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History of Karo


0 600

Palor is said to have lead refugees to the far off land of pellad to let them settle. This is when the lands began to be colonized by human and other far off races.

  • -1 PL

    0 PL

    Founding of Karo

    Refugees lost at sea are lead by the light of Pelor to a forgotten land. They dub it Karo and start the first settlements.

Karo Fall

1000 1200

After a series of inept kings the outer land of karo begin to grow restless. Karo finds itself spread to thin as its armies can't control the outer reaches and local militias are formed to protect themselves slowly growing into armies

  • 1200 Kf

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    1201 Kf

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    The King port Revolution

    The King Kostance labeled large quantity of food to be exported during a famine. The city of Kings Port began an open revolt with assistance from the organized crime groups. Kings Port manage to muster a decent force to take the city from the unprepared kings garrison holding it. They declare the city Free Port to mark their success and show their intention of seceding from the Kingdom of Karo.   Mear days after the success of Freeport, the surrounding towns and villages joined Free Port escalating the revolution further. King Kostance would make multiple agressive assaults to take back the city but failed due to poor organization, logistics and command. For the next 3 months the city was bathed in blood from both side. But through all of it Free Port still stood strong.    After the 3 month battle provinces all over the kingdom saw the weakened state of the Kings forces and also revolted. The following revolutions would be known as the Great Splintering.

    Free Port

Splintered Kingdom

1200 1209

The main trading port of Karo openly revolt against the king and it starts the Great Revolution where almost all provinces revolt against the king. This leads to the splinted kingdom of Karo.

  • 1200 SK

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    1201 SK

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    The King port Revolution

    The King Kostance labeled large quantity of food to be exported during a famine. The city of Kings Port began an open revolt with assistance from the organized crime groups. Kings Port manage to muster a decent force to take the city from the unprepared kings garrison holding it. They declare the city Free Port to mark their success and show their intention of seceding from the Kingdom of Karo.   Mear days after the success of Freeport, the surrounding towns and villages joined Free Port escalating the revolution further. King Kostance would make multiple agressive assaults to take back the city but failed due to poor organization, logistics and command. For the next 3 months the city was bathed in blood from both side. But through all of it Free Port still stood strong.    After the 3 month battle provinces all over the kingdom saw the weakened state of the Kings forces and also revolted. The following revolutions would be known as the Great Splintering.

    Free Port
  • 1201 SK

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    Nord Revolution

    Jarl Erik Windfall (later Erik the Conqueror) leads his fellow nord in a great revolution to take back their land from the King Kostance.

  • 1201 SK

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    War council is founded

    In order to deal with the growing revolutions the King gathered all the militias that had been growing over the kingdom into one united army. On top of gathering the forced he gathered the top commanders of those militias into one united council to advice him and help him deal with the growing crisis. But shortly after the formation he would ignore the council and just used the army as he saw fit.

  • 1202 SK

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    The Great Splintering

    Word spreads of the success of Free Port. Leading to other distant provinces revolting against the Kings rule. In the following months the kindgom loses control over almost all of its major provinces and even distance minor provinces; only able to control the provinces imediatly next to the capital.

  • 1208 SK

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    War council revolts
    Military action

    The war council, tired of the king's ignoring their advice and leading thier armies to ruin, organized their own revolt and start conquering lands to the east forming their own territory.

  • 1209 SK

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    Akuma Invasion
    Military action

    The Kingdom of Akuma launches an invasion to take land and resources from the weakened Karo State. They conquered a sparely populated western mountain region and established a beachhead they dubbed Meon Ttang.

Blood Wars

1210 1220

Following the Akuma invation of the Karo mainland, Many wars broke out between the regional powers of Karo and The Akuma Empire.

  • 1213

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    Treaty of Leon
    Political event

    With the country near ruin and a foreign enemy at the gates the nobility, the last allies of the King, saw no other option than to rebel against the king. They formed the Noble Confederacy and forced the king to abdicate and install the his cousin Leo. Then had the new king sign the Leon Laws a series of laws that limit the king to a figure head and recreated the Kingdom of Karo into a loose confederation of self governing provinces. Finally the nobles convinced their rebelling neighbors united together to push back the growing Akuma threat. Thus the Treaty of Leon was created and Karo as we know it was born.