# 1 Battle of Pevensey in Pendragon: 100 Knights | World Anvil

# 1 Battle of Pevensey

As the flotilla left Hantonne, at the mouth of the River Test. Left in the dark and hit the target by lunch, but a summer storm sprung up but not ships were lost. The group of ships followed the storm in land, the enemy never seen them coming.
  The troops at Pevensey are caught completely unaware. These are the ships of King AElle King Ælle (of the South Saxons) are easily destroyed by the Sailors.
Party has "Surprise" +5 to commander battle check. 3 Knights to enemy 1 = +5 to commander battle check. Light infantry - The Raiders were knights heavy Infantry and outnumbered the Saxons 3 to 1. The battle was over in less than an hour. 35 men to guard the ships. Ceorl‡ 12/8 Javelin 3d6 1/Y   Sir George of Stapleford was first off raider #1 followed by the knights of Sir Roderick the Earl of Salisbury the following knights followed him off the small watercraft.
The fighting was furious and strong against Raider #1 and took nearly an hour to finish. wave after wave attacked the raiders and Sir George fought as the bodies stacked up. By the end of the hour nearly 12 bodies lay at the feet of his Raiders. That is when he saw the giant Saxon step out of the smoke of the burning ships and onto the beach. See BOSS FIGHT below.  

The Death of Sir Gilpin of Idmiston

Earlier in the battle Sir Gilpin of Idmiston moved caustically behind the other knights, he had NO intensions to be killed in this part of the world. He carefully moves keeping his eyes roaming for the many enemies that lay everywhere across the battlefield Infront of him. he smiled as he stepped over the bodies of the dead Saxons, he was in a very experienced boat of knights and with his experience in battles, and how to survive them, he would defiantly make it back home. Things NOT TO DO! be the first down the wall, be the first off, the boat, charge from the front line or anything else to get you killed. He dodges a javelin that missed him by only inches and another knight rushed forward to kill the attacker. He again grins as the attacker are chopped to pieces by the other knight. The smile leaves his face as he feels a sharp pain just below his left arm pit. He looks down in disbelief to a Javelin boldly sticking out of his side. He staggers and falls, not dead but bleeding out. His breathing becomes shallow, and he begins to cough up blood. "Damn..." he mumbles through the blood as he expires.   Raider #1   Sir Cernunnos was the first off Raider #4 followed by the following knights of Salisbury. The fighting was furious and strong, but Raider #4 had cleaned out their area within minutes of landing. looking for any targets of opportunity but finds none. The raiders from boat 1 had cleared the area with extreme efficiency, He directs his knights to begin to search for loot. Sees the giant Saxon enter the smoke-filled field of battle.   Raider #4  

The Death of Sir Gervese of Berwick Saint James

Poor Sir Gervese had fell as he jumped ashore with his group of Raiders. He limped forward but the Javelins begin to fall like rain on him, he limps slowly forward holding his shield above his head to defend against the death darts from above. He never seen his killer, only a sharp pain in his lower back, caused him to lower his shield for a moment. The Javelin burst through his neck, and he fell dead.   Silus IV was the first off Raider #3 followed by the following knights of Salisbury. The fighting was furious and strong, but Raider #3 had cleaned out their area within minutes of landing. Begin to search for loot. Sees the giant Saxon enter the smoke-filled field of battle.   Raider #3  

