Sir Azemar Son of Jeronimus Character in Pendragon: 100 Knights | World Anvil

Sir Azemar Son of Jeronimus

Middle Son of Jeronimus; he is a dark moody man, never smiles and is a terror on the battlefield. He is vengeful and angry all the time. He does not care for fools and has killed many to prove that. He doesn't use a shield; he uses a Giant two handed sword. He screams in battle with such furry, that after the first strike the enemy (all within 20 feet) must make a check to stand their ground. He will continue to attack even after they have surrender, which means he never takes hostages.  He cannot be controlled; he will always lead the attack and fight till the end. He wil  
  • SIZ 18
  • DEX 11
  • STR 17
  • CON 18
  • APP 5
  1. Sword=18 (two Handed Sword)
  2. dagger=20
  3. Heal=6
  4. Damage=6d6
  5. Hit points= 36
He wears special chain armor it is black padded and layered it was made in Gaul by a wizard (so he says), that protects 12 instead of 10. He said it is made from a Dragon.  No one questions this, he doesn't like to be questioned.  Prince Madoc likes him in the Army but not near him due to his uncontrolled attacks (sometimes hits friends).


Uncontrolled Attack   With this option a combatant makes an all-out, screaming, enraged, spitting in the wind crazy attack. Fierce Sir Turquine, enemy of King Arthur, was feared for his use of this unsophisticated technique.    An uncontrolled attacker strikes a mad flurry of blows regardless of consequences, driving furiously in a careless rage.   An uncontrolled attacker gets a +10 to his normal Combat Skill.   An uncontrolled attack cannot be used with a lance, or against multiple targets. The attacker never gets shield protection.   The opponent against an uncontrolled attack may either: • Make a free attack, unopposed, and first, if the attacker is knocked down, his round is over. If the attacker is not stopped, he strikes with his +10 Skill. The defender’s shield always counts in this if he has one; or • Defend, Skill versus Skill, each with their +10 bonus.   All combat in this case is calculated as if regular combat. (Remember, ties have no effect.) In a fight where both use the uncontrolled attack, both strike with +10 simultaneously.


Sir Azemar Son of Jeronimus


Towards Sir Fulk Son of Jeronimus


Sir Fulk Son of Jeronimus


Towards Sir Azemar Son of Jeronimus


Sir Azemar Son of Jeronimus


Towards Sir Eliot son of Jeronimus of Laverstock


Sir Eliot son of Jeronimus of Laverstock


Towards Sir Azemar Son of Jeronimus




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