Order of the Dragon Organization in Pendragon: 100 Knights | World Anvil

Order of the Dragon


Pendragon = leader of the Dragons, King. Hydra = 2nd in charge (This can be anyone one who has moved up from the ranks to hear.) currently held by prince Madoc ap Uther This gold badge looks like a 3 headed dragon. Each head a different color. (red, blue, green) Madoc wears his as a cloak pin.

Dragons are divided into groups:

Highest ranked - officers (requires nobility, Baron or Higher) -these are the elite of the organization. They have council with the King directly and are his personal bodyguards. they also command the Army of the King as Generals. they openly wear the pin signifying them as dragons. They king has 6 bodyguards that answer to no one but him. The prince is a Red, but he also carries the title of Hydra.
Commanders -oversee the greens and non-members of the organization. they would be Captains of the troops. Commanding legion.
lowest ranked - These are the soldiers of the Organization, command all non-dragons in military service to the king. They answer to the Blues and Reds. All Dragons start here, they are promoted by Honor and Action.
Spies and Assassins. No one but the Prince and King know who works in the shadows. They are always a knight, completely loyal to the king. They are NOT restrained by knightly honor to get a job done, stabbing someone in the back is done if needed. Poison is used regularly. Arson, blackmail, Fear and Terror are their trade, reconnaissance, espionage, infiltration, deception, ambush, bodyguarding. These are all the tools of the Black dragons. Everyone has heard of the black dragons, but no one has ever seen one and lived to talk about it.
Stewards and Priest. These are the warrior priest; they travel about and pass secrets to the prince or King. They have been considered Paladins, holy warriors. The hide in plain sight. They are put into castles in Logres to keep an eye on taxes, inventory, reporting back to the King of any short comings. They have been trained by the church but choose the King on earth over the king in Heaven. They have travelled the world, speak several languages.


Every Green Member receives 100 glory per year, add 100 per rank.  They are the upper nobility of the kingdom. Every Baron or Duke is a member. There are some that are not members: The Earl of Salisbury.

Public Agenda

They are the personal bodyguards to the King and his family.


Nearly every Castle in Logres has dragons in them.


White Dragons hold this Honor, Messengers for Organization.

Articles under Order of the Dragon


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