
Precognition allows a Traveller to see further in time - retrieving insight and even affecting change from the various probabilities that echo through the metadimensions. Precognitive powers are taxing, and are not always under the psychic's control, but such is the cost of seeing the future.


The Traveller asks a question about their future, and Oracle provides a single brief vision related to the answer. These visions always show the most probable or pertinent future from the psychic's personal vantage point. And whilst a vision can be somewhat ambiguous, the connection to the Traveller's question is usually clear. Once the vision ends, regardless of how long it seemed to last, the psychic will return to the present just a few seconds later.   Check: Routine (6+) Precognition check (1D rounds). The Effect of the roll, plus PSI points spent, will determine how far into the future can be seen. It is up to the Traveller whether spending extra PSI points might be worth it.
PSI Cost: 1+

Effect + PSI CostFuture Horizon
1 One minute into the future
2 One day into the future
3-4 One week into the future
5-6 One month into the future
7-9 One year into the future
10+ Unlimited
The referee should answer the question as if the Traveller were about to perform the act or engage in the investigation pertinent to the question. Thus, if the precog wanted to know what pressing a button would do and the referee knows that it’s connected to a bomb, they might get a vision of sudden death. But if the bomb were on a time delay that extended past the power's future horizon, they might just see a vision of themselves waiting patiently with nothing happening. Only the most important or significant information is conveyed by Oracle, even if multiple events of interest might transpire during the time horizon.

Retrograde Parable

At some point in the recent past, the psychic had a vague but intense premonition that a particular object or action would be needed. Using this ability allows the Traveller to retroactively declare that they brought along any one object that they could have reasonably acquired and carried to this point, or that they performed one simple action that can influence this situation. If that item is rare, or if that action was difficult, an appropriate check may also be required.   Check: Difficult (10+) Precognition check (PSI)
PSI Cost: 2

Forced Fortune

With great effort, precogs are capable of forcing the outcomes of random physical events. This could be used to achieve a certain result on a roulette wheel, trigger an avalanche in an already-unstable area, or summon any other reasonably-plausible stroke of good or bad luck - provided that it doesn’t interfere with any kind of living intent.   For example, Forced Fortune may be used to decide the order of a shuffled deck of cards, unless the shuffler is attempting to stack the deck - in which case their will to cheat overpowers any randomness that the psychic could manipulate.   Check: Very Difficult (12+) Precognition check (1D seconds, PSI), based on forcing roulette-wheel-level odds.
Reach: Medium
PSI Cost: 3 (multiplied by the amount of times this power has been successfully used within the last 24 hours)

Outcome Denial

Having clearly seen the future, the psychic shunts their vision forcibly onto another timeline, allowing (or forcing) a target character to reroll a single task check - keeping the result which the Traveller prefers. If needed, the Effect of this check can inflict a DM+/- to the new check, up to a maximum of the Traveller's Precognition skill level.   Check: Average (8+) Precognition check (PSI)
Reach: Medium
PSI Cost: 4

Terminal Reflection

The psychic is visited by an unexpectedly clear vision of an imminent injury, just in time to avoid it if they act fast. Sometimes, the Referee may offer this vision unbidden, other times the Traveller may use this to 'rewind' play to before the danger occurred. No check is required in either case, but if the future is changed and the PSI cost is not paid then all of the Traveller's precognitive abilities go numb for the next 4D hours.   This ability does not work during combat or in similar high-danger situations where injury is already expected, but it can often be used before combat begins to negate surprise or to put oneself at the top of the initiative order.   Reach: Personal
PSI Cost: 4


