to regain lost SOC, nor can it be used to counteract the effects of ageing or torching.   Check: Difficult (10+) Awareness check (1D x 10 seconds, PSI or END)
PSI Cost: Amount healed (x6 if healing permanent damage)


Awareness is usually targeted at making subtle, internal changes to a body's workings. But through telekinetic infusion or biopsionic adaption it is, theoretically, possible to make more drastic changes. Such achievements are extremely rare, but stories exist of adepts who sprouted wings and flew away, who grew large teeth and devoured their foes, or who dove into the ocean and became a legendary sea serpent. There is no limit to this power's duration, but its PSI cost cannot be recovered until the psychic reverts the change.   Check: Legendary (18+) Awareness check (1D x 10 seconds, PSI)
PSI Cost: 8    

The Adept

Psychics trained in psionic Awareness, commonly known as Adepts, are extremely dangerous. Not all of their abilities are combat-focused, but all them can be turned to violent use. Adepts are capable of doing a lot of damage, and of surviving a long time even under fire.   Despite this, they are one of the more-accepted kinds of psychics. Very few members of the public encounter violence in their day-to-day lives, and they are generally much more nervous about their secrets being ferreted out by some telepath or clairvoyant. Practically, mundanes have no more fear of being torn apart by an adept than they have of being gunned down in an alleyway; always a concern, but usually not a reality.   Having said this, adepts are often drafted into their planetary militaries once their abilities are identified, their lethality and reliability making them invaluable specialists. And even if not they tend to face more censure and restrictions than other civilian psychics. Adepts are dangerous, and must often choose between either making themselves useful to authority, or being targets of official scrutiny.