Session 2: The Grand Tournment Report - Day 1: Monday Report in Pendragon: 100 Knights | World Anvil

Session 2: The Grand Tournment Report - Day 1: Monday

General Summary

The Tournament: neighborhood tourney, Sarum

    The patron: Sir Roderick the Earl of Salisbury This is the Tournament beginning 7 days before the Feast of Pentecost. 100 knights (Young Nights,) Games: Leading up to the main events the Knights can spend their days playing games: There are both Major and Minor events each day. On the day of the tournament one side was formed of those 'within' the principal settlement, and another of those 'outside'. On the day of the event, the tournament was opened by a review (regars) in which both sides paraded and called out their war cries.   The two Knights are Sir George and Sir Cernunnos, they get signed up for their events and proceed back to their camp site. Bruce, Sir George's Squire had failed at putting up the tent for his


  • Minor Event= Archery round 1,2 (Advance SIR Cernunnos...he moves to the next day!
  • Sir Cernunnos steps up to the line with his trusted bow, he looks for his opponent, but no one is to be seen. The judge explains the rules and gives him 3 arrows. The targets are set 70 yards from the line, He draws and fires three arrows down ranges hitting the target all three times.  Judge announces the score is 3 points.  Sir Cernunnos notices a Danish woman approaching the line, she wears leather hunting clothes. Her name is Skaði – Danish Princess. The Judge explains the rules and hands her the arrows, she fires them quickly and efficiently.  The Judge announces the score 3 points. Both archers will move to the next round. Sir Cernunnos steps up and fires 3 more arrows into the target. 3 more points are announced: Sir Cernunnos has 6 points for the day!  Princess Skadi also scores 3 more points, giving her 6 points. A new Archer comes forward she is dress in very fine silk hunting dress. Her name is Tomoee of France, a Duchess, 18 years old and very Pretty!  she immediately becomes the crowd favorite. She picks up her arrows and shoots...the first hitting the edge of the target and falling off, the other shots hit and stick. She scores 2 points, but she had 4 points from the first round giving her a total of 6.  They all will be moving on to the next day!
  • major = joust round 1,2; (BOTH SIR Cernunnos and Sir George moves to the next day!)
  • Sir George moves his horse before the Earl, The Hearld calls out to the crowd and announce the two knights for the Joust.  Sir George the Hammer! and Sir Ludovicus the Scar! Sir George removes his Helmets and salutes the Sir Roderick the Earl of Salisbury.  Sir Ludovicus does not remove his helmet because he wears and open face helmet, it shows the giant scar the crosses his ugly face. He waves a hand in salute, but the crowd is not happy and boo him and a small child throw some shite at him. "Bloody Peasants!" yells Sir Ludovicus, shaking his hand at the crowd.  they line up and the Earl drops the flag, the huge chargers race toward each other and the lances hit with a thunderous crash! Both lances shatter but both knights pass and retrieve their next lance. Again, they charge forward...Sir George misses his target, but Sir Ludovicus does not, it is a good hit and the lances splinters into a million pieces. Sir George is hit hard but stays in the saddle. Sir Ludovicus picks a new lance and charges forward toward Sir George.  His lance didn't have a scratch, so he spins around and charges forth. The crowd cheers can call out curses on Sir Ludovicus the scar! On the last past, Sir Scar hits a mighty blow on Sir George nearly knocking him for his saddle, but with great constitution he remained in place.  Sir Ludovicus wins but Sir George was not dismounted from his horse, so he moves on to the next round.
  • Sir Cernunnos and Sir Barrett the Daring are next up; both knights salute the earl and retrieve their lance.  Sir Barrett takes some time to chat with the ladies.  Sir Cernunnos try's his hand with the ladies, who laugh and cover their faces with hand fans. The flag drops and they both spur their horse to gain speed. Both miss on the first past. Spin their mounts around and charge again! This time both land direct and thunderous damage on the other, pieces of lance fly into the crowd. But both remain in the saddle. They immediately retrieve a new lance from their squires. Again, they spur their chargers down the jousting lane toward one another. Sir Cernunnos lance hits the corner of Sir Barrett shield deflecting away. Sir Barrett's lance found its mark hitting Sir Cernunnos dead center! a hush fell over the crowd, but Sir Cernunnos sat tall in the saddle. The match goes to Sir Barrett, but Sir Cernunnos was not dismounted so both move to the next round. Sir Barrett congratulates Sir Cernunnos on a good Joust. Sir Cernunnos too congratulates Sir Barrett on his win.
