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Emberkin (Bligh-ted)

The Emberkin, both men and women, are a race of individuals who have been condemned to Hadril, a realm akin to hell. Within the demagon region, a vast crack in the ground created by the gods in ancient times, the Emberkin have established their kingdom. Once a mighty and expansive realm, they have now been reduced to hiding within the confines of their crack, awaiting the coming of the chosen one who will restore their rule.   Although the Emberkin are doomed to eternal damnation in Hadril, they are not yet demons themselves. Their souls are forever tied to Hadril, regardless of their actions. They are the progeny of the powerful and ancient god Thane, who was responsible for the creation of Hadril. The color of their skin ranges from a light red to a dark maroonish red, with rare occurrences of black. The darkness of their skin indicates their status within the Blighted society, with the elite possessing the darkest hue. Black skin is reserved for the most potent demon that arises, but such individuals only emerge every other age, according to myth. Their eyes shine a vivid red, visible even in the darkest nights. Blighted can vary in height, with some reaching towering 10 feet while others are as short as 3 feet. Their physique ranges from muscular to slender, corresponding to their societal status. Sharp teeth and claws are common features among them, enabling them to tear flesh at will.   Although the Emberkin primarily dwell within their subterranean crack, they have the ability to venture wherever they please. However, their presence is often met with hostility and fear from other races. They are the only known race who can traverse the ashen lands of the Ashendre without requiring special equipment. It is rumored that tribal Emberkin can be found scattered throughout the land since the Age of Sin, although they remain undiscovered and elusive. While they may appear savage to outsiders, Emberkin society is structured similarly to human kingdoms. Peasants comprise the majority of the workforce, while nobles reside within fortified castles, amassing armies for conquest and defense. The Emberkin have honed their skills in the arts of Necromancy and Fire, both of which they are naturally resistant to. Their resistance allows them to withstand flames and even return from death itself.

Basic Information


Emberkin are a diverse humanoid race, ranging from slender to muscular builds. Their unique physiology is characterized by bones coated in a thin layer of bone which is akin to hardened steel, granting them exceptional strength and resilience. Sharp claws and teeth are prominent features, emphasizing their predatory nature. Some members of the Emberkin possess formidable wings, enabling swift and aerial movement.   The intense brightness of their red eyes reflects an inner fire, mirroring their fiery disposition. Known for their physical prowess, Emberkin can seamlessly navigate between finesse and brute strength. The fusion of their steel like bones and predatory attributes makes them a formidable force, striking fear into those who encounter these enigmatic beings.

Genetics and Reproduction

They reproduce by sexual means and the pregnancy only lasts about 3-4 months.

Growth Rate & Stages

  • New Born to Adult- 10 years
  • Adult to Elder- 150 years

Ecology and Habitats

They are able to inhabit any environment they so choose even the Ashland's. But they do prefer somewhere warmer than normal.

Dietary Needs and Habits

What sets the Emberkin apart is their peculiar taste for the macabre. Human blood and meat are considered delicacies among their kind, savored for both sustenance and ritualistic significance. The act of hunting is woven into the fabric of Emberkin culture, with some venturing to old battlefields to scavenge the remains of fallen warriors. In this way, they honor their connection to death and the cycle of life, turning the aftermath of conflict into a somber feast.

Biological Cycle

No changes happen when seasons change but as they don't like the cold very much they may wear more clothes.


  • Manipulative
  • Cruel
  • Aggressive
  • Violent
  • Materialistic
  • Wise

Additional Information

Social Structure

Emberkin societal dynamics are structured with traditional gender roles, where males assume dominant positions regardless of other factors. Females, in turn, play integral roles as caretakers of the home, bearing and nurturing the next generation of sons and daughters. This cultural framework, while firmly rooted in established norms, also carries with it a complexity that influences familial and communal relationships among the Emberkin.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The thin layer top layer of their bones could be used to strengthen iron if enough is extracted and forged with a blade.

Facial characteristics

The Emberkin share human facial features, yet their distinctive appearance is marked by sharp teeth and occasionally pointed ears, imparting an otherworldly elegance. Notably, they lack the ability to grow facial hair, maintaining a smooth visage. Adding to their unique features, a subset of the Emberkin are born with imposing horns, further contributing to the captivating blend of humanoid and fantastical traits within their community.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The primary enclave of the Emberkin thrives within the expansive depths of Hadril's Chasm, an immense crevice etched into the earth. However, a distinct faction has established their community on the outskirts of the Ashlands, creating a unique settlement that stands in contrast to the subterranean realm of Hadril's Depths.

Average Intelligence

The Emberkin exhibit unparalleled intelligence across various domains, with a particular mastery in espionage and manipulation that sets them apart. Their exceptional magical acumen, especially in the arts of fire manipulation and necromancy, further distinguishes them. In matters of intrigue, their brilliance shines, weaving spells of subtlety and deception that complement their formidable magical prowess.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

While their sensory perception aligns closely with that of humans, the Emberkin's true prowess lies in their mastery of fire magic and necromancy. They are adept practitioners of these arcane arts, wielding flames with a finesse that mirrors their fiery essence. Some Emberkin, distinguished by their wings, command the skies with an ethereal grace.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

  • Common Male Firstnames- Thane, Dokumod, Sekamor, Ezron
  • Common Female Firstnames- Tirza, Tillma, Erga, Vollmu
  • Common Lastnames- Kilong, Fratron, Iltarol, Maltrong

Major Organizations

  • 2 Major Kingdoms- Kingdom of Helthane, and the Kingdom of Zolum
  • 2 Major Political Factions- ADP (Age of Darkness Pact) focused on bringing back the full glory of the blighted. CMG (Cursed Minds Group) Who focus on attaining their goals through manipulation and magic.
  • 1 Major Religious Organization- Church of Thane

Beauty Ideals

In Emberkin culture, beauty standards diverge for men and women. For men, the epitome of beauty is reflected in the depth of their skin tone and the sculpted contours of a muscular physique. Darker skin hues are revered, symbolizing strength and resilience.   On the other hand, female beauty is discerned through the grace of their physique and the intricate structure of their facial features. A harmonious blend of physical poise and facial symmetry is held in high regard, embodying ideals that resonate with the cultural aesthetics of the Emberkin. These nuanced standards contribute to a rich tapestry of ideals, shaping perceptions of beauty within the community.

