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Linorion (Li-NORE-ee-un)

The Kingdom of Linorion is a peaceful melting pot kingdom in the middle of the continent of Arkee. To the Northwest of Linorion are the Elven Lands and to the Southeast are the Dwarven Mountains. The people of Linorion are free to worship as they please.   Magic is fairly uncommon in most of the kingdom, the closer you get to the larger towns, the more common it becomes. Most people in the kingdom who live outside of the big cities look at those who wield magic as one to be revered and to be wary of.   Linorion is ruled by a partnership between the Royal Family and the political organization called The Violet Diadem. The Royal Family, led by King Willan, lives in the Kingdom’s capital city of Clestone. The Violet Diadem is the power check in the court. They make up a panel of 7 Chancellors for the king. When a Chancellor retires or passes away, the replacement is voted on by the people, by major city. Each advisor represents a region of the kingdom. The Violet Diadem also has a large presence throughout the country. They have locations in each major city in the kingdom and, before a town can be made legal, they must have a certified law master trained by the Violet Diadem.


The rolling Alestes Mountains sit above Linorion like a cap, bleeding down into the Northern most height of the kingdom. Together, the Bancian Forest and Liangan Woods stretch across more than half of Linorion, from the Deranrouk border to across the Santhian River. The southern coast allows for a variety of trade and meets with the Boscana rise to the south west. The rolling planes surrounding Brebury stretch on for miles and meet almost tip to tip with a corner of the Wecowa Downs marshland.


With the expanse of it's size, different parts of Linorion experience different weather patterns. However, overall Linorion experiences each of the four seasons pretty heavily. Ranging from mildly warm temperatures in the summer to freezing and snow come wintertime.


The land that is now Linorion used to the parts of both Alviathon and Deranrouk. During the centeries long war that raged between the two, the land was torn asunder. There seemed to be no end in sight and each attempt of peace that was brought before the rulers fell not long after. Until finally, in 3274 M.E. a human knight and diplomat, Linorion "The Peace Bringer", wrote a treaty. In this offer, The elves and dwarves would each surrender a small width of land between their two kingdoms, which Linorion would claim and act as a barrier and mediator between the two. Him and his solders would ensure that each side kept to their own land and promises. With their people suffering and no other plausible choice, they agreed. They presented Linorion with a small stretch of land from corner to corner, with what is now Clestone as it's base.    In the years that followed, Linorion grew. Absorbing more and more of each kingdom that was left barren and


Linorion experiences a fair amount of Tourism from Alviathon, Deranrouk, and beyond. It's origin and youth igniting curiosity in the eyes of travelers and storytellers.
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