The Iron Coup

Political event


The Iron Code becomes master of the hunt on Sana, Badriyyah - marking a new era of interstellar 'slavery' of Sana's undead population.

On the night of 12/11/3200 The Iron Code murdered Theresa, Proprieter of Theresa's Tearoom and Master of the Undead Hunt on Sana. The Iron Code proclaimed themselves Masters of the Hunt and a Sana-Spaceport-wide riot broke out in either support or protest.   Hunter's Lodges who wished for higher pay and safer conditions sided with the Code, whilst Lodges who respected more the honourable reputation and sportsmanship of the Hunt rebelled - and the Magnus Circle took to the streets in support of the latter.   In the aftermath of the Coup Undead Hunting changed: The Lodges on the side of the Code started to expand the spaceport's territory, use ambush and trapping tactics to capture more Undead, and became less warrior-focused; the other Lodges carried on much as they were but with success-rates far eclipsed by the Iron Code. Hunting on Sana became more corporate, more based entirely in profits, and the reputation of Undead Hunters became far seedier in Far Space.

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