
The talent that, most famously, allows objects to be manipulated without physically touching them. Whilst its basics are simple, telekinesis can also be both extremely complex and extremely malleable - information about designing custom telekinetic powers can be found at the bottom of this article.   For the most part, telekinesis operates as one might expect. Targeted objects act as though the psychic is physically holding it themselves, with varying degrees of accuracy/control depending on the power, and powers can normally be maintained for as long as the Traveller can concentrate on them. More specifics on how telekinesis works, as well how it can work on multiple, living, moving, or far-away targets, can be found below:  
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The following rules apply to all telekinetic powers unless otherwise stated:  
  • Handling: Any manipulation is treated as if the Traveller was physically handling the item, but any danger, pain or other stimuli that would normally occur are not present - though more-advanced powers include enough sensory awareness to allow intelligent manipulation.
  • Duration: Telekinesis can be maintained on a target, once successfully activated, for as long as the psychic can concentrate on it. If a power lists a specific duration instead, it usually means that concentration is not required. If needed, an END or Conditioning (control) skill check can determine whether concentration fails.
  • Multiple Targets: Telekinesis can be used to manipulate multiple objects at once, up to the limits of normal human multi-tasking. The total weight of the objects lifted cannot exceed the power's usual limits - e.g. a power that could lift one object of up to 10kg, can lift two objects of up to 5kg each.
  • Moving Targets: Telekinesis can be used on a moving target as long as the casting time is 1 round or less, or as long as the target is moving predictably. Unexpected movement will cause longer powers to fail. Living creatures will always notice the buildup of telekinetic power and instinctually move if able.
  • Living Targets: Most telekinetic powers cannot directly target living creatures. Targeting items held or worn by another living creature is possible, but checks to do so suffer a DM-2. A power's description will make it clear if it can target living creatures and/or the psychic themselves.
  • Reach: It is cheaper and easier to extend the range of telekinesis than it is for other psionic disciplines. A power's Reach can be increased by one Band for just +1 PSI cost, by two for +3 PSI Cost, or even by three for +5 PSI Cost. Telekinesis needs exact knowledge of the target's location, if-not direct line of sight, to use.
This talent is something of a mixed blessing to those who can wield it. Whilst it is among the least feared and distrusted of psychic disciplines, it is a complicated one to use to its full potential, and its common powers produce results which are not nearly so widely-demanded as biopsionic healing or metapsionic brainguarding. Despite this, telekinesis's raw potential make it an attractive discipline to the creative and patient psychics of the sector.

Remote Manipulation

The most rudimentary form of the talent, it allows the Traveller to lift, push and pull moderately-sized objects at range.   Check: Average (8+) Telekinesis check (1D seconds, PSI)
Reach: Short
PSI Cost: 1 per 100N (10kg)
TK Code: 24-33-3 (STR-1, DEX-1)
  "TK Code" is a reference to how this power was custom-designed, and to specific aspects of its useage. It can mostly be ignored for now, but users may wish to note the STR/DEX DM modifiers for the power's general strength/accuracy.

Telekinetic Press

A stronger but clumsier version of basic telekinesis, capable of lifting much heavier objects over several square metres. If used to crush an object, damage is equal to 6 + Effect per round.   Check: Difficult (10+) Telekinesis check (1D rounds, PSI)
Reach: Short
PSI Cost: 3 per 6000N (600kg)
TK Code: 53-23-2-4 (STR+6, DEX-3)

Force Punch

A sharp burst of telekinetic energy can be used as a direct attack. The damage inflicted is equal to 1D + Effect, and protection from any armour is applied as normal. This technique can also be used to give objects a sharp shove, causing them to be thrown as if with a STR and a DEX modifier of DM-2.   Check: Average (8+) Telekinesis check (1D seconds, PSI)
Reach: Short, can target other living creatures.
PSI Cost: 2
TK Code: 34-33-2-135 (STR+1, DEX+0)


A delicate channelling of telekinesis allows for fine manipulation of small or even microscopic objects. A telekinetic can use this power to pick locks, perform microsurgery, sabotage a computer system and so forth.   Check: Difficult (10+) Telekinesis check (1D x 10 seconds, PSI)
Reach: Close, can target other living creatures.
PSI Cost: 3 per 1N (100g)
TK Code: 12-62-2-6 (STR-3, DEX+5)

Telekinetic Ram

With great care, the psychic can launch bursts of enormous force, dealing 8D damage + Effect over several square meters on successful detonation. This is often enough to destroy a civilian vehicle, punch a hole in anything short of hardened military fortifications, or utterly destroy an unarmoured human.   Check: Very Difficult (12+) Telekinesis check (1D x 10 seconds, PSI)
Reach: Medium, can target other living creatures.
PSI Cost: 5
TK Code: 62-34-1-145 (STR+8, DEX+0)