  • minor= Spear 1,2; (Sir George advances to the next day)
  • Sir George and Sir Rowan the Shield both step up to the line to throw spears at target, both miss one tying things at 2 points.  The move to the spear ring which is an old hog pen. face off. The judge asks if they are ready and drops a flag.  both knights move slowly over the wet mushy ground. Getting no footing both have a hard time hitting each other, to the dismay of the crowd, who begins to boo. missing again and again.  Suddenly Sir Rowan get as hit giving him a winning point and it looks like this maybe it; Sir George keeps his feet and strikes a vicious blow to Sir Rowan pulling him face down in the mud. Judge declares Sir George the winner, with a knock down. Sir Rowan has points to carry him to the next round.
  • minor= Quarter Staff; (no entry)
  • major= Horse Race 1,2; (Both Enter and move to the next day!)
  • Sir Cernunnos and Sir George both have fine horsemanship and ride upon fine horses, they both decide to use their riding horse, not their charges.  Both win their first and second round easily.  On the Second Round, Sir Cernunnos was racing Sir Harduinus the Rude, who was riding his charger. He had broken records in the first round. So, he was very loud and cocky with the crowd and other knights. He boasted that he could not be beat by this group of vandals! The race started very quickly and Sir Harduinus race out to the lead, just as it looks like the race was in the bag for him. His horse broke his leg! Sir Harduninus call for his troops to haul off this poor excuse of a horse and feed it to the animals in the woods! Sir George and Sir Cernunnos crossed at the same time.  Moving them to the next day. 
  • major= Sword Duel 1,2. (Both Enter and Move to the next Day!)
  • Sir George and Sir Cernunnos both make short work of their opponents with swords in rounds 1 and 2. It happened quickly, knocking them out and they had to be dragged off the field.  No one remembers the poor knights' names, only the chants of "Hammer! Hammer!"
  • Side: wrestle (Not Interested)
  • Hammer throw. (Won by Sir George) he competed with Sir Hodge the Invincible! 
  • 1st Throw: Sir George threw 190 feet; Sir Hodge threw 260 feet. looks bad for Sir George. Sir Hodge is a GIANT of a man standing 7 feet tall and giants are very strong as you well know.  
  • 2nd Throw: Sir Hodge ask Sir George if he would like to make it interesting with a bet of 2 pounds. Sir George agrees and throws with the inter strength of a champion...240 feet!  Sir Hodge says he will throw left-handed since Sir George was such a little guy. He picks up the 16-pound hammer with his left hand and throws it 280 feet! Sir George cannot believe his eyes, reaching into his coin purse for the 4 gold coins, he pulls it slowly out and ask, "double or Nothing?"  
  • 3rd Throw:  Sir Hodge Yells to the crowd "Someone bring me a drink!" and he turns to Sir George with a wink and a handshake says "I will go first this time, my little fellow..." He picks up the hammer with his left-hand spins and throws goes way high and almost out of site but comes directly back down reaching only 110 feet. "Damnation!" he shouts smashing his fist into his hand "I knew I needed a drink."  Sir George picks up the Hammer and says a little prayer, spins and throws with all his might...the hammer flies straight as an arrow and lands 30 feet beyond the 300 feet marker! Sir Hodges whoops and yells as loud as the crowd. "Gods be praised! Sir George that is the finest throw I have ever seen. I believe I will call you the "The Hammer"!  Soon the Crowd is chanting "hammer! Hammer!" and Sir Hodge picks up Sir George onto his shoulder carrying him to the Ale tent and says, "I need a drink!"


  minor= Archery round 3,4. major = joust round 3,4. minor= Spear 3,4. minor= Quarter Staff. major= Horse Race 3,4. major= Sword Duel 3,4 Side: dance; music
Pendragon: 100 Knights Campaign
Report Date
18 Jul 2022
Primary Location


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