
Biopsionics is the art of psionically manipulating a target's natural healing capabilities and other chemical functions. Unless otherwise stated, these "Healers" can only affect targets aside from themselves, and those more interested in enhancing their own bodies should consider the Awareness discipline. As with mundane medicine, biopsionics is a complex skill which must be practiced with care - as many of its powers can do more harm than good if used carelessly.   Biopsionic powers cannot be used on the dead or dying - patients must have at least one physical characteristic point in order to benefit from the healing and enhancements that this discipline can offer. The one exception to this is the biostasis power, which is primarily used to stabilise the dying or recently-deceased.


Biostasis stabilises and suspends the vital life functions of an unconscious or dead creature for up to 1D hours per Effect. Whilst in biostasis patients cannot be affected by any other biopsionic power, but also cannot be harmed by poison or disease, cannot lose characteristic points from being unstable, and cannot be killed without applying massive trauma. The connection required for biostasis, once activated, remains even if the healer leaves their patient's side.   Biostasis is frequently used to stabilise a patient who has been reduced to zero physical characteristic points, i.e. who is dead. In such cases, the patient may reroll on the Disabling Wounds Table with a minimum result of 4 and a DM+ equal to the Effect. This will immediately restore at least 1 characteristic point, allowing the patient to benefit from regular healing. Biostasis cannot save those who have been mangled beyond surgical repair.   Check: Easy (4+) Biopsionics check (1D seconds, PSI). This check suffers a DM-1 per round that the target remains at 0 physical characteristic points.
Reach: Personal
PSI Cost: 1

Psychic Succor

This talent rapidly accelerates the body's natural healing processes, allowing a patient to heal in seconds as opposed to days. When used, it restores characteristic points equal to the Effect + the psychic's Biopsionics skill level + the patient's END DM. If desired, extra PSI points can also be spent to boost the patient's END score for a number of rounds equal to the Effect. Unlike other biopsionic powers, psychics can use Psychic Succor to heal themselves.   Note that a failed result will damage the patient by an amount equal to the margin of failure + the patient's END DM. This is because accelerated healing, if applied carelessly or too hastily, can 'cook' a patient's body. For a safer but slower method of healing, consider Psionic Ward.   Check: Average (8+) Biopsionics check (1D seconds, PSI)
Reach: Personal
PSI Cost: 2 + END increase

Sympathetic Repose

This power puts a willing patient in an accelerated mode of sleep, creating a sympathetic link between the the target's sleeping state and the healer's waking one. When successful the patient's desired rest time, usually eight hours for the equivalent of a full night's sleep, is divided by the square of the Effect.   As with biostasis, the healer is free to leave their patient's side once the connection is established, but it is important that the psychic remains calm whilst the link is active. Stress or trauma inflicted on the healer can result in complications to the patient, ranging from an accelerated insomnia which completely negates the rest, respiratory trauma causing STR or END damage, or nightmares sufficient to cause INT or EDU damage.   Check: Easy (4+) Biopsionics check (1D rounds, PSI).
Reach: Personal
PSI Cost: 2

Psionic Ward

This talent uses psychic power to gently augment their patients' healing. To achieve this, the Traveller temporarily reduces their PSI characteristic by an amount no greater than their Biopsionics skill level. These 'committed' PSI points are then added as a DM+ to any points their patients regain from Medical Care or Natural Healing.   Psionic ward requires that the Traveller attends to their patients several times per day. The maximum number of patients that a Traveller can ward for at once is equal to the square of their Biopsionics skill level. Healers can end their ward at any time, after which the committed PSI points can be recovered as normal.   Reach: Personal
PSI Cost: 1 per healing DM+

Mystic Healing

Biopsionics accelerates, or slows, a body's existing recovery mechanisms. As such, it is not considered possible for it to achieve anything that the body isn't already technically capable of. Rumours do exist of rare mystics who can regrow lost limbs, cure hereditary defects, or even change one's physical appearance - but conventional psionicology holds that such claims are baseless.

Biopsionics & the Medic Skill

Psychic healing, whilst more powerful than mundane medicine, is quite firmly capped by available PSI points. In comparison, non-psychic doctors are often able to treat many more patients per day, even if their individual ministrations are less miraculous.   It's therefore common for career healers to take points in the Medic skill to supplement their healing abilities - relying on their powers only for the most urgent (or important) patients. Additionally, knowing more about the human body allows a healer to manipulate its natural processes more acutely, allowing the Medic skill to be used as part of a task chain to assist a Biopsionics check.

Purification Protocols

This technique accelerates the body's immune system instead of its tissue repair. When activated, this power may be used as part of a task chain to assist a patient's next END check to resist a disease or poison. This next END check can be made either immediately or at the next interval, as normal.   However, this power should be used carefully, as if the patient fails their check then damage is taken as normal. In many cases it may be best to wait for a medical cure, instead of relying entirely on psychic healing.   Check: Average (8+) Biopsionics check (1D rounds, PSI).
Reach: Personal
PSI Cost: 2

System Strain

Living bodies are complex, and the same systems that help a patient recover can also hurt them. This power represents biopsionics' most efficient way of causing deliberate harm. By accelerating multiple conflicting biological processes; the patient's energy is drained, their immune and repair mechanisms are overdosed, and the entire system poisons itself in a desperate and accelerated attempt to restore balance.   System Strain inflicts immediate damage equal to the check's Effect, and afterwards inflicts a poison as per the usual rules with an interval of 1D rounds, an amount of damage based on PSI points spent, and a Difficult (10+) END check required to shake the power's effects.   Check: Average (8+) Biopsionics check (1D seconds, PSI)
Reach: Personal, applying to an unwilling subject will usually require a Melee (Unarmed) check.
PSI Cost: 2 for 1D interval damage, 5 for 3D interval damage

Medulla Rush

A reluctant favourite of combat healers, this risky ability increases the activity of the adrenal glands and other internal assistives, flooding the patient with a temporarily-useful cocktail of natural chemicals. This increases one or more physical/mental characteristics, excluding SOC, by an amount totalling the Effect + PSI points spent.   The risk comes from the power's withdrawal, which occurs once the patient begins to calm down - i.e. once combat ends, once they are safe, or once the immediate task they were enhanced to accomplish is complete. In addition to all gained points being lost the patient takes 1D physical or mental damage depending on the primary characteristics effected, plus extra damage equal to the power's PSI cost. Healers who channel too much power into their patients are likely to lose them afterwards, though for some militaries this is considered an acceptable trade.   Check: Average (8+) Biopsionics check (1D seconds, PSI).
Reach: Personal
PSI Cost: At least 1, per extra characteristic points gained / damage inflicted      

Duty of Care

Unsurprisingly, biopsionic powers are among the most accepted psychic abilities. Even a modestly-experienced practicioner can perform miracles of healing for a community lucky enough to have their services.   However, it may not have escaped notice that a deliberately negligent healer can use these talents to harm patients instead of healing them, as almost every power carries some risk to the patient. Fortunately, for those who know what to look for, the signs of most malpracticing healers are unmissable - only biopsionics can convince a body to destroy itself so perfectly.