BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


A movement created by Adlamin Kinnel in 4065, Unism espoused the belief of 'creating a world where we aren't forgotten' and 'a community that cares for one another'. Having hailed from Losset Squalors, Adlamin was well accustomed to the fact Periton wasn't fully capable of supporting the districts at the edge of the city.   The movement attempted to change that, starting with peaceful protests to grant aid to the less fortunate. As their pleas were seemingly ignored, their methods became more violent. Stealing resources that were perceived to be theirs and harassing the cities law keepers where they could. Eventually, the movement culminated in an attempted revolution in the year 4093, during which it assumed Adlamin Kinnel met his end. The attempted overthrow was quickly and violently put down.   In the following years, the movement would reach it's highs and peaks, but would fade into the background. It was only under Olaralei Rune that the movement gained a large resurgence, forming into what would become the Empire.
Social, Activist


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