Complex Manipulation

This more-advanced form of telekinesis can lift heavier objects of up to 100kg, including people, and manipulate them as though with both hands. This power can also inflict 1 point of crushing damage on its target if desired. This power can be sustained for up to 1D minutes + Effect.   Check: Difficult (10+) Telekinesis check (1D rounds, PSI)
Reach: Short, can target other living creatures.
PSI Cost: 2
TK Code: 33-43-3-1236 (STR+1, DEX+0)  

Moving Life

All life gives off metadimensional interference, psychic manifestations of thought, will and biology which are vital for disciplines like telepathy, but which make living targets impenetrable to most telekinesis. Telekinetics who wish to affect the living must learn to work around these limitations.  
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  • Items held or worn by a living creature can be targeted at a DM-2 penalty, so experienced telekinetics can grab and move living targets by, for example, seizing hold of their clothes. Such targets will usually try to quickly remove that item of clothing, but whether that's easy or safe depends on the psychic's level of control.
  • Also, there is no penalty for using a telekinetically-held object to indirectly impact a living creature, for example by moving the floor from underneath their feet or by throwing something heavy at them. Targets are obviously free to try dodge any incoming objects, in which case an opposed check versus the power's DEX DM might be appropriate.
  • And lastly, there are powers which - with difficulty - allow one to freely target the living. See the 'Customising Telekinesis' rules below on the various options which can allow for this. In such cases, targets can try to resist the power's effects for a round by rolling versus the power's STR or DEX DM, like they would any mundane grapple or throw.

Impact Sump

The Traveller channels a timely burst of telekinetic energy, reducing the incoming damage of an attack by 6D + Effect. Like other reactions, using this in combat will inflict a DM-1 on the Traveller's next set of actions.   Check: Difficult (10+) Telekinesis check (Reaction, PSI)
Reach: Personal, stops attacks shortly before impact.
PSI Cost: 4
TK Code: 56-32-1-1235 (STR+5, DEX+1)


By applying telekinesis to their own body, the Traveller can fly. This lasts for 1D rounds + Effect, and flying speed is 6 metres per round. Once activated, extra PSI points can be spent to either increase the timeframe (see p62) by one level per point, or to add 6 metres per point to the flying speed.   Check: Difficult (10+) Telekinesis check (1D rounds, PSI)
PSI Cost: 3+
TK Code: 33-36-2-2 (STR+1, DEX-1)

Lesser Kinesis

A beginner's talent, capable of lifting light objects at close range. Whilst simple to use for a trained telekinetic, this technique is considered somewhat wasteful unless used with quiet, stress-free mind. In those circumstances, any PSI points spent on this power - up to the Traveller's Telekinesis skill level - are subtracted from its cost for the rest of the scene.   Check: Easy (4+) Telekinesis check (1D rounds, PSI)
Reach: Close
PSI Cost: 1 per 1N (100g)
TK Code: 13-32-3-3 (STR-5, DEX-1)    

Customising Telekinesis

At its core, telekinesis is the ability to control physical matter, and as such is the most flexible of all psychic disciplines. Experienced practicioners use this flexiblity to accutely balance the force, precision, and results of their telekinetic effects, adapting their roster of powers to suit their needs. However, more-imaginative psychics understand that the limits of this discipline go far beyond just moving things with one's mind.   The powers above may be enough for many, even most, but for those who wish to customise their abilities see the table below (warning: entirely optional, and not for the feint of heart).  
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Difficulty ModiferMax Force per PSI CostTime to Build ForceLevel of ControlMax ReachPSI CostSpecialTK
Simple (-6)-

---8Single Plane0
Easy (-4)1N, STR -5 (100g, e.g. a modern compad)---5Set Force1
Routine (-2)100N, STR -1 (10kg, e.g. groundcar tire)1D x 10 secondsClumsy DEX -3, as if balancing on a spoon (12m)Close3Timed2
Average (+0)1,000N, STR +1 (100kg, e.g. refrigerator)1D roundsBasic DEX -1, as if holding with tongs (18m)Short1Other*3
Difficult (+2)2,500N, STR +3 (250kg, e.g. grand piano)1D secondsComplex DEX +0, as if manipulating with both hands (30m)Medium-Area4
Very Difficult (+4)6,000N, STR +6 (600kg, e.g. horse)-Accurate DEX +2, control of all a target's moving parts (60m)Long-Burst5
Formidable (+6)10,000N, STR +8 (1000kg, e.g. small car)Minor Action or ReactionPerfect DEX +5, microscopic precision (100m)Self-Life Hold6
Impossible (+8)20,000N, STR +10 (2000kg, e.g. large car)-Particle DEX +10, control on a molecular level (infinite)--Force Construct7
  To use this table, pick the effects desired from each column. For each pick, modify the base difficulty of Average (8+), as per the left-most column, based on the row selected. For example, constructing a power which takes 1D rounds to cast adds +0 to the difficulty, keeping it at its default of Average (8+), whereas a casting time of 1D seconds would increase the difficulty by +2 - i.e. Difficult (10+). The Referee can help you make sense of this table if needed.  