Prophecies are vague but vital visions of a potential future and the events that may lead up to it. They come randomly and are not always welcome, as they can tax a precog to their limits, but without them a psychic would be unaware of an impending future that should deeply concern them - ranging from personal tragedies to planet-shattering destinies.   Prophecies are much more detailed compared with Oracle visions but are also notoriously obscure, giving no clear indication or explanation of the events they foretell - aside from a few baffling clues that often only make sense in hindsight. Very few prophecies play out the same way as their vision, and many don't come to pass at all with or without the psychic's intervention. However, when they do come true, those involved always credit the prophecy for pointing them in the right direction.   Despite their ambiguity, prophecies always begin well in-time to either change the event or help it to completion. Once a prophecy is first experienced, it tends to revisit the psychic's dreams regularly until either the probability passes, or it becomes too late to stop it.   Prophecies are rare, even skilled precogs only experience them a handful of times throughout their life. On arrival, no check is required for a Traveller to experience the prophecy, but a check must be made to determine how much of the pychic's energies are drained by the initial vision. If needed, the depth and clarity of a prophecy can be estimated by multiplying the precog's skill level by the Traveller's current PSI total, and placing the result on a scale of 0-100.   Check: Difficult (10+) Precognition check (PSI)
PSI Cost: Half of a Traveller's remaining PSI point reserves, minus their Effect (pass or fail). Travellers cannot torch as the result of Prophecy.

Refereeing the Future

The first thing to remember is that the future is never carved in stone, everything a precog sees is provisional. Some outcomes may be so likely as to be nigh-certain, but nothing is truly, absolutely destined. Vigorous activity or simple unexpected chance can skew future outcomes, but the Referee should always try to make even the vaguest visions useful.   In general, visions should relate to actions and events, not abstract facts. A vision couldn’t tell a psychic who the crime boss of a slum neighborhood is, for example, but it could give a vision of the psychic caught in the next bloody riot and the gang boss who’s directing the myriad thugs. It couldn’t reveal the name of a security guard, but it could show the seer the impending moment that the next guard patrol will enter the area the psychic plans to infiltrate. Some psychics have tried to circumvent this ambiguity by keeping a detailed journal, hoping that a vision will target their future self's written account - but this has almost never worked.   Readings provided by Precognition tend to be focused on the psychic and what they find interesting or important, whereas matters irrelevant to the seer are unlikely to be noticed - even if they are of critical importance to others involved. A precog can see a city in flames or a stock market board showing a crash, but even the most powerful can’t tell if the conflagration is just a limited local disaster or a planet-consuming catastrophe, nor can they tell if the crash is a temporary pullback in the market or a harbinger of global depression. Many precogs have difficulty dealing with this ambiguity, and some become fixed on personal interpretations of their visions that may or may not play out as they have seen.   As a final note, the Referee is free to use precognitive visions as plot hooks, particularly the Prophecy ability. Prophetic visions can spark adventure, can clue the Travellers in to the importance of something recently encountered or acquired, or can cause prophecy-beset NPCs to seek the crew out for help. Referees should be wary though of using precognition to 'railroad' Travellers towards certain results - visions show possibilites, not solutions.

The Sight

A precog's instinctual awareness of the future often manifests as small but uncanny feats of reflex or prescience. To reflect this, Travellers may roll Precognition (DEX or INT) for any check that relies on reflex or quick reactions - either as part of a task chain or as the most-relevant skill. Using Precognition in this way does not cost any PSI points, but PSI points may be spent to provide a DM+ to these checks - up to a maximum of the Traveller's Precognition skill level.   Travellers must be wary about using their Sight like this, as being too fast or too 'spooky' in their reactions can be enough to clue a mundane into their precognitive abilities.   Check: Varies based on the intensity of the situation, and how quick and effective the desired reaction. Catching a ball is easy, parrying a monoblade swing is hard.
PSI Cost: Per DM+      

Fortune Telling

Precogs are not nearly as feared as telepaths, but the uncanny powers of foresight they possess can make them awkward company. They can earn very substantial sums of money from those desperate to learn of some future outcome, but the specificity of their visions can make it difficult to deliver the exact results requested of them.   This often leads to friction with their clients, and is one reason why choirs of precogs have not been more widely exploited by planetary governments. The clearer and more detailed a future outcome becomes, the simpler it is to find the crucial events that can be changed to derail it - making that future more fluid as fresh readings take into account the countermoves that others have made.