Sir Cedric son of Otois

Sir Cedric son of Otois -a Bastard son only because Sir Otois never had a chance to wed Sir Cedric's mother or to know she was with child. At age 10, He was raised by Sir Otois as his squire and later help him get Knighted.  Sir Cedric is first cousin with Sir Silus IV

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sir Otois was wounded and left in the care of a woman, named Maiden Matty, of common blood. Matty had several children she was raising, some were hers, but most were others. of the 6 children, she had 2, Sir Norman and Sir Rolf, both were bastards to noble families. Sir Cedric fell in love with Matty, but returned to duty with the King, he was on campaign for almost 2 years. On his way home he was going to stop and take Matty with him to his manor. Tragedy struck in the form of a plague. Matty died leaving Norman, Rolf and the baby Cedric. Sir Otois searched the area, but no one was left to tell him what happened. He headed home to Tisbury. Norman became a Squire for Earl of Silchester and a knight, his half-brother Rolf did the same. Ten years later Sir Otois was at a tournament in Silchester where he seen a boy wearing a necklace that he had given Matty. When he questioned the boy, the boy said it had been his mothers. Sir Otois found the other boys Sir Norman and his squire at the time was Rolf. Sir Norman told Sir Otois a sad tell of how his beloved Matty had died ten years before and that the boys had traveled to Silchester and found a way of life. An old peasant woman had raised the baby Cedric at the time until he could become a page and that he would start to train as a Square soon. Sir Otois immediately took the young boy as his square. That was 11 years ago, and Sir Cedric has now been knighted and ready to prove his worth in the world.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Likes horses, Children, and Women. Dislikes anyone who is mean to horses, or children or Women.

Virtues & Personality perks

Self-assured, and Faithful.  Pioneering, Original, and Rarely angry.


Very clean.  He is clean shaven and is hair is short.


Religious Views

British Christain

Social Aptitude

Very Confident without ego



Hobbies & Pets

He has a pet "snake"

Wealth & Financial state

Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Year of Birth
467 AD 23 Years old
Current Residence


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