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Kingdom of Helthane


The King rules over the entire kingdom and has Nobels that are usually picked by the darker shade of red that their skin is as it is a symbol of power. The Nobels usually look after a lot of the military operations and help the king with other matters that he needs.


Most of their beliefs are centered around controlling and dominating the world of Pelo. Especially the humans as Thane has grown to hate and despise them. They really like to eat humans and drink the blood as it is viewed as a delicacy among their meals.

Public Agenda

The big motivation is control and domination of Pelo. Being promised riches and power for even the lowest class of Blighted.


Deep within the realms of Pelo, the blighted forces found their ruthless ruler in the form of the god Thane. Driven by an unyielding belief that only he possessed the strength and will to control the blighted, Thane established his dominion over the blighted creatures and plunged the world into an era of darkness and despair. The Kingdom of Thane stood unchallenged for centuries, wielding fear and death as its tools to suppress any opposition to its rule. Throughout his reign, Thane unleashed unimaginable cruelty upon those who dared resist the blighted regime. His iron grip gripped the lands tightly, punishing and executing anyone who dared to oppose him. The once vibrant world of Pelo withered under the weight of his tyranny. However, the tides of fate began to shift when the combined forces of Pelo rallied against Thane's oppressive rule. United by a shared determination to reclaim their world from the clutches of darkness, a formidable resistance emerged. With unwavering courage and strategic brilliance, they confronted Thane and his blighted horde, engaging in a grueling battle that determined the fate of Pelo. In a climactic showdown, Thane's forces were finally pushed back into the depths of Hadril's Abyss, the hole from which the blighted had emerged. The combined might of the Pelo forces, guided by their undying spirit and unwavering hope, prevailed against the once seemingly invincible ruler. As the uprising gained momentum, a faction within the blighted ranks, disillusioned with Thane's rule and growing suspicious of his weakening state, broke away to form their own kingdom. This new Blighted kingdom emerged as a result of their weariness with Thane's oppressive reign and a desire for a different path forward. Thane, occupied with the battle for his survival, found himself unable to prevent the creation of this rival kingdom. For many years, Thane harbored hatred toward this new kingdom, seeing them as traitors and a threat to his supremacy. However, over time, his perspective shifted. Recognizing their shared origins and the potential benefits of a united front, Thane cunningly manipulated the minds of the new kingdom's leaders, effectively becoming their de facto ruler. Through his insidious influence, Thane solidified his control over both kingdoms, merging their forces and resources to fuel his insatiable thirst for power. Now bolstered by this newfound alliance, Thane's strength grows with each passing day. He has sworn to eradicate every other race on Pelo, consumed by a twisted desire for dominion and a fervent belief in the blighted's inherent superiority. With his cunning mind, dark powers, and a united blighted force under his command, Thane poses a grave threat to the remaining races and the fragile balance of Pelo. The rest of the world looks on with trepidation, aware of the growing shadow cast by Thane and his twisted ambition. It falls upon the resilient races of Pelo to gather their strength, forge alliances of their own, and muster the courage to stand against the encroaching darkness. The fate of their world hangs in the balance as they confront the malevolent ruler and his blighted legions, vowing to preserve their lands, their cultures, and the very essence of what makes Pelo a realm worth fighting for.

Demography and Population

The main population lives in towns and cities built into Hadrils Depths. They also have towns and small villages around the outskirts of the giant hole in the ground. The birth death rate is 3.5:1 as they are just coming back from the mass loss during the uprising of Pelo. The population right now is 14,528,074


The lands that they occupy have been occupied by them ever since the blighted where created.


The military is organized into ranged, melee, and siege. They are then organized depending on their specialty and what unit they are in.


The only religion present is the Church of Thane. All other religions are forbidden and will result in extremely painful death if suspected of following another religion.


  • Illegal- Not worshipping the King, Murder, Theft, Enslaving other blighted, Treason
  • Punishments- Flogging, Execution, Torture, Jail, Fines, Amputation, Scarification
  The documents of the law keep in the capital castle. Punishment depends on the severity of the crime and how many times the crime was committed.

Agriculture & Industry

Helthane is an industrial power since they live in a huge crack in the ground. They have easy access to a lot of ores and minerals. They do a lot of mining including coal, iron, copper, stormdenium, and flamestone along with preciouses gem stones.

Trade & Transport

They have a network of roads and bridges all throught the crack that they trade between towns and cities.


The education level in the kingdom is average as basic education is available for most of the population
Founding Date
13999 NB
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Mixed economy
They use any kind of gold or gold coins for currency as they do not make their own. The kingdom just uses what they pillage from other settlements and kingdoms.
Major Exports
They do not export either
Major Imports
They do not import as they are in constant conflict with everyone
Legislative Body
The King writes the laws by himself most of the time. Sometimes he will call upon Nobels to help him.
Judicial Body
The Nobels are the ones responsible for carrying out the interpretation of the law
Executive Body
The Nobels are also responsible for enforcing the laws, usually with their active military forces.
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
Related Species


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