Tisbury Settlement in Pendragon: 100 Knights | World Anvil


Points of interest: Shaftisbury Abbey - Nuns - (25 nuns) - Abbess Marian (54) and prioress Jinny (35) - Abbey was commission by your mother 10 years ago. They are in charge of the brewery.
Outer gatehouse - (Stone) - wall around manor (stone). • Inner gatehouse, to the left, and farmhouse •
Tithe barn:200ft long is reputed to be the largest barn, Tithe barn - largest in all County of Salisbury
  • Brewery brewery - this is what the town is known for. Tisbury Ale.
  • a large ancient oak tree sits in the middle of the Hamlet; it is used by the local pagans for celebration.


488 Population: 200 65% are adults (15-65) =130 51%Woman=66 49% Men=64  
  • Levy=74 (Trained Militia) sword skill= 8) They are part of the 4th Claw 
  Professions=29 labor=101 Baby (0-5) =14 (20%)New Birth =3 To Calculate the number of boys and girls roll 1d6*10 times, odd is girl, even is boy. this will give you a percentage for that year. boys=7 girls=7 Children(6-14)=30 boys=12 girls=18   Professions: 1 Bakers 1 Coopers 1 Maidservants 2 Bathers 1 Barbers 1 Locksmiths 1 Masons 1 Shoemakers 1 Blacksmiths 1 Taverns 1 Buckle Makers 1 Woodsellers 1 Spice Merchants 1 Furriers 1 Old Clothes 1 Tailors 2 Bookbinders 1 Weavers 1 Carpenters 1 Illuminators 1 Wine-sellers 1 Chandlers 1 caretaker 1 Watercarriers 1 Butchers 1 Rugmakers 1 Chicken   0 Fishmongers 0 Mercers 0 Bleachers 0 Saddlers 0 Copyists 0 Magic Shops 0 Scabbard makers 0 Cutlers 0 Sculptors 0 Beer-sellers 0 Doctors 0 Glovemakers 0 Painters 0 Tanners 0 Booksellers 0 Harness-makers 0 Pastrycooks 0 Hatmakers 0 Plasterers 0 Hay Merchants 0 Purse makers 0 Roofers 0 Ropemakers 0 Jewelers Labor=


    Middle-aged Knights - 4: Your Fathers Family Sir Izaak and the Twin Uncles Mikael and Otois. Sir Arment the Clean, Mothers family.
  1. Sir Izaak Steward of Tisbury (44) (Stewardship:11)
  2. ).
  3. ).
  4. Sir Mikael (49). (Horsemanship: 18)
  Young Knights - 3 - Sir Ancelot son of Arment; Sir Cedric son of Otois; Sir Thom son of Mikael Vassal Knights - 0 Other Lineage Men - 15 - Levy - 74

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