Thaleian Civil War

Military action


The assassination of Eugar Grezel of the TCC, by an agent of the TLF, begins the Thaleian Civil War.

Eugar Grezal was Chair of the Thaleian Conservative Committee (TCC), and was assassinated on Quiza Station on 13th December 3199. This assassination, orchestrated by the Thaleian Liberation Front (TLF), led to the Thaleian Civil War which persisted until a ceasefire in 3209.   The TLF were made up mostly of working class people who were tired of living in extreme poverty and being subjugated by the TCC. They were led by Mara Rosson, who inspired many to rise up and take on the fight. The TLF were successful in carving out a permanent territory on the planet of Thaleia, though their actions were often radical to the point of terrorism.   Since Mara Rosson went missing in 3201, the war simmered down and the planet is now officially back to normal. However, a cold war bubbles beneath the surface just waiting to erupt again.

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