TK Code Explained

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Every commonly-taught power above is listed with a "TK Code", created from its various aspects. The numbers used refer to the corresponding table row, separated in order by FORCE-CONTROL-COST-SPECIAL. For example, Flight (TK Code 33-36-2-2):
  • Can channel up to 1000N of FORCE per PSI point, sufficient to lift a human, over 1D rounds. This corresponds to row 3 of the first two columns respectively, and so the TK code for this section is "33-".
  • Regarding the level of CONTROL the power can exert, it's just basic flight so basic control is fine - career flyers might want to design a power which allows for more accuracy. Either way, the power must be able to be applied to the psychic themselves. (TK -36-).
  • This power's COST is set to 3, i.e. row 2 (TK -2-). Cost is often brought up to keep the difficulty of a power manageable.
  • This power has the SPECIAL effect of being timed, to help reduce its cost and to prevent the psychic from falling out of the sky if their concentration is disrupted. (TK -2)
Following this, the exact effects of the power would have been carefully thought though by the Referee. As an example, how does this power account for the fact that it doesn't take the cost-cutting 'Set Force' special ability, meaning that the user can spend extra PSI points to improve the power? In this case, it was decided that extra PSI could increase either the power's duration or the flight speed.
  Max Force per PSI Cost: This is one of the most important decisions for each power, choosing its raw strength and lifting power. This entry is listed with several details.
  • The amount of Newtons' worth of force the power can channel.
  • An equivalent strength DM, which can be used if a roll is required to lift the target object - for example if the target somewhat exceeds the max weight. If crushing an object using telekinesis, the damage is usually equal to the STR DM + Effect.
  • In brackets, the maximum mass that this level of force can easily lift, with an example object to illustrate what that weight would feel like in standard gravity. Generally, the maximum weight of that force can be carried at 6m per round (major action). Higher forces can move lighter objects much faster, and vice-versa.
Time to Build Force: Effectively the 'casting time', by the end of which the target will be under the power's full force. Remember that the timeframe can be adjusted up or down by one step by adjusting the difficulty.
  • The 1D seconds entry represents a major action in combat.
  • If the casting time is longer than a few seconds, then the target must remain stationary throughout the casting time for the power to work properly - see 'Moving Targets' at the top of this article.
Level of Control: The precision with which a targeted object can be controlled. Each entry is listed with its equivalent DEX DM which is further modified by the psychic's DEX, this DM should be used when moving the target object, aiming burst powers, and manipulating something whilst holding it. It also includes a maximum controlled movement speed - after which the object usually flies out of the telekinetic's control.
  • Complex: This is the minimum level of control required if an object must be manipulated whilst also being held with telekinesis. For example, a rubix cube could be lifted with very little force, but a Complex level of control would be required to solve it at the same time, the same applies if wanting to lift and fire a gun at the same time.
  • Particle: This level of control can lead to remarkable telekinetic feats, such as controlling gases, liquids, dust clouds, or even forms of energy. Note that it would take a lot of force to rearrange the molecular structure of solid objects, but doing so was a common manufacturing practice before the Scream. Whilst such feats are mostly guided by psionic instinct, understanding the theory can help, and so a Science (Physical Sciences) may be used to as part of a task chain assisting these powers, or may even be required to develop custom particular powers.
Max Reach: The maximum distance from which the power can be used against a target. Remember that, for telekinesis, increasing the range band is often cheaper than it is for other disciplines.
  • Self: This entry means that the power can only be used on the Traveller themselves. If paired with the 'Area' Special option, it can also target creatures at Close range.
Special: Powers can have multiple unique effects as agreed by the Referee, but the special column indicates certain common modifiers which can influence the difficulty of a power. If an ability has multiple special effects, then this column can be used multiple times.
  • Single Plane: Restricts the telekinetic effect to a single particle-thin surface, as opposed to a broader/deeper area or an entire object. This is useless for actually moving and impacting the target object, but can be useful when paired with particle-level precision - e.g. Pyrokinesis (see below).
  • Set Force: Normally, extra PSI points may be spent on a power to increase its level of force - with various effects depending on the power. This modifier removes that ability, which makes a power slightly easier to control.
  • Timed: Almost all telekinetic abilities can be maintained for as long as the telekinetic can concentrate on them. This modifier limits the duration, usually to 1D rounds + Effect though duration can be balanced longer or shorter if needed. It might also mean that the power can only be used in certain situations. Whilst limiting, this modifier does come with a benefit - it makes active concentration unnecessary after casting, allowing the psychic to focus their attention on other powers or actions whilst keeping the Timed power running subconsciously.
  • Other: Selecting this does not add anything to the difficulty itself. Instead, this option is a stand-in for any other considerations which were taken into account when balancing the power's difficulty, cost, effect, etc - if any of these factors were adjusted to account for some specific variance in the power's useage, then this should be added to the power's TK code.
  • Area: This option applies the power over several square metres, allowing the psychic to target an area instead of one or more specific objects. This option allows 'Self' targeting powers to also affect objects, including living creatures, within Close range.
  • Burst: Instead of maintaining telekinesis, the psychic builds the force's power and releases it on their target all at once. This option bypasses a living target's defenses against telekinesis, and depending on the desired effect can throw or shove the target, or deal damage to them equal to 1D damage per STR DM + Effect. When taking this option the DEX modifier should be increased by +1, used whenever aiming this power. The power also gains an AP (armour piercing) trait equal to the new DEX modifier.
  • Life Hold: Living creatures generate lots of metadimensional interference, making them impossible to target directly with normal telekinesis - even objects on their person are at a DM-2 to manipulate. Burst powers bypass these defenses, but this option actually lets a psychic sustain a telekinetic hold against a living target.
  • Force Construct: One of the most difficult forms of telekinesis involves creating enough simultaneous planes of solid force to essentially construct objects out of telekinetic energy. The level of force selected informs the strength and size of the construct, based on the mass of what the power can normally lift; and the level of control informs how intricate the construct, with higher levels able to create more complicated shapes or even moving parts. With this ability, ambitious telekinetics can create platforms, cover, armour and weapons. It's even theoretically possible, with enough difficulty or power, to create working facsimiles of technological equipment.

