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Played by R. Content contributed by R.


First Impression

  Ferocious, plainspoken, warm, ferocious


Elderly maternal brick shithouse (80+ years old) who has taken in several young charges in order to protect them from the world and to learn its brutality firsthand. She is Sequoia - sheltering many and crushing those who threaten her sprouts. Sequoia and her children are expert scavengers of herbs, plants, wood and insects to provide sustenance and other tools. They are nomadic by nature but can easily build shelters and camp out in them for months at a time.
  • Prune (14 years old) is quiet and has learned to treat basic injuries with herbs and other natural remedies. She is withdrawn and fearful of strangers as Sequoia has taught.
  • Petunia (5 years old) is carefree, eager to please, and prone to wandering.
Sequoia has sheltered countless children over the course of her life and taught them to survive in a harsh and unforgiving world. Most of them are dead and Sequoia has buried all of them personally. She teaches her daughters the skills necessary to stay fed, sheltered, safe and be the only one standing in dangerous situations. They are especially taught to be wary of strangers and to do as she commands.   Sequoia is a warm and jovial mother but will do anything to protect her children.


Sequoia builds temporary (perhaps long-lived) shelters and stays with her family. All day is spent teaching her daughters. They are holed up in a tree nearby.   In addition to good luck and a green thumb, you have a calculating streak and you know how to wring the most out of what you have.

The World's Psychic Maelstrom

When confronting it, it appears as her long dead first daughter. It doesn’t speak with her voice.
Circumstances of Death
Sequoia died from her wounds while STYG-0 was trying to install life-saving cybernetics. She appealed to The World's Psychic Maelstrom to look after her children.
Aligned Organization

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Cover image: Perfect Circle Header by Ché Wilbraham


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