Honor Loss for Borrowing

Because knights should not sully themselves with pecuniary issues, borrowing money through any of these means'costs 1 Honor point for collected money up to the value of annual income of the borrower. Borrowing more costs, a Thus,a knight who holds 1 average manor loses 1 Honor if he borrows up to £6. If he borrowed £7-12, he’d lose 2 Honor. Lords can borrow more money for the same rate of honor loss, since they have larger annual incomes. Failure to repay a pawn costs no extra Honor, since the loss of the goods is sufficient punishment. Failure to repay cash loans costs Honor equal to the amount of Honor lost to borrow it. If a defaulted loan is forcibly collected by the king or other patron, further Honor is lost that is equal to the amount of honor lost for borrowing. Thus, if a knight with one manor borrows £6 and fails to repay it, forcing the king to collect it, he will have lost one point for borrowing, one point for not repaying it, and one more point for the king collecting it. To make a Forced Loan, a knight gets a check to Selfish and Arbitrary and loses 1 point of Honor per £25. Defaulting on the loan gets Checks to Selfish, Arbitrary, Cruel, and Deceitful, plus Honor loss equal to twice the Honor cost of borrowing it. Remember that if a knight’s Honor drops to 4 for any reason, his lord will degrade him. He loses his lands and knightly status; the lands return to his Liege lord (See: King Arthur Pendragon, pg. 76).


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