Gil of Stapleford
Sir Gil
Biological parent of Sir Aldous
Sir George of Stapleford Grandfather's history: Sir Gil
Your Grandfather started out with 1060 Glory.
Year 439:
This is a typical year for its era: The Saxons raid heavily but are driven off by the noble knights of Britain.
Of special note is the fact that an heir is born into your family sometime during this year your father, Gervosot , eldest son of your grandfather.
Fought at the Battle of Carlion. (60) Survived. No Passion gained.
Year 440:
During this year, King Constantin is murdered by one of his own guards.
Died trying to protect Constantin. (1000) Directed Trait of Suspicious (Silchester knights): 7
Your Grandfather's history ends here. He amassed 2120 Glory!
415 AD
440 AD
25 years old