City of light Settlement in Pellad | World Anvil
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City of light

a city of white stone and beautiful architecture, Has 4 parts


The high church- “As you pass the Pure white stone doors you lay your eyes on beauty the likes of which you've never seen. The wall are lined with limestone statues depicting men of great faith and morality. Archways 20 feet high, break the statues perfect spacing to reveal stain glass windows pouring in a cascade of beautiful light onto a sea of followers sitting on pews all humming a low tone. A priest reads out stories of pelors grace in front of an altar of gold. The ceiling about 30 feet high depicts the story of the founding of this city.” The market- “stores and stands selling horrible strong perfume, silks from faraway lands and the most decadent goods any of you could imagine Line the long section of road dedicated to the market” mostly trinkets and 1 armor and weapon salesmen no potion as their sale is banned in the city but there is an underground market for such sales as well as a secret brothel. 10% tithe The crusaders Wing- “The most powerful Zealots train in the courtyard, Homing their immse skill, you see Dwarves, elves, humans, even 3 goliaths and a lone kenku. There looks to be a barracks, a headquarters and a special church for crusaders only. A female Aasimar stands watching her men from the top of the headquarters.” Living quarters- “Small house line the roads into the living quarters as you look down the road however you can see the houses seem to get more extravagant as the road goes down with it ending at a massive palace of limestone and gold.”- holds the black market
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