Østergård Organization in Pellad | World Anvil
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The Kingdom of Østergård one of the two Nordic kingdoms. Østergård is know for its rich mines and high quality metals. Østergård is a very chaotic kingdom mostly rule by tribal clans that fight with eachother for control over resources, land, and honor. It's ruled by Queen Anna Bønne who loosely controls the tribal family.


Østergård is an tribal state loosly controlled by the Queen. The Queen will settle large disputes between the tribes, raise armies when threats arise, and handle foreign affairs. When the Queen dies a successor is selected at grand meeting of all the tribes. The tribal clans control most day to day ruling over thier territory.


The culture of Østergård is very tribal and ritualistic. Every man and women strive to honor thier tribe, ancestors and gods. The main why they can gain honor is in battle or through great ritualistic tests of strength, endurnce and/or will. They also have great respect for the land and are very protective of any sacred hunting grounds. Østergård also has a ritualistic celebration know as a blót where they sacrifice animals to thank their ancestors and praise the gods.

Public Agenda

Strengthen the Nordic people


Great warriors Silver mines


The King's great grandfather lead a revolution against the unjust king and freed the Nordic people. He died before he could name an heir and the new land was split between his twin sons creating Østergård and Yggdrasil. The two have war frequently to try and unite the Nordic people but neither has yet to make any real gain

visdom styrke seksuel dygtighed

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations

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