Sir Roderick the Earl of Salisbury Character in Pendragon: 100 Knights | World Anvil

Sir Roderick the Earl of Salisbury

Earl Roderick (Glory 8,840): The Earl of Salisbury, Roderick is a warrior famed for his prowess, having fought under King Uther against the Saxons to the east. Earl Roderick of Salisbury is a warrior famed for his prowess, having fought under King Uther against the Saxons to the east. He is noted for his deadly feud with Sir Rhisiart Blains, the Steward of Levcomagus, for whom he holds a deep grudge (Suspicious +6) because they were both suitors of Lady Ellen many years ago.   Sir Roderick, Earl of Salisbury is an heir of ancient lineage holding onto an ancient demesne with many extraordinary privileges and rights. The Castle of Roe Deer Ford came to his family through marriage, with other lands from the king here and there. Information Born: 450 Son number: 1 Homeland: Salisbury, Logres Culture: Cymric Heraldry: Azure, four bars Or Lineage: Earl Reginald of Salisbury Liege Lord: High King Ambrosius Aurelius Current Class: Earl Current Home: Sarum – Castle of the Rock Distinctive features: Strong and lean   Forms of address Common: Earl Personal: Roderick Colloquial name: the Rock Informal: Sir Roderick , Count of Salisbury Formal: The Right Honorable Sir Roderick, Count Salisbury; Baron of the Rock, Castle of the Borders, Castle of the Ford of the Roe Deer, Castle of the Kingstown of Hartland, Cockfield, Wildspring, and other lands of note   Entourage Squires
  • Squire Gwengad (born 464)


Notable Family
  • Father: Earl Reginald of Salisbury (dead)
  • Mother: Lady Marian
  • Brother (Younger): Sir Jarran
  • Wives and Consorts
Lady Ellen (married 483 AD) Children: Lady Jenna born 484  
Retinue Earl Roderick’s Court
  1. Marshall: Sir Elad the Marshal of Salisbury Sir Elad
  2. Seneschal: Sir Rufon
  3. Constable: Sir Nidian
  4. Dapifier: Sir Amig
  5. Castellan (Ebble): Sir Jarran, Castallan of Ebble Sir Jarran
  6. Castellan (DuPlain): Sir Hyfaidd
  7. Advisor: Abbot Brugyn
He is an heir of ancient lineage holding onto an ancient demesne. The Count of Salisbury is the most powerful person in Salisbury County and is one of the few Great Barons of the kingdom, with wealthy lands outside Salisbury, too. Sir Roderick is a warrior famed for his prowess, having fought under Prince Uther against the Saxons to the east. He hates the Saxons because his father, Sir Reginald, was treacherously slain by Saxons during the Night of Long Knives in 463. He is as yet (in 480) unmarried and is the most eligible bachelor in Logres after Prince Uther; his advisors are pressing him to marry and sire heirs, lest this ancient lineage is broken. He married in 483.   While Roderick is a trusted companion of Uther, he is not a favorite, like Duke Ulfius.


Countess Ellen


Towards Sir Roderick the Earl of Salisbury


Sir Roderick the Earl of Salisbury


Towards Countess Ellen


Sir Jarran, Castallan of Ebble

Brother (Vital)

Towards Sir Roderick the Earl of Salisbury



Sir Roderick the Earl of Salisbury

Brother (Important)

Towards Sir Jarran, Castallan of Ebble



Sir Hamett


Towards Sir Roderick the Earl of Salisbury


Sir Roderick the Earl of Salisbury


Towards Sir Hamett


The Earl’s arms are blue and gold (yellow) horizontal stripes.
Year of Birth
450 AD 40 Years old
Founded Settlements


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