Sanctus Organization in Pellad | World Anvil
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The holy worshiper of Palor help spread his war to the continent of Karo. Through the years however many have questioned how pure the church has been of late with many priest breaking the tenants of Palor on a daily basis. Never the less it remain one of the most powerful and rich factions in the kingdom


The High pope is chosen by the high priests to act for parlor in this moral plane. The high pope make the decisions and the priest hood enacts them. The crusaders are also suppose to enforce the law but there has been much friction between them and the priesthood so they are used less and less.


The people of Sanctus are very religious and even the most remote areas will have shrines the people can pray to. They follow the words of palor although a growing number are beginning to question the church as priest corruption continues to show more and more.

Public Agenda

The wish to spread their religion father out into the world.


Being the center of the most popular religion in Karo is Sanctus's Greatest asset


Sanctus has enjoyed relative freedom since the church was establish as most kings follow Palors word. When most provinces rebelled Sanctos used the crusaders to restore order to the surrounding and ended up annexing them after the king changed the government.

By Palors Light

Geopolitical, Theocracy
Alternative Names
Palors land
Holy People
Government System
Power Structure
Client state / puppet state
Economic System
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories

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