Free Port Settlement in Pellad | World Anvil
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Free Port

Free Port is the entry way into Karo. It is both the largest trading hub and is the largest city in all of Karo. Its is also famous for starting the Great Shattering. Free Port is the Capital city of Libertas and is ruled by the Council of Free Port. The council is made up of five organizations which were all criminal organizations that filled the power vaccuum after the Great Shattering.


Free port has many rickshaws to move people from place to place along with exsparamental train system that loops the city to move people from district to district


Free Port has 5 Districst.   1st District is made up of the Upscale shops and homes. This is where the rich and afluent of Free port reside.    2nd is the Commercial district, It is made up of Warehouses, shops, artisans and midscale homes.   3rd is the Port District, this is made up of the Dock yards, Ports, Council headquarters and midscale homes.   4th is the Slums, is is home to the Low cost housing and its a very unsafe area.   5th is the Entertainment District, This is home to the majority of inns, taverns, casinos, brothels and drug dens of the city.

Guilds and Factions

Dorobo|Dark blade|Octavius family|Alfaar|Mazatl cartel


Free port was originally named Kings port when the city was founded. It was the brain child of King Augustus II who wanted to create a large centralized trade port to simplify trade with other kingdoms. Around 120 years ago a famine broke out in Karo due to poor managment of the farm lands. Durring the famine the King decided to continue exporting grain though Kings Port. A particularly violent riot broke out over this decision and in the coming days it only grew larger and larger. The Octavious Family who were the largest Crime organization in Kings Port grealy supported the riots which helped it turn into a revolution. The Octavious Family them moved in to control the city and changed the name to Free Port. The family did not remain in power for long as intertal fight between the various member plus heavy losses from the heavy fighting with the kings forces almost collapsed the organization. They had no choice but to turn to the other criminal organization to help run the city and keep outside forces from taking it. This lead to the creation of the council of free port and the birthy of Libertas. Libertas would reorganize and weather the Blood wars much better then the surrounding counties. It was able to take control of the lands surrounding Free Port and solidify itself as one of the major powers of Karo.
Inhabitant Demonym
Freemen, freewomen
Owning Organization

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