Relationship Ideals

The strength of bonds among Emberkin is intricately woven with a combination of robust physical prowess and resilient mental states. A powerful physique and a sound mental well-being serve as the foundation for forging enduring connections within their community. This interplay between physical and mental strength not only fosters camaraderie but also creates a shared resilience that unites the Emberkin, forming bonds that withstand the trials of time and adversity.

Average Technological Level

Emberkin society stands at the technological equivalent of medieval kingdoms, where the military dons a combination of hardened leather and steel armor for both protection and flexibility. A remarkable military innovation born from their ingenuity is the dragon bolt, a projectile that hurtles through the air at the speed of sound, creating a blazing explosion upon impact.   Delving into the mystical realm, the Emberkin have also mastered the art of runic craftsmanship, infusing their weaponry and armor with enchantments. These runic enhancements imbue each piece with magical properties, elevating the effectiveness of their weapons and the resilience of their armor to supernatural heights. This harmonious blend of traditional craftsmanship and magical innovation defines the Emberkin as formidable and inventive warriors in their medieval-inspired world.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

They are able to understand all languages but only speaks their native tongue to each other.

Common Etiquette Rules

  • Bow before nobility
  • Kiss the feet of the king
  • Pull the chair out for thy lady
  • Shake hands before greeting

Common Dress Code

In public, Emberkin tradition mandates that both men and women dress modestly, covering their bodies below the head. This cultural norm signifies a shared commitment to modesty and respect within the community. Nobility, adorned in opulent and finely crafted attire, serves as a visual representation of their elevated status, while peasants wear more utilitarian clothing, often reflecting the wear and tear of their daily labor. The contrast in attire mirrors the social hierarchy while emphasizing the cultural values of dignity and distinction among the Emberkin.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The essence of Emberkin culture is intricately woven with the threads of combat, magic, and the pursuit of knowledge. Both the thrill of battle and the mystique of magic are celebrated as integral facets of their way of life, with the king himself lauding and endorsing each magical discovery as a testament to the community's advancement.   In parallel, hunting stands as a revered tradition, blending the practicalities of sustenance with the artistry of the hunt. This multifaceted cultural tapestry, where martial prowess, magical prowess, and the skills of the hunt converge, shapes the Emberkin into a society where exploration, innovation, and the pursuit of excellence are deeply ingrained in their collective identity.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

The rhythm of Emberkin life pulses with the heartbeat of scheduled events that add vibrancy and tradition to their society. Bi-weekly gladiator matches electrify the community, showcasing skill and valor in combat, fostering a sense of shared excitement and competition. Monthly hunting parties not only serve as a means of sustenance but also weave the thrill of the hunt into the cultural fabric, creating a communal celebration of resourcefulness.   Once a month, grand feasts bring Emberkin together, fostering camaraderie and strengthening social bonds over shared meals and festivities. The month of Sorrow is marked by poignant battle reenactments, a somber reflection on their history, creating a space for remembrance and a deeper understanding of the sacrifices that shaped their present. This meticulously orchestrated calendar of events enriches Emberkin life, creating a harmonious blend of entertainment, tradition, and reflection.

Common Taboos

  • Never disrespect the king
  • Never show mercy
  • Never put your hands on a women
  • Never breed with another race


Forged by the once-mighty Thane, the Emberkin trace their origin to the depths of Hadril's Depths, where they have thrived since their inception. Thane's deep affection for his creation led him to assume a human guise, ruling over them as a benevolent sovereign. However, this act of divine intimacy gradually drained Thane's celestial vigor, preventing him from replenishing his godly strength through meditation.   In an earlier era, at the zenith of their power, Thane led the Emberkin in a world-altering conflict during the Age of Sin. The Emberkin, under Thane's guidance, reigned supreme for millennia, instigating widespread death and chaos. Yet, the tides turned as the combined forces of Pelo and Thane's diminishing strength weakened their dominion. Eventually, the Emberkin were compelled to retreat to Hadril's Depths, marking the end of their epoch of world rule. Thane, now enfeebled, sought solace in the subterranean realm, his once unassailable authority waning with the passage of time.

Historical Figures


Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

  • Human- Hate
  • Ashendre- Dislike
  • Dracon- Despise
  • Landu- Dislike
  • Dwe- Neutral
  • Obsidril- Neutral
  • Ilriliad- Dislike
  • Rohder- Dislike
Scientific Name
150-160 years
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Physique
The Emberkin display a diverse range of physical attributes within their community. Some members boast imposing, muscular builds, exuding strength and power, while others possess a more slender and agile physique. In the midst of this spectrum, a significant number embody a balanced and moderate form, creating a rich tapestry of physical diversity among the Emberkin population.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The Emberkin exhibit a captivating array of body colors ranging from deep, rich red hues to lighter tones, with the rare exception of an enigmatic black variant. Remarkably, the shade of their skin serves as a visual marker of social status within their community. The spectrum of reds symbolizes a spectrum of roles and responsibilities, creating a nuanced visual language that hints at the intricacies of Emberkin society.
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations


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