BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


During the second half of the fourth millennium, the Catran Empire was reaching a zenith in their attack against Slosteria. While the attack was repelled it left the infrastructure of Periton in minor turmoil.   Adlamin Kinnel, an elf that hailed from the Losset Squalors, managed to gather a following that believed his words of 'creating a world where we aren't forgotten' and 'a community that cares for one another' into the Unism movement. Something that many felt was lacking due to the dismal conditions no manner of propaganda could make one ignore.   This following grew large enough that an attempt at revolution was made, and while it failed it left its mark on the city. While the fate of Adlamin is unknown, presumed to be dead or fading into obscurity as his movement failed, it would lay the foundation for the group known as the Empire.   Olaralei Rune, returning veteran from the Catranian Front, had what Adlamin had lacked as a commoner, power. With a forceful personality and strength to back up her words, Olaralei 'Sovran' Rune gathered like-minded individuals to her cause. Yet instead of trying to overthrow the CC like her predecessor, Sovran began forming her own base of power within the Wind Square.   While for a time the populace believed in their cause, as the decades passed the Empire would resort to more distasteful activities in order to maintain their power. White collar crime, protection rackets, money laundering and more. Each would cause the CC to intervene, which would in turn force the Empire to retaliate to evade capture.   During Hero's Call's Attack  Sovran would see it as a chance to start fresh, making a deal with the CC that her Empire would be granted territory as it's own sovereign state in return for their help. Her death, along with three other members of the Empire 12 would cause this plan to fall through. Two would join the newly formed Sentinels, while three others would build their own empire out of the ashes, a New Kingdom.

4892 - 5029

Illicit, Gang


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