Adventure: SWORD LAKE

Garrison duty includes riding guard patrol around the borders of the land. (See the adventure “RIDING PATROL.”) One day, while on patrol, the player knights have the following adventure.


Adventure and “RIDING PATROL"



Setting: Along the way they meet an old man dressed in tattered goatskins who asks a favor of them. He says that his cherished old goat has wandered away up a nearby hill; as he is too old and weak to climb up after it, will the good knights? The old man claims to be a peasant of the earl, and says he used to serve the earl at court as a goatherd. He seems to know quite a bit about court in general, if he is quizzed.


Problem: If they decide to help the old man, they must ascend the hill. They can ride if they wish; the hillside is not too steep or treacherous. At the top lie some old ruins, not much more than a 3-foot-tall foundation Billycud and watches them approach. When they are close, it turns and bounds away down the hill towards the woods. If the knights chase it, they enter into an area with scattered trees and brush. The foliage is not so dense that they cannot ride, but the goat still outdistances them easily. It slips into some brush, lost for a moment, and then suddenly cries out loudly, as if in pain.


Glory: 50 points for successfully helping Merlin. Divide the Glory for monsters defeated among the combatants.





Three-Eyed Giant:

Move 3; Armor 15; Unconscious Glory Won 100; SIZ 30, DEX 7,STR 24, CON 25, APP 5; 13; Major Wound 25; Knockdown 25; Hit Points 55; Healing Rate 5; Damage 9d6. Combat Skills: Small Tree 18, Thrown Boulder 12 (7d6), Grapple 15 (4d6). Skills: Avoidance 4. Prudent Modifier: +5.



Rocky hill area.  Scrub brush everywhere.


The giant sees the knights and tosses the goat aside. If the knights do not attack right away the giant picks up a boulder and throws it at one of the knights. If the player knights have dismounted, they can Dodge the boulder that the giant throws at them. If the knights attack, the giant snaps a tree off to use as a weapon.


  • Meeting / Introduction with cast (NPC)
  • Discussion / Interaction
  • Combat / Engagement

Past Events

Nothing happened here.
Plot type
Scene: The Old Man
Related Characters


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