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Chapter: On The Way To The Broken Door

In order to deal with some of the forces invading Perpetual Bernville, the Convergence Player Characters head northwest, into the woods.   En route to The Unburied City and The Broken Door, where the humans with black rock in their skin are based (the altered Cult of The Door), the group will pass the dungeon from Adventure: Normal Person Dungeon Crawl, which is where the orcs and goblins are coming from, as well as the dungeon from Adventure: A Dragon in a Dungeon.   This route covers the most contact with traditional fantasy elements in the Convergence Universe, so there's potential to include any other relevant fantasy influences that come to mind, such as maybe The Adventure Zone.

Plot points/Scenes

Outfitting and Setting Off

At Perpetual Bernville, the Convergence Player Characters can prepare for another expedition. The current state of the town will dictate any opportunities and available resources. Internal threats may need to be dealt with first (eg. the Tarasque).   If the group have already dealt with an external threat, such as the fire from the The Terrible Flaming Sword or the invaders from The Castle, then Rainy Day and others will probably offer them some extra help in the form of gear, insight and other support.  

Travelling the Forest

The Convergent Woods are treacherous, so the travel itself could be a source of drama and challenge. Navigation will be tricky, other things will lurk in the darkness and ambushes are possible. Possible encounters / events:
  • The group come across an orc and goblin raiding party - either the group are ambushed or they manage to get the drop on them. There's potential for a GM Intrusion here, via a trap or ambush.
  • A small number of the altered Cultists of The Door track or otherwise encounter the group.
  • A party from the Chancery of Man could be found in the woods, dead or alive. Perhaps in combat.
  • The group may come across an out-of-place red sports car in the woods, which is really Turbo Teen. If they cool it down, it transforms back into a teenaged boy named Brett.
  • The group may find Railsplitter, the Umbra Staff and the Extreme Teen Bible placed together, somewhere in the woods.
  • Some other fantasy creatures may be encountered in the woods, or some fantasy items, locations, or other elements.

Orcs, Goblins and a Cave

The source of the orcs and goblins is the cave from Adventure: Normal Person Dungeon Crawl, which the group may come across during their journey. They could enter and clear it out to resolve this threat against Perpetual Bernville. Inside, the cave is not especially large. The front section is a mine, the middle section a barracks / living quarters and the back section a set of cells for captives. It would make sense for the convergence version of this cave to leave out the strange, ancient dungeon that was breached near the cells in the original, to prevent the encounter dragging on too long, but there's the potential to include it if the players seem to want it.   There should be a handful of Cyphers available in the cave, including some Fantastic Cyphers.  

A Dungeon and a Dragon

If needed, the cave from Adventure: A Dragon in a Dungeon can be stumbled upon in the woods. This could also unnecessarily slow down play, and I'm not sure what the group would get out of it, but the potential is there. Inside, a dragon is trapped in a hoard room behind several trap / puzzle rooms. The dragon is peaceful and just wants out of the cave.   Cyphers can be found in this dungeon, if it's used.  

The Unburied City and The Broken Door

The The Unburied City is different from the rest of the woods, with large chunks of the overgrown city from its home reality (The Buried City in the The Overgrown Wilds), including strange mutated creatures. The altered Cultists of The Door also lurk here, and will defend The Broken Door viciously.   A Piece of The Door can be claimed from The Broken Door - this is the goal of this chapter of the campaign, and it will resolve this threat to Perpetual Bernville.


Convergence: Collisions of worlds / realities, bleeding over from the real world. Chaos and Order: Worlds in turmoil, resolution of this through player action, fixing things. Support and Kinship: Care, coming together, filling voids.








Orcs and goblins, the altered The Cult of The Door



Convergent Woods, Normal Person Dungeon Crawl dungeon (link), dragon dungeon (link), The Unburied City, The Broken Door
Plot type
Parent Plot
Related Characters

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