
Metapsionic practicioners enjoy access to certain career paths which are completely impossible for those without their unique talents.   Qualification: Metapsionics 6+
DM–1 for every previous career   Assignments
Choose one of the following:   Psionicologist: You actively experiment with psionic energy, for the development of new abilities and tech.
Mentor: You are instrumental in the safety and development of new psychics.
Brainguard: You protect important clients from psionic attack and invasion.



Researcher EDU 6+ INT 10+
Mentor Metapsionics 5+ EDU 9+
Brainguard END 6+ Metapsionics 7+



1 Cr4000 Gun
2 Cr8000 2 Ship Shares
3 Cr10000 Contact
4 Cr15000 Armour
5 Cr20000 Contact
6 Cr35000 Combat Implant
7 Cr50000 10 Ship Shares


1 EDU +1 Metapsionics Metapsionics INT +1 Admin Firarms
2 INT + 1 Telepathy or Biopsionics Clairvoyance Medic Language Melee
3 STR + 1 Conditioning Any Combat Electronics (Computers) Science Streetwise
4 DEX + 1 Medic Steward Science Art Recon
5 END + 1 Any Combat Science Science (Life Sciences) Persuade Athletics
6 PSI + 1 Any Talent Any Talent Any Talent Metapsionics Drive


0 - - -
1 Psionicologist: Science (Life Sciences / Psionicology) 1 Assistant: Metapsionics 1 Brainguard: Any Combat 1
2 - Mentor: Persuade 1 Recon 1
3 Expert: EDU +1 - Medic 1
4 - - -
5 Master: Science (Life Sciences / Psionicology) 3 Master: Leadership 1 Athletics 1
6 Grandmaster Grandmaster: SOC +1 -
1 Severely injured (this is the same as a result of 2 on the Injury table). Alternatively, roll twice on the Injury table and take the lower result.
2 You telepathically contact something dangerous. Lose one PSI. You also suffer from persistent and terrifying nightmares.
3 An anti-psi cult or gang attempts to expose or attack you. Roll 1D: on a 1–2, you are injured, roll on the Injury table (see page 49). On a 3–4, lose one SOC. On a 5–6, nothing else happens but you still must leave this career.
4 You are asked to use your psionic powers in an unethical fashion. Accept and you may continue in this career but gain an Enemy. Refuse and you must leave the career.
5 You are experimented on by a corporation, government or other organisation. You escape but are forced to leave this career.
6 Your gift causes a former friend to turn on you and betray you. One Ally or Contact becomes an Enemy.
2 Disaster! Roll on the Mishap table but you are not ejected from this career.
3 Your psionic abilities make you uncomfortable to be around. One Contact or Ally becomes a Rival.
4 Choose one of these skills, reflecting your time spent mastering mind and body. Gain one of Athletics 1, Stealth 1, Survival 1 or Art 1.
5 You have a chance to use your powers unethically to better your standing. If you accept, roll PSI 8+. If you succeed, gain an extra Benefit roll or +1 SOC. If you fail, lose one SOC.
6 You make an unexpected connection outside your normal circles. Gain a Contact.
7 Life Event. Roll on the Life Events table.
8 You achieve a new level of psionic strength. Increase your PSI by +1.
9 You are given advanced training in a specialist field. Roll EDU 8+ to gain any one skill except Jackof-all-Trades.
10 You pick up potentially useful information using your psychic powers. Gain DM+1 to any one Benefit roll.
11 You gain a mentor. Gain an Ally and DM+4 to your next advancement roll (in any career) thanks to their aid.
12 You achieve a new level of discipline in your powers. You are automatically promoted.