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Winter 489


◆ Good fortune! Lady Bethan comes upon unexpected raw materials. Gain £10 solely for the use of building of an improvement or enhancement.
◆ One of your past deeds (Irish charge at Bude) has become the inspiration for a popular song. Gain 50 Glory. +10 Glory each time it is sung at court (5 or less on a d20 at each feast or other courtly event, etc.) where you are present (any that we play out). Write a note to remind yourself.
◆ Your cousin, Lady Rhiannon, needs a champion to defend her against a charge of witchcraft. Decide: Yes=Check to Love (Family) & Valourous. Then, you must fight a young knight (pg. 204 KAP) to the death. No=Check to Prudent and -1 Love (Family). Then, it is up to Fate whether Lady Rhiannon is charged and executed or not.
◆ A Londinium Event: You make the week's long journey to London. Your servants have prepared for your arrival. London is one of the greatest cities in Britain, with as many as 10,000 filling its streets. It is a stark contrast to manorial life. Stinking alleys with wild dogs, shouting beggars, drunken friars, mobs of travelers and tourists, etc. Perhaps you enjoy the change of pace? Your arrival at the Basilica the next morning begins your service. Much of the business is by consent agenda; tedium and marginalia. The approval of certain property valuations, the age of a particular heir, sealing of the authority of various writs, confirmation of the frankpledge records, and so forth. However, two cases demand more studious attention:

  1. The city senate must decide upon the merchants' bargaining for freedom from tolls for the next 10 years. Uther is against the notion because he believes it will cost him and affect his war with Saxons (Uther angered), but lifting the tolls would mean merchants would trade more freely and Londinium would prosper (and the value of your manse and privileges would increase from £50 to £62).
  2. Secondly, the church wishes to expand Saint Paul’s Cathedral and needs the senate’s authority to do so. They are willing to pay for the land rights in gold and silver or in holy indulgence. Choose: receive a cut of the rents (one-time payment of £2d6) or check each of your Religious traits.

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