King Uradech Character in Pendragon: 100 Knights | World Anvil

King Uradech

He ruled for a short time 345–347.  His rule was short due to his distraction with the fairy Princess He was enchanted by the beautiful blue Fairy Princess. not be charm or magic but by her beauty alone. He met her early one morning in a castle garden only days after becoming king and immediately pursued her to be his wife and queen. She declined and disappeared. He gathered his army and quested to find this woman who had stolen his heart. He offered a treasure to give to her as a gift. He offered his kingdom to her as a gift. she declined both and told him that He did not process the gift that could win her. He used his seers and wise men to find a portal to the fairy kingdom. Which he did but what he didn't know was that time moves differently Tir na nog and he became trapped in-between worlds. The Cave was dug to find the portal by Uradech and his warriors. It turned out to be their tomb. The Goblin King and the King Uradech met in battle and Uradech killed the Goblin king, making him the NEW Goblin King. This gave him special powers, but it also allowed the Fairy Princess to trap him in-between worlds. He did not know how to escape and has spent his time trying to break out. He is nearly immortal, if he entered the world of fairies he would live forever. Since he is in neither world this has caused him to age slowly but not to die. This undeath is a curse from the fairy Princess. This has also caused him to go mad. He sits on his throne between the worlds, not knowing how to leave. His Goblins cross over at night and mischief abounds. Adventurers should be careful here the Goblin King knows what he must do to escape and if he can trick some unknowing knight to perform this deed, then he will be free.
Year of Birth
317 AD 173 Years old
Empty Sockets

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