The Death of Sir Hamon of Burcombe

The boat speed toward the coast and beach, storm winds push them in for a rough landing. Sir Silus reassures the two young knights and tell them to stick together. Sir Hamon had only been a knight for 3 months and this was his first real action. He and his brother had not squired and were poorly equipped for this battle. He had never been on a boat before. He had never been in battle before; in fact, he had never killed anything before. His parents had others do that kind of work for him and his brother. The sword and armors were the best that money could buy, but not any better than anyone else's. It shined in the sun light, reflecting in every direction and Sir Silus told him to cover the armor with a blanket until he disembarked the ship. He could not believe that someone, no older than him was leading this raider ship. Some day he would lead a raider ship. The boat crashed to a stop against the sandy shore and immediately a cry went up to exit the craft. He looked to his brother, who smiled and drew his sword. He drew his also. They moved to the front of the ship and jumped to the shore only 4 feet below. The fighting had already started to his left and the ships begin to burn. They moved forward away from the docks and engaged the enemy, who were now gathering and throwing javelins at his group. Suddenly his brother who had just stabbed his sword through a dirty Saxon, ran farther away from the group toward some building to the right. His brother suddenly cried out and fell, he immediately rushed toward him and knelt down to see that he had been hit in the leg with a Javelin. He didn't know anything about first aid, so he pulls the weapon from his brother's leg. His brother Sir Jobba, passed out from the pain, as blood gushed from his wound. He picked up his twin and dragged him back toward the boat. Just as they got to it, he lay him down and a sailor helped him place him back on the boat. His brother was Awake now and waved with a grin to him. "i will live, now go kill some Saxons swine!" he said. Sir Hamon turned and ran to catch up with the rest of the group, who were fighting a group of Saxons near a small thatch hut. just as he caught up with the group, a Javelin hit him just below his right eye and pierced though the back of his helmet. He fell, only feet from the safety of the group.   Sir Nuke of Laverstock was the first off Raider #5 followed by the following knights of Salisbury. The fighting was furious and strong, but Raider #5 had cleaned out their area Immediately. Sir Nuke and his men begin to look for other targets. That is when Sir Nuke saw the captain of the Saxon warriors give up to him and his troops were destroyed. He captured the captain and put his squire in charge of guarding the prisoner. He directs his men to stand guard with the sailors. He notices the large Saxon moving onto the beach toward his position and he begins to move to intercept him before he is too close. SEE BOSS FIGHT below.   Raider #5  

The Battle Prowess of Sir Nuke of Laverstock

Sir Nuke of Laverstock men rolled over the Saxons dogs like they were mere children. Swords cut heads and limbs alike and the blood and spray soaked the ground. They tried to break and run but died before they took two steps. The Saxons were slaughtered. Sir Nukes battle prowess aloud NONE of his men to receive a scratch. His battles skills were too much for his opponents and the officer gave up. The knights of raider #5 cheered Sir Nuke on as he approached the Giant Saxon chief. See BOSS FIGHT below.   CAPTURED PRISONER: Sigeweard (SAXON CAPTAIN) (18L)  


Stithulf (HARD WOLF)- Stands nearly seven feet tall with the features of a rapid wolf. he growls and barks...very intimidating. Sir Nuke rushes forward toward the Saxon demon. Sir George moves forward but allows Sir Nuke to dispatch the Saxon chief. Stithulf strides forward striking his spear in the ground and taking his Axe in both hands as he closes on Sir Nuke. The two warriors clash in an explosion of metal and sparks. neither doing any real damage to the other, both steps back from the other looking for a weakness. The giant Saxon drops a crushing blow upon Sir Nuke, who uses all of his skill to block and parry but the blow knocked backward in the sandy beach. Sir Nuke tries in vail to maintain his footing but falls to the ground with a crash. The Saxon steps forward to finish the job. Sir George screams loudly at the Saxon "FIGHT ME DEMON!" this gets the Saxon chief attention, and he turns toward Sir George, who rushes forward to meet "the demon". But Sir George in his rush to battle miscalculates his blow and the Saxon Chief lands an axe chop to Sir George's upper shoulder, breaking his collar bone and cutting a gash hand width into his shoulder, knocking him to the ground in agony and blood. Sir Nuke watches and the giant turns back to him, as he struggles to get up and off the soft sand of the beach. Sir Nuke's Raiders had been watching the fight from back at the ships and now realized that he might be in trouble. Sir Cernunnos now moved quickly to close the distance between himself and the Saxon chief. Sir Silus IV also sees the problem and moves forward and grabs Sir George and drags him back to the boats. The saxon laughs as he sees Sir Cernunnos moving toward him, he raises his axe to make a might blow that no one could withstand. As the axe falls in an arcing swing from above the saxons head, Sir Cernunnos moves forward and steps to one side as the axe buries itself into the soft ground only inches from him. The giant had missed, Sir Cernunnos did not. His blade passed through the giant, who staggered back. Sir Cernunnos pressed the giant with another attack and the giant still surprised from the previous blow, misses. Sir Cernunnos does not and pierces the giants armor dead center of his chest. The Saxon was dead before he hit the ground.     Heorthgeneat† 15/13 Axe, spear 5d6 6/Y (Captain)


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