Hickerwick Wilds

Unincorporated region to the east of the Broken Hilt Mountains. Known simply as The Wilds by the elves before settling of the town Hickerwick. Home to countless small tribes of elves and beastfolk coexisting with each other, its extremely thick forests make most paths only traversable in single file by non-locals. A handful of very small outpost towns were established by Harwick Trade, which the local elves loosely tolerate. The towns are not able to exercise authority over anything outside their immediate area, making them isolated enclaves deep inside elven territory. The largest town is Hickerwick in the core of the region, settled by Harwick Trade to negotiate with elven clan leaders. It was regularly subject to light elven raids, more as an intended annoyance than a threat.   It has recently fallen under the administration of the Diocese of Fen. While most Harwick company towns have been taken by conquest. Some elves and beastfolk of the region have converted to The Fen to retain their ancestral homes. Some have even been seen fighting alongside Fen forces as they attack Harwick company towns.   The most sacred place of the wilds is the ruins in the southeast of the continent known to locals as The Thoughtyard. It is taboo to enter them, but Harwick archaeologists began pushing local authorities for permission to conduct digs there to learn of their origin.
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