Building Powers

With these advanced rules, telekinetics can refine their manipulation abilities and even control matter itself. Travellers should discuss an intended power's effect with the Referee, and if it can be reasonably justified then it should be considered possible - even if the difficulty or cost is very high. Examples of more esoteric abilities include:


By exciting the surface of an object, the Traveller can raise its temperature, possibly causing it to burst into flames. Consult the table below based on Effect + extra PSI points spent.  
Effect + extra PSI Target...
0-3 becomes warmer without being damaged.
4-5 is burnt, suffering 1D damage.
6+ suffers 2D damage and bursts into flame if flammable.
Check: Routine (6+) Telekinesis check (1D rounds, PSI)
Reach: Short, cannot target living creatures (but their clothes...)
PSI Cost: 3 +/- Table DM (minimum 1)
TK Code: 33-73-2-02 (STR+1, DEX+10)

Pressure Sheath

A complicated layer of molecular pressure surrounds the target, protecting them from the effects of hostile atmospheres, environmental hazards, extreme temperatures and/or hard vacuum. Effect extends the field to one additional person per point.   The sheath lasts for as long as the psychic can concentrate on it. If the psychic loses concentration, the sheath lasts for another 1D rounds + Effect before disappating.   Check: Difficult (10+) Telekinesis check (1D rounds, PSI).
Reach: Close, can target self or other living creatures.
PSI Cost: Depends on total protection required: 3 to filter poisonous, thin or dense atmospheres to comfortable levels; 4 to also provide breathable oxygen if none present; 5 to also protect from extreme temperatures; and 6 to also prevent atmospheric crushing or decompression - e.g. hard vacuum.
TK Code: 43-76-1-01234 (STR+3, DEX+10)

The specifics of a new power can also affect its difficulty or cost. For example, the Pressure Sheath power's code is based on it costing 5 PSI points, but various options of the power allows for this cost to be adjusted downwards. Also, whilst this is power does used the 'Timed' option, it can last longer than 1D rounds + Effect if the psychic dedicates their concentration to it.   A psychic can build a new telekinetic ability by constructing its code and PSI cost using the table's TK column, agreeing its effect with the Referee, logging it on their character sheet, and practicing it regularly. It usually takes about a month of dedicated practice to fully learn a power, but in the meantime the power can still be attempted at a higher cost or difficult as per the Referee's discretion.